Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 3 Colonization?

Xu Lanzhou was silent for a few seconds. Although not everyone in the bridge was looking at her, she knew that every pair of ears here was waiting for her answer. The invisible pressure seemed to become tangible at this time. She could feel it clearly, pressing on her shoulders.

"Master Nanma, please allow me to correct you. The glory of the empire and the head of state will always shine on us. The head of state guides our direction, and this will never change. I believe that the [Supreme Directive] may not be long. will appear. Even while waiting, the R19 exploration fleet has its own mission. To open up territory for the empire and establish new colonies. As the fleet commander, I will do my best to protect every colleague in the fleet and the empire. Citizen." Xu Lanzhou's voice was as soft as ever, but it sounded sonorous and powerful. Coupled with her heroic and delicate face, she couldn't help but convince people.

Bald Nanma touched his chin and nodded, saying: "Colonization? That's right. That's what our fleet was originally supposed to do. Speaking of which, expanding the empire to another universe is also a cool thing, haha. Ha ha."

Xiao Yu looked at Xu Lanzhou, his eyes inadvertently revealed some unexplainable brilliance. He said: "We have come to a new world. It is impossible for the supreme instructions of the head of state to be conveyed to us."

Dean Mo continued: "This is not necessarily true. So far, no one in the empire can understand the operation of the Supreme Directive. However, it is generally believed that the Supreme Directive is an existence that is equal to or even surpasses the laws of the universe. Quantum Original Signal It cannot be passed on, but it does not mean that the supreme command cannot be passed on.”

Hearing Dean Mo's affirmation, Xu Lanzhou couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly. Xiao Yu looked at Xu Lanzhou and couldn't help but curse: "What age has it been? There are still people who believe that there really is a head of state or a supreme command, and they are actually descendants of a family of twelve destiny knights. If the empire really has actual power, The ruler, that should also be an alliance composed of the twelve destiny knight families, not a mythical figure whose appearance is unknown and who is said to have lived for thousands of years."

About two hours later, the hatch of the bridge opened again, and a plump blonde girl with glasses hurried in. Like Dean Mo, she also wore a white coat with a somewhat unique cut.

When Dean Mo saw the visitor, his expression became gentler, and he said with a hint of endearment and blame: "You are in a hurry, and you don't have the calmness of a scientific researcher at all. Also, how many times have I told you, white coat?" Button it up and wear it, it’s a matter of grooming!”

The face had some baby fat, but the gorgeous blonde stuck out her tongue cutely and said: "Dean, who would wear a white coat when doing experiments these days? This thing has long since become a ritual thing. He's been at more sex parties than in the lab."

Dean Mo was so angry that he couldn't do anything to deal with this clever, weird, sexy and cute female disciple. He shook his head and said, "Where are the results of the experiment?"

The plump blonde Lin Yin took out a glass tablet-like computer under her arm, and her majestic breasts trembled slightly during the movement, which made the men next to her look sideways, especially the crooked master Nan Ma, who almost looked at Lin Yin. After Yin came in, her eyes never left the pair of indescribable things.

Lin Yin clicked a few times on the transparent tablet and sent the experimental report to several key people present. Like Lin Yin, Dean Mo uses a platform board, which is a transparent glass-like tablet that can change its size, shrink to the size of a fingernail, and then be embedded into wearable devices on the body, such as belts and watches. Xu Lanzhou, Xiao Yu and other military personnel have attached a pair of information assistant corneal computers directly to their eyeballs. It can perfectly fit the human cornea without causing fatigue or foreign body sensation. At the same time, it can also directly receive information from the human brain. Radio commands, viewing and operations are extremely convenient.

After Lin Yin distributed the report, she explained: "By analyzing different reference variables such as cosmic rays, we can basically determine that we have traveled to a parallel universe, with a confidence interval of 99.75%. I suggest that the universe we are in now , named 'Second Universe'."

Dean Mo glared at her and said, "We can discuss the naming matter later, and it's not your turn."

Lin Yin didn't take it seriously. Instead, she smiled at Xu Lanzhou and encouraged, "Commander Xu, let's call him this name. How about it?"

Xu Lanzhou did not answer, but connected to a communication line and asked: "Administrator Dupeng, please arrive at the Holy Falcon as soon as possible. In the name of the fleet commander, I have decided to convene a plenary meeting of the fleet leadership committee now."

The other person replied: "Yes, Commander, I am comforting the immigrants on the Ruyicheng. The work will be over soon. We can arrive within fifteen minutes."

The R19 exploration fleet consists of six ships in total, five are military ships and one is a civilian ship. The colonial base ship Ruyicheng is actually a space city sailing in space. With a complete urban structure and a man-made simulated ecological circle, in this space city, there is sunshine that is difficult to distinguish between real and fake, and there are even natural phenomena such as rain, snow, wind and dew. Artificial gravity is essential, and people can also grow crops and carry out smart industrial production here. Living here is no different from living on the planet. In the past, the empire would not send such a complex and incompetent colonial base ship to follow the exploration fleet. In the past, the immigrants would crowd into the living area of ​​the military ship. Earlier, they even used cryogenic chambers and even frozen sperm and eggs. However, the immigrants hoped for better living conditions and immigration experience, and coupled with the space city's excellent performance in energy supply and multi-mission, the Imperial Privy Council finally decided to equip the exploration fleet responsible for colonial missions with a colonial base ship. The cost of a colonial base ship is even more than the total cost of other warships in the exploration fleet.

In the exploration fleet, the three highest officers are the fleet commander, marine commander and immigration administrator. The Fleet Leadership Committee has more members, including the heads of the Fleet Scientific Research Bureau, Fleet Engineering Bureau, Fleet Industrial Bureau, Fleet Safety Bureau, Fleet Hospital and Fleet Logistics Bureau.

In the conference room of the Holy Falcon, Xu Lanzhou, as the top leader of the entire fleet, presided over the meeting with great aura. Although Xu Lanzhou has just taken over the R19 fleet not long ago, no one dares to look down upon her. Being able to become a brigadier general of the Imperial Space Force at such a young age is not only due to her prominent family background of the Destiny Knights, but also her outstanding performance on the battlefield. related. This beautiful Commodore, who rarely smiles at ordinary times, served as a captain on the light frigates, cruisers and aircraft carrier cruisers of the Imperial Space Force before becoming a Commodore. During the Gimpo Star Civilization Rebellion more than a year ago, She led the warships to defeat more with less, and even sank a rebel capital ship, which made her famous, and became her first step to become the commander of a fleet.

In this severe situation, Xu Lanzhou knew that she had to show her strength and calmness. Only in this way could she stabilize the fleet and avoid any trouble.

"You already know the general situation. When we passed through the wormhole, an accident occurred and we came to a new universe. The wormhole that sent us here has been closed, and we do not have the ability to open the wormhole. Even if there is, I'm afraid we don't know where entering such a wormhole that we don't fully understand will send us again. However, I believe that everyone here has already had a certain awareness when they chose to join the exploration fleet. The head of state taught We, the Iridium people, are never afraid of any difficulties, and we either find ways to solve them, or crush them directly with our fists. The mission given to us by the United Empire is to colonize new star fields, even if we have already arrived in a new universe , but our mission remains unchanged. Wherever the imperial warship passes, it is the land of the empire!"

When her words fell, they did not have the motivating effect she had imagined. Every one of the fleet leaders here is older than her, and every one of them is more realistic. In fact, almost all fleet leaders are somewhat aware of their commander's idealism, and it is precisely because of her idealism and purity that she is able to bring out an equally pure and fearless fleet. But such things as purity and idealism cannot have any effect in a strange or even dangerous environment.

Xu Lanzhou's heart felt a little cold. She saw the exchange of looks among the committee members. This means that the committee members do not agree with her remarks, or that they do not trust themselves as the commander on such an important matter.

Your position may be in danger.

However, at this time, the middle-aged man named Nanma, who had always looked like a normal person and had no serious bald head, laughed and said: "Everything in the universe operates for a reason, the law of cause and effect. Running through the center of our actions. Probably, it is not unreasonable for us to come to this new universe. For the time being, in addition to preserving our fleet itself and trying to build a defense system in a safe star field that can maintain our defense system and support us, it seems that we There is nothing better to do. Unless everyone here knows how to go back to the original universe, but I don't really want to go back. Well, my loan at the Fourth Empire Commercial Bank will probably not have to be repaid now. "

Nan Ma's joke did not make the nervous committee members laugh, but his attitude was very clear, that is, he supported Xu Lanzhou's decision. His voice was the final word. Even if some people lacked trust in Xu Lanzhou, with Nanma's suppression, no one would have any evil intentions.

This middle-aged man who always looks kind and even naughty makes people feel absurd and funny, but he is also full of awe. Throughout the universe, there is a type of people who are regarded as guests of honor by various civilizations, and are even the leaders and prophets of their races. In various civilizations and countries, they have different names. In the Iridium United Empire, such people are called [Star Warriors].

Star Warriors are a group of people guided and inspired by the laws of the universe, regardless of race, gender and age. The power of the universe is best interpreted in their bodies and souls. There is a magical energy that cannot be decrypted by even advanced civilizations swimming in the cells of the Star Warriors. The Star Warriors call it Star Energy. Mastering the power of manipulating star energy, Star Warriors have super strength, and dismantling mechas by hand is considered child's play. Basically, the most junior Star Warriors have this level. The intermediate star warriors and high-level star warriors who go up the ladder have more and more terrifying combat power, and they also have more unexplainable powers. When he reaches the stage of a star warrior master like Nanma, it is easy to destroy an asteroid with a wave of his hand.

Such a terrifying individual existence even once dominated the war forces of many civilizations and became the de facto ruler of civilization. In the Iridium United Empire, there are only six Star Warrior Masters, and Nanma is the youngest among them. Participating in the exploration fleet this time was just his personal playfulness. But no one dared to offend Nanma. Although in theory, the empire's laws treated everyone equally, in fact, no one was bold enough to ask the Star Warrior. Star Warriors tend to solve problems internally and regulate the Star Warriors' own actions. Moreover, the star warriors who perceive the universe and metaphysical power have no interest in committing crimes. Their main interest is in pursuing the eternal truth of the universe.

Xu Lanzhou gave Nan Ma a grateful look. Master Nan Ma usually seemed quite unreliable, but he was still very useful at critical moments.

Nan Ma's words once again caused embarrassment among the committee members, and almost everyone didn't know what to say.

At this time, the immigration administrator began to speak. This administrator, who was not too tall and had a rather elegant temperament, had outstanding abilities and managed all matters in an orderly manner. Even Xu Lanzhou, who had always been picky, had to admit that , Du Peng is the most outstanding political officer she has ever worked with.

Du Peng said: "Since Commander Xu and Master Nanma both believe in maintaining the original mission of the R19 fleet, exploring and colonizing the star field, then I also support this decision. Our problem now is that even if we have learned about the universe , the laws of physics are equivalent to our universe, but we still don’t know what dangers there are in the star field we are in, and what kind of interstellar civilization we will encounter. Therefore, the top priority is to send InSight and other reconnaissance forces, Conduct deep and extensive reconnaissance operations on our star system and its surroundings to support our decision-making for the next step."

As the director of the Fleet Scientific Research Bureau and an imperial scientific research official, Dean Mo added: "Our ship's observations have enabled us to obtain a lot of information. The star system we are in has eight relatively large planets and stars. There are some asteroids, and one of them is a habitable planet, with intelligent life living on it, but it does not seem to have entered the actual era of interstellar navigation. I suggest that the InSight first uses this planet with intelligent life as a reconnaissance Subject launches investigation.”

Nan Ma said with great interest: "All kinds of coincidences are coming together. We have traveled to a different dimension universe, and there happens to be a habitable planet with intelligent life next to us. I have a hunch that we are experiencing something extraordinary. thing."

Xu Lanzhou made a decision: "In this case, the Insight will immediately prepare to start investigating the unknown habitable planet, and the other ships will prepare for war. If the survey results are positive, this habitable planet will become the empire's first in the different-dimensional universe. Colonies, your Majesty the Head of State, please protect our loyal subjects of the empire!"

I need to clarify here that this book is by no means a fantasy disguised as science fiction. The setting of Star Warrior will be given a reasonable scientific explanation later. Just like many hard science fictions also have descriptions of super powers, the Star Wars series even has cheats. The same force, so please don’t take your position and believe in the sincerity of the white-faced interstellar science fiction.

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