I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1045: Distress like a pair of invisible hands (four thousand)

Two lonely and gentle people healed each other, and they sat together on this rainy night.

The rain hit the window, like a cluttered drum, and it seemed like two different worlds inside and outside the cabin.

The storm and stormy wind vented dissatisfaction and anger. The house was quiet, the clock ticked, and the black tea on the table was still steaming.

"I should have comforted you, but as soon as I mentioned those things, I was a little uncontrollable. Every time I thought I was used to it, in fact it was just deceiving myself."

Zhang Ya is an adult after all, she quickly adjusts her emotions. Chen Ge immediately withdrew his hand. He knows how to control the size and how to grasp the distance between them, so that the two can stay together comfortably, neither too alienated nor too intimate.

"This rain probably won't stop tonight." Zhang Ya got up and checked the window, then drew the curtains, and she sat on the other side of the sofa: "The teacher has already said that, I won't run away from today , You have to step forward and walk forward. "

She said she took out her mobile phone: "Call your father, he must be worried about you, and I also want to have a good chat with him, the teacher will not let what happens to himself to his students Replay, if there are any problems, the teacher will try to help you solve them. "

Was rumored, excluded, and talked about by everyone at school. Zhang Ya tried her best to understand the pain, so she took great care of her students.

All the scars are engraved on the body, making Zhang Ya gentle and strong.

Instead of becoming a dancer, she became a teacher.

Perhaps she had thought in her heart that if that teacher did not lie on that day, but chose to stand up to clarify the facts, everything might become different.

She couldn't change the past, so she chose another way, at least in her class, she would never let similar things happen again.

Everything is developing in a good direction, but Chen Ge is slowly uneasy. If you want a person to experience despair, let him have all the goodness first, and then break all those good ones.

"Don't you believe the teacher yet?"

With Zhang Ya's encouragement, Chen Ge called his father's phone and was connected after only two rings.

"I am at our teacher's house now ..."

Simple and warm dialogue, there is nothing wrong, the relationship between father and son is very harmonious, and mutual respect and mutual understanding, there is no such a situation where I am your parent and you have to listen to me.

After Chen Ge finished speaking, Zhang Ya also chatted with Chen Ge's father. The two sides discussed Chen Ge's education for a long time.

At about eleven o'clock in the evening, Chen Ge lay on the sofa holding Zhang Ya's quilt and buried his face in the quilt: "It's so soft."

"At night, cover the quilt, don't let it cool down." Zhang Ya stood at the door of the bedroom. Her room was not big, only one bedroom.

"You have to pay attention, remember to lock the bedroom door." Chen Ge waved his hand.

"You don't need your reminder, good night."

"Good night, sweet dreams."

After the bedroom door was closed, Chen Ge was lying on the sofa alone, and his head was empty: "I haven't had such a happy meal for a long time, and I haven't had a comfortable rest for a long time. I can't believe this is in the world behind the door. "

The body is in a state of complete relaxation. Chen Ge even suspects that he will sleep directly when he closes his eyes: "Can't be careless, the fetus and Yu Jian should always be looking for opportunities."

He turned off the light and waited until midnight to enter the bathroom and put on his clothes. Although he was not completely dry, he was not so uncomfortable.

"It's time to go, Zhang Ya's family has no clues related to Yu Jian, and staying is just a waste of time." Reason told Chen Ge that he should leave now, and then use the evening time to search in Liwan Town, but whenever he thought When this idea came into being, the body struggled to resist, as if there was another voice in the brain persuading him to stay.

"This time I came here because I wanted to see if I could find a clue at Zhang Ya's house. There should be no such opportunities in the future. That is to say, this may be the last time I came, and it was the last time in every sense." When he reached the door, Chen Ge stopped and looked back at Zhang Ya ’s bedroom door: "18-year-old Zhang Ya became a red man and 25-year-old Zhang Ya became a conscientious teacher. The combination of two of them is the real one. "

Frankly speaking, when Chen Ge first received the love letter from Zhang Ya, he was only afraid of it, and death seemed to cloud over his head.

The first change to Zhang Ya was when he was live-streamed at midnight. He and the murderer met in the forest guardian's hut in Houshan. Zhang Ya's reminder saved his life.

Later, he brave enough to go to Xicheng Private College. When he saw Zhang Ya's encounter in the dance room, he was still very afraid of Zhang Ya, but he was afraid of a bit of distress.

It was because of this slight distress that he went to help Zhang Ya to trace the murderer.

The scene where the two met was as if it happened yesterday, the time span is not long, but the experience in the middle is not clear in a few words.

"Before I only saw Zhang Ya as a red man, this time I really understood her behind the door." Chen Ge walked to the door of the bedroom and put his palms gently on the door panel. Whether he fell asleep, hesitated for a long time, and said in a low voice: "It's my luck to meet you."

Lifting the backpack, Chen Ge took the black umbrella under the coffee table and left the red umbrella.

Secretly opened the door, Chen Ge did not choose to spend the night at Zhang Ya's house, he left in the rain.

According to the original plan, Chen Ge started searching from the east of Liwan Town.

The town in the rainstorm is completely different from usual, there is no street light, no light, no car can see on the road.

"It feels like I am alone in the whole town after nightfall."

Chen Ge has long been accustomed to the dark night. He inspected the buildings one by one without any gain, nor saw any figures.

"I feel that this place has become more and more depressed, but I can't tell where there is a problem. It is clear that there is no obvious change in everything and people."

The rainstorm stopped in the early morning. Chen Ge returned to the school early. He turned over the wall to enter the school, opened the classroom window, and returned to his seat.

The students came to the school one after another. Today the first class is English. Chen Ge asked Du Ming to borrow the homework before the teacher came, and it was done in ten minutes.

"Thanks, I have time to invite you to visit the haunted house in the future." Chen Ge returned the assignment to Du Ming. He found something unexpected. Du Ming, who was very long-winded, didn't say a word this time. He seemed to be in a bad mood. :"Are you OK?"

Du Ming still didn't speak, but lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to watch Chen Ge.


After finishing the morning class, Chen Ge stretched out. He was about to talk to Du Ming, but the little fat man carried his schoolbag and left.

"It's not right, you have to ask clearly." Chen Ge walked quickly, and as soon as he left the classroom door, he collided with two other male students.

"Sorry." Chen Ge didn't want to provoke trouble, so she apologized.

"True." One of the male students patted his clothes. He seemed to hate Chen Ge and whispered a few words.

His voice is not loud enough to be heard by Chen Ge, which probably means that Chen Ge has a mother and no mother, and attacks Chen Ge with a single-parent family.

"Student, it's wrong to scold people. I will tell you why it's wrong to curse people later." Chen Ge had a smile on his face. He remembered the appearance and voice of these two male students and left very freely.

This is not to say that Prime Minister Chen Ge can hold a boat in his belly and can accommodate other people's insults. He just feels that there is no need to have general knowledge of the dying person.

The two boys thought Chen Ge was bullying, with disdain on his face.

Chen Ge found some bad signs from them. The disaster has already come, and the world behind him has begun to target him.

"Dirty tire and Yu Jian can't wait?" Chen Ge finally did not find Du Ming. He turned around in the teaching building for a while and carried the bag to the top of the building.

Opened the iron door, and Zhang Ya sat alone in the place before her. There was a lunch box beside her, as if waiting for someone.

"Teacher Zhang?"

"I didn't expect you to come over." Zhang Ya beckoned: "When did you leave this morning?"

"I left as soon as the rain stopped. This is the first time I spent the night at someone else's house. I was so embarrassed." Chen Ge sat next to Zhang Ya, not knowing why his heartbeat started to speed up.

"Have you eaten?"


"You can't do it without lunch at all times." Zhang Ya opened the stacked lunch boxes: "I happened to make one more dish today."


After the lunch break, Chen Ge returned to the classroom and Zhang Ya returned to the office.

The second session in the afternoon was still Zhang Ya's class. Chen Ge was quite happy, but who knew that class Zhang Ya had just started speaking, the classroom door was pushed open.

Director Shi stood outside and beckoned to Zhang Ya. There seemed to be important things to tell her.

Before going out, Zhang Ya still had a smile on her face. After returning, her eyebrows were frowned together, but she quickly opened her eyes again.

Finished the class very hard, and then she hurriedly left the classroom.

"What happened?"

Chen Ge followed out with a backpack. As soon as he came to the corridor, he heard two students talking in a whisper.

"I heard that the new teacher was reprimanded by the director, it seems that it is because I walked very close to the students."

"Isn't it close to the students?"

"Then who knows? She used to be bad at criticism and very unchecked, so she went to our town to teach English."

"Really? Fake? Don't talk nonsense."

"I just listen to what people say, but it is probably true."

"I said, what a beautiful woman, what is better than being a teacher in a small town?"

"Yeah, knowing people, knowing faces, not knowing."

The source of the rumors Chen Ge did not know, even if the students in front of him shut up, there will be more rumors.

"Midborn and Yu Jian may be waiting for my shot."

After everyone walked, Chen Ge stood not far from the office and watched the rain slowly grow outside the window.

Zhang Ya was the last to leave the office. She saw Chen Ge who had been waiting not far away. Chen Ge also saw her at the same time.

Chen Ge didn't know whether he would be bothering Zhang Ya in the past. He determined that there was no one on the floor at this time, but walked past.

"Why don't you go home?" Zhang Ya showed the same smile as usual, and she couldn't see any sadness from this face. She seemed like nothing had happened.

"Don't let yourself be wronged for worrying about my feelings. You can tell me what you need me to do." Chen Ge took the black umbrella brought from Zhang Ya's house. He didn't return that umbrella to Zhang Ya: "Beside me, the only person who can talk like this is you."

"I know." Zhang Ya approached Chen Ge, and she whispered what Chen Ge said just now: "Beside me, the person who can talk like this is you."

She opened the red umbrella and still had a light smile on her face: "Actually, I need you to do a lot of things, such as I want you to study hard, don't contradict your family, be happy, and classmates Make a good relationship, etc. "

"I will work hard to do all these, I will do all your requests, I only hope you can promise me one thing." Chen Ge looked at Zhang Ya very seriously.

"what's up?"

"If one day you can't bear the pressure and want to leave, I hope we can see you again before you leave."

"How could I leave?" Zhang Ya shook his head: "You think too much ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't worry if I think too much, you just say you can't agree." Chen Ge is like a child, Repeat that sentence.

"Promise, if I am going to leave, I will definitely tell you in advance." Zhang Yapo replied somewhat helplessly.

"That's all right." Chen Ge instantly became happy.

"You are such a child." Zhang Ya's smile was not so deliberate at this time, this is the real smile: "You have an umbrella today, go home, remember to send me a message when you get home, and report a safe .If you still have difficulty communicating with your family, you can call me and I will help you communicate with them. "

"Relax." Chen Ge did not run around according to the agreement today. He waited for Zhang Ya to leave before crossing the wall to leave the school. The provincial gatekeepers said gossip.

Chen Ge deliberately kept his distance and returned to his home early.

"Brother, brother ..." Luo Ruoyu saw Chen Ge running happily to open the door, but Chen Ge did not enter.

"If it rains, are you at home alone?"

"En, dad, no, off work." Luo Ruoyu wondered why Chen Ge didn't enter the house, his big blinking eyes kept looking at Chen Ge.

"Then I'll wait for him here." The door was not closed, and Luo Ruoyu didn't go back. Chen Ge simply sat in the corridor and told her the story. .

As the only member of the Weird Talking Association, Chen Ge ’s story reserve is very large. He deleted some shady things and only told a part of human kindness.

I don't know how long, Chen Ge's father came back, his face was full of fatigue, and there was a clear black thread on the back of the hand holding the dish.

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