Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 238 Behind the problem are more problems

"Fenrir Greyback was found just like that..."

Until the moment she left the principal's office, Avada was in a daze. Originally, he had prepared for the worst and placed the risk level of this matter on the same level as the secret room crisis caused by the diary.

Result, that's it? ?

And it’s not to blame for his neuroticism. After all, the werewolf problem itself is a big thunder in the magical society and has considerable potential harm; and this large-scale werewolf attack does reveal weirdness in everything - intelligence, manpower , the source of technology, funds, and resources, why they acted at this point in time, and how they managed to organize such a large-scale operation without letting the magical society get any information... So many questions come together, It’s hard not to think about whether there is a big boss hiding behind the scenes, planning a deeper conspiracy...

Therefore, in Avada's original thinking, Greyback should be strictly protected by the financial backers behind him. He might hide in a manor of a great nobleman, or in a room cast with a protection spell similar to the Loyalty Charm, and use the most expensive and safest communication means to issue orders to the most central subordinates...

In the end, a half-assed Sirius Black just robbed this guy of his fortune? ?

Others didn't know it, but he knew it - Sirius didn't have any secret and dark intelligence channels at all. After all, he was the only one left in the entire Black family. The only way he can get information is to turn into a dog and let other dogs help him collect information. Although this method is indeed somewhat difficult to detect, the confidentiality level of the information that can be intercepted in this way will never be high, at least it can be discussed in front of stray dogs.

As for Greyback, who can be intercepted in this way, his protection measures are probably far less stringent than Avada imagined. He probably just hides in a deserted forest and sets up a tent, similar to how Voldemort's remnant soul was protected a few years ago. The situation in Albania was average – but this was something even more wrong.

There is so much intelligence, money, resources, manpower and technology, and there is a strong supporter behind it, but it is unable to provide itself with a decent protection?

why is that?

"They put a lot of effort into one thing and invested a huge amount of resources, but at the same time they revealed a mentality of not caring in other aspects... Why is it so contradictory?"

Concentrated thinking made Avada couldn't help but walk a little slower. It took him a while to return to his office and sit down. He also discovered that there was an extra stack of documents on the table at some point, with the next section on it. Student questions from the Q\u0026A class are summarized in advance...


He felt a wave of exhaustion surge out of his brain and sweep over his body. He originally wanted to drink some invigorating potion from the main body to improve his mental state, but the research there was still intensive and he couldn't spare the time to drink something, so he could only force himself to continue to make do.

"To put a lot of effort into something you don't really care about... In what scenarios does this usually happen?"

Avada turned over her schedule and added an arrangement under the tomorrow column to "go to Professor Baker's office to discuss joint experiments." Then she leaned back and said, "Perhaps this is the most critical part of the matter. It’s already done and the rest doesn’t actually matter?”

"Or maybe it doesn't really matter whether it succeeds or fails, and what's important is 'doing it' rather than 'getting results'?"

"Well...if that's the case, does that mean that the whole werewolf attack was actually just a large smoke bomb used to hide the secret operations of those guys hiding behind it?"

"After all, whether this attack is successful or not, the magical society will definitely set off a new round of turmoil, and turmoil means chaos, and chaos means there are plenty of opportunities to fish in troubled waters... So who is causing chaos? They want to Which fish to touch?”

"Huh, forget it, no matter how you think about it now, it's just a guess. It's better to concentrate on researching the shielding device first."

He took a long breath with the dummy's body and exhaled it slowly: "After the Order of the Phoenix or the university pry everything out of Greyback's mind, there will naturally be more clues... …”

"Prepare the students' questions first."

"Ken, give me a hand and look over here. I think there seems to be a chance..."

"Wait a minute, I'm coming... Damn it! Wait! What's going on?! Don't move!"

Avada flashed in front of Percy and stared at his wand nervously: "Don't move! Don't move! Yes, that's it, to maintain this magic..."


Percy was stunned. He originally wanted to ask directly, but after quickly reacting to what Avada said, he stopped his words in time and concentrated on maintaining the magic in his hands. Over the past few days, , Avada has established a good reputation in cracking the door, and has the final say or surprise victory in many problems faced by the team.

At least now no one would simply regard him as a fourth-year student, but as one of the top elites in Hogwarts, someone who could discuss and even teach magic techniques with them.

"Okay, don't move...I saw it. If we are lucky..."

Avada carefully pointed her wand at the stone wall that was slightly shaken by Percy's magic, with ripple-like ripples on its surface. After reciting a spell in a low voice, she emitted a thin white light, light and And it stabbed into a certain part of the stone wall accurately.


As if there was a violent explosion behind the rock wall, an arch-shaped gap appeared on it again, but the light it emitted was much stronger than ever before. Even inside the outline of the arch, more cracks are spreading, as if the entire stone wall is in danger...


When Percy saw this, he immediately turned his head and shouted: "Stop working on other areas! Come back and gather quickly! The last step!"

The words blessed with the loud-sounding curse spread out quickly, and just a few seconds later, five figures rushed over from the densely packed tunnels around them. They were stunned for a moment after seeing the cracked stone wall, and then He ecstatically pulled out his magic wand and recited a complex spell loudly, causing streaks of white light to hit the stone wall violently.


Those white lights seemed to be injecting light from the gaps, making them more dazzling and dazzling, while those stone walls were actually like ice cubes, being slowly melted by those scorching rays of light...

In the end, the white light gradually receded, and the stone wall that had blocked everyone for several days had disappeared, leaving only a tall and spacious entrance in place.

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