Chapter 56: Mysterious Ghost Man, Terrifying Conjectures

Shen Yan returned to Group C and informed everyone about the news she got from Luo Zhiming.

Luo Ji frowned tightly:

"This thing isn't right"

"Between normal sales and purchases, it is rare to have credit"

"This kind of trust is even less likely to exist among drug dealers."

Everyone felt strange.

Abang frowned and said:

"No matter how arrogant a drug dealer is, he would not behave like this. Ana

Shen asked back:

"So why does this happen?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they all couldn't figure out the reason.

Yang Jinrong suddenly said:

"Brother Yan, what are your guesses?"

Everyone looked at him.

Ana Shen said softly:

"I really have a guess"

"Normally, no one would do such a thing"

"There is only one thing that can be done on credit."

Everyone hurriedly asked:

"What kind? Ana

Shen said lightly:

"I only do such things when I can completely control you."

Everyone was thoughtful.

Yang Jinrong pushed up his glasses and said:

"Brother Yan, what do you mean?��……"

"Those ghost guys knew all the people in Xin Liansheng and were not afraid that they would not pay back the money. Ana

Shen pointed slightly:

"Yes, that's my guess."

Everyone was stunned.

Yang Jinrong immediately said:

"However, there are two prerequisites for this"

"The first premise is……"

"Gui Lao's power must be large enough to completely control Xin Liansheng"

"Even New Liansheng five years ago had more than 20,000 members"

"Which ghost society in Hong Kong can suppress a society of 20,000 people?"

"Now Xinliansheng is one of the top five societies"

"There are fully 500,000 official members"

"Can the ghost man suppress 50,000 people?"

Luo Ji slowly shook his head,

"That's not how things should be seen"

"The club is not like our disciplinary troops, each performs its own duties"

"Societies are just a bunch of rabble"

"It's all supported by a few bosses"

"If the boss is not here, it will be extremely easy for problems to arise."

"As long as Gui Lao controls the boss of Xin Liansheng, he is equivalent to controlling the entire society."

"These societies are basically people who are greedy for life and afraid of death."

"If you have enough strength, it is not difficult to control! Shen

Yan asked everyone:

"What's stepbrother's guess? Abang quite agreed:

"I agree with stepbrother."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Ana Shen smiled and said:

"Then, we have to find out this pretty awesome organization in Xiangjiang"

"Such a powerful organization, not even large organizations like Xin Liansheng dare to compete with it"

"Of particular note is that"

"A big club like this has always been awesome and never takes other clubs seriously."

"Such as Zhongyixin, such as Hongxing, such as Heliansheng, such as Hexingsheng……"

"They are about the same size as New Lens Lease"

"But their methods of doing things are completely different from Xin Liansheng"

"Zhongyixin, they are the Xiangjiang Society in our understanding."

"New Lens Lease is totally out of whack."

Everyone fell into deep thought for a while.

That's right.

Is there any ghost in Xiangjiang who is more powerful than Xin Liansheng?

With the scale of Xin Liansheng, they dare not even scream when facing the police.

Without him, there are too many people. With a size of 50,000

, the police have no place to put them all.

Once Xin Lian Sheng is broken up and so many gang members are allowed to enter the society, the world will be turned upside down.

This is why the Hong Kong police did not. One of the reasons for daring to be cruel to the gang.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all confused.

Abang frowned and said:

"This is not the 1950s and 1960s. At that time, corrupt state capital was prevalent and many people were willing to work for ghost guys."

"The big conglomerates with big names in Xiangjiang are basically all our locals."

"When it comes to clubs, that has never been Gui Lao’s base."

He thought for a long time and still shook his head.

"I can't think of it."

Everyone shook their heads in unison.

They also didn't expect it.

Yang Jinrong frowned and said:

"According to Brother Yan, Gui Lao contacted Xinliansheng as early as five years ago"

"In other words, these ghost guys have been in Xiangjiang much longer than I expected."

He didn't understand.

"How could such a powerful force hide for so long without showing its face?"

"How are they hidden? I really can't figure it out."

Everyone, look at me. I think you are confused.

Luo Ji replied affirmatively:

"There is no such thing among local associations in Xiangjiang"

"Was the message wrong?"

That can't be wrong.

The news brought back by Shen Yan himself is consistent with Xin Liansheng's files. How could it be wrong?

Everyone felt as if there was a layer of fog or a layer of gauze in front of them. They couldn't see clearly. Like.

Ana Shen waited for them to think for a long time, and then tapped the blackboard:

"Being good at thinking is a good thing"

"Just don't overcomplicate things."

Everyone was startled.

Chen Yongren looked at him in disbelief:

"Ayan, do you know who those ghost guys are? Ana

Shen nodded slightly:

"There is such speculation."

Everyone asked impatiently:

"who is it? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"In fact, you also know it, but you didn’t guess in that direction."

Everyone was stunned.

Ana Shen said expressionlessly:

"In fact, there has never been such a powerful ghost force in Xiangjiang."

"However, they do not exist as a society"

"If you guess the association, you will definitely not be able to guess it."

Everyone was stunned.

Yang Jinrong suddenly said:

"Brother mean the ghost guy from Xiangjiang?"

Everyone couldn't react for a while, and they thought to themselves, there are so many ghosts in Xiangjiang, isn't even the Governor of Hong Kong a ghost?

Wait, the Governor of Hong Kong?!

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Ana Shen said softly:

"There are only a few powerful departments in Xiangjiang after thinking about it."

"And there are only two people who can make Xin Liansheng fearful, fearful and even obey his words."

"Security Bureau, Police Station……" hiss!

Everyone gasped.


Are they the ghost guys?

Ana Shen said with a dark face:

"According to my guess……"

"These ghost guys are most likely criminal policemen."

Everyone was in an uproar.

Ana Shen gave his own speculation:

"The only people that can make the community afraid are the police"

"Those dwarf mules are the most aware of current affairs. They are just afraid of sending people, but the governor and others may not take them seriously."

"On the other hand, the police are law enforcement agencies"

"If even the police are willing to put down their dignity……"

"Once he does evil, he is the most powerful scoundrel"

"Nothing in the world is more feared than a police officer who commits evil crimes"

"How do you restrict people who know the law and break it, but still have the power to enforce the law?"

"I really can't think of anyone else in Xiangjiang who can make Xin Liansheng so fearful except these gangsters and black policemen. After Shen Yan finished speaking, he clapped his hands:

"Do you have any other ideas?"

…… quiet!

Deathly silence.

Everyone was completely stunned.

They never expected that this would happen!

What Ana Shen guessed was actually a ghost guy and a black police officer?

Everyone looks at me and I look at you, and you can see the uneasiness in each other's eyes.

Ana Shen clapped his hands,

"This is an internal routine meeting within our group, where everyone brainstorms ideas"

"Speak up if you have any ideas. Abang spoke first:

"What Sir Shen said is possible"

"very possible!"

Ana Shen was slightly surprised.

Who in Group C has the most sense of justice must be Abang.

He values love and justice, but has the most sense of justice.

When he was in Group A, the thief Zai Ming and Scalp secretly hid a Tens of millions of dollars were shared by others, but he didn't take any money. He also told them that doing so would be dangerous.

If Shen Yan hadn't taken action, it would be impossible for the people in Group A to be safe?

Although Abang has a sense of justice, he is not pedantic.

Even though he knows that the people in Group A have hidden the stolen money, he does not betray them at all.

In other words, he has a special emotional intelligence. Very high.

Shen Yan originally thought that Abang would be the last to agree, but he did not expect that he would be the first to acknowledge his statement:

"I don't have a good impression of ghost guys"

"Especially after what happened with Commissioner Luo."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Commissioner Luo's matter has been widely spread in a small area.

The case has been handled internally by the top management.

However, everyone did not think that Commissioner Luo would suffer much punishment.

He is a ghost.

It is natural that they enjoy certain privileges.

This sounds depressing, but it is true.

A few years ago, the army stationed in Xiangjiang made a huge mistake, and the final result was only to be escorted back to the country without any punishment.

This is true for an ordinary soldier of the corrupt state, let alone a senior civil servant of the corrupt state.

Abang crossed his arms and said expressionlessly:

"I don't think they traveled half a planet specifically to serve the citizens of Xiangjiang."

"To put it bluntly, they just want to make money"

"A little gangster like Xiang Dong was treated as a distinguished guest in Commissioner Luo's office just because of ten million pieces of silver paper."

"The drug trade of Xin Liansheng... is simply their God of Wealth0... "

"For five years, they continued to provide them with a large amount of wealth."

"Even the God of Wealth feels wronged"

"Are you right?"

Everyone nodded.

Luo Ji and Chen Yongren are serious undercover agents in the club.

Their style of doing things is - they can make others think as bad as possible.

Yang Jinrong himself is both good and evil, and the only one he admires is Shen. Yan Yiyi.

And his goal is to follow Shen Yan to build a big empire. These people are never nobodies.

They dare to think about things that others don't dare to do. They dare to do it. Yang Jinrong held his chin and said,

"All frontline field officers dislike the Political Department"

"Those guys are basically ghost guys, and they are all senior police officers."

"However, there are still a few conditions that I can't figure out."

"Who leaked the whereabouts of Inspector Luo Zonglun?"

"You know, he was going to meet our brothers that day. This matter was originally very secret."

"Who told Tim? Luo

Ji said coldly

"Those ghost guys are high-level officials of the Political Department. It is not difficult for them to get information about Inspector Luo."

Everyone nodded slightly.

Yang Jinrong said again:

"There is one more……"

"A Luo said that in the past five years, Gui Lao has continuously provided drugs to Xin Liansheng."

"This doesn't make sense"

"If the ghost guys who control Xin Liansheng are really the guys from the Political Department...where do their drugs come from?"

"No matter what, they are still police"

"Since you are a police officer, then……"

Everyone was stunned again.

Emotionally they hate Gui Lao, but intellectual suspicion is another matter.

In the final analysis, they are always the police. They are solving the case now. Since they are solving the case, they must pay attention to evidence rather than unnecessary suspicion.

Abang said:

"I completely agree with Sir Shen’s suspicion, and I definitely don’t think these guys are good people."

"Although this matter is strange, I have to say that there must be something I don't know about."

Chen Yongren said with bitterness in his mouth:"But logically this doesn't make sense."

"For five consecutive years, there has been a steady supply of goods"

"This ability is comparable to that of a drug lord from the Golden Triangle"

"As for the ghost guys from the Political Department, how did they do it? Do they have an ice factory somewhere off the island?"

Everyone shook their heads.

It's obviously impossible.

It doesn't make sense logically, which fundamentally overturns Ana Shen's speculation.

Everyone was a little confused for a moment.

Ana Shen looked at the members of Group C leisurely. After racking his brains, he drank tea quietly.

He was not in a hurry.

Now that he had found the mouse hiding in the dark,

Shen Yan wanted to know what they could do. Very much looking forward to it.

Chen Yongren couldn’t hold back his anger:

"Ayan, 1.0 do you know the source of flour? Ana

Shen smiled slightly and said:


Chen Yongren was surprised:

"Where did it come from? Shen

Yan said seriously:

"I have a guess, but I hope you can find out the answer yourself."

He explained the reason,

"Our serious case team C is highly equipped."

"The people present here are basically inspector-level figures."

Chen Yongren smiled bitterly again,

"I'm still the Sheriff……"

Ana Shen said lightly:

"You will soon be the assistant."

Chen Yongren was startled.

Shen Yan solemnly said:

"Whether it's an inspector or an assistant"

"No matter how ordinary the branch is, they all have squad leader level characters."

"You know the system of our police force."

"Job rotation"

"No one can stay in the same position for more than ten years."

This is a precautionary measure taken by the police force to prevent Lei Luo-like characters from appearing again.

Practice has proved that such a system is useless.

For a truly charismatic person, it is best to restrict him to a certain place and prevent him from expanding his influence. That's right, although it is possible that the tail will not be lost - but it is much better than letting him spread his charm everywhere.

"The best of you will be the future commander."

"I don't want to impair your ability to think independently."

Everyone was startled, and their hearts were greatly shocked.

They could clearly feel that Shen Yan was sincere when he said this.

What a blessing it is to be able to work in the hands of such a police officer.

Luo Ji looked at Shen deeply. Yan Yan glanced at it and was secretly delighted:

"I'm really lucky"

"Brother Chang was there to look after me when I was undercover."

"When you returned to the police force, you were still working under a boss like Sir Shen. How lucky you were?!".

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