I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 893: Chief Shaolin, Everbright Day (2 in 1)

Qiu Qiancheng

The fourteenth generation master of the Iron Palm Gang

grade:? ? ?

Qi and blood:? ? ? /? ? ?

Internal Force:? ? ? /? ? ?


It seems that Qiu Qiancheng will suddenly appear on this battlefield, and the mood of Ye Ming is very complicated.

There are worries, fears, and shocks, but more of it originates from the bottom of my heart. I yearn for and desire for the top-notch inner skill "Mesh Washing Classic"!

Many players have tasks that cannot be completed in a short period of time. Although there is usually no opportunity to complete these tasks, those tasks have always been stopped in the player’s task list, always reminding the player that there is still important. Things to do.

And in the unfinished tasks unknown at night, there is such a tempting existence.

eye for eye

Identify the culprit that destroyed the former Hengshan faction, and seek justice for the former Hengshan faction

Mission Level: Eight Stars

Mission time limit: before the culprit is killed

Mission Reward: Unblocking the Inner Practitioner "Mesh Washing Classic"

Mission Penalty: None


The original reward for this mission was a unique skill called "Fenglei Kyushu". Later, after Ye Honglie was killed by Ye Mingming, "Fenglei Kyushu" was upgraded to "Mesh Washing Classic".

Although the two are the same internal skills, but the gap between quaternary learning and quaternary learning is sometimes very huge. The specific reason does not need to be said. In short, the "Mesh Washing Classic" is more powerful than the "Fenglei Kyushu".

However, whether it is before or after the upgrade of the cheats, the unlocking condition is to find the culprit that destroyed the former Hengshan and kill it.

On the surface, this task seems to be completed in two steps.

But in fact, the culprit of the extermination of the former Hengshan faction does not need to be investigated at all. As mentioned in Yin's strategy, it is absolutely Qiu Qiancheng's job!

Moreover, this matter was not made by Qiu Qiancheng sneakily, but by the massive extermination of the ex-Hengshan faction, to gain fame. So that battle can be said to be Qiu Qiancheng's battle of fame, he would not hide it.

Before this, Ye Wuming had already collected no less than 13 conclusive evidence that passed different angles, enough to cover the case.

All that needs to be done now is to kill Qiu Qiancheng, the culprit.

Simple and rude, it's over!

It's just that trying to kill Qiu Qiancheng is definitely not a simple matter.

According to the Raiders provided by Yin Buxi, this Qiu Qiancheng absolute owner has five levels of strength, even if it is not comparable to the four skills except Wang Chongyang, it is definitely the kind with which the strength is not much different. Who loses or wins will only be known after playing.

In order to be safe, Ye Mingming was originally designed as an enemy of the same difficulty as Ouyang Feng in the original mission plan. The result of the design is that, with his current strength, even if he can find all the players he knows around to help, there is absolutely no drama.

This was no rush to find Qiu Qiancheng's troubles, but he didn't think that Luo Tiandao and others actually had the ability to get Qiu Qiancheng into Tiemuzhen's camp in this task.

At this time, listening to March on the team channel suddenly said: "This Qiu Qiancheng, will the other party use some kind of "holy relics" that can summon the strong, temporarily obtained?"

"If it is, we can try to fight with it, or delay it for a while, and wait for the other party's summoning time to come, and naturally the bang will disappear."

"I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible." After listening to the speculation that the brain hole opened in March, Ye Mingming shook his head seriously: "In fact, I also have a piece in my hand that can call the yellow pharmacist anytime and anywhere. Come to help the holy relics."

"But of course that thing is to be reserved for the final hole card to use, so it is definitely not easy to use it until the critical moment of great profit or loss."

"I have saved people, and I don't think that if the other party gets that kind of thing, it will easily use this kind of card that is enough to reverse the world at any time when the situation is not clear."

Suddenly surprised by the words in March, he asked again in doubt: "How could Qiu Qiancheng appear here? This is not scientific!"

"No, this is very scientific."

Ye Weiming explained very calmly: "First of all, Qiu Qiancheng is a character in the story of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" and has the theoretical basis to join the Tiemuzhen camp."

"Secondly, Qiu Qiancheng is not a prudent master. He was able to turn to Yan Honglie before. Now that the Golden Kingdom is going to die, he has the strongest strength and a brighter future. Tiemu really seeks glory and prosperity, which is completely reasonable."

"He even wished he could climb a higher branch with Jin Guo's slack, and find a next home for himself. It was just that he had offended Yuan Lei and other powerful officials when he was doing things for Jin Guo, so he had nowhere to go. "

"And Tiemuzhen, as a generation of owls, naturally will not tolerate a usable person who has sinned him before."

"So, Qiu Qiancheng and Tiemuzhen are actually interested in each other. What they lack is actually just a communication channel."

"And Luo Tiandao and others clearly saw this very long ago, so they pulled a pimp for Tiemuzhen and Qiu Qiancheng, which contributed to the good deeds between them and made Qiu Qiancheng the one they are today. The most powerful card in the second mission!"

Seeing that Qiu Qiancheng on the opposite side had already opened up, posing as a "monk guard", Fei Yu immediately said: "Please, now is not the time to pursue these issues."

"Since Qiu Qiancheng has already appeared, how should we deal with it?"

It is said that the corner of Ye Wuming's mouth unconsciously hung a faint smile: "When I saw this guy, it made me feel more and more grateful that I had made the decision to cooperate with everyone before."

"Now that the masters of all major schools are present, why not be a great opportunity to kill Qiu Qiancheng?"

After a brief exchange with the teammates on the team channel, Ye Weiming said aloud: "Everyone, this wave of enemies we are facing now has far more powers and numbers than before. Expected."

"It seems that everyone can only work together this time to overcome the difficulties."

At this time, a bald head drilled out of the crowd: "I don't know how Brother Ye is going to work with us?"

Turning around, the person coming was the broad daylight of the chief disciple of the Shaolin School.

Don't look at this person's name to get ridiculous, but his strength is quite weak.

According to Liuyun, this person is a proselytized disciple of Master Shaolin Fangzheng. He is also a master of the Yiyi Jing Jing, and one of Shaolin's 72 stunts, "Thousand Hands Like a Palm." Top-level masters like Sister are not as good, but at least not under the first-line masters like Jiujin Jiu and Zang Xingyu.

Regarding the question raised by this chief Shaolin, Ye Mingming said: "Our team of Divine Capture Division, together with the teams of Wudang, Ancient Tombs and Tangmen, is responsible for holding Qiu Qiancheng. Other teams can be based on the actual situation. Or, you can deal with a master in Ruyang Palace alone, or two or more teams can join forces to fight the enemy. Everything depends on the actual situation of you. I don’t know what you think?"

Ye Weiming said that this undoubtedly means that the biggest trouble is in his own body, but the broad daylight seems to be dissatisfied with this answer: "Why is this biggest boss yours, and we people can only be divided into A little boss, or even how many teams are assigned to a little boss?"

"Does Brother Ye think this is unfair to us?"

Ye Wuming nodded: "It makes sense, then Qiu Qiancheng of this unknown level pleases you from Shaolin."

As soon as this remark came out, broad daylight suddenly dumbfounded.

Originally, after seeing Qiu Qiancheng unclearly at night, he posed as if he was eager to try. Guess that the other party must be the dropped item of the super big boss, Qiu Qiancheng. Things, let the Division of the Gods make some concessions in other links of the mission.

Unexpectedly, Ye Weiming directly took him backhand. Although this sentence is very polite, the deep meaning of "you do what you do" can be heard by anyone.

Realizing that you might really want to bring a group of masters from the Shaolin school to face an enemy like Qiu Qiancheng, she suddenly panicked in broad daylight. This kind of boss who can't even see the level, how can they bear it?

When it really started, they didn't even have to think about the ending of the Shaolin team. Has the regiment been scheduled?

Seeing the several brothers and sisters in the team who wished to strangle him, the light of the sky only felt a ride for a while.

But before he could say anything, Ye Weiming turned his head and said to several other friends: "Xiaoqiao, Yunguan, Sancai, since the Shaolin faction as the martial arts of the martial arts is willing to take the big trouble of Qiu Qiancheng, you will each Find an opponent and play slowly. Our Shensi Division will not rob bosses with you this time. We will help our teammates and players on the opposite side."

The three agreed, and immediately agreed.

Seeing that Ye Weiming had already planned to pit people to stand up, the Huashan School's dribbling layup immediately said, "Don't do this, Brother Ye, the overall situation is more important, I feel that the tactics you proposed before are more valuable, we still Follow the original plan."

The chief disciples of the other factions also agreed, saying that the important task of fighting against Qiu Qiancheng must be personally led by a master like Ye Mingming to have a chance.

Of course, the reason why everyone is so united is not to help the broad daylight, and their friendship has not reached that point. The reason for this is that they don't want Xiaoqiao to grab the bosses of Ruyang Palace that they could have dealt with.

After all, there are not many players who come to participate in this mission of "Save the Soldier Guo Jing". The five bosses of Zhao Wang's House are not enough points. If there are three more powerful teams fighting, then there will be less wolves and less meat. .

Seeing the crowd opening their mouths, Guangxia immediately borrowed the donkey from the slope. Immediately, he said that he hadn’t thought about it before and took the initiative to show that his family took compassion as their concern.

Everyone can clearly see the purpose of it. Compassion is to rid the calf. His real purpose is still to brush the wave of task completion and Guo Jing’s favorability as much as possible.

However, everyone has their own purpose. Naturally, there is one less team and they grab the boss, and they will not be broken immediately.

On the other side, Qiu Qiancheng saw the player's negotiation completed, but there was a contemptuous smile on his face: "It seems that you have already negotiated?"

He and the five masters of Ruyang Wangfu did not take the lead when players discussed tactics. Of course, there are reasons for this.

After all, their main task this time is to deal with Guo Jing. In order to let Liu Dao be able to kill Temujin's golden sword and horse without being impressed, of course they are willing to waste some more time.

Therefore, until the players negotiated the tactics, Qiu Qiancheng only set his sights on the unknown night.

But just as Qiu Qiancheng and others were willing to delay time, Ye Mingming didn't want to continue to delay when he fell into the downwind with one enemy and six on the side of the sword sister.

Now that the boss has been allocated, Ye Mingming ignores Qiu Qiancheng's words at all, but injects internal force into the scabbard of the Shangfang sword behind him, and the sword hidden in the sword immediately rises into the sky.

Not waiting for Ye Mingming to take the sword in hand, Qiu Qiancheng's figure moved, and he made a preemptive rush towards Ye Mingming. But suddenly I saw a white shadow flash in front of me. It turned out that the psychic medical monk Liu Yun was already standing in front of the unknown night, facing Qiu Qiancheng's palm with a roll of robe sleeves, which could make Qiu Qiancheng's palm power invisible.

Seeing this scene, the intestines in broad daylight are about to repent.

He only knew that Liuyun was not very good at fighting with people, especially the pit father attribute of "My Buddha's Compassion", which made him unable to kill even the usual mobs, so when he invited his teammates, he decisively He turned away.

But now it seems that this guy's strength is not only weak, but also ridiculously strong!

To know that Qiu Qiancheng's five-level combat power, even if Ye Mingming collided with his frontal palm, he will be hit with a huge amount of crushing damage, but this flow cloud can resolve the opponent's tentative palm without injury! ?

Such a master should have been our Shaolin team!

At this time, the teams from all the major factions also took action, either a single team or two or three teams joined forces to meet the masters of the Ruyang Royal Palace.

After the gloomy day, he immediately led the Shaolin crowd and rushed in the direction of Liu Dao. At the same time, he said: "This one-knife girl, your teammate is now resisting the strong enemy of Qiu Qiancheng for everyone. They definitely need yours very much. Support, as for the players of these hostile forces, it is up to me."

"it is good!"

As a martial artist, Daomei was obviously more interested in challenging masters like Qiu Qiancheng. After hearing Yanyan's knife, she withdrew, and rushed toward the battlefield where Ye Ming was not clear.

Suddenly lost his opponent, **** road, hungry ghost road, and beast road shot together, could not help but rushed towards the bright day, this guy who dared to challenge them.

Mahazhi, Dongying Daoshu, Hawk and Snake were all shot together. They were taking advantage of the fact that the people of the Shaolin team had different reasons for their low merits. They did not all rush to the core of the battlefield. His broad daylight attacked the past.

The loam that followed was full, but it became the target of the fire collection of Luo Tiandao, Human Tao and Shura Tao.

The siege of the three masters on the opposite side was not panic in broad daylight, but when he saw his hands waved, he had transformed into thousands of palm shadows, and he was greeted with hell, hungry ghosts and beasts. Jointly hit.

With the sound of a violent confrontation, the result of the battle was beyond everyone's expectations.

After the palm shadow disappeared, broad daylight still stood motionless on the spot, and attacked him three times, but was shocked by his palms to take several steps.

Seeing that the bald head was still calm and relaxed, the three of them could not help but secretly shock.

This guy's internal strength is so powerful!

In fact, the strength of this broad daylight was not so powerful, at best it was stronger than any of the three. However, in the previous mysterious realm of the former dynasty, he completed two successive tasks of not low level. Although he did not acquire new martial arts, he raised the level of Yi Jin Jing a lot, even Even "Dharma" has been promoted to the 10th level of fulfillment through missions.

More importantly, after his full level, his "Dharma Law" is not like the unknown night or the moving clouds. The special effects obtained have little effect on the combat effectiveness.

The "Vajra angry eyes" that he comprehended, but it is a practical attribute that can actually improve the combat effectiveness!

It is precisely because the level of "Yi Jin Jing" has been improved, and the special effect blessing of "Vajra Angry Eyes" will enable the broad daylight to produce such an amazing effect under one blow.

However, although Guangtianhuaday is awesome, but the noodles and buns are far less fortunate than him. It is just a face-up. Under the siege of the more powerful Luo Tiandao, they were beaten into a white light and revived. Click to report.

Fortunately, at this time, the other members of the Shaolin team have already arrived rushing to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although the Shaolin faction lost one person, the situation is still six to six, and it is not at a disadvantage in terms of number.

At the same time, the battle between Ye Weiming and others and Qiu Qiancheng entered the fierce stage from the beginning.

Ye Weiming and others certainly want to solve their opponents as soon as possible, so as not to wait for the other teams to wipe out their bosses and then run over to make trouble.

And Qiu Qiancheng, under the oligarch, was the killer without hesitation, and he picked the soft persimmon to pinch with one shot.

Even before Daomei hurried back, the ancient tombs, Wudang and Tangmen have all experienced downsizing to varying degrees!

I saw another tomb girl who didn't deserve to have a name. He died tragically under Qiu Qiancheng's iron palm. The blood knife in the sword sister's hand buzzed with it, and he was ready to perform his tricks.

But at this time, she suddenly saw the team channel beating, and gave a glance of heart, but it was an instruction sent by Ye Weiming:

"Poke him with the Guo Jing dagger I gave you!"

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