I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 279 Run forward!

Before the single was released.

Ah K was excited, excited, excited...

Countless complicated emotions kept him awake all night!


When the single was released and he looked at the rising data within an hour, his mood gradually calmed down.

The average number of plays of "Ecstasy" on major music players per hour is an astonishing 30,000!

Not only did it break through the history of major music software, Qgou Music even hung up a banner of "Ecstasy" at the moment of breaking the record. The banner had the words "Internet Music Milestone" written in very eye-catching fonts. .

Ah K was particularly eye-catching.

He specifically clicked on "Ecstasy" and listened to it.

This song is not positive. On the contrary, the lyrics reveal decadence between the lines. It makes Ah K very uncomfortable to listen to it. Moreover, the lyrics are gorgeous. At first glance, they seem to be full of information. But after listening to it, after thinking about it carefully, it reveals a sense of decadence. Weird, unfounded feeling.

He doesn't like this kind of song!

He felt that many fans probably didn’t like it either!


He looked at the comment section...

That moment!

He once suspected that there was something wrong with his judgment on music.

Within an hour, this song had over 10,000 comments on Qgou!

What's exaggerated is that every few seconds, no matter which music software's comment area is refreshed, dozens of words of praise for "Ecstasy" will be displayed.

There are countless words of praise, and Ah K thinks they must be written by trolls or some idiot fans, but when I look through any comment, it seems like a real fan is commenting.

Ah K briefly fell into self-doubt, and once felt that there was something wrong with his aesthetic appreciation of music and his understanding of the emotions of movie fans...

Is "Ecstasy" a good song?

He looked at "Run".

"Run" has 10,000 views per hour.

The number of comments on major music platforms in one hour has exceeded 3,000.

There were many compliments.

Naturally, it’s not a bad statistic, it’s even better than the opening statistic of the entire album “In the Rain”!


An hour later, there were more and more criticisms of "Running", almost including some good reviews.

Ah K couldn't help but look at the scoldings of negative reviews.

A group of fans scolded the lyrics of this song for being too straightforward and without any artistic qualities. They criticized Ah K's singing skills for having problems. He obviously couldn't sing the climax and sang hoarsely. In the end, his voice broke, and even There is an appearance of attacking Ah K, saying that Ah K has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks...

The negative comments made Ah K gradually become angry deep inside. He seemed to see his favorite child being falsely accused of being ugly. He was criticized right after he was born and should not be in this world, even for breathing. All have affected the world's environmental protection.

Two hours!

There are more and more bad reviews!

Almost suppressed some of the good reviews.

Within an hour, it was originally given a high score of 9.2, but gradually it was given a score of 8.5 by these negative reviews, and then the data continued to drop.

Ah K looked at the negative reviews, and his anger began to turn into shock and anger, and then, the shock and anger began to slowly turn into self-doubt.

In the whole day after the release of the "In the Rain" album, there were no more negative reviews than this.

A few scattered negative reviews are normal. After all, everyone will have them. But with so many negative reviews, does that really mean that this song is terrible?

He looked at the lyrics he had written...

In a daze, he began to feel that it was indeed a bit straightforward. Then, he listened to the song again. In the past, he thought "Running" was the climax and the most exciting roaring melody. Now, when he heard it, the singing gradually became less interesting?

He doesn't feel regretful about losing to "Ecstasy", nor will he be disappointed. After all, this is a difficult battle, and the opponent has a great chance of winning.

But, if you lose to yourself, then...

Maybe if he sculpts "Running" again, he can do it better?

The sun sets.

The sunset fills the sky.

He turned off the computer and stared blankly into the distance.

He once thought that his mind was extremely strong, and he felt that no matter what he encountered in the future, he would be able to move forward without hesitation!


this moment……

He felt that the "Tao heart" he had insisted on before was suddenly broken at this moment.

People are like this sometimes. At a certain moment, they only care about those who criticize them, but ignore those who support them.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door in the office.

Zhang Sheng walked in.


"Ecstasy" crazily broke one record after another.

Flowers and applause are already the standard features of "Ecstasy".

Mozi was immersed in countless cheers and received one "congratulations" call after another from people in the industry.

His emotions will inevitably swell and he will inevitably be excited!

Eight o'clock in the evening.

The new episode of [Starlight] is about to be recorded. As one of the resident instructors, he was naturally invited to participate in this show.

Xu Shengnan followed Mozi to the recording site and calmly told him that no matter what happened, he should not get carried away and should be humble, humble and humble to any senior.

Mozi nodded, but there was a trace of flush on his face. When he walked into the recording site of the program, even more enthusiastic cheers came like a tide.

He heard countless congratulations again, and even the director of the program came over, patted him on the shoulder, and said "Come on"...

Xu Shengnan stood outside the recording scene.

The countless applause at the recording site did not comfort her.

Even when the single "Ecstasy" had more than 80,000 comments and nearly 100,000 views, she was still staring at the song "Running".

The single playback count of "Run" is 50,000. Without a miracle, this song would not have been able to catch up with "Ecstasy"!

Moreover, "Running" has a lot of negative reviews, its ratings are constantly falling, and all kinds of criticisms have filled the entire Internet.

The increasing number of negative reviews has naturally affected the increase in playback of "Running"...

She was not surprised by this.

She either doesn't take action, or once she does, she must drive the other person to death!

This is business competition, this is the heavy pressure of capital. Since it is heavy pressure of capital, no matter how cruel it is, it is normal to completely crush a good song that should be a hit.

Now that this war without gunpowder has begun, they can only win.

At nine o'clock in the evening...

She returned to the company.

Senior executives in the company congratulated her.

She didn't smile, just nodded.

She returned to the office and continued to observe the data.

Her expression changed slightly!

Within an hour, the growth rate of "Running", which had been sluggish, began to climb crazily, from 50,000 to 80,000!

The astonishing data made her keep an eye on the major news on Weibo!

She saw CCTV's [Evening News], which showed a news feature about [Yaohua] winning a lawsuit overseas.

This is a major event in the technology world, and it is also a major event that brings pride to the Chinese people. It is naturally exciting!

News topic, there is a live broadcast...

The reporter for the live broadcast is named Shen Bingbing. She is a girl who has just been transferred to CCTV and looks very innocent and cute.

She saw the comments at the bottom of the Internet. There were countless words "Shen Bingbing" and "Shen Bingbing" in the comments.

In the live video broadcast online, Shen Bingbing, a new reporter from CCTV, was chatting with Lin Guodong about the future development and arrangements of [Yaohua] with a sweet smile on her face...


A phone call came. Although the ringtone was very soft, Xu Shengnan could still hear it. It was the ringtone of "Running".

Shen Bingbing also did not shy away from the camera, and smiled and said that she is also using the [Hua X1] mobile phone...

Of course, in such a formal interview program, it is impossible to introduce how the mobile phone is and why the ringtone of "Running" is used. After briefly mentioning it, they talked about other programs.

Xu Shengnan squinted his eyes.

It is this short, unclear ringtone that causes the data of "Run" to rise like crazy...

After watching the video, she clicked on the "Run" interface!

There are still a lot of bad reviews, but among these bad reviews, there are scattered emoticons of Shen Bingbing holding her mobile phone and smiling cutely!

Xu Shengnan took a deep breath.

Keep looking at the data!

This wave of influence is explosive!

On Qgou Music, the real-time ranking of Ah K’s singer influence has jumped from fifty to more than twenty, and then to the top ten!

Ending at eleven o'clock!

The number of plays of "Running" has exceeded 150,000, which is still incomparable with the 230,000 of "Ecstasy", but the gap is getting smaller and smaller.

At twelve o'clock, the gap in playback volume has narrowed to 200,000 to 280,000!

The difference is only 80,000, so it’s even!

Xu Shengnan felt the sound of "bang bang bang" beating, and a trace of sweat appeared on his forehead unconsciously.

She felt a pressure from the pursuit of "Run".

She continued to call various units of [Starlight Future]...

After eleven o'clock, the playback volume of "Running" finally began to slow down, with the total playback volume reaching 250,000...

And "Ecstasy" soared to 350,000!

Three hundred and fifty thousand!

Another new milestone in music history!


The night wind blew.

Ah K drank some wine.

The last time he looked at the data was when "Running" reached 250,000 views on Qgou Music...

This data should be celebrated. This is already his personal record and the most eye-catching achievement in the entire online music industry.

However, he knew that it was the huge popularity brought by [CCTV]...

After the popularity of [CCTV] ends, he no longer thinks about whether it can be maintained.

The scoldings from netizens still lingered in his mind.

"Still unhappy?"

"A little."

"That's the navy."

"I know it's a navy, but it just hurts people's hearts, just like poking a cripple's bad leg. I'm not highly educated and I don't have much education. I can't write music with beautiful words and depth... Because I have not received professional training, there are also problems with my singing skills..."

"Is there anything else?"


"No more, right? Have you noticed that they can only attack these things?"


"The most basic trolls will just call you rubbish for no reason, but they can't tell you why. The trolls who have a little bit of brains and pretend to be "fans" will spend a long time picking and choosing from you. Starting with rhetoric and appearance... apart from that, what else can they pick out?”


Zhang Sheng took the notebook and read the comments in the notebook to Ah K one by one.

Ah K listened to these comments.

These comments that made me self-doubt and painful a few hours ago started to look funny at this moment.


No matter how these comments change, no matter how they use various words to criticize and criticize, but back and forth, there are only these points...



I can't find anything that makes sense.

These vicious sailors will attack the lame man’s bad leg, but they can only attack the lame man’s bad leg!

"Running forward, facing cold looks and ridicule, how can you feel the vastness of life without going through hardships?"

After a brief silence, Zhang Sheng looked up at the sky and read these words clearly.

After hearing this, Ah K subconsciously stood up.

"Ah K!"


"You run forward with all your strength. I want to see your potential, your final limit. Even if in the end, you reach the limit and can no longer move forward, I can still push you up!"

"I want works, not huge traffic to lift me up... Traffic can only last for a moment. In the end, let the works speak for themselves!" Ah K took a deep breath and finally said this sentence .

"I'm talking about works too!"

After Ah K heard this, his eyes widened and he stared at Zhang Sheng's back in disbelief!

He saw Zhang Sheng walking to the edge of the rooftop, looking down, with a smile on his lips.

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