I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1156: Can't let this kid go!

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Fighting Temple.

Outside the main hall, on the square.

The eyes of Yuan Zhongsheng and others all hit the left and right sides of the entrance of the main hall, above the two puppets called "King Kong".

"The manufacturing process of these two puppets is completely different from the current puppetry. At first glance, they are the masterpieces of ancient puppetry!" A monk who is proficient in puppetry commented.

"Yes, depending on the strength of these two puppets, once they are fully activated, they will definitely be able to display the strength of the Celestial and Human Realm." Someone also agreed.

"From the perspective of the precise structure of the puppet and the internal circuits, this strength is definitely not limited to the early stage of the Heaven and Human Realm, at least the middle stage. This ancient sect's puppet technique is so mysterious, I don’t know what sect it is Is it a master who studies puppet art?" The monk who spoke first continued to mutter.

"Huh, those who are proficient in puppet art are not necessarily the sect who studies puppets!" In the team, Yuan Zhong Sheng sneered after hearing the words.

Obviously, he knows something inside.

Yuan Zhongsheng walked to You Ying and asked, "Friend You Ying, what exactly is this place? Why is Dao Zhuzhao so excited after coming here?"

He looked ahead and saw that Zhuozhao was pushing the door hard, with an expression of excitement in his expression.

"This place is the main hall of the Doushen Temple, and it contains the true secrets of the Po Tian Xuanzong. It is a powerful magical power called "The Slaughter God Triple Heaven Realm". Those who have cultivated to the highest realm can even have the ability to open up the world. With the power of the palm of the flesh, the sky can be torn apart. The last Sect Master of the Xuantian Sect, Xuantianxiai, relied on the power of this supernatural power to kill the two saint-level demon emperors with his bare hands!"

"With the power of one person, kill the two saint-level demon emperors, or with your bare hands?" Yuan Zhongsheng finally revealed an incredible color after hearing this.

The Saint Realm is not far away to him, but he also knows the strength of the Saint Realm powerhouse.

That Xuantianjie was able to defeat the opponent with one enemy and two, and even kill the opponent, which had to be said to be powerful.

At the same time, Yuan Zhongsheng had a keen interest in the unique knowledge in the main hall.

"Drink!" At this moment, the candlelight uttered a burst of shouts, and there was a law of force on the body surface.

Under such operations, the main hall's door was also pushed a foot away.

But even so, sweat was already dripping from the candle-lit forehead, and he obviously used a lot of effort to push the door open.

"Friend Zhuzhao is not from a human race, and his physical strength is much stronger than mine, but why is it so hard to open a door?"

"This is the design of the Potian Xuanzong. This gate is made of dragon stone in the ancient town. The material is strong, and even real dragons use it as a material for nesting. Such a strong material has its own weight. Extremely exaggerated, Potian Xuanzong once mined a Zhenlong stone mine, and most of the important buildings in the clan were written with this material, not to mention the cultivators of the heaven and the human realm, even the strongest of the saint realm. Strike, the Zhenlong Stone can resist for a while!"

When You Ying said this, a faint bit of resentment flashed in the depths of her eyes, but it faded quickly and no one noticed it.

Yuan Zhongsheng naturally didn't notice it, but just nodded, and said: "So, it's no wonder Yuan feels that the restrictions here are not strong, but it gives people a sense of solidity!"


At this moment, a roar sounded, it turned out that the candlelight finally pushed the door open.

"You Ying, come in with me! He rushed into it first, and shouted to the rear.

You Ying naturally followed, Yuan Zhongsheng and others looked at each other, but did not fall, everyone rushed into the main hall.

Not far away, in a shadow.

Cecil was hiding here. He watched Yuan Zhongsheng and others enter the main hall, but did not act.

"Within this ruin, there is such a well-preserved place, and there may be treasures hidden in it. However, their gang is very strong, especially the three of them, even I feel that it is tricky!"

He didn't move, naturally because he was afraid of the strength of Yuan Zhongsheng and others.

One-on-one he is not afraid of anyone, but You Ying Zhuzhao and Yuan Zhong Sheng are obviously in the same group.

If he shows up, he will definitely be attacked by three people. Even if he is confident, he can't really be one against three.

So at this moment, it is safest to stand still.

But in the dark, Cecil seemed to feel something, as if in the main hall, he noticed a familiar breath.

He recalled carefully, always feeling that breath, as if he had seen it somewhere.

It's a pity that this breath is rather obscure, he hasn't remembered who it is for the time being.

In the main hall.

Zhuzhao rushed into this place first, followed by You Ying and Yuan Zhongsheng.

But when they saw the ruined temple wall, they were all disappointed.

"How come?" Zhuzhao looked at the temple wall, unable to believe it.

"Brother, this must have been destroyed by Xuan Shaolong back then. He knew that the sect was lost and the inheritance would be lost, so he destroyed the unique knowledge here in advance!" You Ying said when she came to Zhuzhao.

"Damn it!" When the latter heard the words, he could only burst out and vent his dissatisfaction.

But even so, the ruined temple wall can't be restored, at least they don't have Lei Yi's means.

Candlelight's sight glanced in the entire main hall long ago, looking for something.

The main hall is very large and the interior space is vast, but it also seems a bit empty. Apart from the five puppets that collapsed to the ground, there is only an altar in the center.

On the altar, there was a corpse, which was the corpse of Xuan Shaolong.

"The Young Sect Master of Xuantian Xuanzong back then did not expect to be reduced to this point. No one would help you collect the corpse!" Zhu looked at the corpse and said in a cold tone.

Obviously, he has a strong hostility towards this Xuan Shaolong.

It's a pity that the other party is dead, and no matter how much grievances can only go by over time.

"It's a pity, I'm waiting for the two, but there is still a grievance with this Young Sect Master. If he can survive, it would be a good thing for us!" You Ying also followed, with a cold tone in her tone. .

Seeing this, Yuan Zhongsheng and others at the back didn't say much, but instead released their divine consciousness to find out if there were other organs in the main hall.

"You two traitors, you still have the face to come back!" But at this moment, there was a stern shout in the hall.

"This voice, could it be..." Zhu Zhao heard the words, her eyes flickering.

"You can't go wrong, I won't forget this voice!" You Ying said in a cold voice, and then shouted to the surroundings: "Sect Master Xuan Shaolong, you are not dead?"

This person who spoke was really Xuan Shaolong, and Zhu Zhao and You Ying immediately recognized his identity.

Yuan Zhongsheng and the others also retracted their divine consciousness, looking around, trying to find the person who opened their mouths.

"Hmph, you don't need to look for it, right here!" In the middle of the altar, near the corpse, a black sphere suddenly rose, and Xuan Shaolong's breath also appeared in the sphere.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, the Young Sect Master of the dignified Xuanzong would actually linger in this way!" Seeing this, Zhu Zhao's attitude turned to sneer.

"Hmph, you two traitors are also worthy to say that I am not!" Xuan Shaolong yelled likewise, mocking each other.

"Traitor?" After hearing this, You Ying sneered and said coldly: "Back then, the two of me were not caught by Xuantian Mie and entered the sect. After being your lackeys for ten thousand years, you actually said that we betrayed. Something is wrong, right? "

"Junior sister, what to do with so much nonsense with this dead man, kill him directly, lest he open the restriction in the main hall!" But Zhuzhao could not help it, and shot directly.

He raised his hand and grabbed it, and a scorching force covered the corpse, and at the same time pulled the sphere into the attack range.

"Young Sect Master, you are still alive, which surprised me. But you should have died a long time ago, so let me personally send you this last journey to'repay' you!" When he said the word "repay", his tone was full of The meaning of viciousness.

Obviously, he said it was a reward, but he actually took revenge on purpose.

"Two traitors, dare to attack me!" Xuan Shaolong shouted sharply, the sphere bursting with blue brilliance.

The next moment, a puppet's big hand blocked in front of the sphere, and all the magical powers of the candle light were blocked.

"No, the divine power guard in the main hall has been activated!" The moment she saw the puppet's big hand, You Ying cried out in shock.

Afterwards, the five puppets got up one after another and launched an attack towards Zhuzhao and others.

At the same time, outside the gate of the main hall, the two King Kong puppets also moved, guarding the entrance, and attacking the nearest monks.

"Fighting back and forth!" Seeing this scene, Yuan Zhongsheng and others were surprised.

However, their reaction was not slow, and several people were immediately separated and flew towards King Kong behind.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, although the strength of this divine power guard and guardian King Kong is strong, but why can't I wait!" Zhuzhao spoke again, reminding everyone.

However, he also had some grievances in his heart. He thought that he would get the perfect knowledge of Xuantian Xuanzong when he came to the main hall, but he didn't expect to have nothing to say, and it would take a lot of hands and feet to be able to leave.

He looked at the sphere in the middle of the altar and said coldly: "Young Sect Master, who has been dead for so many years, has caused some trouble for us, but you won't be able to jump for too long. When you clean up these puppets, I will send them. You are on the road!"

"Hmph, you two, let's take care of you here!" Xuan Shaolong was not afraid of the other party, and while screaming, he manipulated the sphere to fly into a nearby puppet.

"Zhu Zhao, you and You Ying, this sect did not treat you badly back then, it is totally unreasonable for you to be traitors!"

Xuan Shaolong controlled the puppet and killed Zhu Zhao.

Seeing this, the latter only sneered, and the sarcasm in his eyes flourished.

But when everyone in the hall was unaware of it, a shadow in the corner suddenly began to wriggle.

The shadow of the shadow is faint, and almost no one notices it in the hall of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com.

At the beginning of the battle, the shadows naturally acted by chance, moving slowly towards the outside of the palace.

"Huh?" But there were only people in the hall, and one person discovered the anomaly.

Yuan Zhongsheng turned his head and looked at the location of the shadow with a look of surprise.

"No, there is another person hiding here!" He hurriedly pointed to the shadow and shouted.

"This supernatural power is that kid!" In the team, Jin Lingsheng was originally dealing with a puppet, and immediately shouted after seeing the creeping black figure on the ground.

Everyone knows who he mentioned.

Jin Lingsheng saw that the people around him did not act, and after a change of expression, he shouted again: "That kid has cultivated the power of the law of time, grabbed him, and maybe he can use his ability to restore the treasures of this place!"

As soon as these words came out, You Yingzhu shone on the two, including Yuan Zhongsheng, a ray of light flashed in everyone's eyes.

Yes, the power of the law of time is so mysterious, maybe it can repair the ruined temple wall.

"Never let this kid go!"

At the same time, this idea flashed through everyone's mind.

The kid must not be allowed to escape, he must be captured!

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