I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 241 The most expensive gift? (The third update, for the alliance leader, every plant and tre

After leaving Zhang Sheng!

Tom then stepped into the spotlight.

Countless media pursuits...

I also took photos with many Chinese actresses.

In addition, there are many actresses from various countries who saw the excitement here and came to have a look.

Instigated by the media...

He has the air of a public judge at the [Berlin International Film Festival].

He is smiling.


He is a noble!

He looked toward the media.

The media are very enthusiastic and come from all over the world.

These media were all paid for by him.

He saw with his own eyes that Zhang Sheng asked "actors" to pretend to be media to create publicity. He participated in it and learned a lot from it.

The media who didn't know the truth saw the excitement here, so they naturally came over after hearing the news and wanted to get some useful news back.


it's actually really easy.

Without Zhang Sheng, he will only live better!


February 19th.

Elaine is still hanging out in Berlin.

The screening has come to an end.

Many exhibition halls have begun to close one after another.

But it became increasingly lively, with tourists and media from all over the world almost swarming the entire site.

Elaine became more and more discouraged the longer she stayed.

For nearly half a month, she found nothing.

She checked the information about the producers and directors of each movie, especially those whose copyrights had not been sold in France, and she even memorized them.

She printed her own business card and would shuttle around Berlin venues every day, handing it out to the producers and directors she met, and taking the initiative to talk and introduce her [Serlu]...

I handed out hundreds of business cards, my throat was dry, but with little success.

She also tried to make an appointment with some producers to talk about copyright. The conversation went well at first, since they were film producers after all, and the other party was very polite. But when it came to the conversation that she wanted to use the high box office share to offset the copyright fee, the other party was... His attitude changed drastically, and he looked at himself as if he were a liar.

This world is both realistic and cruel.

No one wants to be left empty handed, even for some "small-production" films that were not shortlisted for the [Berlin International Film Festival] but came here to try their luck.

Elaine, who did not buy the film rights, did not even meet Avery Tashi.

Zhang Sheng taught her to express her gratitude to Avery Tashi.

She listened.

But she can't meet anyone.

Even if he met him, he wouldn't know what gift to give to Avery Tashi.

She couldn't afford expensive gifts, and cheap gifts were too cheap. More importantly, she was not familiar with Avery Tashi and had no idea what his preferences were...

The days passed little by little.

The bustling Berlin gradually made her feel confused, and she began to doubt the meaning of her stay here.

Of course, it's not all bad news.

During this period, she received messages from France every day.

Her mother told her over the phone that several important halls of the [Salu] Cinema have been renovated.

She said excitedly that these workers from China were very efficient, much faster than the French decoration workers who took their time and enjoyed life.

They also work during the day and work in shifts at night...

They compared the drawings, down to every corner.

[Salu] The chairs in the cinema have been replaced. Although they have not been replaced with massage chairs, they have all been replaced with leather and soft-cushioned chairs.

The projection screen was also cleaned and looked like new!

Elaine saw the photos of [Sailu] after renovation through her mailbox.

In half a month, the once-old [Sailu] Cinema has been given a new look, and has been painted with simple and elegant white walls. It already looks like a cinema.

Her mother even told her!

【Salu】Seven new movies have arrived in cinemas.

In addition to "The Dog Over the Mountain" and "Wing Chun", there are also a batch of [exclusively] authorized movies shipped from China...

Although it is an old movie, it has never been shown in France. There is no guarantee that many guests will come to watch the movie, but [Seroux] is already full of energy at this moment!

Her mother's excited voice diluted Elaine's frustration.

A sense of anticipation inevitably arose in her heart, and she couldn't wait to return to France immediately to see the new [Seroux] cinema in action!

Although Zhang Sheng is very ruthless in asking for shares, he seems to be really trying his best to keep [Sailu] alive!

However, Zhang Sheng...


Elaine returned to the hotel and knocked on the door next door.

No one responded next door, and Zhang Sheng did not come back.

Standing at the door of the hotel, Elaine couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in her heart.

It seems that since February 15th, she has found it increasingly difficult to see Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng no longer accompanied her to the screenings, and his whereabouts became more and more strange. Zhang Sheng was nowhere to be seen throughout the day.

Whether it was at the award ceremony or in the screening hall, she looked for Zhang Sheng, but she could never find him.

His phone was always turned off.

He has never used Berlin's calling card.

He seemed to only go back to the hotel room to lie down in the early morning, but the next day, Zhang Sheng would leave early again.

Early morning of February 20th.

Elaine was lying on the hotel bed.

Because it is not a high-end hotel, the sound insulation of the hotel is not good.

Zhang Sheng did not come back. Even if it was early in the morning, Zhang Sheng did not come back.

Elaine was lying on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep.

Has Zhang Sheng already left Berlin?

This thought appeared in her mind. Once this thought appeared, she could no longer suppress it.

Feelings of anxiety and uneasiness welled up in my heart.

Elaine thought about a lot of things, thinking about the future of [Selu], thinking about Berlin, thinking about the past glory, thinking about the movies that she enjoyed in Berlin, and even thinking about preparing a gift for Avery Tashi. gift, she began to feel a little bored and felt out of breath.

Zhang Sheng told her to express his gratitude to Avery Tashi and give her a gift!

But why not tell her what gift she should give.

What kind of gift is appropriate for someone like Avery Tashi?

The whole night passed like this in a state of random thoughts.

There was never any sound of the door opening next door.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Elaine heard a knock on the door in a daze.

She got dressed and walked out the door.


She saw Zhang Sheng.

She lowered her head subconsciously and saw Zhang Sheng seemed to be holding some beautifully wrapped gift in his hand, standing at the door, smiling at her.

"Zhang Sheng, what is this?"

"This is a gift for Avery Tashi!"

"Gifts?" Elaine stared at the two exquisite gift boxes in Zhang Sheng's hand.

"Yes! Today is the last day of the Berlin International Film Festival. Avery Tashi is no longer busy. He is chatting about new movies with Mr. Bi Feiyu in Room 307 of the Dasli Trat Hotel!" After Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he handed over Give Elaine a gift box.

"Ah? What kind of gift is it?" Elaine took the box blankly. The box was heavy and full of English writing.

"You can open the gift I gave you first."

"I have it too?"

"Yes, as a testimony of our first cooperation." Zhang Sheng smiled and handed another exquisite box to Elaine.

Elaine opened the box.

I saw an exquisite mobile phone case in the box.

She subconsciously opened the phone box and saw a touch-screen phone inlaid with artistic stripes.

With Zhang Sheng's nod, he took out his phone and touched it gently. It felt good.

"Miss Elaine, you heard that Mr. Avery Tashi's mobile phone is very old and some functions are no longer able to support some 3G software. You also heard that Mr. Avery Tashi is very impressed by the landscape of China. Interested, so you specially invited China's most famous art sculpture master, Mr. Shen Guozhong, to design such a mobile phone with a cinematic artistic atmosphere based on Chinese landscape gardens..." Zhang Sheng stared at Elaine, and then laughed.

"Me?" Elaine was stunned.

There seems to be something wrong with Zhang Sheng's words.

Did I hear it, or did you hear it?

"Yes, there is an elegant Chinese landscape pattern on the back of the phone, but if you look at it with a magnifying glass, you can see through the pattern a still from Avery Tashi's debut movie "Tea Picking Girl". Every tree is We have miniaturized and refined a line from the movie. Its exterior is inlaid with genuine leather, and its internal gaps are inlaid with the latest stitching technology. It is drop-proof, waterproof, and resistant to smashing, and is inlaid with bronzing and diamonds around it, which complies with the requirements. Western concepts of freedom, democracy, and art..."


"There is also a video on Avery Tashi's mobile phone. In the video, Avery Tashi's "Tea Picking Girl" was played in the former Sailu Cinema. We will make those precious historical materials into It became a commemorative video..."


Elaine listened to Zhang Sheng's introduction to this mobile phone.

Her mind went blank.

She lowered her head and looked at her phone.

"The texture of your mobile phone is similar to Avery Tashi's, but the arrangement and combination of the textures are like [Selu] Cinema, the new [Selu] Cinema. Can you take a look with a magnifying glass?"

cell phone……

Send it to Avery Tashi?


She took the magnifying glass and looked at the lines on the back of the phone.

She really saw the lines in the photo of the [Salu] cinema.

She turned on her phone...

After a burst of pleasant startup music, she saw the words [NC] slowly flashing by, and then turned into a brand new interface.

"This phone is too expensive!"

Looking at the overly detailed artistic lines and inlaid diamonds on the phone, Elaine suddenly felt that the phone was very heavy.

"No! It's not expensive. Gratitude is what's expensive!" Zhang Sheng handed Avery Tashi's mobile phone case to Elaine.


"All of this is your wish!"

"Zhang Sheng, it's obviously you..."

"No, remember, this is you. This is your sincere gift to Mr. Avery Tashi." Zhang Sheng shook his head and looked at Elaine seriously.

"Are you busy with these two mobile phones these days?"

"Well, that's not entirely true. I know some young people who have dreams, are talented, but are down and out. I'm ready to help them realize their dreams step by step..." Zhang Sheng laughed: "Okay, come with me to visit Mr. Avery Tashi..."


(I broke my promise, I updated the third update, and I feel guilty!)

(Third update, another update to impress the leader of the league! Please give me your monthly vote!)

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