I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 892: It's you, Wash the Marrow!

In Tiemu Zhenjin account, the plot is still performed like the original.

Because Tiemuzhen’s daughter, Princess Huazheng, had inadvertently overheard Guo Jing’s mother and son dismantling the pouch to see the secret order, and decided to secretly escape back to the Central Plains, so she revealed the matter to Tiemuzhen.

In fact, Huazheng did not do this out of true loyalty to Tiemu, she was just simply greedy Guo Jing's body.

Guo Jing is an honest child who can’t lie by nature. Although the secret order that was dismantled has been taken to the Central Plains by Aunt Guo, he hasn’t come up with something similar to “the kit was accidentally lost”, “ "The kit was stolen," and so on, but bluntly admitted that he had peeked at the kit, and said sternly that as a Central Plains person, he would definitely not help Temujin counterattack the Central Plains!

Regarding this guy's honest attitude, the knife girl hiding behind the scenes couldn't help but feel anxious about his IQ.

If you change the position of Guojing and you are in Guo Jing's position, I think you can definitely make Tiemu really flicker, and finally let the Yuanmeng army lose even without knowing how you lost it, right?

After that, the plot became hot blood and dog blood, referred to as hot dog blood.

Tiemu really saw Guo Jing's resolute disobedience of his military orders, and was unhappy at that time, and immediately ordered Guo Jing to be dragged out and beheaded.

At this time, Tuo Lei immediately knelt down and pleaded for Guo Jing. Immediately afterwards, all the princes and generals in the big account also knelt down together and pleaded with Guo Jing in unison. The scene is extremely spectacular!

Seeing this, Tiemu also knew that the law did not blame the public, so he ordered someone to bring out the sword sister who pretended to be Aunt Guo. It wasn't until this moment that Daomei finally cheered up. Because she knew that the next stage was her own stage!

At this time, I heard Tiemuzhen say: "If you can do what I say, your mother and son will enjoy the honor, otherwise you will kill your mother in two strokes. This is your harm. You kill your mother and be the unfilial person first. ."

Although Tiemu said the truth to Guo Jing, the sword sister on the side could not help but slander.

You are a bad old man! The person who wants to kill Guo Jing’s mother is clearly you, but he still has to say what Guo Jing has harmed his mother.

Such a shameless appearance, already possessing a certain charm of a certain swordsman, it is no wonder that it can become a generation of overlords.

While madly vomiting in his heart, Daomei has taken a step forward, imitating Aunt Guo's voice and said to Tiemuzhen: "Sweat, I'm afraid that this child will not understand for a while, what should I do to persuade him?"

Temujin was overjoyed and nodded quickly.

The Daomei came to Guo Jing's side and took it to a corner of the gold account, while the knife and axe hand who was responsible for watching Guo Jing did not follow him under the instruction of Tiemu.

After thinking about the emotions for a while, I thought of the dialogue that had been prepared for her according to various circumstances, and the sister of the sword finally said in a low voice: "Jing'er, is your dagger still on your body?"

Guo Jing nodded and replied honestly: "I was in my arms and never left."

Daomei took the dagger out of the other person's arms and pointed at the words Yang Kang on it and asked, "Jing'er, do you know how the name on this dagger came from?"

Guo Jing answered truthfully, and Daomei had sorted out the dialogue behind her, so she continued: "The man, the big husband, between birth and heaven and earth, of course, the national justice should be the priority. Yang Kang recognized the thief as the father. If you don’t want your father’s death in the spirit of heaven, don’t do anything that will make you regret it for life!”

After he said it, he turned the dagger violently and poked it into his heart with a "poo" sound.


Although the equipment like the "Guo Jing" dagger and the "Yang Kang" dagger is a magic weapon, the more reason is that the plot killing effect is too domineering. If it is ordinary damage, it is not much stronger than a whiteboard dagger.

Daomei self-mutilated herself, and although she hit the critical crit, it only damaged Daomei's life value in the early 10,000s. Such injuries are far from fatal.

And such damage figures are actually just a gimmick used to stimulate the senses of the player and enhance the game experience. So npc is invisible.

It is precisely because of this that Dao Mei felt embarrassed when she was present in the previous six courses, because if she stabbed the knife in the face of the player, it would be completely exposed.


Seeing the "mother" succumbing in front of herself, Guo Jing's eyes broke apart, and immediately spit out the air, and he broke the rope that tied his hands directly, trying to grab the dagger in the hands of the girl, but found that the dagger was already straight. Not at all.

Wanting to pull it out intentionally, and worrying about it, will only accelerate the death of the mother. For a time, he is at a loss, and I don't know what to do.

At this time, Daomei cleverly used the transformation ability of the "ghost" character skills to quickly change her appearance from a normal person to an ordinary person under serious injury, and then immediately became A dead man.

Heartbeat and breathing stop, no pulse, no life!

This is the horror of one of the four major skills of the Division.

Now let's not talk about Guo Jing. Even if I exchanged a peerless doctor with a level 10 medical skill for diagnosis, the conclusion would only be that this person was dead and something was burning.

On the other side, Tiemuzhen and others who were still waiting for Aunt Guo's good news were also shocked when they saw it. The former immediately shouted loudly, "Get Guo Jing to me!"

The sword and axe hand in the gold tent didn't dare to hurt the horse, and threw down the sword in his hand and threw himself.

But even if they have swordsmen in their hands, they can't be Guo Jing's opponent of the 165-level big boss. At this moment, with bare hands, is Guo Jing's enemy?

The reason why he was captured earlier was that he was worried about the safety of his mother, and he didn't dare to rashly face Tiemu Zhen.

Now that his mother is dead, he naturally does not need to have any worries. In sorrow and anger, he immediately attacked the sword and the enemies around him in an instant and broke all the bones and bones, and then a princess hugged the sword girl in her arms and flew out of the real wood. account.

The crowd will want to catch up, but Guo Jing tears the canvas outside the gold account and covers it in it. After they get away from the canvas, they find that Guo Jing has run away.

Quietly squinting, seeing Guo Jing's expression of power, Daomei couldn't help but praised Ye Ming's plan again.

Sure enough, as long as Guo Jing's worries were cleared, he could get away with his own abilities. At the very least, it's not difficult to break out of Temujin's camp when the opponent is unprepared.

Despite seeing a group of experience packs going forward and rushing up, Daomei still strongly suppressed the urge to kill with a knife, so she dutifully played her role as a dead person.

At this moment, her identity is an actor!

In this way, Daomei looked at Guo Jing from the perspective of a dead man, watched Guo Jing being chased and killed all the way, watched Guo Jing ran out of seven miles, and came to the forest that had been established before Ye Ming. , Watching Guo Jing meet Zhebei, and watching Guo Jing bury her...

The knife girl lying in the coffin, listening to the sound of earth buried above, is still talking about Guo Jing's burial speed in her heart. This kind of rusty technique is far worse than a smelly catch!

After that, Zhebei decided to disobey Temujin’s military order and let Guo Jing leave, and then hurried to arrive. Not only did he not stop Zhebei’s defiance of the military order, he even sent Guo Jing his sweaty BMW and a thousand and two golds Tangled.

Guo Jing was greatly moved. Although he couldn't bear to involve his own Anda and Master, he decided to return to the Central Plains under the insistence of the two.

Just when everything was to be painted in a picture full of strong morale, and a perfect period was drawn, a Yuanmeng soldier who followed behind the mine was violently violently violent, while Guo Jing turned around, double The palm was shot at the same time, bombarded heavily on Guo Jing's vest!

Metamorphosis of elbow and armpit!

Such a sudden change really caught everyone off guard.

Looking at the palm of the vest, the body is like a broken kite. The 165-level boss Guo Jing flew out, dragging thunder and Zhebei are both a face of dumbfounded.

But at this time, I saw another Yuanmeng soldier, suddenly pulled off his uniform, revealing a handsome white dress, shaking the folding fan and glaring at the sullen thunder and Zhe said: "I am Ruyang Minmin Timur, the chief of Wangfu County, was invited by Genghis Khan to eliminate Guo Jing, a traitor who intended to betray Da Yuan."

"In case of obstruction, regardless of whether he is a prince or a general, he is regarded as a traitor and has the same crime as Guo Jing!"

As Zhao Min appeared, five other Yuanmeng soldiers also withdrew their uniforms, revealing their true appearance. It is the masters of Ruyang Wangfu: Luganke, Hebiweng, Ada, A2, A3.

And the man who attacked Guo Jing from behind was the deer stick man among no one!

The book "Xuan Ming Divine Palm" was sturdy, even if it was as strong as Guo Jing, it also fell into a state of serious injury.

The situation at the moment when Zhao Min et al. appeared, from the touching picture of the previous loyalty, became a very tense dangerous situation!

By this time, Zhao Min had spoken again, and turned to Tuo Lei and Zhebei: "Genghis Khan has orders, and please ask the four princes and General Zhebei to return to the gold account immediately to discuss important military matters."

Obviously, Tiemuzhen also knows that these two people can't really shoot Guo Jing. Instead of leaving them here to make a fortune, it is better to recall them as soon as possible to avoid chaos.

In the dense forest a hundred meters away, when he was about to drink, he frowned, and Shen Sheng said, "How did Guo Jing get seriously injured so quickly? According to the urination of the system, Before our players appear within a certain distance from the battlefield, shouldn’t Guo Jing maintain a 50-50 situation with the masters on the opposite side?"

During the speech, he turned to look in the direction of the night.

In the impression that he will enter the wine, if he encounters a problem that he can't explain, if there is another person who can clearly see the key, that person must be unknown at night!

However, when he looked at the night, Ye Mingming's figure was already flying out of the forest together with a lot of masters who couldn't wait, and he just returned the sentence without thinking about the question of going into the wine: "Over there, we actually have people."

Just when the players' team had rushed out of the jungle and prepared to reinforce Guo Jing, they suddenly saw six figures flying out from another hidden place. Everyone first surrounded Guo Jing in one step. It was Luo Tiandao and six others!

Seeing the appearance of the Six Dao, the masters of the Ruyang Royal Palace turned around immediately and rushed towards the player headed by Ye Mingming.

It seems that the system's usual routine has not changed. It is still to let players deal with nppc to fight players. In this way, players in both lineups will naturally outbreak more powerful fighting power under the profitability of the players.

At the same time, it can also allow players on both sides to compete with each other in killing speed, see who can solve their opponents first, and then rush to reinforce their own npc.

The strength of the five masters of Zhao Wangfu is all between 125-135 levels, and they are still the kind of real masters who reach this level in all directions. They are not like the previous Zhebei and others. They must be able to play out immediately. Combat power, once dismounted, immediately fell in value.

This level of boss is really very troublesome for ordinary players at this stage. Even if it is against any of them, it is very tricky if you want to rely on one or two teams alone.

Such a master jumps out of five in one breath, indeed worthy of the seven-star difficulty of this group task.

The only thing that made Ye Weiming depressed was that the backhand he had arranged earlier turned out to be self-defeating, causing Guo Jing to be injured earlier and causing them to fall into a passive state.

But the problem is not big.

Just as the five masters of Ruyang Wangfu met the players, Guo Jing's mother's new grave suddenly exploded.

It turned out to be the sword girl who was buried before, and she suddenly lifted up the coffin after receiving a reminder that was unknown at night. Her body jumped a few feet in a leap, and the blood knife that was included in the burden had appeared in her palm now. As the figure turned, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed dramatically.

Yinfeng, Lengyue, ancient temple, dark clouds, beauty, sigh, seize the soul, hook the soul, claim life!

The spirit of the ghost sword, and her behavior of breaking through the coffin, can be said to complement each other. Under the sharp turn of the blade, she has already rushed away in the direction of the six paths.

Ye Xiaoming still has confidence in the strength of Daomei.

Like an enemy like Liu Dao, if she meets three or less, it is sure to have an undefeated ending. Even with one enemy six, with her knife skills, skills and combat experience, it is no problem to persist for a period of time. .

Therefore, Guo Jing is not in danger now.

So, at night, he no longer ignored the situation there, but rushed towards Asan among the five masters of Ruyang Wangfu. In both palms, the sound of Long Yin loomed!

I don't know if this killing Asan, can black jade intermittent cream burst out?

However, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was unclear at the fastest speed, when he was about to meet Asan, a figure suddenly appeared in the slope, between the lightning and the flint, a swift palm was already facing the night Unknown banged over.

Ye Weiming frowned, and the "Antelope Touching Fan", which had been brewed in his left hand, had already greeted the coming people.


In a hurry, the ending was beyond everyone's expectations.

Even in the face of bosses above level 140, you can achieve the unhurried night unknown, even in this palm fight, this mysterious man who suddenly burst out flew away, and at the same time appeared above the head Out of an amazing amount of crushing damage.


The first night of the horse was unknown and was slammed back into the crowd by the other party. He looked up in surprise, but after seeing the other party hit, he already showed the boss data above his head.

At the sight of the night, surprise appeared on the calm face.

It's you, Wash the Marrow!

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