Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 4 Awareness

At the same time, NASA headquarters in the United States.

The portly director of affairs, Whitey Merson, was huddled behind his desk holding a tablet and watching a video attentively. This video was so moving that Merson sat upright, looking nervous, and even squirming. He didn't turn up the volume, so he filled the screen with the sound in his head. However, this did not stop him from enjoying this wonderful video.

That was not a NASA astronaut performing a space walk, or a top-secret image sent back by a Mars exploration rover. It was just a video pushed on the homepage of the largest adult video website in the United States.

Merson, who is a bureaucrat, does not understand the advanced technologies in NASA, and has no interest in rockets or aircraft. For him, a working experience here will help him to be promoted to other better positions or better in the future. career, it is very helpful.

Known as the most "democratic" country on the planet, not only are the national leaders not directly elected, but thousands of important positions in federal and state governments have nothing to do with democracy. Each government appoints thousands or even Tens of thousands of political officer positions. These so-called political officers do not need to pass any assessment similar to the civil service examination, and can be as high as the level of cabinet minister (which needs to be approved by the Senate), even though most of them may have no political experience, let alone professional knowledge in the industry. Merson is such a political officer. After he ends his term, he may be attracted by the newly elected government to stay or even be promoted, or he may be hired as a consultant by some private company based on his management experience at NASA. At worst, he could publish a book, or become a successful speaker or something. Anyway, in the United States and other Western countries, the demand for such titled speakers is huge, and the prices are quite favorable. They can earn much more than those doers with special skills and outstanding abilities.

Just as Merson's eyes were fixed on the tablet screen, the door to his office was suddenly pushed open. Merson's top scientist, Bowie, an astronomer with a quarter of Indian ancestry, broke in.

Merson was in a hurry and locked the screen of the tablet in his hand. He couldn't help but be glad that he didn't turn up the volume, otherwise he would make a big embarrassment in front of his men.

Merson was very angry and glared at Bowie in front of him and said: "You guy, don't you know how to knock on the door before you enter? If this is another question about deleting projects, I can tell you that there is no use for you to find me. , now that the entire United States is cutting budgets, NASA is lucky to be able to withstand layoffs, and the old dogs in the union dare not say anything anymore. NASA has no money to invest in projects that have little return!"

Bowie was not intimidated by Merson's barrage of questions. He waved the document in his hand, with a mixture of excitement and worry on his face, and said loudly: "Director Merson, I am not here to discuss with you. Something big happened like that, but this time it’s really big!”

Regardless, he directly took a few photos on Merson's desk, pointed at the photos and said: "These are the photos taken by our solar observation satellite an hour ago."

Merson glanced at the photo and said disdainfully: "Why are you showing me the sun?"

Bowie was actually used to Merson's idiocy. He opened the first photo to reveal the second photo below, and continued: "The sun images we shot with SDO are all filtered. , otherwise nothing can be seen in the photographed things. However, the dimming filter sometimes causes other things to be ignored, as we have discovered now."

Merson saw the second photo, which was a manipulated photo that showed something on the side of the sun.

"Our observers thought they saw something, so they pointed their lens at this place and immediately zoomed in."

When the third photo was shown to Merson, he was completely shocked.

"Oh my God, what on earth are you showing me?! Are you kidding me?"

Bowie shook his head seriously and said: "I will not be bored to this point, sir. It is my job to explore extraterrestrial civilizations and intelligent creatures, and I will not make fun of my job. This is an alien team Starfleet, and it’s quite large.”

Merson realized the seriousness of the problem. He pointed to the photo in front of him and tried his best to calm his expression, but he couldn't help but the corners of his mouth twitched. "Can you confirm the authenticity of the photo?"

Bowie nodded and said: "Yes, we have mobilized different means to conduct investigations and observations of the alien fleet in solar orbit. If necessary, we can also make cross-comparisons with our European and Japanese counterparts, even asking the Russians The same goes for the Chinese. But I believe their conclusion will be similar - our solar system was visited by an alien civilization."

Merson was restless. He spent nearly half a minute digesting this information, then stared at Bowie and asked: "Can you confirm their purpose? Can you get anything useful from analyzing their spacecraft?"

Bowie said: "For the time being, we don't know the purpose of this alien fleet, and whether they have contacted the earth. At least we have not received any form of contact. However, my researchers have analyzed the appearance of those spacecrafts, It is regrettable to conclude that except for the largest spaceship, the rest of the spacecraft should be used for war purposes."

Merson accidentally dropped the tablet in his hand, but he didn't pick it up at all. "What did you say? Are those spaceships all star battleships? Have they discovered the existence of intelligent life on earth?"

Bowie smiled self-deprecatingly and said: "Those things are so similar to the star battleships that appear in our science fiction works. Some structural designs are obviously to adapt to war conflicts. As for whether our earth has been exposed, , even if the other party has not discovered us earthlings now, I believe they will know it before long."

Merson's tension rose to the maximum, "Are these aliens coming to invade the earth?"

Bowie was a little helpless: "How did I know? These should be things the White House is considering."

Merson reacted and immediately picked up the confidential line phone and said: "Yes, we must report it immediately, let the Pentagon come up with a defense plan, and contact all allies. We can defeat the alien invaders, right, it's all in our movies That’s how it works.”

Bowie looked at the panicked Merson, but his heart felt cold. If people on earth lose to aliens in Hollywood movies, then who will watch it? Reality is serious. An alien fleet has traveled countless light years to the solar system. Its technology is many times more advanced than that of the earth. Facing such an enemy, the people on earth can really play like "Independence Day" or "The Battle of Los Angeles". Like in the game, defeat the enemy and defend your homeland?

As Merson was busy, news of a mysterious star fleet visiting the solar system reached the White House and the Pentagon. In major aerospace countries such as Europe, Russia, and China, the same news has begun to spread. There is a limit to this kind of spread. All government departments have kept their jaws shut and no news has leaked out.

No one knows what will be waiting for them.

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