I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 280 Phenomenal single?

the next day.

Ah K got up from his sleep.

The first time he got up, he looked at the statistics of "Run".

The number of views of "Run" exceeded 300,000, while the number of views of "Ecstasy" reached 450,000.

The gap is gradually widening again!

The negative reviews of "Run" have not decreased, but are increasing!

He carefully read the comments one by one, whether they were positive or negative, and he also saw many fans scolding some trolls...

He watched all this silently.

Of course, he was still emotionally affected by these comments.

But this emotion gradually turned into a kind of motivation in my heart.

When he came to the company, he immediately found Shen Xiaoxi.

"Mr. Shen..."

"What's wrong, Brother K?"

"Help me find a voice teacher, a professional voice teacher. If possible, can you help me get in touch with the music school to see if there are any night classes or something like that..."

"Brother K, what are you doing?"

"My leg is lame, but I won't be lame forever..."


He was shocked by Shen Xiaoxi and said this. After seeing Shen Xiaoxi nodding, he turned and walked towards his office.

"Brother K!"

"Director Bi?"

"I made a promotional MV for "Run"... The contents in the MV were all things that I didn't edit when I was filming. When combined, it just happened to be a song about ordinary people chasing dreams..."

"Thank you, Director Bi..."

"Thank you, this is what you should do..."

Bi Feiyu hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and stared at Ah K: "Brother K, the quality of "Running" is not bad. I saw it. There are many trolls on the Internet scolding you, but don't accept it." The impact is that more people will support our "Run". A good work can never be buried, and everyone in our company will work hard to help you!"

Ah K heard Bi Feiyu's heartfelt voice, and he nodded silently.

Then, he walked into the office.

When he first walked into the office, his phone rang. The number was from some merchants...

Merchants who had worked with [NC Entertainment] all came to call to support when they learned that Ah K was competing in the ring with Mozi.

Not only did they download the song "Run", but they also played "Run" continuously in front of their stores all day long.

"Ah K, we were very sorry when we learned that you would not be attending the concert..."

"We have discussed battery cars and decoration and building materials. If you are willing, we would like to help you build a stage for your personal concert..."

"The concert arranged by [Starlight Future] is not in Times Square in Shanghai? Let's rent a square nearby! They can promote it, and so can we. They sell tickets, and we also sell tickets!"

"Ah K, behind them stands huge capital, but behind you, we also stand. Although we are not huge, we are willing to follow you to the top..."


In the office.

Ah K listened to the phone calls.

On the phone, there were encouragements and inspiring words. Without exception, Ah K felt a sense of sincerity!

After answering the phone, Ah K sat on the chair, his nose feeling a little sore for a while.

At this moment, he felt full of power.

At this moment, the office door opened.

Zhang Sheng walked in with a smile on his face.

"boss Zhang……"

Ah K stood up subconsciously.

"Sit down, how are you thinking about the concert? If you nod in agreement, I will have someone prepare the tickets for the concert..."

"Ah, this..." Ah K was shocked, and then smiled bitterly: "Mr. Zhang, are you serious? I am only famous for a few songs now. If I sing them over and over, the audience will probably get tired of them..."

"You can sing other songs. You don't need to sing many songs in two hours..."

"Then the copyright of other songs..."

"As long as you are willing to stand on the stage and sing along with those people, you don't have to worry about the copyright, I will help you get it!"


"Choose some songs and see which ones require copyright..."

"Can I really hold a concert?" Ah K took a deep breath and then looked at Zhang Sheng.

"Any questions?"

"No, no..."

"Hurry up and choose a song."


Just after Zhang Sheng left Ah K's office, Zhang Sheng saw Shen Xiaoxi walking over excitedly.

"Mr. Zhang, good news!"

"What's wrong?"

"Mobile Communications, I hope to cooperate with our CRBT!"

"What cooperation?"

"We collaborated on the song "Running". This song has a very good download volume in the field of paid ringtones. They want to talk to us about TV recommendations..."



On the afternoon of March 22nd.

Xu Shengnan looked at the data.

The expression on his face became more and more solemn.

She began to realize that something was not right, and she even vaguely regretted not forcing Mozi to sing.

The popularity of the CCTV interview for "Running" has actually declined after two days.


"Ecstasy" did not improve the data of "Running"!

They [Starlight Future] spent all available resources on "Ecstasy". The exposure level of "Ecstasy" is no less than that of some little kings releasing songs.

However, the sad thing is that after "Ecstasy" exceeded one million views, its growth rate began to slow down.

Promote resources again, expose them again, and put them on the show again!

This song still doesn't move very well, and the growth rate only maintains a certain range!

It seems that this song, which the entire team devoted their entire team to create for Mozi, seems to have gradually approached its upper limit.

Facts have proved that it can temporarily allow Mozi to have the influence of the "Little King". Recently, it has also allowed Mozi to sign a lot of endorsements, filling the gap in investment in the song this time...


It's not a phenomenal song!

On the contrary, the song "Running" began to have a touch of phenomenal flavor.

"Ecstasy" has been played 1.1 million times in two days!

And "Run" has exceeded one million!

On the Internet, there are more and more good reviews...

Some fans said that this is a powerful song that allows people to feel resonance and run in desperate situations, and to run forward regardless of everything!

Some fans also said that although this song has very few skills and very ordinary words, the emotions in it are so mind-numbing that countless listeners have goosebumps.

The download volume of "Ecstasy" is gradually beginning to be unable to keep up with the download volume of "Running"!

"Ecstasy" sold 1.1 million copies in two days, and the total downloads were 700,000!

The total number of downloads of "Run" has actually reached an astonishing 670,000, and the increase has not become less and less because of the passage of time, but has become more and more popular!

This is a state that can only occur with a phenomenal single!

Xu Shengnan immediately discussed the matter with his team. No matter how much it cost, "Run" could not be allowed to surpass "Ecstasy", not even once.


When the discussion still yielded no results, Xu Shengnan began to hear another news!

The mobile communications department seems to have seen the potential of "Run" and has reached a cooperation with [NC Entertainment] to prepare ringtone advertisements for "Run" on major TV stations!

Halfway through the meeting, Xu Shengnan hurried over and made a phone call to the leader of the communications department he was familiar with.

On the phone...

The head of the communications department also told the truth without hiding anything.

The ringtone for "Running" has been downloaded an astonishing 300,000 times by users without any TV recommendation!

In the past two days, "Ecstasy" has been editing TV commercials for text message downloads of ring tones, and the number of downloads has only been 800,000 times!

"Just look at the streets. Ordinary people listen to music the most accurately!"

"Those selling electric cars are playing "Run", those selling mobile phones are playing "Run", and some people selling building materials are also playing "Run" through loudspeakers when they are conducting promotional home decoration activities... This is not Yanjing, nor is it just It's Jincheng, this is nationwide..."

"Moreover, the mobile download area is also very powerful. Didn't you see that the mobile download volume of "Run" is almost the same as that of "Ecstasy"?"

"You let us, how do we choose?"

"No one has trouble with money!"


After answering the phone, Xu Shengnan's face gradually turned ugly.

CCTV propaganda!

It is indeed very influential.

However, when the popularity of CCTV’s propaganda gradually decreases, it can still have some influence. What does that mean?

this moment……

She has realized that "Run" is very likely to be a phenomenal song!

Phenomenal song!

Even if it is suppressed by others, as long as there are people who can hear it, it can become popular even if it does not have much publicity resources!

In this era, capital can make a work so crazy and shocking in its early stages, but the only thing that can really explode is the work itself!

Xu Shengnan returned to the conference room, and she still didn't give up on "Ecstasy"...

When the meeting ended, she immediately found her leader Zheng Chengwu, who was very calm.

"You want to use the concert to let others praise you again?"


"You have to think clearly! There are a lot of human feelings involved, and this concert is a concert where we [Starlight Future] can turn around after being put under heavy pressure by [Shengshi Entertainment]! If Mozi becomes one of the protagonists, I won't I know if he can carry it!"

"I think very clearly, this time, we cannot lose."

"Okay, then I believe you, just go ahead and do it."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Zheng!"


Xu Shengnan walked out of the office.

Then she continued to discuss the concert with the team, and she picked up the phone and communicated and negotiated with the organizer of the concert one by one...

When you are done with all this...

She got a call.

On the phone...

She heard the news that Ah K was about to hold a concert, and it would be a solo concert.

After she heard the news, she fell silent.

(Allow me to give you two updates today. The climax that follows is not easy to write. It is also the beginning of the rise of the protagonist. Well, it is the next stage of the protagonist. I have to make a detailed outline and plan it carefully. Put the lines together and write clearly!)

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