Guide to Galactic Dominance

Chapter 673 The Beginning of the Era of Natural Disasters (7)

Like a peach being split open, a huge gas planet broke from it and split into two halves.

There is no core inside this planet, nor is it completely hollow. A huge spherical organism broke free from the constraints of the gas planet and was finally exposed to the universe. This creature is about the size of the moon, its entire body is bright and even tender white, with layers of pleats all over its body. At both ends is a red bract-like organ, and the other is a yellow horny tail.

As if opening its eyes, this giant creature without any eyes saw the world for the first time. The world is not a beautiful place. There are only all kinds of cold starlight, only extremely cold, and various stars floating in it that have no meaning or beauty.

She was disappointed.

Soon, the huge planet-like creature felt a strong hunger. She wanted to eat, eat living carbon-based creatures, which was a desire for DNA. She knew that this kind of eating was good for her and that she could evolve and become stronger.

For living things, being stronger means more chances of survival.

The universe is now full of terrible ray bursts, rogue black holes and supernova explosions. She knows that these are dangerous and may kill her at a young age, but she will instinctively choose safer ways to exercise. Not far from here, there was a planet that seemed to be full of life. She felt hungry and excited.

It was completely unclear how she propelled herself, and the huge white insect-like creature began to sail, aiming for a planet 15 astronomical units away.

The Yodagan civilization is only an elementary civilization. Before the Yodagan people truly entered the universe, they had discovered alien visitors. However, before they had the ability to leave their own planet, they were restricted by the laws of the Galactic High Council. Civilization can interfere with their own development.

It wasn't until the Yodagan people's spacecraft took the initiative to contact a medium civilization that they were recognized as an interstellar civilization. However, the tragedy had just begun. The Yodagan civilization was threatened by this medium civilization and became a vassal, and then provided various services and services to this medium civilization. Resources, but apart from some bones thrown over by the middle-level civilization, there is no progress.

After the galaxy merger time, the Yudagon planet was completely separated from the forces of the middle civilization. The Yudagon people seemed to be in a new area without strong opponents. This made hundreds of millions of Yudagon people rejoice, thinking that they Things have turned around.

Until one day, it suddenly rained in the sky of Yudagan Star. In the rain, people did not notice that a kind of insect eggs that could not be identified with the naked eye were mixed in it. After these eggs come into contact with the human body, they enter the human body. The extremely active eggs absorb the nutrients of the human body and then grow in the human body. Finally, they broke out of their bodies and turned into insect-like creatures that were half the height of a man.

There was a great panic on the planet Yodagan. Although they had more advanced weapons, they could not effectively kill these arthropods. These creatures are cruel and good at fighting. Instead of killing humans, they use the two short forelimbs under the neck to grab the human face and then lay eggs in the human mouth.

In fact, they not only lay eggs in the human body, but all living creatures will try to lay eggs in their bodies. The larvae grow up relying on the nutrition of the host. Finally, they eat the host and become an adult monster. insect.

With each new generation of bugs, they become more difficult to defeat. It wasn't until a month later that almost all the creatures on Yodagan were slaughtered and devoured by bugs, that the huge white bug landed on the planet, and then swallowed almost half of the bug people. Then the white bug changed everything. Not only has the volume become larger, but complex and mysterious patterns have begun to appear on the white skin.

The white worms devoured many items on Yodagan, including spaceships and various raw minerals. When the white worm left the Yodagan planet, the planet had become a lifeless and withered star, with ruins everywhere and no life left on the planet.

Without living things, the planet's ecosystem cannot be maintained and will eventually become uninhabitable.

The more powerful White Worm continued sailing, this time she was faster and could go further. When she came to another planet with life, she stopped and repeated her old trick, releasing a large number of insect eggs floating in the universe that could withstand extreme environments.

The most terrifying thing is that when the giant white insect has reached the size of the earth, she releases several of Beijing's eggs at once, and these eggs even spread through the universe at warp speed.

However, within a few months, this white insect had destroyed dozens of medium and low-level civilizations. Even if these civilizations had extremely powerful technological capabilities, they would not be effective against such unpredictable enemies. .

On the first hundred days after birth, the eggs released by the white insects not only become more numerous, but are also able to absorb energy shields and penetrate physical armor. Although the eggs will die after doing a little bit of work, other eggs can complete their mission. The insect eggs floating in the air infect life, and then use life as their breeding ground to brew the next generation of insect people.

Following the rules, each new generation of bugs is stronger, smarter, and more deadly.

On the 200th day after the birth of the white worm, a bug man killed a star warrior. After eating the body of the star warrior, a magical change suddenly occurred.

"I..." He developed a sense of self, which had never existed among the insect swarms in previous generations.

There have never been other souls and other consciousnesses in the insect swarm that are different from the queen, but today, an originally inconspicuous insect man has inexplicably gained his own consciousness.

This didn't make White Worm angry, she was even curious and amused by the situation. She has wiped out hundreds of planets, with one planet being bloodbathed by her every two days on average. In the process, she also received a vast amount of knowledge and realized the difference between those interstellar civilizations and her own.

She felt that the ignorant insect man was loyal and reverent to her, so she said to him: "You are my servant, my warrior, your name is Ailandong."

Ailandong's compound eyes were shining with excitement. He was an insect and couldn't blink.

"Queen, Ailandong is willing to fight for you to rule the galaxy." Ailandong was very happy. From this day on, he had a name.

Bai Chong recalled with some surprise that her servant had a name, but she did not have a name, so she gave herself a name - "Yi Nu". Because she is a female, determined to be the only powerful female in the galaxy.

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