I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 143 Return from the Dead (Part 1)

There is a program called "Xiao Li Comes to Help" on [Jincheng Satellite TV].

This program is a people's livelihood news program launched by the People's Livelihood Leisure Channel of Jincheng Radio and Television Group. It is also a flagship program with a ratings of above 6.2 all year round.

a year ago……

The incident of [Hongyuan Decoration] boss absconding with money was first revealed by the program "Xiao Li Comes to Help".

The reason was that Ms. Chen found that no matter how she called, she could not get through the number of "Brother Yang" of [Hongyuan Decoration]. The project was promised to be completed within half a month, but it was delayed for nearly two months and there was no news.

When I go to [Hongyuan Decoration] to ask for an explanation, I always get answers like "the boss is not here", "the boss will be back soon", "our wages haven't been paid yet".

In anger, Ms. Chen directly dialed the program "Xiao Li Comes to Help".

When the program team of "Xiao Li Comes to Help" came to interview [Hongyuan Decoration], they happened to encounter a group of migrant workers gathered around [Hongyuan Decoration] to collect debts and wanted an explanation...


After the show was broadcast, the incident became more and more serious, and more and more customers and workers who realized something was wrong came to collect debts!

It was such a commotion that most people in the JH district knew that the owner of [Hongyuan Decoration], "Brother Yang," had absconded with the money.


"The renovation work has been suspended for nearly a year..."

"I found another decoration company to decorate, but I was very unwilling to do so. I spent so much money, only to end up pretending like this and have to spend more money!"

"Other decoration companies are not willing to take on this kind of unfinished work. No one likes to tinker and wipe someone else's butt..."

"So, the decoration has been delayed like this..."

"During that time, I couldn't sleep every day, especially in the middle of the night. I wanted to slap myself hard every day. Why did I choose such a cheating decoration company?"


November 18th.

The program team of "Xiao Li Comes to Help" came to Ms. Chen's home again.

Ms. Chen’s home is still the same as it was a year ago.

The messy sand with grass growing on it, the rusty and yellowed hoe, and the layers of bagged cement are already as hard as stone pillars...

Other than these, there is no difference from a year ago.

A year later, when Ms. Chen talked about the decoration of her home, her voice was still full of emotion. She led the program team to look at every corner of the house and told how irresponsible [Hongyuan Decoration] was in the past.

Around nine o'clock in the morning.

There was a knock on the door of the elevator.

Ms. Chen went to open the door.

Immediately afterwards...

She saw Li Bin, wearing work clothes, coming with designers and workers.

"Hello, boss lady, my name is Li Bin, and I am the person in charge of the finishing project. Last night, when our company received your call, we immediately retrieved the original design draft and brought the person who was responsible for this project. The master at the construction site..." With an apologetic smile on his face, Li Bin introduced the group of people brought over to Ms. Chen.

Li Bin is very polite and has a good attitude.

But that was how "Brother Yang" was at the beginning, and he got Ms. Chen into the trap step by step.

Ms. Chen, who had suffered a big loss, could not help but feel a little repulsive. Naturally, it was difficult for her to smile, but she also understood that her anger could not be directed at these newcomers. They were also victims, so she nodded to everyone. After nodding, he followed Li Bin and talked about the current situation of his suite in front of the camera.

Li Bin held a notebook and listened carefully while writing down Ms. Chen's demands.

The designer who was brought in re-measured the room, compared the unreasonable points in the previous drawings, and began to modify and redraw them one by one.

The workers carried generations of cement downstairs and replaced them with bags of new cement.

Ms. Chen looked at this scene...

Although she felt that these people were most likely doing a face-saving project under the lens of the media.

But the unhappiness in my heart has improved a lot.

After finishing her appeal, she handed the key to Li Bin, and then led the media downstairs to have a look at several other households of victims.

Several other families of victims were not as good-tempered as Ms. Chen.

"Take over? I think they're here to cheat money again!"

"Under the supervision of the media, they did some work, but after the media left, this kind of incident faded away. I guess it will happen again!"

"We only look at the results. What's the point of saying it well? The key is to do it well!"



It's often a difficult thing to do.

Especially after being deceived, it is even more difficult to cultivate trust between people again.

Even though last night, Jincheng News showed that [Hongyuan Decoration] was taken over and someone advanced funds for decoration, most customers still had a bit of distrust.

This interview continued into the evening.

Basically, customers have the same attitude towards the sudden appearance of "Zhang Sheng".

They will look at the decoration company's rectification status. Before that, they will not be able to pay another penny for the decoration.

Ms. Chen followed the media away from the other victims and returned to her unit building.

At this moment, the thoughts in her mind were similar to the attitudes of these victims.


When entering your own house.

After looking at the neatly stacked cement, clean labels on the walls, and water and electricity pipe routing diagrams...

Her senses felt much better.

Immediately afterwards...

She saw Li Bin bringing the designer with him and talked about design with her again.

This conversation lasted until the evening.

Ms. Chen was a little tired, but somehow she was looking forward to her house again.

The senses for Li Bin and others are getting better and better!


November 19th.

Next to [Hongyuan Decoration], the signboard of [Sensen Integrated Ceiling] has been taken down.

In the open space at the entrance, a group of merchants from Yanjing have settled. These merchants were led by the "[Hongyuan Decoration] Incident" to help the decoration company deal with various difficult and complicated problems in the decoration stage.

At first, some victim clients came for consultation.

When I came in, many of my tempers were a bit "irritated".

But after leaving through a series of consultations, these guests often have "hesitation" or "surprise" on their faces.


Gradually, some customers who had not yet renovated or had just booked other decoration companies also saw the news and came to inquire.

In this world, sometimes it is strange, there is a vague chain of contempt.

Local brands in China are not as good as imported products from overseas, and brands in small places in China are not as good as local brands in places like Yanjing and Shanghai.

After customers enter these Yanjing merchant systems, they instinctively feel a sense of professionalism.

This sense of professionalism is not reflected in the cards in this temporary store, but in all kinds of details.

For example, these merchants from Yanjing have their own company websites, Weibo...

And they are all done very professionally. You can often turn on the computer and see in detail the daily activities of the company's employees. Every day, members display project progress, model houses, and every community in Yanjing...

Of course, there is also a feedback area...

This is completely different from the merchants they have contacted in the past, and they instinctively feel "high-end" and "detailed".

Merchants have also been very patient in responding to inquiries.

Almost every customer, whether new or old, or even those who do not need the product, can be accompanied by business personnel from the merchant to inspect and make rectifications on the construction site.

Invisibly, a bit of goodwill arose in the customers' hearts.

Especially the [Obon Integrated Ceiling] area is overcrowded.

Because this brand is a "foreign brand", as soon as young people open the news search [Obon Integrated Ceiling], they can see the overseas brand of [Obon Integrated Ceiling] hanging on the sponsorship poster of the [Southern California International Film Awards] …

[Southern California International Film Awards] They haven’t heard much about it.

But the popularity on the Internet has been very high recently, and even blockbuster movies like "Thunder" were openly rejected by this award.

Invisibly, you will be full of force!

Let’s look at the photo of “Tom”, the image spokesperson of [Oppa Integrated Ceiling]...

Instantly you feel more high-end!

"Members of our [Oubang Integrated Ceiling] Huaxia Chinese website who register for the first time can enjoy free design fees and a 15% discount on material fees. At the same time, after registering as a member, you can give us official suggestions and receive suggestions anytime and anywhere. , and it is confirmed that it is a quality problem, we will arrive at the construction site within 24 hours across the country, and the electrical appliances will be repaired and replaced!"

When [Obon Integrated Ceiling] comes up with some preferential policies...

Some guests unconsciously registered as members of the official website of [Oubang Integrated Ceiling Huaxia Chinese Network].

They originally came here for consultation, or even just to see the excitement.

But somehow, after consulting, I became a member customer of the brand, and some people even signed a contract.

Similar things are constantly happening in this small area...


During this day, the merchants participating in the event all appeared on local TV programs.

Invisibly, the brand effect was created and many new contracts were signed.

Several businesses have seen the renovation potential in Jincheng and are already thinking about opening a branch in this area.

[Hongyuan Decoration], which originally thought it had no new customers, unexpectedly gained a batch of new customers during this event.

The new customer has the intention of decorating and has also asked a lot of questions about decoration.

But they are not in a hurry to sign the contract and are still in a wait-and-see attitude.


"I originally thought that [Senran Integrated Kitchen] would be the most torturous thing, but I didn't expect that this business would be even more torturous..."

Li Bin was very tired and his voice was hoarse.

As soon as he entered the store, he lay motionless on the sofa like a dead dog.

He looked at the ceiling, his eyes dull.

Zhang Sheng looked at his appearance and just smiled: Doing things is probably like being a human being. Doing it casually is easy, but doing it beautifully and being recognized by others is not easy. This is a battle. A protracted war tests one's patience the most. "

"How long will this protracted war last?"

"have no idea."

"Waiting for the brand to start again?"

"Rebuilding a brand is just the beginning. Doing business is very simple. Just two things, integrity and quality, are enough, but it is also difficult. For these two things, you have to pay a lot..."

"Oh fine."

Li Bin collapsed on the sofa again like a deflated rubber ball.


His cell phone rang.

After answering a phone call, his face instantly became more energetic!

He immediately jumped up from the sofa, trembling with excitement: "Teacher, we have a new customer who has signed a contract, and a new customer is willing to believe in us!"

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