I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 145 The night before the start! (Third update, additional update for 500 monthly votes!)

The update of "Drying the Sky" has started to slow down.

These days……

Only one chapter is updated a day.

For some veteran masters, it doesn't matter if they update a chapter a day. They have fixed fans, and their fans are very tolerant of them. As long as there are updates, they will keep following them.

But for some new authors, updating once a day is very frustrating.

Especially during the period of rising grades.

It's easy to kill the interest of those readers who are chasing after reading, and then just keep reading.

Raise books, raise books, raise books...

Many readers will never pick it up again.

"Are you here? It's not night!"

"Are you there?"

"Are you there?"

"I've got something for you!"

"Do you have a mobile phone? If so, contact me..."


Editor Qilin is in a hurry.

Q Gou contacts the author of "Breaking the Sky" almost every day and stays up all night.


Buye didn't respond.

The results of "Breaking the Sky" are getting better day by day!

The first order was over 1,000.

In just two months, Junding has increased to more than 3,000, becoming another excellent novel among the three groups!

As the number of words increases, the upward momentum becomes stronger and stronger...

Continue with this trend.

It is very possible that this book, "Breaking the Sky", can become one of the few Wan Ding books under Qilin!

As a new editor, I can still get an assessment bonus at the end of the year if my performance is determined.

Therefore, although Qilin itself has limited authority.


I still used various methods to apply for some recommendations for this book after it was put on the shelves.

This time, I even applied for a small cover page on the homepage and a text promotion on the mobile website for this book.


3G reading has gradually emerged, and other novel websites have focused on mobile reading. In October, [18K Novel Network] even launched its own mobile website, attracting a large number of customers.

[Qiming Chinese Website] The crisis was so great that it naturally refused to lag behind and also built its own mobile website.

The website plans to be officially launched on November 25th.

Because it competes with [18K Novel Network] for mobile users, the content of recommended books after the mobile website is launched is very important.

The editor-in-chief's requirement is that every recommended book can attract users to stay, and the book retention rate should be at least 60%.


[Qiming Chinese Network] There was a meeting at the headquarters. At the meeting, the editors were recommending books from their respective groups.

First-tier works: novels with countless readers, such as "The Change of the Sky", "The Story of Mortals Defying the Heaven", and "Zhe Tian Ji", are naturally promoted by prominent words on the home page.

The second-tier works: high-quality novels such as "My Tenant", "My Sister", and "School Beauty Living Together" are placed next to the text below the home page...

The third level of works is the text placed further down...

at the meeting.

Zhou Lin, who used to have a low eyebrow and an honest attitude as a newcomer learning from his seniors, changed his past low-key attitude.

Suddenly, among the second-tier works, I recommended the book "Drying to Break the Sky", and stood up and told everyone very seriously that "Drying to Break the Sky" needs a chance.

Maybe the early writing was not as good as "The Change of the Sky", and the previous ones were a bit routine, but I have slowly developed my own unique style!

It has to get what it deserves.

From joining Qiming Chinese Network to now...

He has never said so many words in public!

He was panting and sweating profusely as he spoke, as if there was a roar that had been stored in his heart for a long time...

After he finished speaking, he looked at everyone's surprised eyes and realized that he seemed to have lost his composure.

He was embarrassed.

However, he has no regrets.

The journey of "Breaking the Sky" has always been full of stumbles.

A 30,000-word application for signing!


Fifty thousand word application!

Rejected again!

One hundred thousand words, still rejected...

140,000 words, continued to be rejected...

When it was close to 160,000 words, "Breaking the Sphere" was finally signed, but the signing was just the beginning!

There are no recommendations, only the exposure of the new book list, and then I kept reading and reading, and finally reluctantly gave a recommendation until it was put on the shelves...

The results after being released are not good, but definitely not bad. The collection ratio is close to eight to one. On this network where piracy is rampant, it is a very satisfactory answer!

The author persists from beginning to end!

In every word, he could see the author's persistence and difficulty, which seemed to reflect Zhou Lin's dilemma when he first came to Shanghai and was looking for jobs everywhere.

The same stumbling, the same unrecognizability, as cautious as a stray dog...

After it goes on sale!

Zhou Lin applied for a recommendation for this book. Of course, it was also full of various doubts.

New editor, low authority.

For some ordinary recommendations, you have to apply repeatedly, and then get them from each group and from the seniors in the same group. After being recommended, there are various data assessments for the book!

Every step must be passed!

But Zhou Lin never gave up!

Zhou Lin has been fighting for this book to get the treatment it deserves.

This book has lived up to Zhou Lin's expectations. It has been rising all the way, from the 300th place on the monthly voting list, to the 250th place, and now it has rushed into the 200th place, and then the 190th place...

Data that keeps going up!

Let this assessment go all the way.

This gave Zhou Lin confidence and also filled him with higher expectations for this book!

He felt the book should have climbed higher!


He felt that if given the same recommendation, this book could even be compared with "The Change of the Sky"!

It lacks a chance!

Now is your chance!

Mobile reading is an opportunity for this book to prove itself!

If this book delivers a satisfactory answer at the critical juncture of Qiming Chinese Network's transformation and movement, then...

All doubts will be in vain!

After the meeting...

Zhou Lin applied for "Breaking the Sky" to the second recommendation position!

At the meeting, he defended himself forcefully. After the meeting, he lowered his head, continued to show a humble smile, and continued to get along carefully with the senior editors.

"come on!"

"Come on, it can be done!"

"Xiao Zhou, I didn't expect you to have such a side!"


He originally thought that some senior editors would have a grudge against him because he suddenly came out and grabbed some positions, but when a senior named May patted him on the shoulder, smiled and said words of encouragement, and other editors I also laughed and teased him in the future...

He realized that he had thought too much before.

Colleagues don’t seem to need to be as careful and vigilant as enemies as others have said?

These encouragements naturally make Zhou Lin full of confidence as he is about to set sail!


The updates of "Dry Break the Sky" suddenly languished.

It has been updated once a day for almost a week.

Although the performance did not drop significantly, the comment section exploded.

The editor-in-chief also noticed this scene and immediately talked to Zhou Lin.

The mobile website will be launched soon. With this kind of update, it is impossible to recommend it to the second level...

November 23rd.


Zhou Lin went through the information and made a phone call to the author of "Breaking the Sphere" overnight.

The phone number is empty.

The phone was actually canceled?

Zhou Lin was anxious.

It’s been three days!

There has been no reply from Qgou, and the phone number is empty. He tried all the ways to contact the author, but found that it was useless.

Today is the last day to submit recommended book lists...

"Have you been contacted?"


"How about I recommend this book to the third level first!"

"It needs a chance!"

"It is updated once a day, can it meet the performance requirements? We have requirements for subscriptions, but the updates cannot be increased, and the number of subscriptions cannot be increased..."

"Mr. Hu, I want to try again!"

"That's okay."

Editor-in-chief Hu Shuo came over again and had a chat with Zhou Lin.

Zhou Lin took a deep breath.

He seemed to have reached the final choice of fate...

He gritted his teeth.

Then he nodded and looked at Wu with a serious look on his face.

After seeing his serious look, Hu Sui didn't say much and just patted his shoulder.



This past week.

Zhang Sheng is very busy.

After returning to school, he was not free, but even busier.

The documentary "Graduation Years" is being edited. Although it is not his job, Zhang Shengde put forward revision suggestions while watching the documentary.

The campaign of home appliances going to the countryside caused the sales of [Hongwei] to soar. After the sales surged, the demand for [Bosch] batteries also increased accordingly. Tang and Wu were so busy that they couldn't produce it, so Tang and Wu had no choice but to follow suit. Working day and night, Zhang Sheng needs to help review various production bills and audit the accounts...

At the [Southern California International Film Awards], Zhang Sheng also had to communicate with Qi Yufu online. He had to review the progress every day and put forward suggestions for correction...

Other than that…

He had to read and make up for the classes he missed after taking leave.

Like a whirlpool, Zhang Sheng was busy.

Zhang Sheng would often be busy until late at night before he could turn on his computer, find an open space, and write "Drying to Break the Sky."

This is a habitual persistence.

Early morning on November 25th.

Zhang Sheng finished writing a chapter.

After finishing writing, I opened Q Dog.

He discovered that Q Dog’s information exploded!

Editor Qilin sent himself nearly forty messages in a row...

After Zhang Sheng read the message, his expression slowly became serious.

He responded with one word!


Qilin's profile picture lit up and he immediately responded: "Thank God, Wuye, you are finally online! If you don't come online, the world will be destroyed!"

After Zhang Sheng said sorry several times, the other party was not really angry and just asked for Zhang Sheng's mobile phone number.


Zhang Sheng's cell phone rang.

"Never night! The mobile version of our Qiming Chinese website was launched early this morning! It took just half an hour to go online!"

"Ah, congratulations!" Zhang Sheng was actually not too surprised by reading on his mobile phone. He checked out the mobile version of Qiming Chinese website and found that the page was LOW.

"Can you write one more chapter? Or, write a little more today, the more the better!"

"Ah?" Zhang Sheng was stunned.

"Bi Ye, I don't know what you have been through in your life. It may be very difficult, so I only update it every day. However, you have persisted for so long, and you are finally seeing the light. I hope you can hold on for a while, please. ! Let’s go for it one last time!”


"Let me tell you some good news. After our first round of mobile promotion, the half-hour data stickiness of "Breaking the Sphere" is very high. This book may explode!"

(I asked for a monthly ticket yesterday!)

(The number of daily and monthly tickets really exceeded 500!)

(Very exciting!)

(Additional chapter! Continue with 10,000 words today!)

(Continue to ask for monthly votes!)

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