It is conceivable that there is an accident. Not only can this person not help, but can only cause trouble for everyone.

Instead of this, it would be better to directly reduce the number of strong Xuanyang realms.

But in any case, this has involved deep-seated secrets within the Kuang family, and he is really not easy to mix with an outsider.

"Ah, it turns out that the three elders still have this level of consideration, but I still think that it's a big deal to directly reduce the Xuanyang realm. As for Jiang Tian, ​​there is no need to bring it, right?"

Zong Tienan frowned slightly and said thoughtfully.

"Huh! Brother Zong hasn't seen it yet? She is just a drunkard who is not interested in drinking, not for the success or failure of actions, but for her little thoughts!"

The seventh elder couldn't help feeling depressed, and took the opportunity to mock.

The red-dressed beauty sank, and said angrily: "Shut up! I'm waiting here to discuss family matters, how can you let you talk nonsense?"

"You..." The seventh elder was scolded by the opponent, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Kuang Tianwei frowned and said: "Okay! Don't quarrel, let's talk about business, and the third elders continue!"

"Huh!" The beautiful woman in red snorted coldly and retracted her gaze, then hesitated for a moment, frowned and said: "I suggest you bring Jiang Tian, ​​there is a reason!"

"Let's talk about the third elder!" Zong Tienan flashed a different color and sighed secretly. He really wanted to hear what "reasonable" explanation the third elder could say.

The beautiful woman in red slowly nodded and said: "There is no need to mention the two Xuanyang geniuses of the Azure Cloud Sect. Among the remaining few, I, the sixth elder and the seventh elder, all have cultivation bases above the late Xuanyue stage. In the event of an encounter with the evil people of the Black Moon Country, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the opponent!

"Well, that's for sure." Zong Tienan frowned slightly and nodded in agreement.

After all, two Profound Sun realm geniuses and three Profound Moon realm or higher masters suddenly appeared, it was difficult not to attract the other's attention.

"Jiang Tian's cultivation is only at the Quasi Profound Realm level. In comparison, his goal is much smaller. If something happens, it won't cause the other party to be too vigilant!" The red-dressed beautiful woman's eyes flashed and slowly Road come.

The Seventh Elder was dissatisfied when he heard the words, and shook his head coldly and rebuked: "The goal is naturally not big, but the problem is that his cultivation level is too bad. What is the situation? If he goes, it doesn't matter whether he is alive or not. If our major event is broken, the gain will not be worth the loss!"

"Seven elders!" Kuang Tianwei frowned and his face became extremely serious!

Although Jiang Tian's cultivation level was a little worse, he was a disciple of Azure Cloud Sect anyway, and it was too unreasonable to express his disgust and hatred so bluntly in front of Zong Tienan!

Of course, he also knew that this was the jealousy of the Seventh Elders, but after all, the other party was a distinguished guest who came to assist. This attitude was really outrageous.

There are some things you can hold in your heart. Everyone will tell you nothing, and no one will think of you as a dumb, but if you say it out of the public, the effect will be completely different!

Feeling the anger of the Patriarch, the Seventh Elder's expression couldn't help changing, and the corners of his eyes twitched with a cold snort and lowered his head.

Zong Tienan frowned slightly, a trace of annoyance flashed in his eyes, but there was not much reaction.

Although Jiang Tian has attracted a lot of rumors in the past few days, he is a disciple of Azure Cloud Sect after all, and he is also a figure favored by Lord Sect Master, and he is likely to enter the sect power level in the future.

The Seventh Elder attacked so recklessly, of course he had to remind himself to keep his position, even if he had the urge to sneer in his heart, but on the surface he couldn't show it clearly.

And as the leader of this operation, he naturally didn't want Jiang Tianzhen to have any problems, otherwise he might not be able to explain it after returning to the clan.

The six elders who had been silent all the time sighed leisurely, and said with a smile, "The three elders have always been vigorous and resolute, and have never done anything unsure. Since I said that, I think she has the truth!"

The beautiful woman in red smiled proudly: "The Sixth Elder is right. The reason why I insist on bringing Jiang Tian is because his strength is far beyond his own realm. As long as he doesn't encounter too strong opponents, there is no problem. !"

"How do you know that his strength is far beyond his own realm?" The Seventh Elder sneered, shaking his head with disdain.

The beautiful woman in red sneered: "Elder Seven, didn't you follow me and Jiang Tian to Lao Lin the other day? Oh... By the way, you didn't see Jiang Tian making a move, but I witnessed him and Chi with my own eyes. In the scene where the Dark Blood Snake is fighting, although his strength may not be as good as that of the Monster Snake, the methods really make my eyes shine!"


"Crimson Blood Snake!"

"You... actually met such a monster?"

There was an exclamation in the hall, whether it was the Sixth Elder, the Seventh Elder or the Patriarch Kuang Tianwei, they were all surprised.

Zong Tienan's eyes also twitched, and his heart was shocked!

He has also heard of the name of the Red Underworld Blood Snake, which is a very strange and extremely powerful fifth-level monster.

As a master of the Xuanyang realm, he would naturally not be afraid, but for the warriors below the Xuanyang realm, this is almost a "nightmare" existence!

Kuang Tianwei was astonished. He looked at the beautiful woman in red with a trace of fear in his eyes.

If the luck is worse, the third elder may have died in the old forest. It seems that she and Jiang Tian are really lucky!

Everyone looked at each other, suppressing the shock, and gradually came back to their senses.

"If the three elders didn't tell me, I really didn't know that you met a monster like the blood snake in the dark! Ha ha, by the way, you and Jiang Tian went to the old forest to wander, not just to hunt this kind of head Monster snake, right?" The Sixth Elder raised his eyebrows, seemingly not smiling, and seemingly said something accidentally, but it made the atmosphere in the hall become quite weird.

He seemed to say this casually, but it undoubtedly put the Three Elders in a certain embarrassment.

Kuang Tianwei frowned and sighed, his face a little unsightly.

"Yes, the third elder, you and Jiang Tian went out privately, why are you embarrassed to talk about it?" The seventh elder mocked with a sneer on his face.

The beautiful woman in red didn't care, and said coldly: "What am I going to do, isn't the seventh elder clear enough? Why do you pretend to be stupid to your face?"

"Huh!" The corners of the Seventh Elder's mouth twitched, consciously boring.

Everyone looked at each other and suddenly felt a little boring.

The third elder didn't mean to conceal it at all. It seemed that there was nothing special about it. If something shameful happened, how could she tell it?

The beautiful woman in red waved her big hand and said decisively: "I believe that Jiang Tian's cultivation base and strength are fully qualified to serve as a surprise soldier in this operation. If we encounter obstacles, we can make him respond accordingly, so as not to run in vain. One trip!"

"What do you think?" Kuang Tianwei stretched his brows and glanced at the people lightly, apparently no longer opposed to the proposal of the third elders.

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