028. Triangle

After receiving the envoy’s secret message, I returned to the palace and headed to the kitchen.

I had to deliver the message without attracting anyone’s attention, so I naturally made contact with the queen. Usually, I’d use the excuse of bringing snacks or delivering messages during meals.

“Has Her Majesty returned?”

“Yes. But she is currently in a private meeting with Bishop Steve.”

Oliver’s response suggested she had just returned from the council.

But Bishop Steve in a private meeting with the queen, could there be some matter?

“Why, what for?”

Having been in the palace all day, Oliver might know the reason, so I asked.

Just as Oliver was about to answer my question…

“Haven’t you been outside? How do you not know? It’s absolute chaos right now.”

“Marco, I mean, Chef.”

Chef Marco’s voice could be heard. Today, his face seemed a bit brighter than usual.

“Is there some good news?”

“Good news? Oh, indeed there is.”

“What happened?”

“Haven’t you heard what Her Majesty said in the parliament today?”

I couldn’t fathom why Marco was beaming. Did she grant a title to a chef or something?

“What did she say?”

Marco laughed even louder at my question.

“Her Majesty has acknowledged the Anglican Church. To be precise, she has promised to protect the followers of the Church, haha. With this, no more fretting. You can’t imagine how anxious I’ve been…”

“Her Majesty?”

As far as I knew, Mary was far from protecting the Anglican Church; she was hell-bent on persecuting its believers.

Now that I think about it, the term ‘heretic’ had been replaced with ‘Anglican’ more frequently lately… but to think she would directly protect the Church.

‘If I’m not mistaken, something that wasn’t in the original history has happened. Mary is standing up to protect the Anglican Church? I’ve never heard such a thing.’

There was no doubt about it. History had changed.

‘Wait, then the marriage to Philip…?’

The Queen’s words to protect the Anglican Church were essentially an acknowledgment of the Church.

If something that wasn’t in history has happened, there’s no rule that things that were in history couldn’t disappear.

A glimmer of hope started to form for me, who had completely given up on separating the two.

* * *

“Did you discuss the marriage proposal with Spain without anyone knowing?”

“It wasn’t my intention to hide it. It just so happened that there was never an opportunity to speak of it. Weren’t you quite busy during the coronation?”

“What will you do about the proposal? Will you accept it?”

“Of course. Is there another suitor in Europe who compares to Felipe?”

Bishop Steve sighed inwardly at Mary’s assertive manner.

From noble mtl dot come

If one were to consider the conditions alone, Felipe was more than a suitable match for the queen. However, there was one significant issue with Felipe.

“He is a Habsburg. And a young Habsburg at that. Everyone will think that the queen intends to hand over England to the Habsburgs. How do you plan to deal with the backlash?”

“I am well aware of your concerns. The matters of succession and the husband’s authority will be discussed once Felipe arrives in London.”

“Prince Felipe is coming here in person?”

“Yes. The date has not been set yet, but he has promised to respond soon.”

Bishop Steve breathed a sigh of relief that Felipe’s arrival date was not yet fixed. It seemed they would at least avoid the chaos of a sudden marriage announcement.

‘The Catholic nobles’ opposition can be resolved somehow. After all, Prince Felipe will become a Catholic king. But how will she deal with the Protestants’ opposition… Ah, could it be?’

Bishop Steve’s thoughts reached that point as he looked at the queen with slightly widened eyes.

‘Is this why Her Majesty declared protection for the heretics? To minimize the backlash from the marriage with Prince Felipe?’

Of course, a union between Catholic royal houses did not completely eliminate the possibility of opposition from the Anglican nobility. However, since Mary had proclaimed herself the protector of the Anglican Church, any opposition from the Anglican nobles would likely not be substantial.

“Your Majesty, perhaps…”

It was at that moment Bishop Steve opened his mouth to confirm his thoughts. Anne’s voice came from outside the door.

“Your Majesty, the kitchen has brought snacks. Did you give any special instructions?”

“Yes. Let them in.”

Responding to the Queen’s voice, the Bishop Steve looked up and opened his mouth.

“I think I need to rest now. I’m more than ordinarily tired from attending Parliament today, so I hope you understand. Go on, you may leave now.”

“…Yes, Your Majesty.”

Having misspoken in conversation with the Queen, Bishop Steve had no choice but to accept her dismissal.

‘Yes, my thoughts must be correct. Her Majesty would not commit such an act without reason.’

To Bishop Steve, Mary was the only hope for establishing the right faith in England. Even as he was almost chased out, he believed the Queen had something in mind. The Bishop did not let go of hope.

After the Bishop was driven out of the room, Logan, who had brought the ambassador Simon’s reply, entered. The Queen gazed at Logan, who was holding a plate with a small biscuit.

“So, what is Simon’s response?”

“Yes, the portrait you sent was shipped last week by boat, so you should receive a reply by next week.”

“Is that so…?”

Mary hesitated for a moment, then cautiously opened her mouth.

“What did he say about the portrait?”

The portrait was a bit, no, quite a lot, frankly, very much idealized.

Regardless, the exchange of portraits had begun. The engagement between Mary and Felipe was slowly progressing, though not yet announced.

* * *

The events that took place in Parliament spread across London in a day, and it took less than a week to reach all of England.

It was an unexpected and shocking event, so the speed at which the rumors spread was extraordinary.

The news that Mary, thought to be a devout Catholic, had declared herself a protector of Protestantism, reached beyond England to Scotland, France, Spain, and even the Protestant princes of northern Germany. In less than a month, the rumor that ‘the Queen of England has turned to Protestantism’ had spread throughout Europe.

“Felipe, what is this nonsense? Are you suggesting we break off the engagement?”

“Have you not heard the rumors? It’s not about breaking off the engagement, but if it’s certain that the Queen has turned to Protestantism, shouldn’t we consider ending it?”

“Tsk. Haven’t you seen the letter sent by Simon? All the rumors spreading among the public are baseless. It’s about protecting the loyal Protestants, not that Mary has converted to Protestantism, isn’t it?”

Initially, Felipe was somewhat uncomfortable due to the age difference, but after seeing the portrait sent from England, he changed his mind and showed an active interest in the marriage proposal.

The exchange of portraits had already been completed, and what remained was to go to London and meet face to face.

Soon, Felipe was planning to go to London to meet Mary and announce their marriage immediately.

“Still, I’m reluctant. Does it make any sense to protect the heretics? Please inform Simon and find out the Queen’s intentions.”

“Come to think of it, you’ve always been uncompromising about your faith.”

Felipe, whose faith was so fervent it bordered on fanaticism, had never compromised on religious matters.

Knowing this well, Karl sighed softly and opened his mouth towards Felipe.

“Even if Simon finds out the details, it’s clear you won’t be convinced, Felipe. Go to London.”

“What? Go to London?”

“Go to London and see for yourself. Whether Mary has turned heretic, or if she remains a faithful believer.”

Felipe thought his father Karl’s words made sense.

No matter what Simon said, if there was doubt in his heart, he would surely break off the engagement, even at the risk of losing the alliance with England. Felipe knew himself well.

“Alright. I shall do as you say. If she has indeed converted to Protestantism…”

“You may do as you wish. If Mary has truly converted, what can be done?”


Felipe’s voice, somehow brighter, struck Karl’s ear. Felipe seemed oddly pleased at the prospect of breaking off the engagement. Seeing this, Karl spoke in a slightly annoyed tone.

“Just don’t do anything rash like breaking off the engagement on the spot. There’s no need to sour relations with England and benefit the French.”

“Yes, I will be cautious.”

At Felipe’s strangely bright response, a sense of unease surged in Karl’s heart.

And on the day Felipe set sail for London, Karl quietly prayed, hoping that Ambassador Simon would keep Felipe well in check.

* * *

A garden of such beauty, it seemed like a painting floating on a vast lake at first glance.

Behind the amiable-looking old man stood two armed soldiers, their presence disciplined and imposing.

“Is Erik not here yet?”

“He will arrive soon.”

The old man was King Gustav Vasa of Sweden, who had endured all manner of hardships in his youth and had ultimately succeeded in dissolving the Kalmar Union and securing Sweden’s independence from Denmark.

Crowned by the Swedish Parliament in 1523, he was the founding monarch who, nine years prior in 1544, had successfully abolished the elective monarchy and introduced hereditary monarchy, making Sweden the domain of the Vasa family.

Even he, who had severed the Kalmar Union and made all the Swedish nobles kneel before him, had two unconquerable foes: the fair passage of time and his own kin.

He was well aware of the uneasy currents running among his sons, the princes of Sweden.

His son and heir, Erik, was the problem.

Of course, Erik was a son to be proud of. He was capable like King Gustav and handsome, resembling his mother, Catherine of Saxony, with distinct features and bright blond hair.

‘All is well, but that lad is too suspicious.’

The capable and handsome prince had a flaw in his character.

Erik believed that Johan and Karl, born to Queen Margaret, were conspiring to take his place. They were but children, not yet twenty.

The future after his death was all too clear.

Once the deeply suspicious Erik ascended the throne, Johan and Karl would undoubtedly be imprisoned within Gripsholm Castle where they stood. Or perhaps, he might even take their lives with his own hands.

Though they were half-brothers, they were all his blood. King Gustav feared that his eldest son might kill his brothers after his passing.

“Father, did you call for me?”

“You’re a bit late. Well, it happens.”

As Erik continued his worries, he found himself arriving and addressed King Gustav.

With a benevolent face, Gustav spoke to Erik.

“Speak briefly to the main point, as you must be busy too. You’ve heard the rumors from England, haven’t you?”

“The rumor that the Queen has converted? But that is…”

“Do you think it’s just a rumor?”

At Gustav’s words, Erik silently closed his mouth and nodded.

Seeing Erik nod, Gustav continued with a smile still on his face.

“Rumor or not, it doesn’t matter. After all, the ones to be engaged are just the two of them.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Erik’s eyes widened slightly, seemingly surprised by the mention of an engagement.

“Why, haven’t you reached the age to marry?”

“That is true. But to find a family worthy of engagement…”

In truth, it wasn’t that there had been no proposals for Erik. Many noble families had sought his hand, but it was Erik, not Gustav, who had refused them.

“One must indeed find a trustworthy family.”

It was Erik’s suspicion. No matter which family came forward, he suspected they were out to use him, preventing any proper noble engagement.

“Right? That’s why I brought up England.”

Only then did Erik seem to realize something, letting out a short groan. The rumor of the Queen’s conversion, if it were England…

“To the Queen herself?”

“You know well.”

“Father, how many years apart are the Queen and I? Besides, the rumor of the Queen’s conversion is bound to be false. It seems you haven’t heard the other stories about that woman….”

As Gustav listened to Eric’s desperate excuses with a flustered expression, he cut him off with a shout, as if suffocated by frustration.

“You frustrating lad! Are you saying the only royal in England fit to marry you is the Queen? If she hasn’t converted, there’s also her sister, Elizabeth!”

At those words, Eric finally gasped in realization.

“Ah, are you suggesting we propose to Princess Elizabeth?”

“When did I ever say we’d propose to Princess Elizabeth? It’s the Queen.”

“The Queen?”

“It doesn’t matter whether the rumors of the Queen’s conversion are true or not. Even if she hasn’t converted, she has certainly shown a favorable stance towards Protestantism. We’ll propose to the Queen first.”

With that, the old man who had been smiling warmly just moments ago vanished, and in his place stood King Gustav of Sweden, his presence sharp and commanding.

From now on, it was not Eric’s father Gustav speaking, but Gustav Vasa, King of Sweden.

“Because of your paranoia, our alliances with other nobles have long been ruined. Denmark is eagerly waiting to pounce on us, and the other great nobles are just waiting for our downfall.

Marrying the Queen would solve everything. Denmark would have to consider England’s reaction, and the other great nobles wouldn’t dare attack us if the Vasa and Tudor houses were united. And your worries would naturally disappear. Who among your brothers would dare to make a move once you’re married to a Tudor?”

After Gustav’s lengthy speech, Eric finally nodded in understanding, his previous distaste for marrying an older woman nowhere to be seen.

“So, Father, when do you plan to propose? The portrait will take at least a month to complete… Shall we say next month?”

Hearing Eric’s words filled with anticipation, Gustav opened his mouth as if to say, “What are you talking about?”


“Yes, the portrait.”

“Why would we need that?”

“Well… since you said you would propose…”

At Gustav’s response, Eric looked puzzled. As he trailed off, Gustav spoke calmly.

Gustav’s words thundered in Eric’s ears.

“Erik, go to England yourself. Determine with your own eyes whether the Queen has converted or is simply sympathetic to the new faith, and then propose.”


“A good pretext would be a congratulatory delegation for the coronation. Claim it’s the envoy we intended to send earlier, have a talk, and then return. You understand what I mean, don’t you?”

The next day, at the port of Stockholm.

The ship carrying Prince Erik began its journey towards London.





From top to bottom are King Gustav I of Sweden, his son Eric XIV, and Philip II of Spain.

*Gustav I led Sweden to independence after losing his father during the Stockholm Bloodbath of 1520, orchestrated by King Christian II of Denmark.

After being elected by the Swedish Parliament in June 1523, it wasn’t until September 1524 that he secured independence. Following independence, he converted the national church to Protestantism, and in 1544, he changed the Swedish succession from elective to hereditary, establishing the House of Vasa as the Swedish royal family.

*In actual history, upon Queen Elizabeth’s accession, King Eric XIV of Sweden sent an envoy to England to propose marriage to her. Queen Elizabeth declined the proposal.

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