Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 672 The Beginning of the Era of Natural Disasters (6)

The number was five times that of the Guran fleet, and it possessed superior technical strength. After resisting for less than an hour, the Guran fleet, led by Ke Jieli, completely surrendered to the Iridium fleet.

"It's such a disparity." Ke Jieli kept shaking his head. Seeing the wreckage of battleships floating everywhere on the battlefield, his heart couldn't help but feel cramped.

His deputy Sang Laipi could not accept this fact, "How could it be? Our Guran civilization is a high-level civilization and has strong military strength. How can we say we will lose if we lose?"

It's not like he didn't see the Iridium battleship fighting the Guran battleship as if it was for fun, but he still couldn't believe what he was going through.

Ke Jieli comforted his deputy and said: "Victory and defeat are common things for soldiers, just accept it with a normal heart. Alas, at the beginning I saw those battleships that looked like swarms of insects, and I was very afraid of our surrender. It is not accepted, after all, the Zerg cannot communicate. However, it seems that the Iridium people are still a normal cosmic civilization, and there is a basic bottom line."

He sounded very happy, and seemed to be feeling emotional that he had saved his life today.

Hearing Ker Jieli's words, Sang Laipi thought of something. He suddenly grabbed the communication device on the operation interface and connected to a channel.

Kerri had never seen his deputy so abrupt, but he didn't stop him, wanting to see what he was going to do.

The communication party on the Sanlapi connection is the common strategy room of the Galactic High Council of Governance.

"Hello, Your Excellency, I am Sang Lepi, an officer from the Lonely Civilization of the High Council. I am now reporting potential natural disaster threats to the High Council. Just now, our fleet was attacked by a despicable alien civilization suspected of cooperating with the insect swarm, Iridium. Defeated by the United Star Alliance. The Iridium United Empire is the predecessor of the Star Alliance, and its leader is the leader of the Iridium Star who destroyed the original Star Alliance leader Xiao Yu. He was also the swallower who defeated the Seven Phoenix Civilization and the Bolkevin Civilization Fleet! Now that Galactus has made a comeback, its forces are very powerful and full of ambitions for the fluctuating galaxy. If no one organizes the Iridium people, then they will turn the entire galaxy into their back garden!"

"What evidence do you have to prove what you said?" The voice over there seemed concerned.

Sang Lepi said: "I will send you the information on the battle just now, and ask the High Council to make countermeasures after careful discussion. The lonely civilization has failed, and may even face the crisis of enslavement and destruction. I hope the High Council can Reach out.”

Kejieli looked at Sang Lapi in surprise, but still did not stop him until Sang Lapi took away the communication and erased his own communication records.

Kejieli said seriously: "Do you know what you are doing?"

Sang Lepi said cautiously: "I am doing what a member of the Galactic High Council should do. Commander, Guran civilization has suffered a shameful failure. Although the Iridium people may not kill us all, but what will we face? What are the consequences? Becoming a vassal of the Iridium people, or even becoming a part of them, is unacceptable to any proud Lonely person. Moreover, the Iridium people may indeed have colluded with the swarm, and it may even be this time The main culprits of the astronomical disaster that swept the entire galaxy. It is most appropriate to let the Ten Giants of the High Council deal with them."

"I understand your position, and I even agree with it somewhat. But do you know that at this juncture, the Big Ten cannot guarantee a unified position. Because of the astronomical disaster, the Big Ten are even now in a civil war, and Bolkein Ming and Jin Xi Civilizations are at war, and the Mennu Civilization is also in conflict with the Lianxi Empire. Now the possibility of them dealing with natural disasters is slim."

Sang Lapi gritted his teeth and said: "At least we have passed on the news. Soon, the galaxy will know that a natural disaster is forming. If they don't want to be eliminated, they must defeat the Iridium people. I don't believe that the Iridium people can do this. Stand alone against the entire galaxy."

Ke Jieli shook his head: "The Milky Way is no longer the original Milky Way. What will happen here is not something we can predict. Let's just follow fate."

--Dividing line--

"Those lonely people are shrinking a little fast." Bai Zhongqi said, touching his bare chin.

Knight Zang Xingyan, who had returned from the front line, bowed and said, "It's Gu Ran who is afraid of His Majesty's power."

Bai Zhongqi rolled his eyes and said, "You know it's useless even if you flatter me, right?"

Zang Xingyan smiled brightly and had a handsome face that was hard to dislike. "As a subordinate, one of the main meanings of my existence is to flatter my boss all the time. Not only do I do this, but the entire United Empire does this as well. Over there at the cabinet. , the Prime Minister has convened a celebration to celebrate the United Empire's feat of defeating the Solitary Civilization and signing a suzerainty agreement with the Solitary Civilization."

Bai Zhongqi was a little helpless: "Do I still have to participate?"

Zang Xingyan said: "His Majesty rarely appears in front of officials. He must give everyone an opportunity and occasion to flatter them."

This war actually only fought one battle. The Guran people were very rational. After Kejieli's fleet was severely damaged and surrendered, the Guran civilization lost one-third of its fleet, although the Guran civilization still had one They fought hard, but they chose to surrender.

Bai Zhongqi would not tolerate others sleeping soundly on the side of the bed, so he directly threw out the suzerain agreement and asked Lonely Civilization to become a vassal of the United Empire. The United Empire has established consulates in each administrative star of the Solitary Civilization and guided the relevant policies of the Solitary Civilization. Sixty percent of the battleships of the Solitary Civilization are equipped with special devices, which is actually a supreme order.

Although the Guran people put up many struggles, Bai Zhongchu directly let ten strategic fleet groups surround them. The Guran people finally chose the latter between complete destruction and surrender.

Zang Xingyan asked Bai Zhongqi with great interest: "Your Majesty, with the military power of the United Empire, unless the entire Galaxy Alliance rises up to deal with us, there is probably no force that can threaten us. The victory over Guran Civilization was unexpectedly smooth. Will this be your move to conquer the entire galaxy?"

Bai Zhongqi was inexperienced with his question. He raised his eyes and looked at Zang Xingyan and asked, "How many people's views can your question represent?"

Bai Zhongqi understood that unlike most peace-loving people on Earth, the Iridium people were full of enterprising spirit and were keen on military affairs and the expansion of territories. Especially after Bai Zhongcui returned to the United Empire, there were strong voices pushing the entire empire to gain more territory and glory.

"I don't know about this. The questions I ask can only represent myself."

Bai Zhongqi was silent for a while, but still did not give an answer, and said: "I have to think carefully."

Zang Xingyan nodded and said before leaving: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid the sooner you decide on this issue, the better. After all, you can't avoid it for your whole life. There is an entire empire watching you behind you."

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