029. The Queen and the Prince

More than a month and a week had passed since the assembly convened.

Although the chilly winds of November were blowing, the assembly still hadn’t reached a conclusion on the Queen’s proposal, and I was frequenting the residence where the Spanish ambassador stayed.

“Hmm… It’s time for him to arrive, why hasn’t he come…”

Having frequented the place for so long, the count’s attendants at the residence were well acquainted with my face.

As usual, upon entering the residence, I noticed the count pacing about with a frown.

“Count, what seems to be the matter?”

“Logan, is that you?”

Though the Queen had allowed the Anglican Church, history was altered, but not her heart.

Still, she anticipated marriage to Felipe, sending me almost daily to liaise with the ambassador.

“But Logan, just out of an old man’s concern… Surely the Queen isn’t considering conversion?”

“Of course not. Protecting Anglicans isn’t the same as converting. As I’ve said before, am I not the Queen’s loyal servant? There was no such indication last month, nor last week.”

“Good, I trust only in you.”

The Queen’s religious stance had shifted, yet she did not reject Felipe. A fleeting hope quickly extinguished.

Lately, she pondered the aftermath of her death. Perhaps seeking asylum in Spain, or even offering England whole to Spain.

Asylum would be easy; with the maps and books she nearly seized, many nations would welcome her.

“But Earl, when is Prince Felipe arriving? The Queen…”

“Ha, that’s exactly what I wish to know. News from home says he’s sailed, but he himself is nowhere to be seen…”

A reply from Spain last week mentioned Felipe crossing to London directly.

The journey from Madrid to London takes roughly two weeks; he should have arrived by now.

“Why worry? Who would dare touch the vessel of the great empire’s heir? Even typhoons would steer clear.”

“Ha… I’m always amazed at you. How can you say such things without a change in your expression…”

Always before Ambassador Simon, I excessively praised Spain, a desperate attempt to appear favorable.

“Enough of such embarrassing talk, take this to Her Majesty. Oh, and one more thing.”

“Please, go ahead.”

“It’s nothing major. When the Duke arrives, could you make that egg dish you prepared before?”

“Ah, the egg pudding, you mean?”

“Yes, I’ll prepare the sugar and eggs myself, so please do me this favor.”

During my time as a cook, I realized that rather than flattering words, regularly offering food was the best way to win favor.

Was it about two weeks since I started coming here? I used to make snacks for the ambassador, like egg biscuits and sweet puddings that the queen enjoyed.

Thanks to that, Ambassador Simon, who was initially wary and careful with his words around me, no longer guarded himself.

It seems my efforts haven’t been in vain. Somehow, I seemed to have secured an opportunity to meet with Felipe.

Having received a reply from the ambassador and with nothing more to say, I was about to rise and return to the palace when…

“Ambassador! Ambassador! At the port right now!”

A soldier who had recently been checking the port for Felipe’s arrival came running, shouting loudly. His flushed face made it clear he had run all the way from the port.

He was shouting something at the ambassador, but since he was speaking in Spanish, I had no idea what he was saying.

“Excuse me, Ambassador, has something serious happened?”

Curious about the commotion, I cautiously asked the ambassador, who responded with a voice clearly marked by panic.

“A ship has arrived.”

“What? Has Prince Felipe already arrived?”

“I told you, there’s no set date for Prince Felipe’s personal arrival. It’s not a ship from our homeland but one from Sweden. What? A congratulatory delegation for the ascension…? Why only now… And the person leading the delegation is Prince Erik of Sweden? What is this…”

The ambassador, having received new information from the soldier, looked shocked. Then he quickly turned to look at me.

“Have you heard anything from Her Majesty the Queen?”

Ambassador Simon’s flustered voice rang in my ears. He asked if I had heard anything, but I was just as bewildered.

The Swedish prince during Queen Mary’s time in England? I hadn’t heard of such a thing.

Something was definitely happening. The first order of business was to find out why they had come.

Since it was a delegation, they would undoubtedly head to the palace where the queen resided.

I had to return to the palace as soon as possible.

* * *

The delegation led by Prince Erik Vasa of Sweden docked their ship at the port of London.

The news that the Swedish prince had come in person was reported up the chain by the port administrator who went to verify identities, and upon hearing this report, the Mayor of London hurried over to meet the prince.

“I apologize. The high-ranking individuals are currently occupied with parliamentary duties and other schedules. It may not be fitting, but I shall guide you. Please understand. I am Ralph Warren, the Mayor of London.”

“Ah, Ralph. Thank you for the hospitality. Do not fret too much. It is also our fault for arriving unannounced.”

Mayor Ralph, a 67-year-old man, had managed to greet Erik perfectly despite possibly being out of breath from rushing over, not minding that someone of a lower status was receiving him.

“I heard from the administrators earlier. You are the congratulatory delegation celebrating Her Majesty’s ascension, correct?”

“Yes. How might I have an audience with Her Majesty?”

“Hmm… I have sent someone, so a response should come soon. Please wait a moment, and I will inform you.”

“Ah, thank you.”

As soon as Mayor Ralph confirmed that the Swedish prince was leading the delegation himself, he had long since relayed this fact to the Queen at Whitehall Palace.

Thanks to his actions, shortly after, Erik was able to meet with an official from Whitehall Palace.

“It is an honor to meet you, Prince Erik. I am John Bon, one of Her Majesty’s Principal Secretaries. Her Majesty has instructed me to escort you. Please follow me.”

“Pleased to meet you, Sir John. Then, I shall entrust this matter to you.”

Upon arrival at the palace, the delegation led by Prince Erik was immediately shown to their rooms.

The members of the delegation waited in their assigned rooms for the prince’s command, while the prince was allocated a separate room to await the Queen.

“Her Majesty will see you now.”

After the servant’s voice echoed, Mary walked into the room.

Upon seeing Mary, Prince Erik greeted her with utmost politeness.

“It is an honor to meet Your Majesty.”

“I too am pleased to see you. So, you have come leading the coronation delegation?”

“Yes, that is correct. First, I must convey my father the king’s regrets for not being able to attend Your Majesty’s coronation.”

“Do not fret over it. But surely, you did not come all this way just to deliver such a message…”

Mary trailed off as she looked at Prince Eric.

It was clear that Prince Eric, the heir to Sweden, had another reason for coming to England. After all, England and Sweden had little in common.

“You are as wise as the rumors say.”

Despite the queen’s pressing gaze, Eric, who had first complimented her, continued unfazed with his intended speech.

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“I heard on my way here that Your Majesty claims to be a protector of the new faith, yet you have not converted.”

“That rumor has spread to Sweden? I am aware of it, but my only intention is to protect those loyal to me.”

“Ah, I see.”

Mary was well aware of how her rumor had been distorted. There were even whispers that she had converted, something she hadn’t expected to be believed all the way in Sweden.

“I have a rough idea of what expectations brought you here. I’m sorry, but I have no intention of interacting with you. To speak frankly, I do not hold the new faith in high regard.”

Mary thought that Sweden had come seeking an alliance, believing the false rumor of her conversion. Perhaps that’s why her tone was a bit sharp.

“Is that so? But why then do you claim to protect them?”

“Because they pledge their loyalty to me.”

Mary responded tersely and then closed her mouth. The prince, who broached the sensitive subject of religion, did not seem favorable to her.

“Indeed, all my questions have been answered. Thank you.”

Despite Mary’s openly hostile demeanor, Prince Eric continued with his speech. His oddly positive attitude seemed almost brazen. Mary responded to his audacity with audacity of her own.

“I’m glad your curiosity is satisfied. Is that all you have to say?”

At first glance, one might find it rude, yet Eric seemed unfazed by Mary’s demeanor.

“Another thing. May I deliver a letter from the king?”

“A letter?”

Eric produced a sealed letter from his attire. The clear imprint of the Vasa dynasty’s crest and Sweden’s coat of arms suggested it was a personal missive from the king himself.

“It is a message from His Majesty to Her Majesty the Queen.”

Mary accepted the letter from Eric, broke the seal, and perused its contents.

Then, she began to alternate her gaze between the letter and Eric’s face.

“Marriage? With me?”

Mary looked at Eric with disbelief. Receiving Mary’s gaze, Eric nodded slightly, as if her stare meant nothing to him.

* * *

While the Swedish envoy was facing the Queen at Whitehall, another ship docked at the Port of London.

Ralph, the Mayor of London, nearly fainted upon learning the identity of the person aboard.

A prince from the rural north of Sweden was one thing, but for the Mayor of London to receive the heir of Spain was quite another.

Moreover, Felipe did not speak English, and the Mayor did not speak Spanish. There were bound to be problems with the reception.

For this reason, just as Ralph was about to summon someone of Felipe’s stature, a voice came to resolve his dilemma.

“Prince Felipe!”

The voice belonged to Simon, the Spanish ambassador. He had rushed to the port upon hearing that Felipe was aboard the newly anchored ship from Spain.

“Thank you, Mayor Ralph. From now on, I shall take care of him, so you may go. There is no need to inform the palace separately, as everything has been arranged. Prince Felipe has urgent matters to discuss with me, so please do not worry.”

If not careful, the ongoing marriage negotiations could be exposed. For now, it was imperative to concoct a reason for Felipe’s presence in London.

Having roughly managed the situation, Ambassador Simon turned to Felipe and began to speak in an inquiring tone.

“Duke Felipe, to London so abruptly… Without any prior notice, what is this act? Does the Emperor know of this?”

“Of course, he is aware. I have read the report you wrote, Simon. However, there have been strange rumors circulating about the Queen lately.”

“Strange rumors…?”

Indeed, there had been ridiculous rumors that the Queen had converted to Protestantism.

“You mean the rumors about converting to Protestantism? Surely… You haven’t come here in person because of that?”

Simon knew of Felipe’s staunch faith.

Simon had written an objective account in his report to correct the rumors that the Queen, whom Felipe believed to be his Catholic consort, had converted, but it seemed to have been in vain.

“That’s right. I’ve come to London to see for myself. It is a matter permitted by His Imperial Majesty, my father.”

Simon suddenly felt a wave of dizziness.

“Damn it, why did I have to advocate for the protection of those Anglicans…!”

It should have been a simple matter of arranging the marriage, finding a suitable date, and announcing the wedding of Felipe and Queen Mary.

But Simon had never imagined that Queen Mary would suddenly declare ‘protection of Protestantism.’

“Then let’s go meet the Queen right away. Why delay any further? Let’s settle the marriage proposal while we’re at it.”

“Right away… you say?”

“Why, is there a problem?”

Simon’s head began to throb with pain.

At the palace, there was already an envoy from the Protestant nation of Sweden, led by a prince, and Felipe suspected the Queen of converting to Protestantism.

“No, it’s nothing. Let’s go.”

It was only a matter of time before Felipe heard about the arrival of the Swedish envoy. Even if Simon could prevent Felipe from meeting the Queen immediately, eventually, Felipe would learn the truth. Simon couldn’t predict what misunderstandings might arise.

Even if they were to meet the Swedish envoy, it would suffice to hear directly from the Queen that she had not converted to Protestantism. It was better to face any misunderstandings head-on.

And so, Simon and Felipe were on their way to Whitehall, where the Queen resided.


*The 16th-century Mayor of London was a hereditary noble, but the title could be passed on to the eldest son. A hereditary noble, you ask? Why could it be passed on? I’m not sure… but it was passed on. A hereditary noble, indeed. But why?

*The appointment of the Mayor of London changed with the political winds. When the royal family was powerful, they made the appointment, and when the Parliament or nobles were powerful, they had their say.

*The position of Principal Secretaries could be likened to that of a royal messenger in Joseon. Think of it as akin to the position of a Doseongji.

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