Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 608 Divinity (Part 2)

Sure enough, after a while. Another attack.

Bishop Warner! More sea beasts are attacking! The sea beasts that swarmed in front of him were several times the number of sea beasts just now.

Archbishop Warner's face was serious. He was a bishop with a lot of combat experience. When he raised his head and noticed the sea beasts swarming forward, he realized something.

The sea thorn dragon's attack is very violent this time. Everyone listen to my order. The first coastal defense line continues to resist. Follow my order and then move to the second defense line! Archbishop Warner raised his brows slightly when he saw the situation at sea, and ordered : The Griffin Master concentrates on bombing the beach with all his strength!

Under such circumstances, Archbishop Warner was still able to issue the correct order. Between the sea water and the beach, it was a good time to destroy the sea beasts that rushed up. It was not worth killing the sea beasts in the ocean now.

Hearing the order, some mages naturally turned around and shouted at the surrounding soldiers and mages with amplifying spells, telling them to obey the orders quickly.

At this time on the coast, the situation is already very chaotic.

Hundreds of flying arrow beasts sprang out from under the sea surface. Then they flew towards the human team. There were so many of them that it could be described as covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Puff! The sound was endless, and the human beings screamed. Even with the shield and the magic defense shield that was cast from time to time, it still caused a lot of casualties to the human side.

The reason why these sea beasts are called flying arrow beasts is because their mouths are very pointed and long, and the ends have a very thin needle-like shape. , this kind of sharp mouth can emit a kind of magic like magic missile, which can cause a lot of damage to the target enemy.

The arrow-like assassination technique is a way for them to deal with their natural enemies, because their natural enemies are thick-skinned and thick-skinned monsters. For their own survival, this small sea beast can only arm itself from other aspects .

Not only are they fast and powerful, but they also have a poison sac in their abdomen that stores poisonous juice. When they attack, they will squeeze the poison sac with the vibration of piercing the target, and the venom will come out. Venom, combined with spells, is used to paralyze the enemy's nerves to achieve the purpose of self-protection and killing the enemy.

Their attacks brought double damage to the human side.

It has to be said that this trick is very effective. Their attacks not only increased the number of casualties on the human side, but also caused a reversal of the situation.

Originally, the fighting spirit on the human side was very high,

But with the sea beast's counterattack, the situation on the human side began to become less optimistic.

Damn it, why are there so many sea beasts this time, is the sea thorn dragon crazy? Archbishop Warner roared.

The sea thorn dragon has wisdom, which is something that everyone has known for a long time, but because of its wisdom, under normal circumstances, it will attack once, consume too many sea beasts, and then retreat.

Now, this crazy attack is really strange and angry!

With countless sea beasts attacking wildly again, the number of injured and dead people is constantly increasing.

Although there are still some knights and mages who continue to fight with sea beasts. But the wailing of the wounded who fell to the ground kept ringing out, and that tragic sound made people's hearts start to become chaotic.

Once this heart is in a state of confusion, defeat is not far away.

Retreat, retreat to the second line! Archbishop Warner ordered.

Let me do it. Seeing this situation, Romon knew it was time to act.

As a druid, he commanded Lightning to approach.

Atrocities Dragon, Level 6 Nature Call! Only a sound of Peng was heard, and five Atrocities Dragons suddenly appeared on the defense line in front of the beach. From the appearance point of view, it walked on four legs, with an upright sword thorn on its back and a thorn in its tail. The bony thorns weigh about ten tons.

As soon as they appeared, they roared and pounced on the sea beast.

Only the sound of Pu Pu was heard continuously, the flying arrows of the flying arrow beast pierced their bodies, as if piercing the deck, jingling, but could not penetrate.

This enraged the tyrannical dragon instead, and a tyrannical dragon swiped its tail fiercely. Immediately, several huge sea beasts flew out, and in the air, their internal organs were dripping with blood.

A druid of level eleven. It's really powerful. Almost at the same time, such an idea came to everyone's mind.

Retreat, retreat to the second line of defense! Someone shouted, and the people who were preparing on the beach retreated one after another.

Although the summoning time for the five brutal dragons was only five minutes, it was enough.

It's time for everyone to fight back, Thunder Sword - launch! Boom! There was another deafening sound, and now it landed in the sea in front of the beach. With a bang, the waves turned completely, and many sea beast corpses surfaced.

Good job! Keep going! Archbishop Warner yelled.

Just as magic bombarded the past, a strong and dangerous aura slowly emerged from the bottom of the sea, and the sea thorn dragon stared at Romon.

Romon immediately sensed this dangerous aura, and the moment he felt it again, his face changed instantly.

Quick! Back! It's dangerous! Turning around, he ordered Lightning to fly away.

Lightning flapped its wings desperately, but it didn't know what was going on, the strong suction. It grabbed his body tightly, preventing him from moving a step.

And at this moment, a terrible thing happened.

The sea thorn dragon let out a fierce roar, and at this moment, the sea surface was still calm, and suddenly the waves were rough, and the huge waves churned.

A huge tornado suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes while the sea water was tumbling, and above the sky, black clouds quickly formed a giant dragon. The terrifying sight of a dragon sucking water left everyone present dumbfounded.

Some of them have also heard of tornadoes, but in the sea of ​​the Northland, this kind of situation rarely happens. Not only have they heard about it, but they all stared at this vision in dumbfounded.

It was Archbishop Warner who reacted quickly. He quickly woke up from the shock and yelled loudly: Fool! Hurry up and retreat!

Yes! Run quickly!

Run, retreat!

Hurry up!

Only then did the crowd retreat quickly, leaving quickly like the tide was ebbing.

At this moment, Romon let out a scream: No!

The oncoming tornado has already engulfed it.

The speed of the tornado was so fast, Romon only made one movement to put the lightning into the space, and then he was swept up and passed out.

After evacuating to a safe area, Archbishop Warner ordered the knights to count the number of troops, only to find that the casualties in this battle were really not small. Excluding those who died in the battle, those soldiers who were seriously injured did not have time to escape, presumably At this time, he had already died in the tornado.

Where's Romon? said the knight in charge of counting the number.

People looked at me, I looked at you, and shook their heads. During the escape just now, no one noticed where the young druid went, and no one knew his whereabouts at this time.

Report to the Archbishop, Romond Druid is not in the team. The knight who was in charge of counting the number came to Archbishop Warner and reported the situation.

Not in the team? Could it be... Thinking of where Romon was standing just now, Archbishop Warner suddenly had a bad guess.

He hurried to the highest place nearby and stood on a high place. Looking towards the coast, the wind and waves have begun to calm down. The terrifying tornado just now came and went extremely quickly.

On the beach, many corpses of sea beasts and humans were abandoned, the dark clouds had dispersed, and the sun was shining here. If there were no corpses on the sand to spoil the scenery, what a beautiful place it would be against the backdrop of the blue water place.

Archbishop, in such a big storm, will Romond Ruid already... When Romond didn't appear, everyone had some thoughts.

Go and check the people on the sand to see if there are any survivors. Archbishop Warner thought for a moment and said.


As a result, after checking, there were no more survivors on the sand, and there were no survivors on the endless sea.

I'm afraid that something bad happened to that young man, hey, let's go back. After waiting for a while, looking back at the bewildered crowd, Archbishop Warner sighed, waved his hand, and ordered to retreat.

Archbishop, if you just go back like this, will Her Majesty the Queen blame you! the trusted subordinate whispered.

Her Majesty the Queen said something before my departure! After stopping in time, Archbishop Warner said, In short, go back and wait for Her Majesty's decision.

Well, yes, Archbishop.

Let's go. Looking back at the sand, Archbishop Warner sighed again.

Then, bring people back to the base.

After receiving the news that the extermination operation had failed, Her Majesty's reaction was not very violent.

Presumably it was the previous failures that had made her mentally prepared.

Archbishop Warner, when Romond Ruid was on a mission, was he wearing the magic robe I gave him? After asking about the battle, the queen asked unexpectedly.

Archbishop Warner, standing below, couldn't help but think of the Queen's explanation before the trip: Be sure to let Romon wear that robe to go out on missions.

At this time, he was even more surprised when he heard that the queen was still obsessed with this question, but he didn't dare to ask, so he could only answer: Yes, Your Majesty, Romondruid was indeed wearing that robe and was performing a mission. Missing.

That's good. The queen nodded, and asked Archbishop Warner to go down to rest, while she leaned on the soft bed, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a bewitching smile.

Death? How could it be... Sure enough, as predicted, there will be a storm in the battle, and the storm will bring people with natural power into the palace of God... I hope, that robe will bring good luck!

It's just, can he really get there? The queen raised her head and said to herself while looking at the ceiling, as if there was a god on it who could answer her question: Anyway, after three hours, please Master Laipta locked the position, open the space door!

In the deep darkness, a consciousness gradually woke up.

How did I get here? Romon moved violently, but didn't get up immediately, looking around.

He is currently in a waterless space, but he feels that there is a strong water element around him, which is constantly flowing.

Why is there such a strong water element in the waterless space?

After a few minutes, he finally understood why.

Although the space he is in is waterless, there is water in all directions around this space. (!)

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