Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 239 Avada’s Little Pry Door


Looking at the entrance where the white light gradually receded and melted away, someone muttered blankly: "Isn't this a bit..."

"Don't rush to celebrate yet."

Percy shook his head: "Check again whether it is possible to re-close this time. Don't forget what happened the day before yesterday!"

After hearing Percy's words, several people present were shocked, and they quickly took their wands and examined the arch carefully. Although Avada also joined the inspection team, there was already a smile on his face - he already knew the result of this action the moment he activated the magic.

So after a detailed inspection, the seven people who stayed in the cave finally confirmed that the door had been completely and permanently opened this time, and there was no possibility of it closing on its own!


At the moment when the results were announced, some people even had their legs weak and leaned against the wall directly to the ground. Even a stern guy like Percy showed an obviously relaxed look - it's no wonder they were like this. In the past five days, , their pressure is too great...

That's right, it only took them five days to permanently break through the first magical defense set by Voldemort, and Dumbledore's initial estimate of time was one week - although Dumbledore's estimate of one week He had taken into account Avada's unique abilities in his vision, but it was obvious that he still underestimated Avada's current strength. Even when things at Norwich University distracted him and made him less efficient.

In the first two days, everyone stayed in the tent and learned the relevant knowledge provided by Dumbledore as quickly as possible. Almost no one would go directly to crack the protective magic, and this gave Avada the opportunity- —He can directly use the End of the World Curse to go around behind the stone wall, carefully study the place where all the flaws of the protective magic are clearly visible, and along the way, exert a small influence on some detailed but critical places...

This is the fundamental reason why they were able to crack this level so quickly.

After two days passed and the wizards fully grasped the knowledge provided by Dumbledore, Avada had to join in the intensive research. But because he could directly see through the structure of the magic, and had already studied the magic in depth from the back two days in advance and left some behind-the-scenes tricks, the entire team's progress speed was directly affected by the many small openings he continued to provide. take off. But this also means that they compressed the original workload of more than a week into just five days...

So the price of doing this is that after the stone wall is completely cracked and the string in their hearts is loosened, the elites of Hogwarts almost lose the ability to think standing up.

"...Should we go in first and take a look?"

After resting for a while and barely regaining some energy, Luofu moved himself to the entrance, pointed inside and asked - there is a long tunnel away from the cave where the Horcruxes are stored, so from the outside it looks like It's still dark up there.

"I'll forget it."

Percy waved his hand: "I have to write a letter to Professor Dumbledore first, telling him that we have cracked the entrance - Fawkes should be coming soon, and I have to write quickly so that he can send it back..."

"Can we wait a day before we talk?"

Someone asked in a tired drawl: "If we send the message today, Professor Dumbledore will definitely take us to the next level non-stop, but now I don't even want to move a finger."


Percy wanted to retort righteously, but after subconsciously feeling himself, he realized that he was in the same state: "Then tomorrow - our progress is fast enough anyway."


A burst of tired cheers mingled in the cave.

"Uh, guys,"

Avada, who seemed to know something, tried to save the situation: "Do you think there is a possibility, Deng..."


A familiar explosion interrupted Avada, causing everyone to fall into silence at the same time.

"Merlin's beard!"

Albus Dumbledore suddenly emerged from the flames and looked straight at the stone wall that had melted into a large hole. His tone was full of surprise and joy: "It's unbelievable! You are actually doing this. Voldemort's magic was broken in a short period of time... The power of your team has surpassed that of most professors!"

"It's really gratifying. You are much better than I thought... huh?"

He was about to stroke his beard and express his emotion when he noticed that the expressions on the students' faces were more or less stiff: "What happened?"

"...Uh, um, professor,"

Penello asked in despair: "You...how did you know that we have cracked the protective magic?"

"Oh, a little mechanism."

Dumbledore pointed to the entrance of the black hole with a smile: "I set it up behind the stone wall. Once it detects that the magic on the stone wall is completely broken, it will immediately send me a message - Fox can let me bypass this directly. Obstacle."

Avada on the side nodded silently - he had already found the thing behind the door.

"So from the looks of it, you want to rest for a day before passing on the news to me?"

Dumbledore looked at the expressions of the students, and even without careful observation he could see the tiredness that almost overflowed from their eyes: "Well, the workload of cracking the magic in just five days is indeed a bit heavy. …Then tomorrow.”


Cheers echoed through the cave again.

"So, does anyone plan to go back to Hogwarts and enjoy the bed you have been away from for a long time?" He continued to ask with a smile.

"I'll forget it."

Percy was the first to answer: "The tent you provided is comfortable enough - but if I go back now, Fred and George will probably pester me until midnight."

"Well, I'll forget it then."

"Yeah, we can't relax too much now."

"It seems reasonable, then I will also..."

Percy reminded everyone, and everyone else also woke up - going back to Hogwarts now means being arrested by a lot of people and asking questions, and it is almost impossible to have a good rest on time...

"That's fine."

Dumbledore stroked his beard and nodded: "In that case, I will announce in advance the content of the second and last level you will face - don't be nervous, I'm just talking verbally."

"There is a huge lake inside this cave, and the things we are about to study are placed on the island in the center of the lake. You need to find a way to construct a long-term, stable method of passing the lake, whether it is a bridge, a boat, or a way to move the lake It can be filled in evenly.”

"But I have to remind you, you must be vigilant when doing research. Because there are hundreds of Inferi sleeping at the bottom of the lake, and touching the lake water rashly will anger them."

"Hundreds or thousands of Inferi?!"

Seven people gasped at the same time.

"That's right."

Dumbledore sighed: "That was also Voldemort's work - maybe he just dug up the graves and stole the bodies, or it could be something more terrifying, we can't confirm it yet."

"But I have decided that after you finish the second level, I want the magical society to expose the existence of the Lake of the Inferi to remind people of the terrible consequences of extreme pure-blood thinking and black magic... So please continue to study it. Be careful and try not to damage the Inferi - they will leave with dignity in the end, I can guarantee this."

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