The next day. In the Zhao family mansion in Wolong Lane in the small town.

In the wing room, a woman in goose yellow clothes took out a talisman from her sleeve.

On the yellow talisman paper cut into a rectangle, dozens of winding and twisted blood-red lines were drawn with bright cinnabar.

On the embroidered bed, Zhao Jin, the ninth prince of Wei capital, dressed in brocade and jade, had a peaceful face, as if he was sleeping soundly.

The woman leaned over slightly and pasted the talisman on Zhao Jin's forehead.

At the side, Zhao Huairen, the master of the Zhao family, asked curiously:"Lord Liufeng, what is the use of this talisman?"

The woman called Liufeng replied:"The corpse-suppressing talisman, the masterpiece of the national teacher, can keep the corpse from decaying for three to five years"

""How amazing~"

Zhao Huairen exclaimed.

Footsteps came closer from afar.

The old housekeeper of the Zhao Mansion hurried into the wing room, holding the wooden sword that killed Zhao Jin in one hand and the portrait of the young assassin drawn by Huixue in the other.

"Master, Master Liufeng, we have found out."

Liufeng had no expression on his face and said coldly,"Speak."

The old housekeeper said respectfully,"The assassin is called Chen Mengfei, he just turned fifteen this year, he is from a small town, and he lives in Wuyi Lane."

"The boy's father disappeared a long time ago. He went into the mountains to hunt and never came back. He was probably killed by wild animals. As for his mother, she died six years ago."

"Yesterday, Master Zhao skinned a woman named Liu Cui'er, a neighbor of a young man named Chen."

"The woman surnamed Liu was a close friend of the young man's mother and often looked after and supported the mother and son."

"Also, Master Liu Feng, the husband of the woman surnamed Liu, Zhong Lishan, was tragically killed at home last night, chopped into pulp by an axe."

Liu Feng suddenly realized and continued to ask:"What else?"

"Sister Xue said that the young man had martial arts skills, at least at the seventh level."

"Who led him to the path of martial arts in such a poor and remote place?"

The old butler whispered softly,"Master Liufeng, the young man surnamed Chen does have a master."

"About five or six years ago, that man came to the town once."

"Unfortunately, only that time, no one in the town knew where that person was hiding."

Liu Feng's eyes flickered and he said,"You are wrong."

"There is one person who definitely knows.

Zhao Huairen and the old housekeeper were both stunned.


Liu Feng whispered,"Qi Qingji~"


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of birds chirping in the sky outside.

A falcon with green feathers swooped down from the sky.

It rushed into the room in an instant and landed on Liu Feng's shoulder.

""Master Huixue is back?!"

Zhao Huairen said happily.

Liu Feng tilted his head and looked at Qing Suan.

His voice was chilling:"Sister Huixue... is dead!"


As the sun rose, the servants of the Zhao Mansion carefully placed the body of the ninth prince of Weidu into a white jade coffin, and then carried the jade coffin onto the luxurious carriage.

The wooden sword and portrait of the young assassin were also placed in two jade boxes.

These two items were to be taken back to Weidu and presented to Emperor Wenjing.

In front of the only school in the town, the tall and graceful Liufeng raised his head slightly and looked at the plaque with the words"Jingchun School" on it.

"A mountain is not famous for its height, but for the immortals who live there. A river is not famous for its depth, but for the dragons who live there. This is a humble room, but my virtue is fragrant."

"The moss on the steps is green, and the grass is green in the curtains. There are great scholars talking and laughing, and there are no unlearned people coming and going."

The sound of reading aloud floated out from the school.

I took a deep breath of fresh air, walked lightly with the breeze, and entered the school.


In the lecture hall, dozens of small town children were shaking their heads, some were reading aloud seriously, and some were yawning.

Under a lush pear tree, a teacher in a clean blue shirt with white hair on his temples was lying leisurely on a rattan chair, holding a scroll of sages' book.

‘Isn't this the"National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance", which was strictly prohibited by the court and burned until there was not a single copy left, and is known as the top erotic book?! '

Liu Feng whispered in his heart, and couldn't help feeling sick.

The first time I met this school teacher yesterday, Liu Feng had a good first impression of him.

He was dressed in flowing green and had a gentle manner.

But who would have thought that the gentle and elegant teacher would hide under a tree to read erotic books.

Unworthy of being a teacher!

Listening to the footsteps of the woman approaching from afar.

The green-shirted man immersed in the sea of books said without raising his head:"This is the first time."

Liu Feng was stunned,"What do you mean by this, sir?"

The green-shirted man said coldly:"Next time you don't knock on the door and trespass into the school, I will bury you under this pear tree."

The fourth-grade realm of martial arts, the end of external training, the elite of Weidu Wu Pavilion, even the county magistrate of a county, had to bow down to the woman, at this moment, her pretty face turned blue, red, and white

"What do you want from me?" the man in green said indifferently.


Exhaling the foul air in his chest, Liu Feng said in a deep voice:"Sir, the young master is dead!"

The man in green:"So what?"

Looking at the man's nonchalant look, Liu Feng gritted his teeth and said:"Sir, His Majesty's most beloved ninth son is dead!"

"He was killed by a young man named Chen Mengfei in the town."

"Sister Huixue led a dozen warriors to chase the young assassin, and she never came back."

"My sister is a fourth-rank warrior, there is no way she would die at the hands of the young man named Chen."

"Sir, you and the prince's mother had a good relationship."

"Liu Feng does not ask you to help the young master"

"I only hope you can tell Liu Feng where that man... the young assassin's master, is living in seclusion!"

"Otherwise, I will not be able to explain to His Majesty."

The man in green put down the sage book and picked up the blue and white porcelain teacup on the stone table beside him.

"Do you think it was the one who killed your sister, and the group of good-for-nothings in the Zhao Mansion?"

Liu Feng clenched his fists,"What else?"

The man in green used the tea lid to skim off the tea leaves, lowered his head and took a sip.

"I don't like your attitude."

"So, get out of here while I'm still in a good mood."

Born and raised in Weidu, as a woman of the upper class, when had she ever suffered such humiliation?

The woman's dark eyes said grimly:"Qi Qingji, you are shielding the murderer who killed the ninth prince!"

"When I return to Wei capital, I will inform Your Majesty of my experiences in the school!"

"Your Majesty has always valued family affection, the Ninth Prince……"

The woman's two dark pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip.

The man in green shirt, who was lying on the rattan chair calmly in the previous second , suddenly appeared in front of the woman in the next second.

In his left eye socket, two double pupils were glued together and stared at the woman indifferently, as if looking at a bug.

The man in green shirt slowly stretched out a finger as soft as jade and gently touched the woman's white forehead.


With a shrill scream, the woman held her head with both hands and stepped back in fear.

It was so painful~ the whole head seemed to be torn into pieces

"Don't disturb my students."

The man in green said calmly,"Get lost.~"

"Thank you... Thank you for showing mercy, sir."

Enduring the severe pain, Liu Feng bowed to the man in green, and fled from the school like the wind.


The scorching sun hangs high in the sky.

Zhu Jiuyin, dressed in white and barefoot, walked out of the forest and came to the main road.

There is a small town in front of him on the right, and at the end of the ancient road on the left, a carriage is wobbling away.

Retracting his gaze, Zhu Jiuyin put his hands behind his back and walked towards the town.

This time he went down the mountain to find out what happened to his disciple.

Zhu Jiuyin first walked across the covered bridge over the Taiping River and came to the fenced courtyard in front of the Shenmu Forest.

In the courtyard, the big yellow dog with thick and shiny hair turned up his eyelids slightly after hearing the footsteps.

Not to mention barking, the dog was too lazy to even lift its head.

A dog suffering from late-stage depression.

The scarlet snake's tongue collects traces of smell

"Not at home~"

After an incense stick of time,

Zhu Jiuyin stood in front of the only school in the town.

He looked up at the plaque

"Jingchun Academy~"

Zhu Jiuyin stepped into the academy amidst the whispers.

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