Of course, Hongjun misled the great powers in the prehistoric world, but it was actually the Heavenly Dao who secretly helped.

After the war between the three innate tribes, the great powers of the Hunyuan Jinxian (quasi-saint) level in the prehistoric world were basically killed or injured. Some of the remaining ones also hid themselves from the world, such as the Zhulong of the Four Seas Dragon Clan, or were restricted from coming out, such as the four sacred beasts guarding the four directions.

Under such circumstances, before Hongjun preached, the Heavenly Dao restrained the chances of the prehistoric beings to break through to the quasi-saint. No matter how deep their roots were or how outstanding their qualifications were, countless great powers could not break through to the quasi-saint and could only be trapped in the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Until Hongjun preached, he misled the great powers with words and opened a miracle of breakthrough for the great powers in the prehistoric world. Just imagine, in this way, what would the great powers who had been trapped in the realm of Daluo Jinxian for who knows how many years choose? They would definitely go to the path arranged by the Heavenly Dao.

And with the top great powers in the prehistoric world as examples, how would the later creatures choose? This can be said to be obvious.

In this way, the path to enlightenment for all living beings in the prehistoric world has actually been blocked, and they cannot even achieve enlightenment and become saints.

Why would the Heavenly Dao do this? Is it really in line with the saying that the Great Dao is fair and the Heavenly Dao is private? Is the Heavenly Dao really afraid that there are living beings in the prehistoric world whose strength is beyond its control?


The Heavenly Dao is composed of a series of laws, and it has no spiritual wisdom at all. Its existence is to manage the prehistoric world.

How many living beings are there in the prehistoric world? No one knows, even the Taoist Hongjun cannot give a specific number. With such a huge base of living beings, the amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth that needs to be absorbed during the practice is an astronomical number. The spiritual energy in the prehistoric world is not endless. All the spiritual energy in the prehistoric world comes from the Heavenly Dao through the transformation of chaotic spiritual energy.

If one day, when the speed at which the Heavenly Dao transforms chaotic spiritual energy is not as fast as the speed at which the prehistoric world absorbs spiritual energy, the prehistoric world will enter the Dharma-Ending Age, and it will be difficult for living beings to practice Taoism, and even their cultivation will not improve but regress.

The strength of the Heavenly Dao comes from the prosperity of the prehistoric world. If the prehistoric world enters the Dharma-ending Age, the strength of the Heavenly Dao will decline. With the decline of strength, the speed at which the Heavenly Dao transforms the chaotic spiritual energy will slow down.

Day after day, the vicious cycle will eventually usher in the infinite calamity.

Therefore, for the sake of all prehistoric beings, the Heavenly Dao does not want all the creatures in the prehistoric world to take the path of proving the Dao with force, which will only prompt the arrival of the infinite calamity. After all, the higher the cultivation level, the faster the speed and quantity of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will be.

If all the creatures in the prehistoric world choose to prove the Dao with force, then they will really be on a road of no return.

At the same time, whether the Heavenly Dao promotes the war between the three tribes or the war between the witches and liches, it is for the whole prehistoric world.

The lives of the three innate tribes and the witches and liches are very long. If they are not lonely, then even if the prehistoric beings do not take the path of proving the Dao with force, the prehistoric world will only face collapse.

For this reason, Nuwa found someone to promote a race with a short life to dominate the prehistoric world, so as to maintain the balance of the whole prehistoric world.

Finally, whether it is Hongjun's fusion of Dao, the six saints such as Sanqing, or Houtu's reincarnation, the starting point of the Heavenly Dao is for the entire prehistoric world.

After Hongjun's fusion of Dao, the saints such as Sanqing, and Houtu's reincarnation, the Heavenly Dao is perfected, and the strength of the Heavenly Dao will reach the peak of the Heavenly Dao. In this way, the speed at which the Heavenly Dao absorbs spiritual energy will reach the fastest.

Haoxu knows these messages, thanks to"Escape One".

These messages are all recorded in"Escape One".

Of course, these messages are also known by Haoxu during the nine thousand years after Hongjun's first preaching.

If he knew it at the beginning, when Hongjun preached for the first time, Haoxu would not be so nervous because of Hongjun's eyes.

When he first knew this information, Haoxu was really dumbfounded.

After all, when he read prehistoric novels in his previous life, the Heavenly Dao was the biggest villain, the boss.

For selfish reasons, he did not want any creature to be beyond its control.

This is how he planned the rise of the catastrophe step by step, so that one overlord after another withdrew from the prehistoric world.

Now it seems that the Heavenly Dao has indeed harmed several major races, but the starting point is good.

Moreover, the Heavenly Dao has not really made several major races completely extinct. Whether it is the three innate races or the two witch and lich races, there are finally fires left in the prehistoric world.

Besides, even if the Heavenly Dao does not promote it, can these overlords really coexist peacefully?


As long as there is selfishness, who doesn't want to dominate the prehistoric world?

Therefore, whether it is the three innate races or the two witch and lich races, in Haoxu's view, the war between them is inevitable, and what the Heavenly Dao may do is to bring the time of the war to an early date.

Faced with such a Heavenly Dao, Haoxu really can't hate it, nor can he do it like the protagonists in those prehistoric novels in his previous life who shouted against the sky every day. If possible, Haoxu has also thought about practicing Hongjun's Three Corpse Dao together with the prehistoric creatures.

But in the end, Haoxu gave up this idea.

Hao Xu, who possesses the primordial purple energy of"Escape One", will not be like other saints who cannot directly absorb the chaotic spiritual energy if he can achieve the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Daluo Jinxian. This means that if Hao Xu breaks through to the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Daluo Jinxian, not only will it not cause any harm to the prehistoric world, but it will reduce the consumption of the prehistoric spiritual energy.

Secondly, it is also because of the complete fusion of"Escape One" that Hao Xu has the opportunity to truly prove the great way.

Hao Xu is different from Pangu. Although Pangu has the foundation of fifty great ways, he only uses it to comprehend the way among them, but does not integrate it into himself. However, Hao Xu has completely merged with the most fortunate primordial purple energy of"Escape One".

In this way, Hao Xu's chance of successfully proving the way is no less than Pangu. Although the chance is still pitifully small, there is a chance.

As a time traveler, Hao Xu naturally has his own pride and ambition like most time travelers. Since the opportunity is in front of him, how can he give up?

Finally, if Hao Xu could finally prove his Dao with strength and become a sage who transcended the ages, then with the existence of a sage like Hao Xu, the infinite calamity would not befall the prehistoric world.

Hao Xu guessed that this might be the reason why he was not wiped out as an outlier after entering the prehistoric world in front of Hongjun and the Heavenly Dao.

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