I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1140: Yuan Zhongsheng Strikes

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Shura Hall, outside the hall.



Under the shaking of the mountain, the entire body of the Asura Palace shook violently.

But the instigators did not intend to stop at all, as if to destroy this temple, their offensive has never stopped, and even worsened.

The light of countless magical powers struck from a distance, bombarding the entrance of the temple.

Although the Shura Palace has defensive restrictions, the offensive power of these magical powers is also real.

After rounds of bombardment, the entrance to the Shura Hall was going to be scrapped.

But the mountain where the palace is located, on the contrary, can't bear it one step faster.

"Stop!" In the distance, someone waved to stop the attack.


But as the offensive ceased, the mountain collapsed first.

Countless huge rocks rolled down, completely burying the entrance of the temple.

The entrance was sealed, but the attacker did not intend to stop at all.

One after another divine consciousness swept through, and after confirming that the restriction was still there, one person shouted sharply: "Continue!"

After this shout, another round of God's Passage Method blasted out and crashed down at the entrance of the Asura Hall.

Boom, boom...

In front of the Shura Hall, dozens of miles away.

A group of people gathered here.

Many of these people are Lei Yi's "acquaintances."

Among them, the three Jin Lingsheng who had fought with them before were in this list.

However, Jin Lingsheng at this moment was not the leader, but just a member of the team.

Even when the leader gave the order, he, Mo Qianyuan, and Nangong Lie all needed to use their supernatural powers to bombard the Asura Hall.

Now they are obviously thugs.

"Master Yuan, can such an attack really force them out?" Jin Lingsheng couldn't help asking after another round of magical bombardment.

The person he asked was Yuan Zhongsheng, the master of the Promise Gate, a master of the late Heaven and Human Realm.

That is, only those with such strength can make the three five exercisers of the True Spirit Immortal Sect act according to orders.

After all, strictly speaking, they are their own people.

"Of course, although the sanctuary’s restrictions are strong enough, the attacks we wait for are not a waste of energy. Under such a bombardment, this restriction will always be unbearable. Moreover, the spiritual master is a well-known master of formation. She has said that the ban here can be broken, and I must trust her judgment!"

As Yuan Zhongsheng said, he nodded to a woman in palace clothes in the team.

This is the suzerain of the Nanhai Spiritual Fantasy Sect.

And in the team, there are three sect masters of the Three Sacred Gates, and a bunch of elders brought by the Three Sects.

There are more than a dozen cultivators in the Celestial and Human Realm alone, with a strong lineup, which can be said to be the first echelon force to enter this place.

Under their team, as long as they didn't meet the giant, it would be enough to sweep this place.

"Continue to attack, the large formation at the entrance is about to reach its limit!" After a long time of attack, the Spiritual Illusion Sect Master finally spoke.

Her reminder was very timely, and the group of people were almost unable to bear it, and suddenly increased the strength of their magical powers.

After another series of bombings, the entrance restriction of the Shura Palace finally reached its limit.

In a burst of cracking sound, a layer of transparent restraint turned into sky-filled crystal powder, which was completely shattered and dissipated.

"The prohibition here is not weak, it looks like it should be an important place inside the ruins!" Seeing this, Yuan Zhongsheng sneered.

"Yes, the restrictions here are very strong. If it weren't because the age was too old, and there was no host, I wouldn't be able to break it so easily!" The Spiritual Illusion Sect Master immediately agreed.

But Jin Lingsheng and the others didn't want to be perfunctory here, but at the moment when the restriction was broken, they rushed into the Asura Hall.

Because they knew that the culprit who killed the Yunzhao book was inside.

They must capture each other and bring them to Deputy Chief Yun for personal interrogation, otherwise the three of them will not be able to deal with each other.

But at this moment, the female sect master of the Three Sacred Gates suddenly raised her hand to signal the team to stop: "Don't move, someone has come out!"

Everyone immediately stopped flying, and then quietly retreated to Yuan Zhongsheng and the others.

Because they all know that the female sect master of the Three Sacred Sects has the weakest supernatural powers, but the means of detection and induction is the strongest.

Since she said that someone had come out, there must be no falsehoods.

Just under the blockade of the divine consciousness of the people outside, a few breaths really appeared at the entrance of the Shura Hall collapsed.


With a roar, the gravel blocking the entrance was blasted away vigorously, and several figures walked out of the smoke and dust.

It was Lei Wanhong who stepped out first.

He looked around the audience, and finally settled on Jin Lingsheng and the others.

"Oh, there are so many people here, some of them are our defeated men!"

"You..." As soon as these words came out, Nangong Lie, who had a fiery temper, couldn't help being the first one to make a move.

But his actions were stopped by Mo Qianyuan on the side.

"Calmness, calmness, our purpose is to catch the murderer, don't get angry with this group of people, see what the Yuan sect master says!" And the latter's eyes signaled to Nangong Lie, there is still the principal here, we have to bear it With.

"Humph!" Nangong Lie snorted coldly and could only give up.

Next, the eyes of their group focused on Yuan Zhongsheng.

"The body of the puppet actually retains consciousness, it seems that it should be dependent on the puppet to continue his life, it is really incredible!" Yuan Zhongsheng only glanced at it and saw the details of Lei Wanhong.

"Hmph, your Excellency has good eyesight, and his strength is not weak, but I don't know what to do with this group of remnants who are defeated here!" Lei Wanhong continued to shout.

Behind him, Yu Fusheng, Gao Jinyun, Yuan Ruomeng and others also walked out one after another.

Lei Yi and Xuan Meng fell to the back of the team.

But as soon as they came out, more than a dozen gods were concentrated on them for the first time.

"This is the True Legend of the traitor Xuan Meng?"

"That kid, who killed the only son of Deputy Director Yun?"

"Hmph, as expected, when they come out, these two juniors are going to die!"

"Others can let it go, but I will never tolerate the survival of the traitor!"

"Hmph, you guys look down on my fighting power. Don't talk about the two traitors, these puppets, can't we keep it?"

"Indeed, with so many of us, it is extremely simple to keep them all!"

This group of people, after sweeping their divine consciousness, also understood the difference in combat power between the two sides, and immediately began to speak presumptuously.

In their eyes, Lei Yi and others are just the fish on the sticky board, and they can be slaughtered.

And Lei Yi's side was also secretly transmitting.

"Several seniors, this group of people is very strong, and among them is Yuan Zhongsheng, a master of the late Heaven and Human Realm, do we have a chance of winning?"

This is Lei Yi's voice transmission, you can hear that he is a little unconfident.

"Hmph, kid, you are underestimating us!" Lei Wanhong couldn't help being the first one, and the voice transmission said: "Even if we lose the opponent, we have to bite a piece of meat from them if we die!"

Lei Yi: "..."

This hasn't even started, so I'll say that I'm immortal. Isn't this unlucky?

However, you can also hear from Lei Wanhong's words that they really can't beat this group of people.

Just kidding, there are more than a dozen Celestial and Human Realms on the opposite side. Although there are more in the early stage, there are also strong people at the bottom of the box.

As for them, there are only a few "old, weak, sick and disabled" who can't use their fields. If they can beat them, there will be ghosts.

"You guys don't talk a little bit, we still have an important mission to save the Sect Master that has not been completed. Don't talk about lifelessness, it's not worth it!" In the end, Yuan Ruomeng spoke.

She secretly communicated to Lei Yi: "Once you meet, you will go first with the token of the Asura Hall and go to the Wusheng Hall to look for clues to the forbidden technique. Using your return to heaven, you will surely be able to find some clues. If you find it, go to the Temple of Doushen to join us, I'll wait to buy you time!"

"Senior, are you sure we can go?"

"Of course, although some of us are not as strong as they were back then, but relying on our familiarity with this place, we can still deal with them. You are now the key figure in the plan, so you can't afford to lose!"

After the transmission with Lei Yi ended, Yuan Ruomengyou had a secret exchange with Lei Wanhong, Yu Fusheng and others, and then decided on a plan.

At this moment, Lei Wanhong's lips squirmed, and said to Lei Yi: "Boy, went to the Palace of Wusheng, if you are lucky and happen to see Lin Daoxian, you will explain your identity. But you have to pay attention to it. Second, Lin Daoxian was not born into a human race. If you really met the other person, don't believe this guy. The Sect Master believed in this guy back then and ended up like this!"

Lin Daoxian, Lei Wanhong and others belong to the eight halls, and they are in charge of the Wushengdian, one of the two dark halls.

"I understand!" Lei Yi nodded, remembering these things in his heart.

"Okay, if that's the case, then we'll..." Lei Wanhong said, looking forward, and finally locked onto Mo Qianyuan, one of the five exercisers.

"Do it!"

He shouted sharply, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was the first to strike out and launched an offensive towards Mo Qianyuan.

At this moment, everyone was unexpected, let alone Lei Yi, even Yuan Zhongsheng and others were shocked.

Because of the large number of them, Lei Yi's party is not even half of them.

You are few, so you dare to do it first?

However, Lei Wanhong really did it.

Moreover, the first target he chose was not someone else, it was Mo Qianyuan, the water spirit envoy.

There is a saying that water overcomes fire, so who overcomes water is naturally the attribute of thunder.

Lei Wanhong chose Mo Qianyuan as his target, not for anything else, but to inflict a heavy blow on the opponent.

"Humph!" But at this moment, in front of Lei Wanhong, a scarlet escape light suddenly came to Nangong Lie.

"The realm expands, I wish melt the fire realm!" He was grumpy, seeing Lei Wanhong attacking his companion, no matter where he could bear it, he started to sacrifice the realm.

"Damn it!" Lei Wanhong was extremely angry, but he could only watch as he was dragged into the flame field.

"Kill them all, clean up the traitors!" Then, I didn't know who shouted, and all the people on both sides started to act.

A chaotic battle of the cultivators of the Celestial and Human Realm broke out at the entrance of the Asura Hall.

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