I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1139: Obtain the Shura Temple token (Have a nice weekend!)

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Inside the monster.

Lei Yi was consuming flesh and blood while advancing.

At this moment, only those layers of flesh and blood barriers prevented him from advancing.

But for him who has practiced the Modo Blood Curse, this barrier is not a problem.

His only problem now is that so much of his flesh and blood has been swallowed, and the blood and cultivation level in his body are also growing rapidly.

But this is not a safe place. If you let him practice, it would be too dangerous.

Therefore, Lei Yi could only endure the growth of his body's breath, and proceeded "difficultly".

Soon, he traversed the barriers, broke through the barriers of flesh and blood, and came to a space full of vitality and blood.

Here, he saw a figure in the middle of the space.

This person's whole body is wrapped in a layer of blood cocoon, the blood cocoon is beating, and the surface is red and glowing, like a heart.

On the surface of the blood cocoon, there are countless blood vessels, which are connected to the surrounding blood and flesh barriers, conveying some kind of energy.

"Yin is unbeaten!" Lei Yi asked loudly when he looked at this person.

The figure in the blood cocoon seemed to have noticed, and opened his eyes, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes.

The gaze swept across, and a killing intent locked Lei Yi.

But then, nothing happened...

"Hey hey hey, what do you mean by killing intent? Do it with me!"

Lei Yi waited for a long time, but all the **** happened, and he was speechless.

The people in this **** cocoon didn't speak or do anything, just staring at Lei Yi.

The two people looked at each other with eyes to eyes, and the scene was a little stiff.

In the end, Lei Yi could only approach the opponent slowly with the attitude of giving it a try.

One step, two steps, three steps...

The two sides are getting closer and closer as they get older.

Finally, the two of them face to face with a layer of blood cocoon.

Lei Yi looked at Yin Undefeated, and the other party was also looking at him.

I have to say that this Yin's undefeated is really the Yin family's right, a head of blood fluttering, the facial features are correct, and the eyebrows are staring.

Even if it is blocked by blood cocoons, it can be seen that the other party must have been a handsome man back then.

It's a pity, now the other party is no longer a human being.

"Senior Yin Undefeated, since you are no longer a human being, then I..."


Lei Yi was about to prepare to do it, but the person in the blood cocoon made a faint voice.

After Lei Yi listened, he immediately put down his raised hand and asked excitedly: "Senior, can you talk?"

Just after he asked, all the killing intent that had pervaded the surrounding area just now disappeared, and instead, a faint breath appeared in the blood cocoon.

This breath, Lei Yi could sense, belonged to human beings.

The undefeated Yin in the blood cocoon, for some reason, seemed to have regained his senses, the blood in his eyes gradually disappeared, and the originally hideous face slowly returned to calm.

"Who are you..." There was confusion on his face, his mouth did not move, but his voice came out clearly.

"Are you asking me?" Lei Yi pointed to himself with a dazed expression.

"Who are you..." The voice sounded again.

Lei Yi couldn't help it. After scratching his head, he could only say: "Senior Yin, my name is Lei Yi. Strictly speaking, we are still in the same school. I am also a disciple of Potian Xuanzong..."

Under his head, he briefly explained his situation.

After speaking, he took out the token given by Yu Fusheng and shook it in front of Yin Unbeaten.

The moment the latter saw the token, his pupils shrank slightly.

Lei Yi could feel that the other party's emotions fluctuated greatly, as if they were touched.

at the same time.

Inside the dark hall.

Originally, when Lei Yi got into the monster's body, those tentacles lost their target and began to attack Yuan Ruomeng and others.

But when Lei Wanhong and others were parrying, these tentacles stopped moving and gradually contracted into the monster's body.

"What's the matter?" Lei Wanhong flew to Yuan Ruomeng's side and asked loudly.

The latter is naturally not clear about the situation, but can also guess some.

"It seems that the kid should have discovered the mystery inside the monster, but I don't know if he has found Yin Undefeated..."

After speaking, the crowd had no other actions, and all could only look at the stopped monster.

Inside the monster.

Yin Unbeaten was silent for a long time, as if he was reminiscing, as if he was contemplating.

Just when Lei Yi's mood was up and down, he finally spoke again.

"Now... Has Zongmen survived the catastrophe..." The hoarse voice was full of concern.

It seems that the leader of the Eight Palaces still cares about the sect.

Lei Yi sighed. Although he couldn't bear it, his preparations made him unable to lie. He could only tell the truth: "Senior, the sect has been destroyed!"

"Did it annihilate..." the person in the blood cocoon murmured, unable to see the joys and sorrows.

But then, his eyes focused on Lei Yi again.

"Thanks to you... devouring flesh and blood... let me suppress the devil... but... it's too late..."

At this point, he curled up.

"no, do not want…"

A deep roar came from his mouth, and Yin's undefeated hands hugged his head, as if he was suffering from great pain.

Afterwards, Lei Yi saw this senior struggling in the blood cocoon, his body twitching, his face was painful and unwilling.

After a long time, the pain was finally suppressed by him, and he returned to calm.

"It's a pity... What a pity... Back then, I used my secret technique... I wanted to protect the sect... but the sect finally... didn't make it..." A heavy sigh came from the blood cocoon.

Afterwards, his gaze focused on Lei Yi again.

"You are here...for the inheritance of the Asura Palace...or..."

Seeing what the other party said, Lei Yi immediately said, "Senior, I am here for your token!"

"Token..." Yin Unbeaten said, looking down at his chest, where there was a blood hole, which seemed to be sealed with a black rectangular object.

Lei Yi knew without guessing that it must be Yin's undefeated commander token.

"The token... is a reward from the lord... Glory... relying on him... I can temporarily suppress the demon... once it is taken away... I will completely lose control..."

"Then what to do?"

"Up to now...I don't want to live in this manner...Since you are my disciple...then let you take the token..."

At this point, Yin Unbeaten stretched his hand to his chest.

He looked at Lei Yi and put on a solemn tone, and said, "Remove the token...I will definitely lose control...but if you can swallow this flesh and blood...you can help me liberate...since you are my disciple... Then please send me this last journey...I don't want to live in this posture anymore...Death is a relief for me..."

But then, he stopped for a while and asked: "Sect Master...I think the only thing I can't worry about... Only the Sect Master... Is he free now..."

After thinking about it, Lei Yi said without concealment: "Sect Master Xuantian Mie has not yet been released. For hundreds of millions of years, he has been guarding the sect and killing all the enemies who have come. But this time, our purpose is. It is to save him. To help him free, five tokens are needed to open the Doushen Temple. Senior's tokens are very important!"

"Understood... Since you all have a plan... Then I'm relieved..."

After saying this, Yin Unbeaten slid his hand into his body without hesitation, and then, in the great pain, took out the token sealed in his body.

"Remember...help me and my sect master..." He suppressed the demon nature with his last reason, and said dying.

"I see." Lei Yi nodded when he saw this.

And as the token was separated, Yin's invincible reason also disappeared again, replaced by a violent demon.

The monster also regained its mobility, countless tentacles spread, and it was about to launch an attack.

But at this moment, Lei Yi looked at the person in front of him with piercing eyes, and finally pierced the blood cocoon with his right hand.


His arm was like a sharp dagger. Under the power of the law of adhesion, he not only pierced the blood cocoon, but also pierced Yin's undefeated body with one blow.

Afterwards, the power of Modo's blood curse began to work, and Yin Unbeaten let out a daring roar, but it was no longer useful.

The flesh and blood in his body, as well as the demon nature, etc., were swallowed by Lei Yi.

The monster's body began to struggle violently, and countless tentacles waved frantically, smashing the entire dark hall to the ground.

But Lei Wanhong and others have discovered one thing. The monster's body is gradually shrinking, and its strength and vitality are also fading rapidly.

Seeing this, they all quietly backed away, planning to wait for the monster to lose its ability to act before acting.


After more than ten breaths, with a loud noise, the monster's huge body collapsed, smashing the ground into a big hole.

The monster at the bottom shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the end only a large piece of skin and bones remained.

"This kid is fine!" Lei Wanhong knew that Lei Yi had done it when he saw it.

They knew that this monster was dead, but they didn't know what Yin was undefeated now.

Just before everyone's eyes, that layer of skin was cut apart by a figure, and then Lei Yi, who was covered in blood, walked out of it.

At this moment, he, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, his body surface is full of blood, and his body is filled with a thick blood mist, and the blood in his body has skyrocketed dozens of times.

"Senior, I got the token, but I'm a little uncomfortable..."

He showed the token in his hand, and then after he couldn't suppress the power in his body, he could only sit on the ground quickly and began to refine the blood.

And Lei Wanhong and others did not intend to disturb him.

Yuan Ruo dreamed of this, nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Since the token has been obtained, when this kid recovers, we will go..."


But just as she spoke, the entire Asura Palace trembled violently.

"Impossible, the monster of Yin's invincible incarnation has died, so are we still moving like this?" Lei Wanhong looked at the monster's corpse, a little surprised.

But just as he spoke, the Asura Palace shook several times, and the frequency became faster and faster.

"No, this is not a mechanism in the temple, but someone attacking the Asura Palace from outside!"

In the end, Yuan Ruomeng noticed the strangeness and looked at where they came from.

She sensed that the Asura Palace is now being attacked.

In other words, there is an intruder from outside.

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