I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 242 The stench of capital!

Dasli Trat Hotel.

Avery Tashi smoked a cigarette and talked about movies.

He admired this junior very much.

This is a younger generation who is unique, talented and dares to challenge traditional film shooting techniques.

He took him to meet many friends and judges in Berlin, and also talked with many film producers about the copyright of "The Dog Over the Mountain".

But, unfortunately, the market feedback for "The Dog Over the Mountain" was not very good.

In addition to being fully booked in the first week due to the popularity, the attendance rate then became lower and lower, and was finally on the verge of decline.

In the entire [Berlin International Film Festival], its total box office was ranked at the bottom.

This is a disappointing and cruel reality.

But quite normal.

most of the time……

Some unique arts are not accepted by the public.

Unless it’s true love, some kind of mental quirk, or curiosity.

Otherwise, not many people would be willing to take on the perspective of a dog and look at this boring Chinese countryside.

"Artists are always lonely, and we cannot deny its value because of the market... In five years, ten years, maybe, someone will truly realize the wonderfulness of this movie..."

Through the windows of the Dasli Trat Hotel, you can see the noisy [Berlin International Film Festival] venue in the distance.

Thick crowds of pedestrians were swarming below like ants.

This is a feeling of loneliness at a high place.

Bi Feiyu is not disappointed with the response to the movie "The Dog Over the Mountain".

It can be shortlisted in Berlin, screened, known and recognized by countless people, and make a return...

Everything is like a dream.

But this dream is almost over.

One cannot always wallow in past glories or failures...

You have to take a step towards him.

He looked at the script of "Seven Days to Kill" in his hand, thinking about what to say.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Bi Feiyu stood up and opened the door.

He saw Elaine appear at the door with a beautiful gift.

Behind him, Zhang Sheng stood with a smile on his face and nodded to him.

He quickly welcomed the two people in.

I originally wanted to introduce Zhang Sheng to Avery Tashi first, but I didn't expect that Elaine took the gift and walked in the direction of Avery Tashi.

Avery Tashi put out his cigarette and looked at the little girl with stunned eyes.

"Hello, Mr. Avery Tashi! My name is Elaine, and I am the person in charge of [Sailu] Cinema. Thank you very much for helping us [Sailu] when we need help the most..." ..." Elaine looked at Avery Tashi, and she seemed to have mustered up the courage to say these words in an excited voice.

Avery Tashi stood up and stretched out his hand with a serious expression: "Hello, Miss Elaine, nice to meet you."

Outside the window, warm sunshine shines through.

In the sunshine, Avery Tashi shook hands with Elaine.


A term from a long time ago.

That was the day when Avery Tashi's first movie "Tea Picking Girl" was released.

That year, the entrance to the [Salu] Cinema was bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun.

In the afterglow, the streets were crowded with people, exuding the fragrance of flowers, and applause sounded like thunder.

The young Avery Tashi walked into [Sailu] and walked towards his dream...

After many years...

That memory still seems clear.

That is one of Avery Tashi's beautiful memories.

The brilliance of "Tea Picking Girl" brought Avery Tashi to the top, enjoying numerous international praises.


[Salu] is gradually declining.

The next year, Avery Tashi heard the news that the movie theater had been sold.

He was briefly confused, but his busy work did not make him less touched.

Later, there was less and less news about it, so little that Avery Tashi could only recall it, occasionally thinking of the premiere, but he couldn't remember the name of the cinema.

If Bi Feiyu hadn't asked him a few days ago if he could find a cinema in France that was about to close down...

He suddenly thought of [Selu].

in the room.

Looking at Elaine's appearance, Avery Tashi laughed: "I'm glad to hear that you [Sailu] are still alive and will be reborn. Sit down."

Elaine nodded and followed Zhang Sheng to sit opposite Avery Tashi.

Avery Tashi looked at Elaine and inevitably asked about [Sailu]'s situation over the years.

From Elaine's very deep voice, he heard [Sailu]'s subsequent story.

The grandfather who was addicted to gambling, the father who worked hard but couldn't support Sailu's decline, witnessed the closure of every house, and Elaine was helpless but unwilling...

Avery Tashi listened patiently.

Memories of the past emerged in his mind one after another. He had witnessed the short-lived prosperity of [Sailu] and also seen their loneliness.

To this day, he still has the naive and sincere smile of Sailu's first boss in his mind, and he can vaguely see some outlines on Elaine's face.

Looking at Elaine, Avery Tashi felt admiration in his heart.

He could feel the little girl's unwillingness and stubbornness.

But the story about [Serlu] is not all gray.

Elaine also talked about [Salu]'s current situation, talked about the movie "That Summer", and talked about her trip to China and meeting some like-minded people.

Elaine's voice was sincere and full of emotion.

Avery Tashi nodded: "If [Sailu] survives, it will become more brilliant in your hands..."

"Mr. Avery Tashi, here, I would like to say thank you again. If it weren't for the opportunity you gave me, [Selu] would not have been reborn. To express my gratitude, I have specially prepared a gift for you. …”

Elaine held the exquisite gift in both hands and handed it to Avery Tashi.

Avery Tashi took a look at the heavy gift.

It seemed to be a custom-made phone.

The cover of the gift is a still from his movie "Tea Picking Girl".

He subconsciously opened the box and saw an old photo.

That was a photo of him and the boss [Salu] just after "Tea Picking Girl" was released...

Looking at this photo, his heart trembled slightly for some reason.

More memories emerge...

At this moment, he seemed to be back to that late summer decades ago, that young man with dreams and that smiling boss.

He carefully took out the photo. The yellowed photo actually made his eyes slightly moist.

Seeing this photo, Elaine was also stunned, and she looked at Zhang Sheng.

Where did he get this photo?

Zhang Sheng just smiled when he faced Elaine's gaze.

These days……

Li Bin and others were renovating [Salu], and then they found an old box. There were some photos in the old box. Through the words of Elaine's mother, they knew that those were photos from when "Tea Picking Girl" was released.

He suddenly felt that he could do something with these photos.

"Mr. Avery Tashi, I hope that we [Selu] can continue to maintain friendship and cooperation with you starting from my generation..." Elaine's voice rang out.

Avery Tashi was shocked when he heard the sound, and then looked up at Elaine.

Elaine's expression was serious.

He nodded.

Nostalgic, moved, excited...

The mixture of complex emotions left him speechless for a moment.

After a brief silence, he looked at Zhang Sheng.

This Chinese guy came in with Elaine.

"Mr. Avery Tashi, this is Mr. Zhang Sheng, he is my Bole, the person I have mentioned to you repeatedly and admire very much..."

Bi Feiyu reacted and quickly introduced Zhang Sheng.


"Hello, Mr. Avery Tashi!"

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, if I guess correctly, you are the mastermind behind the [Southern California International Film Awards], right?"


Zhang Sheng stretched out his hand and smiled.

Avery Tashi looked at Zhang Sheng and just nodded silently, without shaking hands with Zhang Sheng.

Maybe it’s because he was forcibly “invited” to be a judge at the [Southern California International Film Awards], and because the [Southern California International Film Awards] did really poorly, so he has no regard for Zhang Sheng, the mastermind behind the scenes. Any good feelings.

Think that's a scam.

"Mr. Avery Tashi, you seem to have a grudge against me?" Zhang Sheng retracted his hand and did not feel embarrassed, but kept smiling.

"I'm sorry, I feel the stench of capital on you..."

"Mr. Avery Tashi, I really want to agree with you. I also feel that I have a stench of capital, so I feel very uneasy about meeting you this time..."

Avery Tashi is very abrupt.

Bi Feiyu felt harsh for a while.

But Zhang Sheng always smiled calmly, nodded neither humble nor overbearing, and maintained a gentleman's demeanor.

Zhang Sheng's words really sounded comfortable, especially his sincere eyes, which made Avery Tashi at a loss for a moment.

"Mr. Avery Tashi, I'm sorry that the [Southern California International Film Awards] has given you a not-so-good memory, but for me, it is an honor and a turning point in fate... "


"Many years ago... I have always loved movies very much. I have also thought that one day, I can become an actor or a director. This is my dream..."


"However, not everyone has the right to pursue their dreams. I was born in a poor family. I have never seen a piano or a guitar. Apart from black and white TV, I can rarely even watch a complete game. movie of……"


"Later, when I went to junior high school, I saw a guitar, a piano, and an amazing movie. From that moment on, I saw the desire for art in my heart..."


"I once dreamed that one day I would be able to stand on the stage and attract everyone's attention. I also worked hard to write scripts and novels. I never gave up on my dream. I also felt that my whole life was just for my dream. Born..."


"But, people have to eat after all. In this world, I have no parents or relatives to rely on..."


"I had to live, I did some opportunistic things, I made some money, and I started to get a little bit of the stench of capital..."

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