Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 607 Divinity (Part 1)

The griffin formation took off.

Your Excellency Romon. Look, this Thunder Sword is not only a sharp weapon for attack, but also a safe zone for the Griffin formation to take off. The mage said very talkatively: Once injured, you can also land and receive treatment.

Romon is a person whom the queen personally meets and uses highly, and he is also a judge, so it is good to have a relationship.

Romon nodded, he understands this concept, it is the airport defense line!

However, who are those mages? Romon pointed to the eight mages, who were obviously waiting.

This is a pre-mage. You know, any rider can't fly as quickly as a griffin. Griffin has a lot of weight, but there are often many ups and downs in the flight of a griffin. Endurance It's natural for poor passengers to be dizzy, even with a magic weapon like a balance ring, it's hard for a mage to withstand a long flight, so there are mages who change shifts. The mage said.

I see! I heard that there were Griffin Knights before?

Griffin knights did exist originally, and there are some in the royal ceremonial team, but they are no longer practical. After all, griffins are birds of prey that attack from the air, so it is not necessary to match them with knights.

However, as one of the royal guards for quick support, the griffin can make knights go into battle quickly, so many royal families still retain it.

Members of the royal family, once in danger, the griffin can take the knight to rush to support the second time. Of course, our mage is the first time, but you also know that the distance from any door is not far, and the regular teleportation, You can only teleport yourself and one person, and there is still a teleportation error.

Of course, the scariest spells are dimensional anchors and space locks, which terminate teleportation. Therefore, the effectiveness of Griffon Transport Knights for rapid reinforcements is quite practical.

The fourth-level spell any door can teleport 200 meters to 500 meters, and it can only be supported or separated from the nearest one.

Teleportation is a fifth-level spell that can be teleported by kilometers.

But this is at least the power of seventh-level and ninth-level mages. Even in the royal family, there are not many such mages. Besides, space-blocking spells are ineffective against Griffin Knights.

Romon nodded. Expressing his understanding, during the conversation, the Griffon Mage had descended to a height of 100 meters above the sea and above the heads of those sea beasts.

Attack! With a command, the eight mages on the griffin took out a scroll and tore it open.

On Griffin, chanting spells is long and difficult, so scrolls are used.

Eight fireballs fell quickly, and the burning fireballs accurately hit the sea beast below.

Just hearing a boom, a huge flame burst out, and the billowing heat wave swept out around the explosion point, stirring up waves of more than ten meters.

Immediately, the heads of several sea beasts were blown off, and the blood splashed, staining the surface of the sea red.

Okay! The mage who was watching yelled fiercely: One more time!

The mages on the griffin obviously thought so too, and they took out the scrolls one after another.

Boom boom boom! Simple and effective tactics, indeed have an invincible effect. In previous battles, the sea beasts that had caused heavy casualties to the human side were all defeated by the attacking spells.

For a while, many mages cheered, as if victory was within their grasp.

However, looking at the sea, Romon felt a little uneasy. At the same time, at this moment, the strange feeling before became even stronger.

The sea beast will not be defeated so easily, this was Romon's first thought, he always felt that this battle would not end so easily.

Ow! the sea thorn dragon roared.

Suddenly, countless sea beasts dived into the water and disappeared silently.

There was a bloody smell in the air, and there were sea beast and fish corpses floating on the sea surface, the blood stained the sea surface, and it was so quiet that everyone thought the sea beast had been scared away, but at this moment, Romon's His eyes narrowed sharply.

When the Griffin reduced the distance, hundreds of beast heads appeared on the sea surface at the same time, and almost simultaneously, hundreds of flying arrows. It pierced through the air and sprayed fiercely towards the griffin.

The griffin was clearly prepared, and flew up fiercely. Almost at the same time, someone shouted: The sea beast is approaching underwater!

Almost at the same time, hundreds of the same kind of beasts emerged on the coastline, firing at the people along the coast, in unison.

The defenses of the people along the coast couldn't withstand such a large-scale invasion at all, and they were shattered. Many people were shrouded in the arrow rain from those monsters, and they wailed and screamed.

what is this?

It's a flying arrow beast, which can emit spells similar to magic missiles! said the mage next to it.

Romon looked at it, and suddenly noticed that after the flying arrow beast was launched, a large number of other sea beasts roared fiercely and rushed up, launching a fierce attack.

The surprise on Romon's face was hard to hide.

Whether it's diving into the sea to avoid bombing, or a neat shot. Or is it driving the sea beast to launch a fierce attack on the coast? It all shows that this sea thorn dragon has complete wisdom, and can command the sea beast to attack like an army?

This news is definitely bad news. The battle that was not easy to win in the first place, now it seems that it is even more difficult to say.

The griffins were flying, bombarding the sea beasts that pounced on the coast. At this time, the sea beasts rushed forward one after another and rushed forward, completely reminiscent of World War II, when the coalition forces risked German cannon fodder and rushed to the coast to attack.

I'm going out too, by the way, can I use the scroll? Romon said, calling out, and suddenly, lightning came down from the sky and fell to the ground.

Since it was fighting for the royal family, the royal family would naturally fire the artillery. It would not be possible for Romon to use his limited spell slots exclusively, although there are also a batch of scrolls in the space of Romon Shennongjiao.

Here, I want to ask for instructions. A small box of scrolls was very valuable. The mage looked at it and concealed his surprise. Romon's animal companion was already comparable to a griffin.

The sorcerer left in a hurry, and then came out in a hurry: Your Excellency, the sorcerer allows you to use the scroll box.

Understood! Using the rope to simply fix the scroll box, Romon turned over and landed on Lightning, who uttered a haughty cry and jumped into the sky.

According to the original animal domain, Lightning is a Cliff Eagle, and its level is still lower than that of Griffin, but after many upgrades, the mutated Lightning has the idea of ​​competing with Griffin.

Romun flew to the sky, looking down at thousands of sea beasts.

These sea beasts are all very valuable animals, and the materials on their bodies are all excellent materials. Unfortunately, it is not their turn to collect them. It is really a pity that the royal family will not let it go.

Just as he was thinking about the materials on the sea beast, the sea thorn dragon below let out another roar.

Let me see how holy you are! Romon opened his holy eyes.

Suddenly, everything changed.

Light emerges from every living creature.

Different sea beasts have different lights, but they have two things in common. The first is that their lights are extremely intense, which is a sign of exuberant vitality. It's proof of killing.

However, what shocked Romon was the brilliant brilliance.

And the light is cool and elegant, and the depth is beautiful.

Let go of the spiritual sense, and feel an indescribable beauty. This kind of beauty is not beauty in the ordinary sense, but a kind of magnificence hidden in the smallness.

God's light! Romon's face changed drastically, and this light shrouded the sea thorn dragon.

Why does this sea thorn dragon have the light of gods on its body? Could it be that it is still a chosen one of some god?

Or, it has divinity?

As soon as the second thought appeared, Romon's mouth felt a little thirsty, and he shook his head quickly to wake himself up a bit.

At this time, there was another roar from below, and Romon looked down. It was a huge creature, covered with scales, with a lion's head with a bloody mouth...

Romon calmed down, took out the scroll, and skillfully tore it open.

Boom! The explosion, which lasted only 5 seconds, had an effect, and there was a terrible scream from below.

At this time, on the defense line, the sea beasts had already had a direct conflict with the soldiers. The sea beasts frantically used their minions, crushed, spit, and venom. As long as he got a little bit of it, the other sea beasts would tear him to pieces.

However, the human line of defense is also extremely strong, not only the Griffon Mage is carrying out continuous bombing, but even the Thunder Sword is bombarding from time to time.

For a moment, blood flowed like a river, and the limbs of the sea beast were scattered all over the place.

During the battle, gradually, a figure attracted everyone's attention.

It seems that this Lord Romon is quite familiar with the tactics of the Griffon Mage! The archbishop said with emotion, and as the words fell, another thunder fell, shaking the entire body of the sea beast.

Yes, Your Excellency the Archbishop, this eagle of his seems to be more stable and obedient than the griffin. This kind of eagle seems to be a variant of the cliff eagle. Maybe we can suggest training the cliff eagle when we go back. A knight held the hilt of his sword , said coldly, with a gleam of interest in his eyes.

The archbishop shook his head and said calmly: No need, Yaying's burden is too light to bear the manned flight, and even if it is, it cannot fly for a long time.


He is an eleventh-level druid, and if he can mutate the cliff eagle, we can't. The archbishop concluded, At least not on a large scale!

The knight was silent.

Aw! roared again, after an hour of fighting, there were bloody corpses everywhere on the beach, and the scrolls in Romon's scroll box were also used up.

However, the sea beast's attack finally stopped.

This sea area is a bit weird and evil.

This was Romon's idea. As a Druid with strong perception ability, Romon could clearly feel that there seemed to be something attracting him in this sea area.

Have you retreated? Romon looked at the receding sea beasts in the sea, thinking secretly.

At this point in the battle, the sea beast side suffered a lot of casualties, but the human side had some casualties because of the full preparation in advance, but the scale was not large. This kind of situation made everyone excited, as if the dawn of victory had already flickered ahead , just waiting for them to walk over, as if they can smoothly take the fruits of victory. (!)

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