I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1044: 1 thing I want to do (four thousand)

The dark gray city was covered by heavy rain, and the number of vehicles on the road gradually decreased, and only the sound of raindrops was left in the ears.

Everyone was in a hurry, and the little platform on the street seemed to be forgotten.

Chen Ge carried his backpack and looked down at the reflection of the two in the standing water.

Zhang Ya was holding an umbrella, her eyes were full of surprises, she didn't seem to expect Chen Ge to say that.

Bus 104 left the platform, and bus 4 entered the station a moment later.

"Mr. Zhang, the No. 4 bus is coming. See you tomorrow." Chen Ge waved his hand with a very happy smile on his face.

He watched Zhang Ya heading towards the No. 4 bus, but he leaned on the stop sign, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared.

"Can't go home, the night when you push open the door will come, and it will be a new day when you come out again."

"When the city falls into darkness, the hidden filth and evil should be exposed, hoping to gain something tonight."

Looked up, leaving Chen Ge alone on the platform.

The whistle sounded, the vehicle started, and the No. 4 car quickly drove out of the platform, leaving only a woman with a red umbrella in the rain curtain.

"Zhang Ya?"

The bus has left, but Zhang Ya stayed in place and did not get on the bus.

"Why don't you go?" Chen Ge looked at Zhang Ya suspiciously, and the other party returned to the platform with the umbrella.

"I will prepare lessons every day in the office, and then take the last bus to leave." Zhang Ya pointed to the stop sign: "Just that was the last 104 bus. You didn't catch up and did not bring an umbrella. Home, like last time. "

"I ..." Chen Ge, who was able to speak well, was speechless at this time, and I don't know how to refute it.

"You seem to be afraid to go home." Zhang Ya walked to Chen Ge: "Can you tell the teacher why?"

"It's nothing."

"Is there a conflict with my family? Or is there trouble in my life?" Zhang Ya's voice expressed concern, her kindness was innate, and people could not bear to deceive: "You are essentially a good child , The teacher can see it, but it seems that you have a lot of things in your heart, and you never seem to really smile.

Chen Ge didn't speak, the rain was getting bigger and bigger, even if hiding in the platform, the clothes were still wet.

No one left, after a while Zhang Ya opened an umbrella and looked helplessly at Chen Ge: "You don't want to say, I don't force it."

She waved at Chen Ge: "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Chen Ge froze for a moment. He really didn't respond.

"Go to my house to change the wet clothes first, don't catch a cold."

"Is this bad?"

"Can I throw you alone on the platform? It's too dangerous to rain so heavy." Zhang Ya shook the umbrella, she was like a mature elder sister in the neighbor's house, even with a helpless expression. : "You should really communicate with your family. Many things are caused by poor communication, especially the conflicts between family members. Ok, don't ink, come over quickly."

Chen Ge's door could not be opened casually. In order to delay more time, he walked halfway to Zhang Ya.

The two walked along the road for a long time, and finally saw a taxi.

By the time they got home, it was already completely dark.

"Is this your home?" Chen Ge does not have a memory of Zhang Ya's room in his mind. Zhang Ya's impression of him always lives in the dormitory.

Push open the anti-theft door. Inside is a 60-square-meter cabin, although the area is not large, but all kinds of furniture are complete.

"I used to live in an urban area, but then my parents had a car accident. I live in their house and always think about things before, so I sold that house and bought a small house here. "Zhang Ya seems to have walked out of her sorrow, she can calmly talk about this.

Of course, she may also be an example for Chen Ge. After knowing the reason why Chen Ge always wears high-heeled shoes in the morning, she was not very interested.

Because I have experienced it, I can feel that feeling better.

Put away the umbrella, Zhang Ya turned on the light of the living room: "These furniture are all arranged by myself, how about it? Very good, right?"

When Zhang Ya was talking, Chen Ge looked at the trash can, throwing several cans of light beer, and the pitted carrot skin: "Do you still like to drink?"

This hobby was not what Chen Ge thought of.

"Occasionally, occasionally I only drink a little." Zhang Ya changed his shoes and tied the mouth of the garbage bag: "I will get you dry clothes, you will wait here."

After a while, Chen Ge put on the clothes that Zhang Ya took, a Zhang Ya's own wide-mouth T-shirt: "You can wear it first, you may not wear my other clothes."

"It's okay, this is good." Chen Ge glanced down and found that he and Zhang Ya were wearing the same style of clothes, but the colors were different.

"Wet the clothes for me. I will iron them for you. Please go to the sofa to write your homework. The exam will be done soon. You have to put some pressure on yourself."

Zhang Ya took Chen Ge and her own wet clothes into the bathroom. Chen Ge looked around. He put his wet backpack on the side of the sofa, opened it and checked it.

"Fortunately, the comic book and Zhang Ya's story book are not wet." Chen Ge also wanted to write homework to give Zhang Ya a good impression that he could save, but he didn't even bring back the textbooks.

A few minutes later, Zhang Ya walked out of the bathroom and she looked at the watch on the wall: "Hungry? Let me see what else can be eaten in the refrigerator. Let's pad it first."

Zhang Ya took out a few tomatoes and eggs from the refrigerator. She usually seldom cooks. She feels in a hurry. When she beats the eggs, she puts the eggshell into the bowl. She quickly picks up chopsticks and picks a little. come out.

"Teacher, shall I do it?" Chen Ge looked at Zhang Ya's cooking, his eyes full of smiles.

"can you cook?"

"Well, you had a hard day in class, I will give you a meal, just thank you for keeping me today." Chen Ge pushed Zhang Ya aside, opened the refrigerator and looked at it. s things.

A few tomatoes, a few unrecognized carrots, two cucumbers, a whole piece of tofu, half a piece of chicken **** for a long time, a piece of lean meat and half a bag of leftover mustard.

"It turns out that what the fierce **** eats is similar to what I usually eat."

"Do you need my help?" Zhang Ya doubts Chen Ge's ability. After all, there are not many high school students who can cook now.

"You take a good rest on the sofa, the kitchen belongs to the romance of men." Chen Ge first took out two Xiaowan, put egg liquid, salt, various seasonings in a bowl, and then put the half Diced chicken **** marinated for a long time.

Pour another small bowl of water and soak half a bag of old mustard into it.

Then heat up the oil, cut the tofu into pieces, fry it until golden, remove the tofu and set aside, then use this oil pan to saute scallion, **** and garlic, and finally add seasoning and golden yellow tofu to simmer.

Close the pot lid, Chen Ge lifted the knife and refined the tomatoes that Zhang Ya cut before, sprinkle with sugar.

He took out the cucumber again, peeled and rounded it with a knife, sprinkled with a little salt and seasoning.

The same plate, on the left is white sugar tomatoes, on the right is cold cucumber, salty and sweet, two flavors.

After doing this, Chen Ge took another wok, cut the lean meat into shreds, put it in the pan and scattered it, then took out the old mustard that was soaked and crystal clear.

Chop, stir fry together, add seasoning.

At this time, the tofu simmered next to it was ready.

After simple washing, pour clean water, Chen Ge put the remaining noodles in the refrigerator into the pot.

When the noodles are good, the aroma of mustard stir-fried meat also comes out.

Out of the pan to serve rice, the noodles as fine as dragons are placed with crystal clear fried mustard, which makes the appetite greatly increased.

"Teacher, let's serve." Chen Ge glanced sideways: "Teppan tofu, shredded mustard noodles, and later I will have my homemade chicken popcorn. I think the piece of chicken breast is about to break down. I think it's still early. Eat better. "

Zhang Ya's eyes widened, her fragrance continued to tease her taste buds.

The chicken **** soaked in egg liquid are almost marinated. The final step is very simple. The diced chicken **** are coated with starch and fried.

Golden crispy, fragrant aroma, but Chen Ge is still a little dissatisfied: "If there is bread crumbs, just fried in two will be more tender and fragrant."

All the dishes are out of the pot, and a coffee table is slowly put. Zhang Ya still ca n’t believe it. These meals are made from the leftovers in his refrigerator.

"The staple food is noodles, iron plate tofu and chicken popcorn if it feels greasy, and cold cucumbers are greasy. If you don't like salty cold dishes, I also prepared white sugar tomatoes, sour and sweet, very refreshing." Chen Song looked at Zhang Ya, whose eyes were shining, and smiled even happier.

He simply tidied up the kitchen and sat beside the coffee table. Although Zhang Ya wanted to eat it, he never moved chopsticks, obviously waiting for Chen Ge.

"Then I'm welcome." Zhang Ya first ate a bite of iron tofu, the outside was tender and tender, and the soup oozed out after a bite.



Chen Ge sat across from Zhang Ya. He looked at Zhang Ya's eating and unconsciously began to raise his mouth: "If only I could cook for you every day."

The rainstorm pouring down the window, thunder and lightning, but the two in the house are enjoying a very simple dinner that is almost difficult to reproduce.

After finishing all the meals, Zhang Ya went to clean up the tableware and Chen Ge sat on the sofa. He forced himself not to look at Zhang Ya, but his eyes would always fall on Zhang Ya involuntarily.

Seemed to feel something, Zhang Ya raised his head while putting the tableware, just in line with Chen Ge's eyes.

Probably in a few tenths of a second, Chen Ge has bowed his head and took a look at Yan Danian's comic book.

"Is that your own painting? That's amazing!" Zhang Ya, who had washed the tableware, walked to the sofa. The living room in the room was small, and there was not much room after putting down the sofa and the coffee table.

"It was painted by my friend."

Chen Ge closed the comic book, but Zhang Ya didn't quite believe it.

"Really? Actually, I like those who have a wide range of hobbies and versatility."

"Then this is what I drew and you found it." Chen Ge admitted decisively, anyway, Yan Danian cannot appear now.

"You, I don't know how to say you." Zhang Ya brewed two cups of tea and placed it on the coffee table: "How do I feel like you can do anything except study?"

"Almost." Chen Ge thought about it carefully. He can indeed be said to be versatile and proficient in many industry skills.

"You're welcome." Zhang Ya shook her head: "It's good, it's a good thing to have its own interests and hobbies, and it's a good thing to work hard for, unlike me ..."

Chen Ge heard that Zhang Ya was a little lost. He suddenly remembered something. In reality, Zhang Ya was born in the dance school and won the first prize in the competition, but now she has become an English teacher. It is a profession that has nothing to do with dance.

He moved towards Zhang Ya, picked up the cup of hot tea, and handed it to Zhang Ya: "Actually, I understand that you have been deliberately making yourself strong, and the first time I see you, I know that you are hiding There are many things that you just do n’t say. "

The tea in the cup was steaming, and the two sat together.

A personally made dinner brought the two closer. Zhang Ya, who was supposed to be a teacher, went to enlighten Chen Ge, but I do n’t know that from that moment on, Chen Ge started to slowly open Zhang Ya ’s heart.

"Others just think you have a good character, gentleness, and kindness, but I care about whether you have been wronged."

Sitting quietly on the side of Zhang Ya, Chen Ge picked up the book of Zhang Ya ’s bedtime story: “I ’ve never had such an idea before, but when I saw you, when I approached you, listen to your persuasion At times, when I walk with you, I always have a feeling that you are obviously covered with scars, but you still have to support your smile to comfort others. "

After a long time, Zhang Ya raised her head, she looked at Chen Ge ~ www.readwn.com ~ wanted to habitually smile, but could not do it.

"I saw you at first glance and thought you were familiar, probably because we had the same experience." Zhang Yajian took a sip of tea: "The teacher used to learn dance, I like dancing, I really like it I feel like I ’m dancing into a breeze when I dance, and I can stretch freely without thinking about anything. "

"Then you ..."

"When the teacher went to school, no one was willing to make friends with me. They said that my dance was just showing off my body and making up more and more outrageous rumors, but these are not the reasons why I finally gave up dancing." Cup of tea: "One day something happened in the evening. I was dancing in the dance room. A drunk guy rushed in. I was running around scared, shouting loudly, hoping someone could save me, but there was no one People come. "

"I ran downstairs in my dancing skirt and finally saw my teacher. She helped me stop the drunk man behind me."

"I thought I was finally saved, but who knew that the nightmare started. When I came to the school the next day, everyone gave me pointers, and I was called to the office before the first class, the drunk Han is also here. He and my teacher who saved me defiled me, saying that everything was self-directed and self-directed. No one was willing to testify for me. Everyone in the class thought this was the truth. " : "Since then, I dare not enter the dance room anymore. I dare not practice dancing alone, and even for a long time, I dare not be alone."

Chen Ge patted Zhang Ya's slightly trembling shoulder, letting her lean on herself.

"It's okay, you can't be separated, I won't let you be alone again in the future."

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