I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 281 The clarion call of the times

"Next week, the people I arranged will come over to take over your work. You have worked hard with us [Yaohua] over the years, and [Yaohua] will not treat you badly. Even after retirement, [Yaohua] will still give you You all deserve the treatment you deserve!”

"Okay, this matter is settled!"



In the conference room.

Lin Guodong looked at the senior members of the group.

He said this sentence with an indifferent expression.

A month ago, when he held a core meeting and announced that Yaohua's terminal business would be officially aligned with enterprise business and operator business, he encountered strong opposition from these veterans.

The mentality of those veterans who once conquered the world with them began to change as [Yaohua] gradually transformed from a small family workshop into the top structure of the Chinese science and technology circle.

They began to indulge in pleasure, indulge in comfort, and did not want to make progress. They even became less and less courageous. When there was a disturbance in the outside world, all they thought about was compromise and capital preservation.

It’s understandable. After all, [Yaohua]’s journey has not been easy. No one wants to go back to before liberation after a huge change or a wrong decision.


It's a pity that they live in this rapidly changing era.

This era is a dark forest full of wild beasts. You can only survive by running continuously, throwing away the wild beasts and finding a new direction!


Means death!

In the conference room.

The elders whispered among themselves, some of them looked ugly and said some words excitedly, but Lin Guodong remained indifferent throughout.

The voices of the elders gradually became quieter, and the whole conference room was filled with an aura of doomsday, depression, and desolation, with a sense of sadness of the death of a rabbit and a fox.

After Lin Guodong glanced briefly, he left the conference room.


Yu Dong watched Lin Guodong come out, and something complicated flashed across his face: "Mr. Lin, I should be the one to step in. After all, you have been with these people all the way, and they..."

"You can't handle it!"

After Yu Dong heard this sentence, he was speechless for a moment, and then silently glanced at the conference room.

He seemed to feel that Lin Guodong had changed.

It’s different than it was a few years ago, or even a few months ago.

No, maybe it was when I came back from Germany a few days ago after winning the lawsuit...

He began to become decisive and sharp in killing, and even when Yu Dong stood in front of Lin Guodong, he felt a cold feeling penetrating into his bones.


"Here!" Yu Dong's shoulders shook subconsciously.

Later, he saw a hint of regret on Lin Guodong's originally indifferent face: "Only when a company is twisted into a rope and works towards one place can it have the possibility of further progress. In the early stage of starting a business, it is natural to use emotions to guide it. Maintain, but when it comes to a company, too much emotion will affect people's judgment of the future, so it needs very strict rules and regulations, as well as giving young people enough room for advancement..."

Lin Guodong patted his shoulder and said this.

Yu Dong was stunned for a moment, then nodded instinctively.



Ah K walked under the overpass.

He saw the wandering singers one after another. After a moment of hesitation, with a somewhat complicated feeling, he seemed to see his former self.

He took off his mask and hat...

"This is Ah K!"

"Wow, Ah K is here again!"

"Teacher Ah K, please sign your name for us!"

"Teacher Ah K!"


On the overpass, there was a sudden commotion.

After some fans looked at Ah K, they suddenly screamed and surrounded him.

Among these people, Ah K was stunned when he saw the wandering singers carrying guitars on their backs, and then showed envious expressions.

They are still struggling.

The warm wind blew on Ah K's body. The wind was cool and comfortable, as if it was filled with vitality.

Ah K looked at the people gathered around him with a warm smile.


Warm smile!

He didn't bring an agent or an assistant. He didn't have any idol baggage. He greeted all the onlookers. He would pose for anyone who came to take a photo, and he was not stingy about signing autographs.

On the overpass...

Some reporters and paparazzi also came over after hearing the news. When being interviewed by reporters, he was very polite. Even when reporters kept asking random questions repeatedly, he was still very patient.

It doesn’t matter whether the other party’s media is big or influential.

after an hour……

There are more and more people.

"I'm sorry, everyone, please give in. Today, I am actually inviting teachers to support me for my concert..."

"What concert?"

"In two days, I will hold a concert in the suburbs of Yanjing. I don't know any big singers in the circle, but I really want to hold a concert. This is my dream, so, I took the initiative beyond my means and invited those wandering singers who were like me to come and support my concert..."


Under the spotlight of everyone and the lights of the cameras, Ah K walked towards a few street singers under the overpass.

"Mr. Deng Rong..."

"Ah? Teacher Ah K, hello..."

"The day after tomorrow, can I invite you to my concert?"

"Ah! This, this..."

A tall middle-aged man stuttered when he spoke with excitement.

He never dreamed that Ah K would come to the overpass in person to invite him, and even more unexpectedly, he could actually call out his name clearly!

Ah K stretched out his hand. He nodded sharply and shook hands with Ah K. Then, his eyes instantly became wet!

The evening breeze blows.

"Let's go, follow me to invite the next teacher to help out..."

"Ah, good! Good!"

Ah K had a simple expression on his face and his eyes were full of sincerity.

Deng Rong, who was forty years old and still wasting his time, nodded, then packed up his things, put his guitar on his back, and followed Ah K under the spotlight...


[Qiangsheng Mall].

On the third day after opening, the Q Dog Group of 500 people quickly filled up.

The news in Q Dog Group is flying all over the place.

Some asked what conditions are required to purchase the [Huaxing] mobile phone, and some asked about the functions of the [Huaxing] mobile phone. Of course, there were various feedbacks.

Li Qiang patiently answered various questions from customers...


There is something to say...

Although the [Huaxing] mobile phone is a mid-range model under the [Yaohua] mobile phone brand, its parameters in all aspects are not as amazing as the [Huaxing X1], but the full touch screen typing feels very good.

Today's multi-touch technology not only eliminates the heavy feeling between fingers of traditional mechanical keyboards, but also increases typing speed, making all aspects of mobile phone functions simpler and more technological.

Three years ago, when the IPO company released a true touch-screen mobile phone that became popular all over the world, who would have thought that a domestic mobile phone worth more than 1,000 yuan three years later would also be equipped with this function?

Ten p.m……

[CCTV Evening News] is indeed very influential.

Even though he knew that the mobile phones in [Qiangsheng Mall] had been sold out and only some other brands of senior mobile phones were left, the door was still crowded with customers who came to order mobile phones.

Some of them had expectations on their faces, while others had pride on their faces. After reading the news, they came over to support domestic mobile phones...

Looking at the crowded door, although he was very tired, Li Qiang still had a smile on his face, and he explained to the guests again and again the arrival time of the mobile phone tomorrow, as well as the conditions for ordering [Hua X1]...

Wait until half past ten in the evening...

The door of [Qiangsheng Mall] is finally closed.

After a busy day, Li Qiang rubbed his eyes and said hello to Xu Bowen, the [after-sales department] next door. He went upstairs and began to calculate the turnover of the past two days.

Under the light.

He looked at the shipping and ordering data in front of the computer!

Although he understood that this data was terrifying, he was still shocked.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm down!

[Qiangsheng Mall] has a total turnover of RMB 80,000 in two days!

80,000 yuan, which is nearly half of the gross profit. Excluding additional expenses such as rent, the net profit is about 34,000 yuan.

Thirty-four thousand!

Putting aside the share with Mr. Zhang, Li Qiang actually received close to sixteen thousand six thousand!

An auspicious number.

Li Qiang shook his head. He carefully reviewed the work he had done in the past two days...


What did you do?

Apart from greeting customers, inviting them to join the group, and solving various problems with their mobile phones, he has done nothing!

Special staff from Yaohua come to sell mobile phones...

Then, is it as simple as picking up money?


After a brief shock, Li Qiang began to calm down. As a person who wants to do something in the business field in the future, it is naturally impossible to be immersed in the immediate benefits.

He looked at the words [Qiangsheng Mall] and fell into deep thought.

Later, he realized that the reason why he was able to make money was actually that Zhang Sheng had paved a road, opened up nodes one by one, and formed an ecological retreat.

Whether it is store decoration, mobile phone promotion, cooperation with [Yaohua], or the song that singer Ah K recently released...

Although this ecological retreat does not last long, if any link moves forward, other links will benefit from it!

After figuring this out, he began to gradually realize a sense of crisis...

This ecological closed loop is just like the ever-changing technology. It seems that everyone is being pulled forward by invisible forces, but if you can't keep up with the rhythm, you will still be eliminated!

He recalled what Zhang Sheng had said to him. He opened [Taozhu.com] and looked at the dazzling array of products. He thought about what he should do next to fit in with the big framework Zhang Sheng had set.

Around twelve o'clock.

The door of [Qiangsheng Mall] opened.

Later, Li Qiang saw Zhang Sheng coming over.

He rushed over.

He saw Zhang Sheng holding a stack of concert tickets in his hand.

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