After the rainstorm, the forest was crystal clear.

The gurgling stream reflected the bright moon in the sky.

Hui Xue, a girl with peach blossom eyes, and a dozen warriors from the Zhao Mansion were motionless.

All the people were looking at the green falcon that was flapping its wings quickly and hovering in the air more than ten feet away.

""Master Xue, why is your Qing Falcon hanging there?" a warrior asked in confusion. The girl said coldly:"The aura of the young assassin has been dispersed, and Qing Falcon needs time to identify it."

""So that's it~"

The falcon in the sky faced south and east.

To the south, there was a towering mountain. From a distance, it looked like a crouching wild beast, giving Huixue a sense of oppression deep into her soul.

"Zhaoyao Mountain is eight thousand feet high, and it is about to fall to the southeast"

"This mountain is not as good as Zhaoyao Mountain, but it is not much worse. Is it famous?"

Hui Xue asked while looking up at the giant mountain.

"Sir, Mr. Qi from the small town once named this mountain Buzhou.~"

""Bu Zhou?!"

Hui Xue frowned slightly.

"Sir, Mr. Qi said that Mount Buzhou was formed from the backbone of an ancient god that held up the heaven and earth."


Huixue said disdainfully:"Compared with the beautiful and magnificent Zhaoyao Mountain, this Buzhou only has a high"


A falcon in the sky suddenly made a crisp cry and flew away to the east.

""Follow me~"

Huixue called out to the warriors, and followed Qing Falcon closely across the stream. Suddenly, the girl stopped running , turned around, and looked towards a place in Buzhou Mountain where the moonlight was flowing. It was a cliff.

On the edge of the cliff, stood two large trees with lush branches and leaves. The distance was too far, and it was dark, so Huixue could not tell what kind of trees the two were.

"What's wrong, sir?"

Hui Xue narrowed her peach blossom eyes slightly, her eyes flickering

"Just now, I seemed to see a person standing on the edge of that cliff!"

"There is obviously no one here, sir, did you see it wrong?"

Huixue whispered:"Maybe~"


Half an hour later, beside a stream between thousands of peaks, Hui Xue squatted down and looked at the soft grass that had been flattened. On the grass, sticky blood was visible.

"The assassin had bandaged his wound here."

I stretched out my hand and stained it with blood.

I could clearly feel the residual warmth of the blood.

"It only took half an incense stick of time to catch up with you."

Hui Xue smiled coldly,"If I catch up with you, I will definitely skin you alive!"

The group followed Qing Falcon and rushed into the primeval forest with towering ancient trees.


After an incense stick of time, the smile on Hui Xue'e'e's face grew wider and wider.

Even without the Green Falcon tracking her, the girl could already smell the assassin's blood in the wind blowing in her face and hear the footsteps of the desperate runner.

‘Should be hurriedly bandaging the wound’

‘I guess the wound must have burst open during the fierce escape.’

‘She must have heard the footsteps coming from behind, and must have been panicked and terrified. '

Push the prey into a dead end, and then brutally kill it.

Smiling, she watched the prey struggling, and the various expressions on its face before it died.

Reluctance, despair, regret, fear...

The girl likes this feeling of wantonly playing with and controlling the prey.

Because it is really cool.


In her mind, it seemed as if a thunderbolt of heaven and earth fell.

In an instant, more than a dozen people, including the girl with peach blossom eyes, suddenly stopped running, as if they had roots under their feet, and dared not move.

On everyone's exposed skin, the originally soft sweat hair and fluff now stood firm like needles.

In front of everyone, a few feet away, on the canopy of a large tree that blocked out the sun, stood a tall figure.

Because they were looking up, in the eyes of everyone, the tall figure seemed to have walked out of a round jade plate hanging high in the night sky.

The white clothes were spotless, and the black hair was flying freely.

On the desolate face like snow, there was a pair of evil red vertical pupils.

Staring at the terrifying red pupils that were definitely not human, Hui Xue swallowed hard, as if swallowing a mouthful of magma.

The girl of the fourth level was still terrified, and the dozen warriors in the Zhao Mansion had already lost their courage.

Their legs trembled, and their faces were terrified.


The girl suppressed her surging heart and clasped her fists towards the young man in white clothes on the treetops.

Her tone and gesture were extremely respectful.

"The younger generation Huixue, affiliated with the Wei State Wu Pavilion"

"I wonder why the senior stopped us?"

Zhu Jiuyin, looking down at the group of people, slowly opened the five fingers of his right hand and raised his right arm high.

"Everyone, it's time to go back to hell~"

The next second, his sleeves fluttered. His entire right arm and palm slapped down fiercely.

A total of 17 warriors in the Zhao Mansion were all crushed into meat paste by the terrifying gravity that was like the sky falling.


The sound of bones breaking and swords shattering was heard.

Warm blood splattered all over the girl's body and face.

""Boom boom boom~"

The pungent smell of blood penetrated into her seven orifices.

The girl's whole body was steaming.

It was human blood that had not yet cooled down.

The sticky blood dripped down the ends of her black hair.

The girl's heart was beating violently in her chest.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw the pools of blood and flesh.

There were also a few pieces of intestines hanging on the tree branches not far away.

At this moment, in addition to the fear that could fill the abyss, the girl also had a doubt.

‘Why didn't he kill me?!’


Zhu Jiuyin jumped down from the treetops, his white clothes rustling.

His bare feet, which seemed to be glowing, stepped on the wet leaves on the ground and came to the girl.

"How many times did you slash my disciple with your sword?"


Hui Xue's heart trembled.

Could it be that the man in white in front of her was the master of the young assassin?!

Looking at the man in white who seemed to have fallen from grace, the girl's teeth chattered and she said,"Senior... Senior, I don't know what you are talking about."

Zhu Jiuyin said expressionlessly,"I smelled the blood of my disciple, from the long sword hanging from your waist."

"I don't like people who lie all the time."

The girl shuddered, gritted her teeth, and said,"One sword~"

""Senior, there is only one sword!"

Zhu Jiuyin said coldly:"I believe you."

Then, he stretched out his slender palm.

Gently grasped the hilt of the long sword at the girl's waist.

With a clang, the sword was unsheathed.

The red vertical pupils filled with evil like golden candles looked indifferently at the girl with wide peach blossom eyes.

Zhu Jiuyin whispered:"The ancients said that a drop of water should be repaid with a spring."

"I will only stab you ten times"

"After ten strikes, I will give you a quick death."

With a swish, before the girl could react, the long sword flashing with cold light had already sunk into her left chest.

Blood gushed out, instantly staining the girl's clothes red.

With this sword, Zhu Jiuyin stabbed into the gap between the two ribs under the girl's left chest.

The hand holding the hilt slowly rotated.

The unbearable pain made the girl's beautiful oval face immediately hideous like a devil in hell.


A crisp sound suddenly came from the girl's mouth, and no one knew what she had bitten.

The face became more and more distorted.

In just a few breaths, it turned into a pool of bloody water with a rotten stench.


Throwing away the long sword, Zhu Jiuyin lightly tapped his toes and jumped onto the treetops.

【Remaining free time: 24 days and 3 hours (291 hours)

Time allocated this time: 2 hours

Remaining time this time: half an hour and a quarter of an hour

Countdown: 01:15:27】

The night wind blew his black hair into disarray. Zhu Jiuyin looked far into the horizon.

It seemed that he could see the young man running away without even turning his head.

"Fly, fly freely"

"Fly higher, fly farther, and see this world for me."

"When you are tired of flying, just go home. Master will always...always wait for you."

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