I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1157: Cecil helped?

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Inside the main hall, a war is breaking out.

However, the strength of both sides of the battle is actually showing a one-sided trend.

Xuan Shaolong controls the puppets, but it's a pity that the real combat power is limited, and he can't threaten Yuan Zhongsheng and the others at all.

And his purpose is not really to kill the traitors Youying and Zhuzhao, but to buy someone some time to escape.

He also knows that his strength is limited, let alone revenge, as long as he can buy a little time, he will be successful.

"Can't let that kid go!" In the team, Jin Lingsheng shouted again.

After that, he took Mo Qianyuan and Nangong Lie, directly abandoning the supernatural guards they were fighting against, and killed them towards the shadow in the corner.

In the shadows, Lei Yi's expression was a bit ugly.

He never expected that Yuan Zhongsheng's perception was so sensitive that he had already controlled his aura so that he still couldn't hide it from the other party.

Not only that, after seeing that it was him, the three Jin Lingsheng in the team turned into three mad dogs and killed them straight away.

After all, for the three of them, capturing Lei Yi, who killed his Young Master, was more important than anything else.

"Don't think about it!" Seeing this, Xuan Shaolong immediately manipulated the puppet to take action.

The two divine power guards also abandoned their current opponents and chased them towards Jin Lingsheng.

"Stop them and buy time for Fellow Jin Dao!" Seeing this, Yuan Zhongsheng immediately ordered.

He could also see that the puppet in this temple was the last guard, but it was not a big threat to him, and it didn't take much time to clean it up.

The most important thing now is to grasp Lei Yi and force the opponent's time power, so the unique knowledge here is naturally at your fingertips.

In the team, someone immediately shot and blocked in front of the puppet.

"Young Sect Master, why bother? This kid is not related to you. It's not worth it to act for him, right?"

"Yes, this son is a traitor to my true spirit immortal sect. You keep saying that you want to attack me, but you didn't expect to be so concerned about a traitor. Why is this?"

The two of Zhuzhao and Youying who fought with Xuan Shaolong were even more mocking at this moment.

But Xuan Shaolong ignored the two of them, and focused their attention on the vicinity of Lei Yi.

"Hmph, you forced me!" He said coldly when he saw that Lei Yi was about to be overtaken by Jin Lingsheng.

"Divine power guard, the final prohibition is activated!"

With a stern shout, the two acting puppets had silver awns flowing on their bodies, and there was also a huge energy condensing in their bodies.

"Oops, the final restriction of the divine power guard is..." Seeing this scene, the candle light secretly said badly, and immediately shouted: "Everything goes out of the way, that is a self-destruction!"

As soon as this remark came out, the hearts of everyone present tightened.

Although the puppet only has the strength around the middle of the Celestial Realm, its self-destructive power can be said otherwise.

A self-destruction in the middle of the Celestial Realm is enough to threaten the late cultivator, after all, self-detonation is a real life-for-life.

As everyone walked away, the energy in the two puppets had already been accumulated.

In an instant, two bright rays of light rose in the hall, shining everywhere.



One after the other, the two puppets blew themselves up, and the flames they caused turned into two huge mushroom clouds, spreading to the entire hall.

The huge impact force made Jin Lingsheng all three people had to cancel the pursuit and instead displayed their supernatural powers to resist.

The entire main hall also began to vibrate continuously, shaking under the explosion of the two puppets.

In the flames of the explosion, a black shadow finally rushed out of the main hall, and then rushed towards the corner of the square.

"Quit escape!" In the rear, several figures shot out from the flames and chased towards the shadows.

Among them, You Yi Jin Lingsheng and Nangong Lie chase the fastest.

Jin Ling's body watch glowed with golden light, and Nangonglie's body was surrounded by flames. Obviously, in order to resist the impact of the explosion, both of them had used magical powers.

"Dharma Protector King Kong, do it!" But at this moment, another command came from the main hall.

The next moment, Jin Lingsheng and Nangonglie's side position, two big golden hands crushed.

This time, it was the two door gods standing at the gate of the main hall.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Jin Lingsheng could only use his supernatural powers to resist, but the depression in his heart could be imagined.

The person who killed the young master was right in front of them, but they could only watch each other flee away.

"The two fellow Taoists don't worry, Yuan Mou is here to catch him!" But at this moment, a sound transmission rang in the ears of Jin Lingsheng.

It turned out that at the last moment, Yuan Zhongsheng made a move.

He flew directly out of the main hall, turning into a white rainbow, and also flashed past the attacks of the two guardians outside the door, chasing after the shadow of Lei Yi's incarnation.


In the main hall, Xuan Shaolong sensed all this, but it was too late to stop it.

Moreover, at this moment, he was also dragged by You Ying and Zhuzhao, unable to help.

"Junior, you can only rely on yourself!" He said so, manipulating the puppets to attack the two of You Ying.

It is a pity that the puppet's supernatural powers are limited, and it is obviously impossible to threaten You Ying and Zhuzhao.

"You two traitors, although you can't get rid of you here, it won't make you feel better!"

After fighting for a long time, Xuan Shaolong also knew that he could not get rid of the two of them, so he gritted his teeth and made a final decision.

He manipulated the puppet and initiated the final restraint.

"You Ying, Candlelight, I'm waiting for you in the Yin Cao Jifu, you two traitors will not end well!"

Inside the puppet, Xuan Shaolong's angry roar came out.

The puppet he was in, the energy in his body continued, and a huge force rippled away.

The same is true for the two door gods outside the door, with huge energy condensed in the body.

"I actually plan to dictate myself!"

Seeing this scene, both You Ying and Zhu Zhao knew that this was Xuan Shaolong's last fight to the death.

He intends to blew up all the puppets here.

The two of them controlled their supernatural powers and flew towards the outside of the main hall. All the monks in the temple also used supernatural powers to run as far as they could go.

In the main hall, an aura of destruction instantly permeated.

Outside the main hall.

Lei Yi's figure rushed out of the shadows, because he knew that he had been exposed and there was no point in hiding.

But at this moment, a huge energy suddenly exploded in the main hall at the rear.


The entire main hall was flooded by flames that soared to the sky under a loud noise.

In the flames, several figures rushed out, and then fled to all directions.

However, their bodies were still swept by the subsequent explosive waves, falling in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, two groups of burning light rose up outside the door at the same time, and the two door gods also blew themselves at the same time.



This time, the explosion sounded really endless.

"You Ying, Candlelight, I'm waiting for you in the Yin Cao Jifu, you two traitors will not end well..."

Finally, in the sound of the explosion, Lei Yi heard Xuan Shaolong's final roar.

He knew that in order to buy time for himself, even the puppet controlled by his body blew himself up.

But at the moment when the crisis is looming, he can't care about the grief in his heart, so he runs away.

Among the chasing people behind, everyone else was affected by the aftermath of the explosion and could not keep flying away.

But only one person's escape speed did not decrease, and even narrowed the distance with Lei Yi.

Yuanzhong Shengyi Ma took the lead and had already smashed behind Lei Yi, and the distance between the two sides was less than fifty feet.

For this distance, for a high-ranking cultivator of the Celestial Realm, it was almost possible to hook the opponent with his hand.

"Traitor, Hugh must run away!" Sure enough, after seeing Lei Yi at his own attack range, Yuan Zhongsheng shot directly.

When he makes a move, it is a killer move.

Above Lei Yi's head, a big white hand condensed, and a huge coercion overwhelmed the sky.

Above the big hand, layers of laws linger, dense runes flickering, as if stars are shining brightly.

But at this moment, in a hidden corner nearby, a figure also followed.

Moreover, the target of this person's shot was not Lei Yi, but the big hand above his head.

A large black hand condensed and blasted towards the large white hand.


In mid-air, two big hands collided, and the power of the law shook, and the two also canceled each other's power.

"Who!" Yuan Zhongsheng suddenly furious when he saw that someone had broken his magical powers.

"Cecile actually helped me, how could it be, how could it be..." Lei Yi was stunned.

Because he knew who the shot was, but the relationship between him and him was not friendly.

But why, the other party will take action to help him resolve the danger, this makes him wonder how.

"Your life is specified by the adult. If you die, Princess Garuna may be in danger!"

In the shadow in front, a dark armor walked out slowly, and a cold word came out under its visor.

This person is Cecil, he has been lurking again, seeing that Lei Yi is about to be killed by Yuan Zhongsheng, he just shot without thinking too much.

As he said, Garuda is still in Lei Yi's hands, and Gardía named Lei Yi to be killed.

If they let the other party die in the hands of the True Spirit Immortal Cult, wouldn't their goals be defeated, so Cecil made the move at such a juncture.

"Who are you?" Yuan Zhongsheng's figure landed behind Lei Yi, looking at Cecil coldly, his eyes full of jealousy.

Because in his induction, the one in front of him can't even be said to be a human, there is no trace of a living person in the other's armor.

"One of the ten generals under the command of the Infinite Emperor, Cecil, the dead general!" Facing the enemy, Cecil had a knightly self-registration number.

"Emperor Infinite, who is this? Yuanmou has never heard of it!" Yuan Zhongsheng snorted, and then said: "But if you want to stop me, you can only kill you too!"

"This kid is the target of Lord Garuda, and you are not qualified to kill him!" Cecil glanced at Lei Yi, and directly killed Yuan Zhongsheng.

For a time, the two began to fight, even ignoring Lei Yi.

"This..." Although Lei Yi was extremely surprised when he saw this scene, he knew that his chance to escape had come.

He recalled Xuan Shaolong's words, his figure flew to Cecil's hiding place, and then hit the ground with a punch.

In the fist, the law of force vibrated, and after hitting the ground, the ground also flashed with a layer of fluorescence.

Covered by the light, a hidden door slowly opened.

Lei Yi rushed into it, and then the secret door began to close.

"No, there is..."

In the distance, You Ying and Zhuzhao also saw this scene, and suddenly exclaimed.

They naturally know what it represents.

Once Lei Yi enters it and activates the mechanism, they really can't catch the opponent.

But at this moment, the nearest Yuan Zhongsheng was dragged by Cecil, but no one could catch up.

When Zhuozhao and Youying killed nearby, the secret door had already been closed.

Suddenly, the two faces suddenly became extremely ugly.

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