Chapter 89: How to find the murderer? Liu Jianming is in danger!

Huang Zhicheng was completely stunned:

"Brother Chen, do you want me to investigate the murder case of Uncle Kun?"

Han Chen crossed his arms and said:

"That's a great idea, isn't it?"

"There is a world of difference between Ah Xiao and us now."

"The wealth, resources and various relationships he has are incomparable to us."

"If I can first find out who killed Uncle Kun, Ah Xiao will be grateful to me forever."

"It would be even more incredible if we could catch the murderer and mastermind of Uncle Kun."

"This is a life-saving escape route".

Huang Zhicheng had ten thousand grass and mud horses running through his heart.

Han Chen's idea is brilliant.

If it is really implemented, the effect will be really good.

The problem is... the people behind the murder of Ni Kun were none other than him and Mary!

It was Han Chen's disciples who took action.

How can Huang Zhicheng investigate this?

If you really want to hand over the murderer, it will only take a matter of minutes.

The problem is that it cannot be checked or submitted.

Huang Zhicheng couldn't imagine Han Chen knowing the truth.

Who would have expected that Han Chen, a loyal minister of the Ni family, would have rebels under his command?

Huang Zhicheng was inexplicably irritable. He really wanted to tell Han Chen the truth so that he could stop such thoughts.

But just thinking about it, he didn't dare.

Han Chen might not do anything to Mary, but he would definitely take action against himself.

With Han Chen's temperament, he would never allow himself to live.

For a moment, he was confused.

Han Chen asked:

"Ah Cheng, what do you think of my idea? Huang

Zhicheng immediately said:

"Of course this is a good idea"

"If Brother Chen's vision comes true, then our road will be broadened!"

Han Chen clapped his hands and laughed:

"Ah Cheng, you understand me!"

"How about you take charge of this matter? Huang

Zhicheng said quickly:

"Brother Chen, these few days are the last days for us to fight for the right to speak. Should we check later?"

Han Chen shook his head:

"As a younger brother, if you want to be expected, you must have your own attitude"

"Ah Cheng, remember"

"It’s easy to add icing on the cake, but difficult to provide help when it’s time"

"The icing on the cake, the person involved doesn’t even remember it"

"I will never forget the time when I gave you help in times of need."

"The cause of Uncle Kun's death was Ah Xiao's obsession. What we have to do is to provide help in times of need. Huang

Zhicheng nodded repeatedly and reminded:

"Brother Chen, I understand"

"However, Uncle Kun has been dead for two years."


"In the past two years, I don’t know how many people in the world have been investigating this matter. I don’t think this is something that ordinary people can do."

"Most likely a vendetta"

"It's not like something a gangster would do to gain fame."

He said with a wry smile,

"This isn’t me complaining, it’s just that it’s really hard to check. Han Chen laughed and said:

"Of course I know it's hard to check"

"Ah Cheng, if you think about it the other way round, does it mean that the harder it is to check, the more our efforts are worth it?"

"If it were easy to find out, Ah Xiao would have found it out long ago."

His expression changed,

"This is not only Ah Xiao’s wish, but also my wish"

"Uncle Kun is my savior. No matter what, I have to let him die peacefully."

"Activate your old relationships and call the police. They will definitely have clues. Huang

Zhicheng no longer had any excuses, and said continuously:

"Brother Chen, I'll do it right away. Han Chen thought for a while and said:

"Go find Mary and get some money from her"

"You are no longer a policeman. If you want to investigate people, you can’t do it without money. It will be easier to do things if you have money. Huang

Zhicheng agreed and turned around to go find Mary.

When Mary saw him coming, she pulled him aside and asked:

"what happened? Huang

Zhicheng smiled bitterly and said:

"We're in big trouble."

Mary was shocked:

"Did Gandhi and his four families call? Huang

Zhicheng was silent for a long time before saying:

"That's all you're thinking about, right?"

Mary immediately breathed a sigh of relief when she heard his words:

"if not? I am just a little woman, thinking about my man."

Huang Zhicheng clenched his fists tightly, and he had no place to vent his thoughts.

He had no choice but to say,

"Don't think too much, Gandhi and others have no idea about our actions."

Mary said puzzledly:

"So what's the big trouble? Huang

Zhicheng sighed:

"Ah...Brother Chen wants to investigate the cause of Ni Kun's death."

Mary said angrily:

"What kind of trouble is this?"

"This is not the first time that he wants to find the murderer of Ni Kun. Don’t worry, for the past two years, I have been in charge of this matter! Huang

Zhicheng stamped his feet and said:

"Now Brother Chen has arranged this matter for me and asked me to come to you to collect funds."

"You know, he really takes this seriously"

"I can't fool him at all, and I don't dare to fool him!"

Mary was quite surprised.

"I've always been in charge of Achen's money, but he won't let anyone come to me to collect it if it's not a large amount."

"Is this a high-profile investigation? Huang

Zhicheng smiled bitterly and said:

"Not only that, this is the only thing I have to deal with."

Mary was surprised:

"What? Huang

Zhicheng roared:

"Can't you hear clearly?"

"I'm now working on cases full-time. I'm in the club concentrating on investigating cases."

"How ironic!"

Mary had mixed feelings:

"Everything Achen owned was given to the Ni family. Huang

Zhicheng said anxiously:

"Why do you lament these things? We have to seize the time and sort it out from beginning to end."

Mary disagreed:

"What are you afraid of in the end?"

"Don’t you know how Ni Kun died?"

"Anyway, it's been two years since he was found out, and he still won't be found out after another two years. No one can say anything to you - at most, they can say that the murderer is cunning and treacherous."

"It's not like there's no precedent for this"

"When the time comes, I will put in a good word for you and this matter will be over. Huang

Zhicheng sighed:

"If only that were the case, I'd be thankful"

"But did you know that Ni Yongxiao has become the chairman of the board of directors of Xiangshuo Electric Light and Telephone."

Mary was particularly puzzled:

"What does this mean?"

Huang Zhicheng had nowhere to vent his anger, so he simply said clearly

"What does this mean?"

"It shows that there are countless people who will fawn over Ni Yongxiao and get close to Ni Yongxiao"

"It shows that there are countless interested people watching Ni Kun’s case."

"Ni Yongxiao has now risen to the top and become a figure in upper class society. The focus on him is constantly increasing."

"Do you understand what this means?"

"There are some bad people who want to get close to him by working for him."

"How to get close to him? Finding out the cause of Ni Kun’s death is a shortcut!"

"How can you be so calm? We have countless pairs of eyes staring at us now!"


Mary's beauty turned pale:

"Ah Cheng, are you scaring me? Huang

Zhicheng asked gloomily:

"Do you still have contact with the guy who did it back then?"

Mary's face changed drastically:

"You're thinking? Huang

Zhicheng said directly:

"If you want others to not know, you have to do nothing unless you do it yourself"

"Dead people cannot speak!"


Of course Mary understood what Huang Zhicheng meant, and her eyebrows were raised:

"You want to get rid of him too?"

Huang Zhicheng lit a cigarette and took a deep puff:

"Ni Yongxiao’s strength is too great"

"He is now a high-ranking figure that everyone respects, and the resources at his disposal are beyond our imagination."

"Ni Kun is indeed a scumbag, but he has a good son"

"If he is allowed to launch a lobbying campaign, there is no guarantee that the police will not help with the investigation."

"Plus, he has money!"

"If he publicly offered a reward for the whereabouts of those who knew the truth, do you think those bodyguards and killers would be tempted?"

Huang Zhicheng stared at Mary closely,

"Everyone is here to fool around, don’t think about loyalty and loyalty."

"A short mule on the street, still talking about loyalty?"

"It's all about money!"

"Do you dare to guarantee that they won't betray us two for money? Mary said sarcastically:

"You don't have to worry about yourself"

"You encouraged me to do this. It was me who bribed Ni Kun's bodyguards, not you. It was me who arranged for the killer to kill Ni Kun, not you!"

"Even if something happens to me, you will be fine!"

Huang Zhicheng almost went crazy.

He didn't understand how a shrewd woman like Mary could become like this?

Huang Zhicheng said fiercely:

"Are you kidding me?"

"we are one"

"If something happens to you, do you think I will be fine?"

Mary mocked:

"It's all for yourself."

Huang Zhicheng couldn't bear it anymore and said loudly:

"You are right, I do it for myself"

"But you said you didn't know that once it was found out that you bribed the bodyguards and arranged for the killer to kill Ni Kun, and you wanted to take advantage of the chaotic situation to put Brother Chen in charge."

"So, tell me……"

"Who will be unlucky first?"



"It's you!"

"Then is it me?"


"It’s Brother Chen!"

"It’s me who’s the last one!"

Mary's face changed.

Huang Zhicheng sighed:

"We had a good plan back then. We took advantage of the day when the Five Tigers were closing in to kill Ni Kun. Gandhi and others would definitely be dissatisfied and would never be willing to give up to Ni Yongxiao, a young boy."

"I'm in the police force and you're in the Ni family. We should cooperate inside and outside and let Brother Chen take over."

"As a result, we all misjudged Brother Chen. His loyalty to the Ni family exceeded our imagination."

Mary was quite irritable.

"Now what's the use of this?"

She regretted a little. She should have seriously discussed it with Han Chen back then.

If she knew that Han Chen was so loyal to the Ni family, why would she have killed Ni Kun?

Isn't it good to maintain the status quo? It's too late to say anything now Yes.

Huang Zhicheng said sharply:

"You must understand the mistakes of the year"

"Once Ni Yongxiao knows what happened back then, he will not touch you first, nor me first, but Brother Chen first!"

"You are Brother Chen’s wife, and I am Brother Chen’s head horse"

"What the two of us did will naturally be blamed on Brother Chen."

"No matter how much Ni Yongxiao thinks highly of Brother Chen, facing the murderer of his father, he has nothing to say about his personal friendship."

"Do you... agree with my judgment?"

How can Mary disagree?

How dare she disagree?!

Huang Zhicheng's face was full of gloom:

"Things that happened back then must be dealt with from beginning to end."

"If it's hard for you, let me do it."

Mary lost her voice and said:

"Do you want to eliminate the roots? Huang

Zhicheng said dullly:

"It's better to let others die than let us die!"

Mary said with difficulty:

"Must we go to this point?"

"It’s been two years, and I haven’t found any news about Ni Yongxiao.……"

Huang Zhicheng said sharply:

"What was Ni Yongxiao's identity two years ago?"

"He is just the head of the Nee family in Tsim Sha Tsui. He has just assumed the position of head of the family. He doesn’t know when he will be finished."

"What now?"

"He is already the chairman of the board of directors of the Telephone and Telegraph Company"

"Huge difference in status"

"Two years ago, who would handle this case? The main force is you!"

"What about two years from now? That's an elite group of police officers!"

"Don't be delusional"

"Otherwise, the first unlucky person will be Brother Chen!"

Mary didn't speak for a long time. She was persuaded by Huang Zhicheng.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Are we going to find someone to deal with those people? Huang

Zhicheng smiled bitterly and said:

"I would rather arrange for someone else to go"

"But do I dare?"

Mary was startled:

"What does it mean? Huang

Zhicheng said lightly:

"One more person means one more risk of exposure. I will handle it myself!"

Mary nodded helplessly:

"This is all we can do. Huang

Zhicheng said:

"Give me the list and give me some money. I need some equipment."

"Do you have their specific address?"

Mary shook her head:

"You have to give me some time to search slowly. Huang

Zhicheng shook his head:

"What we lack is time"

"We can't take our time"

"We must deal with the people first."

"Otherwise, once people suspect us, we will become the focus"

"The little gangster who comes out to hang out, eager to be the focus of others"

"We are different from others"

"We are drug dealers, the more hidden the better"

"Otherwise, death awaits us."

Mary was already upset at this time. She didn't know what to do when she thought about what happened back then. It would affect Han Chen.

Ni Yongxiao valued Han Chen very much, and Mary could clearly feel it.

When he was walking on the white road, he still didn't know what to do. He once asked Han Chen if he wanted to go together, but the latter refused.

Ni Yongxiao did not force it and directly gave Han Chen 40 million Hong Kong papers to strengthen his power and win the battle between the five tigers. Inheritance has always been about fists.

If the new leader can't control the situation, the difference can only be made clear through a fight.

If Han Chen wants to succeed, he must have a fight.

It's true that Ni Yongxiao can do this. The most benevolent thing.

But if Ni Yongxiao knew that his father Ni Kun was killed by Han Chen's wife, he would definitely change his face immediately.

Even if he tried not to blame, he would have to light up the sky lantern to take revenge for his father's murder!

Mary felt bitter in her heart. If she had known it would end like this, why would she have suffered?

For the sake of her husband, Mary finally made up her mind.

"That’s all the others"

"The person who did it must be silenced."

Huang Zhicheng asked:


Mary said after a long time:

"Liu Jianming! Huang

Zhicheng frowned and said:

"This name is so familiar!"

Mary nodded slightly:

"He's a police officer now!".

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