Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 225 Buying Information

"Okay, I want to ask, how do you sell the 'energy wallet' that holds the energy currency?" Bai Zhongqi asked casually.

The so-called energy wallet is actually Puping's core energy storage technology. Puping's standard energy wallet is a battery slightly smaller than 1 cubic meter, and its energy storage performance exceeds all Iridium's current energy storage batteries. Far better than the concentrated batteries currently used on a large scale by Bai Zhongqi on Earth.

"Ah, guest, as for the energy wallet, you need to complete a transaction in our trading star before you have the right to purchase it, and the purchase quantity for non-member guests is limited. The standard energy wallet can hold up to 10,000 fulun. The price is 1 plun."

Bai Zhongqi secretly cursed the profiteers. Even if it is used as a currency trading tool, Puping Aren is still making money with the energy wallet. The price of 1 Pulun is extremely expensive, and for real civilization-level transactions, hundreds or even thousands of standard energy wallets may not be enough.

Sure enough, Raccoon Qiu added: "For our guests, it may be very troublesome to carry a large amount of money, so in Puping'a, we provide complete, efficient and safe financial services. By opening an account in a commercial bank, you can transfer large amounts of money for transactions with your business partners just by moving your fingers.”

Bai Zhongqi was not surprised at all by this situation. Where large-scale business practices exist, such financial services will naturally exist. Considering that Pulun is actually an energy source that can be used anywhere, Pupin'a's group of merchants allowed a large number of Pulun to complete the transactions of their guests without leaving the commercial planet at all. At the same time, the Pulun in the bank can be used directly, or used for lending, in the same way as financial institutions on Earth.

Raccoon Qiu was a little anxious at this time. The guest in front of him didn't look easy to serve. It stands to reason that the primates are relatively easy-to-deal with human beings. They will basically state their needs directly. They are full of desires and care about everything. It is precisely because of this characteristic that the primates have also opened a lot of stores. Business planet.

But now Bai Zhongqi did not directly express any desire for a transaction. Raccoon Qiu glanced at the two women sitting next to him and considered whether to use the wife's offensive to complete the potential transaction.

At this moment, a text flashed across the smart device attached to Raccoon Qiu's eyeballs. Seeing the unique color of the text, Raccoon Qiu felt very happy. This is an order sent directly from the Trade Service Federation. As the main agency of the Ion Consortium to manage the Trade Star, all brokers must accept the direct designation of the Federation.

Raccoon Qiu was excited. The information from the Federation gave him a clear path. Moreover, this information was very useful and the possibility of success was relatively high.

"Guest, we are not deliberately snooping, but we accidentally learned that the spacecraft you are on seems to have just experienced a supernova explosion in the Kikukari galaxy."

Bai Zhongqi immediately felt a chill in his heart, thinking that he still underestimated this group of businessmen. It is difficult to conceal the whereabouts of his spaceship. He came on the Holy Falcon, and he has no intention of concealing this. But the other party actually knew where he came from, so that was questionable.

In other words, a few astronomical units away, the Puping people had already grasped the whereabouts of his spacecraft, and judged the direction of his possible source based on the trajectory of the warp bubble. Iridium also has this ability. The Iridium people can deploy a large number of various strategic detectors in a galaxy, and they are detectors with different functions. It can sense weak energy fluctuations in space, the movement of warp bubbles, and various more traditional astronomical observation instruments.

In short, Puping discovered that Bai Zhongqi came from the Jushou Galaxy, which made Bai Zhongqi particularly vigilant.

Seeing the vigilance of the man in front of him, Raccoon Qiu even felt the pressure from the woman with wheat-colored skin and hot figure next to him. Raccoon Qiu immediately explained: "It's really not our intention to spy. Ping Axing is interested in All surrounding environments are strictly monitored. As you know, we have huge wealth here and can easily become the target of some forces with malicious intentions, so we pay special attention to the safety of ourselves and our guests. Regarding the privacy of our guests, we There is no intention to pry, nor will it be leaked to other civilizations at will."

Bai Zhongqi narrowed his eyes and asked, "If the conditions given by the other party are suitable, you will betray them, right?"

Raccoon Qiu waved his hands repeatedly and said: "No, no, we Puping people are very principled in doing business."

He hurriedly said: "That's right, Pupei's star never expected that Kikukari's star would suddenly explode as a supernova. This phenomenon is very rare, and because Kikukari's star is very close to Pupei'a, this caused our scientific research. Institutional interest, supernova explosions are still continuing, we can also see the light of Kikukari here, and some detection spacecraft have been sent out, but because of the distance, it is impossible for us to collect anything first-hand and close-up information."

Bai Zhongqi said: "So, you want my information?"

Raccoon Qiu saw that Bai Zhongqi seemed to have lowered his guard a little, secretly secretly saying, "The guest must be on an interstellar exploration. You ended your voyage in the Jukari Galaxy, and you encountered a rare supernova explosion. Moreover, your civilization is powerful Extraordinary, being able to escape from such a dangerous situation. This alone is worthy of admiration. Puping does not want the guests’ private information. Our science department only wants some parameters collected by the guest spacecraft. If we can have If it has some impact, then that would be the best.”

Bai Zhongqi understood Pu Ping's intention, and still had a calm expression on his face. He looked at Raccoon Qiu, who might have been sweating if he had sweat glands, and said, "This is information we obtained at a great cost, Pu Ping." What terms are you prepared to give us in exchange?"

Raccoon Qiu's face was filled with joy. The man in front of him, who had never seen any mood swings, actually bargained with him. This made Raccoon Qiu feel that communication suddenly became smoother and easier. He wanted to roll up his sleeves and have a good chat with him. Negotiate the price.

"Guest, believe me, the Trade and Service Federation can exchange the information in your hands on terms that satisfy you absolutely. Of course, the Trade and Service Federation is not a charity, and we will not accept unreasonable prices."

Bai Zhongqi nodded and said nothing. The Holy Falcon naturally recorded the information about the supernova explosion of Kikukari Star. For him, this thing is dispensable. If it can be sold for a good price, it will be good. At least it can become his servant. Ping A Xing activities start-up funds.

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