Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 237 Greyback’s Big Financier

"Fenrir Greyback?!"

Avada almost stared out of her eyes: "Do you think the culprit of the werewolf attack was?"


Gorshak and Professor Baker nodded in unison.

"You have been looking for this guy for several months with no clues, and you don't even know who his subordinates are?"

"That's right."

"He was found by the Order of the Phoenix just like that??"


"Then just like that..."

"Okay, I know this sounds awkward."

Professor Baker couldn't help but waved his hand, interrupting Avada's questioning mixed with surprise: "We can even infiltrate a high-level secret organization like the Order of the Phoenix, but it took us half a year to find a second-rate barbarian. Werewolf... To be honest, even I was a little unbelievable when I learned the news."

"But there's nothing we can do about it. After all, our intelligence source is not so much 'infiltration' as it is 'friendly provision'. That intelligence basically comes from students who have graduated and are now working in various industries. It was given as a gift by the way, and of course it includes the Order of the Phoenix - they are the ones with the most elites, and any student who can successfully graduate from university will be considered an elite to some extent in a society that lacks knowledge."

"But of course,"

Seeing that Avada's expression was a bit strange, Gorshak also promptly added: "We will not force students to do things for us - after they leave the school, they do not need to have anything to do with this place except to abide by the confidentiality agreement. This time it happened that the Order of the Phoenix had the same purpose as ours, and the graduate who joined the Order also believed that sharing this information would be beneficial to the magic society as a whole, so he generously disclosed it to us."

"……All right."

Avada continued to ask: "So, where is Fenrir Greyback? Who is the financial backer behind him?"

"His exact position keeps changing."

Gorshak shook his head: "All the Order of the Phoenix can do is keep track of his movements. And the financial backers behind him... I didn't know anything about it before, but now at least one of them has been identified."

"who is it?"

"The Black family."


Avada blinked, unaware of what Professor Baker said.

"He...who is his sponsor?"

He couldn't help but ask again.

"Are you surprised? I thought there was nothing surprising about this list."

Professor Baker observed Avada's reaction with some surprise: "It's the Black family - the one who is almost extinct and has only one legitimate heir left. The one who just escaped from Azkaban half a year ago..."

"Sirius Black."

"A top Death Eater escaped from prison without warning and disappeared. Just a few months after his escape, the covert attacks of werewolves began to appear and rapidly expanded in scale. Together with Fenrir Graeber Ke was originally a subordinate of Voldemort, that is, a colleague of Sirius Black... These two people are easily associated with each other, aren't they?"

"Well, I haven't thought about it in this direction..."

Avada scratched her head in embarrassment.

"However, there is indeed a very surprising part of the whole incident, which you will definitely not expect."

After Professor Baker looked at Gorshak and saw the other person nodded, he moved towards Avada and lowered his voice mysteriously: "That Sirius Black, he is actually Dumbledore's people."

Avada tried her best to look shocked - luckily, the acting skills he had honed alongside Voldemort hadn't been lost yet.

"Surprising, right? We think so too - Dumbledore has informed all members of the Order of the Phoenix that Sirius Black is innocent and not responsible for the crimes that the Wizengamot convicted him of twelve years ago. Responsibility. And the reason why he chose to escape from prison at this time was also due to a helpless accident...but this accident happened to give them the opportunity to learn the truth."

‘Dumbledore directly informed the entire Order of the Phoenix? ’

Avada reacted immediately: "So, the reason why the Black family became Greyback's sponsor is..."

"Because Sirius Black became a spy."

Miranda Gorshak sighed, probably lamenting the impermanence of fate: "Now only Dumbledore and his Order of the Phoenix know that Black is innocent, but in the eyes of others, he is still that capable, sinister and vicious person. , a terrifying Death Eater who is loyal to Voldemort and is hiding somewhere behind Azkaban and secretly brewing some conspiracy..."

"In addition, he is the sole heir of the Black family and can completely control the staggering amount of property... So if he offers to help the werewolves' plan, then Greyback will probably grovel and ask him to sit down. He won’t have the slightest doubt..."

"So he became Greyback's financial backer. Not only did he always control his position, but he also knew most of his plans."

Professor Baker lamented: "But in addition, how Sirius Black contacted Greyback is also a question - perhaps this can show that the other financial backers behind Greyback are within Black's network, and Those are pure-blood families. But if that’s the case, there’s no reason why Dumbledore couldn’t confirm it…”

Avada nodded in agreement, but he had a guess in his mind - probably because of his Animagus talent and Lupin's connections in the werewolf circle.

"But that's not enough. He also holds the lives of dozens of families as hostages, so we can't do anything to him for the time being...until you show up, Professor Imprey."

Principal Gorshak said with a smile: "If it is true, as you said, that we can get a method to block the technology that can go crazy at any time within a few days, then we can solve the entire crisis within the same month. ——Are you willing to use this to show off in public?"

"…Forget it."

Avada thought for a while and then shook her head and refused: "Whether it is to crack the formula or find a shielding method, you need to master a lot of control knowledge, but on the surface I am only good at space magic... I still leave it to Professor Baker and Professor Belby Bar."

"This honor will be returned to you when the university officially debuts."

Professor Baker stood up: "In that case, then I will contact Dumbledore as a former professor at Hogwarts, and together with Belby, hand over the shielding technology to him, and ask him to use the intelligence provided by Sirius Black to The device was distributed to each victim...and then the incident could be disclosed to the public and Greyback captured."


Gorshak also stood up and added: "After this incident is exposed, the magical society's hostility to werewolves will usher in a surge, which will also bring more conflicts and extreme events... We must study the werewolf curse quickly. Well, at least let’s lower the cost and difficulty of making the Wolfsbane potion first.”

"The plan to sneak into Azkaban must also be implemented as soon as possible."

Professor Baker nodded in agreement: "There is almost nothing more important to this research than the memories in Lockhart's head."

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