Chapter 57: The shocking source of drugs.

Luo Ji happily wanted to have a drink.

I am so lucky.

Abang also had a smile on his face.

Group A was disbanded, and he was both happy and sad at the same time.

Fortunately, Lin Kuangtian and the others had the best ending. Sadly, he was the only one of the original members of Group A who could continue to work in key departments.

Abang knew that Lin Kuangtian, Zei Zaiming and Scalp had made mistakes after all.

It's just that because of Commissioner Luo's incident, their mistakes were covered up.

However, this does not mean that they can continue to stay in their original positions.

No big boss dared to let them stay where they were.

In their view, since you dare to take black money once, you may take it countless times.

As long as it breaks through"zero", there is no difference between once and countless times.

Abang came to Group C from Group A to repay his kindness.

He really meant it.

Without the help of Shen Yan and Lu Qichang from Group C, would Lin Kuangtian want to retire smoothly? Is there nothing wrong with Zeiziming and his scalp? That's basically a dream.

When he came to Group C, he kept his profile very low, just wanting to be someone's little brother.

I never expected that Ana Shen would be so big-hearted.

Be a younger brother?


He wants to train everyone to become commanders!

The commander in the police force is not a squad leader.

You have to be a boss-level figure in the police department to be able to be a commander.

Abang admires Shen Yan's ambition.

He felt that he had come to the right place in Group C.

Chen Yongren felt more complicated.

Unlike Luo Ji and Abang,

Shen Yan was his classmate and was in the same period.

Chen Yongren felt in his heart that he was no worse than him.

Who would have thought that just one and a half years after graduation, good guys, the status of the two would be in the sky and on the earth.

He is already the captain of the Crime Unit of the West Kowloon General Administration Bureau, and he is not even an assistant.

If it weren't for what Ana Shen said to Lu Qichang, he would still be getting beaten on the street.

Chen Yongren always thought that it was not because of his lack of ability, but because he had taken the wrong path.

If I were still in the police academy, if I was a graduate working step by step, should my position be on the same level as Shen Yan, no, Yang Jinrong?

However, he didn't understand until now.

Are you on par with these two monsters?

But forget it 03!

The opportunities for these two people are completely different from others.

Normally, after graduating from the police academy, a police officer must experience military life for at least five years before being transferred to plainclothes based on performance.

Many people spend their entire lives making military uniforms.

Shen Yan was different. He had served as a squad leader in the military uniform and had made great contributions. He was valued by Lu Qichang and was transferred from the military uniform with great effort.

He came to plainclothes and directly served as the squad leader. He was also a highly qualified squad leader of the West Kowloon Crime Unit.

This kind of experience is the first among all police officers in Hong Kong.

Yang Jinrong was transferred here thanks to Ana Shen.

This experience cannot be replicated.

Chen Yongren was unwilling before, but now he finally understands.

The gap between him and Ana Shen is not only in ability, but also in structure!

Who can train his police officers like commanders like Shen Yan? no?

Ana Shen actually wants to train them all to become commanders...

It's incredible to think about it!

How dare he?

He, Chen Yongren, couldn't believe that one day he would reach the level of a commander.

This is how Shen Yan was raised.

With such a big heart... who can compare to it?

Chen Yongren is convinced!

Yang Jinrong's mouth showed a smile.

This is the Brother Yan he knows.

This was Brother Yan who said"I want to be a police tycoon like Lei Luo" in front of him in the police academy without concealing his ambition.

This is Brother Yan who is worthy of his following.

Yang Jinrong was very satisfied with his original decision - following Brother Yan was the right decision!

In life, there is always something to do.

Young people should be determined.

Yang Jinrong has no doubts about his ability.

He believes that he has enough ability to reach a very high position.

But Commander... that's something he didn't dare to think about.

Yang Jinrong believed that as long as he closely followed Brother Yan's footsteps, the commander would be able to do anything.

Just like before, who could have imagined that following Brother Yan, one could easily have tens of millions of assets?

Or family property obtained through legal channels.

It’s so beautiful just thinking about it!

Ana Shen clapped his hands and said:

"In our case, step-brother is older, and Bangge is older than me. There is a limit to how many years older he is."

"Let's do our best, and one day, all of you will step onto the stage of commander."

Luo Ji smiled.

Abang smiled.

Chen Yongren smiled.

Yang Jinrong also laughed.

At this moment, they really have the confidence to become commanders.

Shen Yan clapped his hands and said:

"So future commanders, who can tell me how Gui Lao can continuously provide drugs to Xin Liansheng?"

Chen Yongren asked a question:

"Brother Yan, are you sure these drugs were provided by those ghost guys? Ana

Shen smiled and said:


Chen Yongren instantly fell into a tangle, and he doubted his own judgment.

Did Gui Lao really build a large drug manufacturing factory in Xiangjiang?

Are they crazy?

It's impossible, right?

Chen Yongren frowned and said:

"Did something go wrong? Yang

Jinrong suddenly said:

"No, Brother Yan didn't make a mistake."

Chen Yongren was really surprised now:

"Arong, do you know?"

Luo Ji and Abang looked over at the same time.

Unlike Chen Yongren, they had no prejudice against Yang Jinrong - Chen Yongren's classmates' feelings would more or less cover his eyes.

Being able to become an inspector at this age is an achievement in itself. An incredible thing, Yang Jinrong's ability is absolutely beyond doubt.

Yang Jinrong said:

"I think I already know why those ghost guys are able to continuously supply drugs to Xin Liansheng. Chen

Yongren frowned and said:

"Did they really open an ice rink in Xiangjiang? Yang

Jinrong shook his head:

"Why open an ice rink?"

"This goal is too big."

After a pause, he asked,

"With Gui Lao's style... isn't it unnecessary to build such an ice rink?"

"You need to have capital to open an ice rink. Gui Lao has always been a white wolf with empty hands, and all they do is business without capital."

Everyone was startled.

Abang, Luo Ji, and Chen Yongren fell into deep thought.

It was as if there was a veil shrouding their eyes. As long as this veil was pierced, they could figure out everything.

But what is it?

Yang Jinrong has already revealed it. Opened the answer:

"The drugs these ghost guys supplied to Xin Liansheng came from the seizures of the police anti-drug team!"

Everyone was in an uproar.

Chen Yongren was horrified:

"How can it be?"

"Is this fake?"

"Those drugs turned out to be the harvest of colleagues from the anti-drug team? Abang crossed his arms and said:

"Why is it impossible?"

"Don't forget, those ghost guys in the Political Department have very high positions. They use flour instead of ice. It's not impossible to exchange a civet cat for a prince."

"More importantly, even if these drugs are temporarily stored in the evidence room, they will eventually be destroyed."

"These guys are really good at it!"

Abang's voice was particularly low!


Everyone in Group C quickly took action.

After half a day, everyone returned to the conference room.

Yang Jinrong said:

"I asked my colleagues in the evidence room of our General Administration."

"Those ices are turned in within a certain period of time and then destroyed."

"Most of the time, the ghost guys from the Political Department will come to investigate. Ana

Shen shook his head:

"Just checking won't do anything"

"That's speculation, not evidence.

Yang Jinrong said calmly:"But these cases have no connection with the Political Department." Ana

Shen thought for a while and shook her head:

"We are the police, and we pay attention to evidence when handling cases."

"Without enough evidence, we can't do anything."

Yang Jinrong was not discouraged.

What the police do not believe in the most is coincidence. Where do so many coincidences come from?

As long as there is such a train of thought, it is enough.

Shen Yan asked again,

"Brother Bang, did you gain anything there?

Abang said :

"I contacted Scalp and Zeiziming and they responded to me."

"It happened to happen twice since they took over the evidence room."

"The ghost guy went in. Ana

Shen touched his chin:

"This is still speculation, but enough is enough. Luo

Ji said,

"I asked Mr. Ni for advice"

"In recent times, the police have been very strict in cracking down on drugs. Almost all the big fishermen in Xiangjiang have lost a lot of their supply."

"These include New Lens Lease. Shen

Yan added:

"The latest loss suffered by Xin Liansheng was because Inspector Luo Zonglun and others got the news when Xin Liansheng was trading with others and destroyed this batch of goods. Luo

Ji said again:

"The strange thing is that not long after, Xinliansheng received another batch of goods. Ana

Shen asked back:

"That batch of goods seized by Inspector Luo Zonglun? Luo

Ji shook his head:

"Not sure, but according to our judgment, it should be this batch of goods. Shen

Yan asked:

"Are those goods still in our evidence room? Abang replied:

"Still there! Ana

Shen clapped his hands and said:

"I gonna go see!"

He turned around and went to the evidence room.

The person in the evidence room was Zei Zaiming. He was very happy to see Ana Shen coming here:

"Brother Yan! Ana

Shen sighed:

"Is it customary to do it here?"

The thief is very thoughtful:

"After all, you were in the major crimes unit before, how could you get used to it?"

"However, I brought this upon myself, and I can’t blame anyone else."

"Let me tell you secretly, I had a dream two days ago"

"I dreamed that almost everyone in Group A died because of that incident, and only Abang and I were left."

"However, I am also dead. Ana

Shen's heart moved:

"what happened?"

Zie Zaiming whispered:

"Fang Fangdong cooperated with Commissioner Luo, and basically all the people in our A team were involved. Uncle Tian committed suicide in the ICAC’s information room, and Ah Hua and Scalp were beaten to death. I couldn’t be more angry. After killing Fang Fangdong, committed suicide……"

He smiled,

"After waking up, I was covered in cold sweat."

Shen Yan thought to himself, if he hadn't intervened, you would have thought it was a dream.

However, there is no need to tell Fire Thief Zaiming such words.

Thief Zaiming said seriously:

"Brother Yan, thank you. Ana

Shen waved his hand:

"My brother, how can I thank you?"

Zie Zaiming smiled happily.

He is a person who values love and justice and rarely talks about it.

Whenever Ana Shen needs it, he can fight for it!

Shen Yan said softly:

"Inspector Luo Zonglun confiscated a batch of ice. Do you want to store it with you?"

The thief said clearly:


"However, these drugs will soon be sent to the headquarters for unified destruction. Shen

Yan asked:

"Has anyone come to investigate this batch of ice recently?"

The thief immediately said:

"The head of the Political Department came, but I was not on duty that day."

"My colleagues mentioned it when handing over the shift. Ana

Shen nodded slightly:

"I'm going to check out the purity of this batch."

The thief Ming was startled:

"Check the purity of this batch?"

Ana Shen nodded slightly:

"There is a case."

The thief immediately said,

"Then I'll go with you"

"No need to register."

Ana Shen sighed secretly.

The thief deserved to be an elite member of the crime team.

He just said one sentence and he caught the key point.

What a pity.

If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?

The two came to the evidence room and found Oh, that batch of ice.

As soon as Ana Shen tasted it, her face turned dark immediately:


The thief didn't understand why:

"What? Ana

Shen pursed her lips:

"This is not ice, this is flour."

The thief's eyes suddenly opened wide!


He took a little and carefully put it into his mouth. His pupils suddenly shrank:

"What a flour!"

"Has this thing been dropped?!"

Zie Zaiming said quickly:

"Brother Yan, I really didn’t do this. Ana

Shen said softly:

"I know it wasn't you."

Zai Zaiming smiled bitterly and said:

"It's useless for you to believe in me. You have to believe in me from above."

He suddenly felt that he was a little unlucky.

Ana Shen waved his hand:

"Don't worry, no one will pursue this matter."

"You just relax."

How can the thief believe it?"

"According to the rules, this batch of drugs will be transferred to the headquarters after a week and then completely destroyed."

"The people at the headquarters will have to do some tests, and then they will be found guilty."

"I'm so unlucky, how did I end up in something like this? Ana

Shen patted his shoulder heavily:

"Trust me, no one will hold you accountable, because no one will find out about it."

The thief said hummingly:

"Unless this thing was done by the ghost guy from the headquarters, how could he not have discovered it?"

He suddenly froze and lost his voice,

"Could this really be done by a ghost?"

"The ghost from the Political Department?"

"Brother Yan, you came here and didn’t look at anything else, but just looked at this. Did you already know this? Ana

Shen sighed:

"I know this happened by chance"

"You really don't have to worry about these things,"

"If something happens here, I think all police evidence rooms in Hong Kong will be involved."

"Did you see anyone being punished?"

Zie Zaiming breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment his eyes widened:

"Wait, you mean……"

"These ghost guys have dumped all the flour in evidence rooms in Hong Kong?"


"These guys are really brave! Ana

Shen said softly:

"Just know it yourself"

"Don't make this matter public, maybe this is also an opportunity."

The thief didn't understand why:

"what chance? Ana

Shen smiled and said:

"Your chance to redeem your past!".

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