Chapter 90: There are old classmates everywhere.

Huihuang accompanied Luo Zhiming to look at various gambling stalls under Xinliansheng, and he was quite excited:

"Ah Luo, what do you think?"

Luo Zhiming looked at the unified plaque and unified decoration, and nodded with satisfaction:


"From now on, we will be a formal company, and those little tricks behind the scenes will no longer work.-"

"We open the door to do legitimate business, and we cannot always develop in the same direction."

Brilliant is still a little reluctant to part with it:

"We won’t use the side door in the future? Luo

Zhiming glared at him:

"Didn’t I tell you before, you have a full meal, a full meal, which one do you choose?"

Brilliant said without thinking:

"Of course I’m full! Luo

Zhiming warned:

"If you catch a side dish, you will have a full meal"

"We are a regular business, reputation is the most important"

"When people come to our place to play, what matters most is that our place is clean and free of all those messy things."

"If the reputation of the place is bad, it will be impossible to build it again."

"Look at the big casinos in Haojiang, which one is not an aboveboard gambling? Who would think of some tricks to deceive people?"

Brilliant thought so too.

Luo Zhiming said again:

"After all, you are also the security minister of our New Liansheng now, so you have to keep up the facade, do things in a more grand manner, and don't care about petty profits."

"What we make is big money, not these small amounts of money."

Brilliant scratched his head and raised a practical question:

"There are many people from thousands of families in our company. How can we get such people? Luo

Zhiming said without thinking:

"Keep it! Brilliant was surprised:

"Keep it? Luo

Zhiming explained:

"This is a special talent"

"Our place is clean, but if it’s not kept clean, some crooks will come to disrupt the situation."

"You don’t know a thousand tricks, it’s impossible to expose them"

"What to do?"

"You must have your own talent."

He thought for a while,

"Draw a special office in your security department to raise these people"

"They don't need to do anything else and try every means to improve their skills."

"We don't use these off-board moves, but we have to be careful of some unruly guys using this move to trick us."

Brilliant nodded:

"I'll listen to you!"

"I will gather these people together later."

He drew inferences from one instance to another,

"There are some intellectuals in our club, is it the same? Luo

Zhiming agreed:


"There are many bars in our place, and you should go to a place like that to relax. If you lose your valuables, the reputation of the place will be really ruined."

"Each team in your security department is assigned a civilian"

"Remember, they are not there to practice their skills, but to catch the little thieves who have no eyesight. Brilliant chuckled and said:

"According to what you said, we still have to cooperate with the police? Luo

Zhiming praised loudly:

"I knew your brain was easy to use, and I thought of the same thing."

"We are a serious company, and we want to sponsor the police force, and at the same time let them send anti-thousand groups and the like to give us guidance."

Brilliant's mouth opened wide:

"Ah Luo, I just want to say that we are a society cooperating with the police force, so it won’t be embarrassing to say it!"


Luo Zhiming turned around and gave Hui Hui a brain-shattering blow.

"what are you thinking?"

"If you don't follow the right path, why do you still want to be a gangster?"

"Believe it or not, I will tell Brother Chang and let him kill you!"

Brilliant smiled and shook his head,

"Yes, I almost forgot"

"We are on the right track now! Luo

Zhiming said seriously,

"We used to be short mules. We must have taken a detour when we saw the police."

"Now we are in vain, we must have a good relationship with them"

"After all, we are a serious company, and we need to make good use of others' strength."

Brilliant said solemnly,

"I'll listen to you. Luo

Zhiming said:

"Our rules and regulations are not a child's play. They must be followed carefully."

"If anyone is not convinced, just follow the company's rules."

"Xinliansheng sticks to the old rules, so restrain yourself."

Huanghuang understands it.

What is the convergence point?

That is to not give up completely.

After all, they evolved from the community, and the rules are much heavier than those of ordinary companies.

Of course, the responsibilities they bear are also much heavier..

Luo Zhiming asked:

"How is our reorganization going?"

Brilliant inexplicably:

"Aren’t they all implemented according to your wishes?"

Luo Zhiming hates that iron cannot become steel:

"I mean, how is the cooperation between the various halls?"

"Are there any objections? Brilliant smiled and said:

"The reorganization of the company is a great thing. Who would object to it?"

"All the hall leaders are very supportive"

"The area of dispute is one point - how to calculate Tangkou's assets. Luo

Zhiming nodded slightly:

"This is also human nature"

"After all, in the future, dividends will be distributed based on assets and operating conditions."

"This cannot be taken lightly."

Brilliant curled his lips:

"I think they are making trouble unreasonably"

"Ni Yongxiao's accounting firm adopts a unified standard, which is whatever it is."

"How can you be judged too much because of favors?"

"These guys are still using the old club methods. Luo Zhiming smiled and said:

"It's okay, they will know the rules if you come here a few more times"

"By the way, tell each hall leader that the people in the accounting office cannot be offended. Brilliant smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Aluo, no one would be so stupid"

"They just want to fight for their own interests. When they see that we are acting according to the rules, they will stop messing around."

"Ni Yongxiao is not easy to mess with! Luo

Zhiming sighed:

"I'm afraid some people don't realize this. Brilliant immediately said:

"I'll go tell them. Luo

Zhiming said again:

"Do we, the juniors at the bottom of Xin Liansheng, have any opinions on the reorganization of the new company? Brilliant smiled and said:

"They can't wait to do it! Luo

Zhiming asked:


Brilliant said loudly:

"It really couldn’t be truer!"

"They can't wait to do it!"

He whispered,

"You also know the situation of the new Liansheng boys in the past"

"Most people can only afford three meals a day, and a small number of people have some spare money."

"Only close friends of each hall master will have savings."

"Otherwise, how could you be looked down upon?"

"Now that the company is under unified management, at least there is income"

"Of course, they can't be as carefree as before."

"But then again"

"If there was a chance to take the right path, who the hell would come out?"

"Isn’t it because you haven’t been able to study well since you were a child, don’t have the skills you need, and can’t get into a big company, so why do you just come out to hang out?"

"Now that they have such an opportunity, it's not too late for them to be happy!"

"My sister-in-law, when she heard that our company was reorganized, she was so happy that she didn’t know what to say!"

Luo Zhiming smiled.


Luo Zhiming has been visiting various restaurants in Xinliansheng these days.

We arrived in Yuen Long in the evening.

Ana Shen really got a lot of good things while the Gold Club was playing games.

Among them is the largest seafood center in Xiangjiang.

Hong Kong is surrounded by the sea on three sides, and a considerable part of it is an island.

Except for seafood, most of them have to be imported from the mainland or transported from other places.

Now, its surname is Shen.

Luo Zhiming naturally knew the significance of this port to Xiangjiang, and he admired Ana Shen deeply.

The industries that Ana Shen won were all related to basic people's livelihood.

This thing looks inconspicuous, and its market value is not comparable to those high-tech companies.

But to be honest, if you don’t have high-tech products, then you don’t have them.

Once people's livelihood items are lacking, big trouble will happen.

Luo Zhiming paid great attention to this. He asked He Jiaju:

"How are our brothers receiving it?"

He Jiaju answered fluently:

"Over a thousand brothers have entered the dock in the past two days"

"They are learning from the old workers"

"Brother Huihuang also arranged a security team of 100 people. Luo

Zhiming praised:

"Do it right"

"This is related to people's livelihood"

"There can be no mistakes at all."

He Jiaju said softly:

"The Yuen Long area is related to a boss in Hongxing. Luo

Zhiming frowned and said:


He Jiaju said:

"Flying dragon. Luo

Zhiming said curiously:

"Isn’t Feilong doing the right thing?"

He Jiaju shrugged:

"Yes, he has a considerable share of our terminal"

"The day before yesterday, his boss said he would come to see you. Luo

Zhiming thought for a while and said:

"As long as it's serious business, we welcome everyone"

"You make arrangements."

He Jiaju turned around and said,

"Brother Luo, if it's convenient for you, can I meet you now? Luo

Zhiming was stunned, and when he turned around, he saw a familiar face.

The other person was even more surprised than him:

"Ah... Luo Sheng?! Luo

Zhiming laughed:

"Jiaju, this is the beauty of Feilong���hand?"

He Jiaju didn't know what was going on, so he introduced:

"Brother Luo, this is Feilong’s assistant Wang Zhicheng and Wangsheng. Luo

Zhiming asked with a smile:

"Ah Cheng, it seems you are doing well."

"How's it going? It's pretty good now?"

He Jiaju was stunned:

0 ···Asking for flowers·· ·······

"Brother Luo, do you know Wang Sheng? Luo Zhiming smiled and said:

"Of course, he is my classmate!"


He Jiaju gasped.

Wang Zhicheng also gasped.

Both of them were stunned.

Luo Zhiming clapped his hands:

"There are so many people here and it's not convenient to talk about things. Let's go to my office to talk."

So the group of people went to the office.

Wang Zhicheng kept looking at Luo Zhiming on the way, and the latter pretended not to know.

When they arrived at the office, He Jiaju quickly made tea for the two of them, and

Luo Zhiming asked:

"Ah Cheng, you came out of the police academy to work as an undercover agent, and it turned out that you went to Feilong. Wang

Zhicheng said helplessly:

"Ah Luo, you know I'm an undercover agent, yet you're still yelling like this"

"Is this because I'm afraid that others won't know my undercover identity?"

He Jiaju said at the right time,

"Brother Zhicheng, I am also an undercover agent."


Wang Zhicheng was speechless for a long time.

They were all his colleagues, so there was nothing to hide.

But then he felt something was wrong.

"Ah Luo, are you the new leader of Xin Liansheng? Luo Zhiming smiled and said:

"I'm a little older than you and have a better time, right?"

Wang Zhicheng's mouth opened wide:

"Working as an undercover agent and becoming one of the top five club bosses in the world, A Luo, I have you!"

"However, your boss is really generous, so he is not worried that you will not go back? Luo

Zhiming sighed:

"I may really not be able to go back."

Wang Zhicheng became nervous instantly:

"What's the meaning? You don't want to be a police officer anymore?"


Luo Zhiming shrugged:

"Don't be nervous"

"I am now on a mission to completely whitewash Xin Liansheng"

"According to my boss, this is a long-term project that may take five to ten years."

"By that time, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back even if my boss asks me to go back."

He was a little sad, but he quickly cheered up and pointed at He Jiaju and said,

"Tethered to me is Jiaju"

"There is a real possibility that the two of us will not be able to go back."

Wang Zhicheng thought he was hearing hallucinations:

"Xinliansheng whitewash?!"

"Are the top five major organizations in the world whitewashing themselves?"

"Which boss issued this hellish order?"

"Can it be done?"

"If it is really done, the merits will be immeasurable!"

Luo Zhiming shrugged,

"Now, the success rate is very high"

"Xin Liansheng is already being reorganized, and the brothers in the club have transformed from gangsters to workers."

"For example, we arranged for a thousand people to take over this terminal. Then there was the escort of a hundred people."

Wang Zhicheng went crazy:

"Which boss would spend such a huge sum of money? Luo

Zhiming smiled:

"You also know my boss, please find a time to meet him."

Wang Zhicheng thought for a long time but couldn't figure out who it was:

"You have become the leader of New Lens Lease, and your direct supervisor is either a senior inspector or a superintendent of police. I don't know these people. Luo

Zhiming reminded:

"He is our classmate."

Wang Zhicheng shook his head:

"Our classmates?"

"That's impossible"

"Even Ayan, the most evil person in our generation, is at best an inspector now and is still hanging around in military uniform. Luo

Zhiming said with a smile:

"Our class is full of talents"

"Remember Chen Yongren, he is now the senior sergeant of the crime squad"

"Yang Jinrong remembers that he is now the inspector of the serious crime team"

"As for Ayan, he is now the head of the serious crime team, and his police rank is senior inspector!"


Wang Zhicheng stood up:

"Ayan has become a senior inspector? Or Senior Inspector of the Crime Unit?"

"This... monster!"

"Is your boss Ayan? Luo Zhiming smiled and said:

"if not?"

"You also said that I have become the leader of Xinlian Sheng even as an undercover agent. It can be said to be the pinnacle of undercover agents."

"Would he be able to rest assured if he had a different boss?"

"My boss is Ayan, he has extraordinary trust in me"

"That's why I can chat with you so easily. Luo

Zhiming asked rhetorically,

"How is your life undercover? Wang

Zhicheng complained,

"My undercover Feilong is a man who can wash his hands in a golden basin and not become a gangster."

"Everyone in Xiangjiang knows that Feilong is no longer a gangster, but my boss doesn't believe it and insists on investigating."

"There is no other way but to waste time. Luo

Zhiming's heart moved:

"Otherwise, wouldn't it be enough to adjust your working relationship and let Ayan take responsibility? Wang

Zhicheng smiled bitterly and said:

"Can it be done?"

Luo Zhiming is full of confidence:

"Don't worry, this is not a problem at all for Ayan!"

Wang Zhicheng will trust the doubters.

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