I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 447 What are you pretending to be?

The door opened.

When Li Zaiji, the head of HL's business department, opened the door and talked to Zhang Sheng about "My Sassy Girl Sadako" and asked him about the copyright of the song "I Believe", Zhang Sheng realized...

Ah K actually wrote the name of the composer of "My Letter" as his.

Zhang Sheng looked at the composer of the song "I Believe"...

A past event came to mind unconsciously.

months ago.

Xin Xiaoqi once asked Ah K to help create a theme song for "My Sassy Girl Sadako".

After Ah K finished writing the lyrics, he got stuck in the arranging stage. He tried several arrangements over and over again, but could never find a song that fit the lyrics, which put Ah K in trouble.

One night...

Ah K, who was exhausted and couldn't break through, specifically found Zhang Sheng.

He said that he wanted to release a new album, but there was always a title song missing. Any song in the album seemed to work, but it was almost meaningless.

At the same time, he also talked about "My Sassy Girl Sadako" inviting him to sing...

He tried everything...

Just like before, I ran into the streets and shouted, ran around with my upper body naked, squatted under bridges, and even watched romantic movies over and over again for inspiration...


This time, he was not as lucky as before. He created "In the Rain", "Yanjing Night" and "Running" in various attempts.


This thing is weird.

Sometimes a lot of them pop up out of nowhere, and then they disappear in a flash...

Sometimes I lock myself in a room, write desperately, and look up information desperately, but until my hair turns gray with worry, I still can't catch the fleeting things...

Ah K failed.

I did not receive a gift from God like before.

He told Zhang Sheng...

Since "Run" became popular, he did not accept various commercial performances and make money like other singers. Instead, he has been studying arrangement and lyrics desperately in Yanying, studying like a sponge. Knowledge of music theory.


The harder he works, the more he feels like an ordinary person...

The more I study, the more I feel that I am not enough.

It's painful to realize that you are ordinary...

Ah K was also immersed in pain, telling Zhang Sheng that he seemed to have "finished his talents."

That night...

Ah K chatted with Zhang Sheng about a lot of things. Until early in the morning, when everything was silent, he was still sighing.

He showed Zhang Sheng the lyrics he wrote for "My Sassy Girl Sadako" and the title song of the new album.

Zhang Sheng looked at some words in the lyrics.


A melody came to mind.

Vaguely, it seems to be the melody of a Korean song, and the name seems to be "I Believe"

That is……

The theme song of the original world "My Sassy Girl".

In the original world, "My Sassy Girl" not only became popular as a movie, but also made a Korean song called "I Believe" popular.

At that time, Zhang Sheng happened to have heard it and could hum...

Then, Zhang Sheng tentatively hummed a melody from the climax of "I Believe".

This time...

The painful Ah K suddenly became excited.

As if he had found some way to salvation, after repeated confirmations, Zhang Sheng saw Ah K hurried away with the melody.


The theme song "I Believe" of the knock-off version of "My Sassy Girl Sadako" was born!


Zhang Sheng can speak a few words of standard Korean.

Well, it's okay to talk and bluff people on the scene, but it's not okay to talk about things.


Kim Jae-ki and Zhang Sheng used English to communicate about various film copyright matters.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, I hope to spend 170 million won to buy the copyright of "My Letter"..."

Jin Zaiji looked at Zhang Sheng.


From Zhang Sheng's eyes, he only saw a shake of his head: "Three million, plus profit sharing..."

Obviously, the price is a bit low...

One hundred and seventy million Korean won sounds extremely bluffing, but when converted into RMB, it is about one million RMB.

Generally speaking, the copyright fee for a popular song ranges from tens to hundreds of thousands...

Of course, this is the starting price.

For example, the copyrights for adaptations of popular songs that reach the level of "Running" and "In the Rain" are basically in the millions.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, three million... this..."

When Jin Zaiji heard the price, he was stunned. He was about to say something more, but Zhang Sheng looked at him calmly and said, "Mr. Jin, you can think about it again..."

Jin Zaiji realized that talking to Zhang Sheng about copyright issues was actually an extremely painful thing.

He doesn't seem to have any sincerity...

Also seems impatient.

He didn't even take himself too seriously. When he came in, he simply poured himself a glass of boiled water, and then...

There is no more.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, I not only want to buy the copyright of the song "I Believe", but at the same time, I also want to buy the film and television rights of the movie "Big Diamond" produced by your company... We can buy it outright, or we can share it... "


"Mr. Zhang Sheng, you should know that behind me is South Korea's HL Entertainment. HL Entertainment, do you know what company it is? The Korean drama "Janggeum" that was popular all over the world in 2005 and the love drama in the millennium The movie "Autumn Love Song" is produced by our company. At the same time, our company has cooperative relations with entertainment companies [Starlight Future] and [Shengshi Entertainment] in your country..."


Jin Zaiji introduced himself again, and then introduced the company behind him. The assistant who came with him took out HL's information book at the right time.

He wanted to remind Zhang Sheng that he came here because of his sincerity in lowering his status and his optimism and appreciation for "My Sassy Girl Sadako", rather than because he was seeking Zhang Sheng's [NC Entertainment].

Reading between the lines, it also shows that actually cooperating with HL is an extremely honorable thing for [NC Entertainment]...

Therefore, when he came to [NC Entertainment], he refused the reception of Shen Xiaoxi, the person in charge of [NC Entertainment], and went straight to Zhang Sheng instead.

He talked a lot.

But the young Chinese boss in front of him kept a polite smile from beginning to end.

"Mr. Kim Jae-ki, I always hope that we can talk about cooperation on an equal level, but if we have to talk about company level, I think it is meaningless. I'm sorry..."

"Mr. Zhang Sheng..."

"Sorry, excuse me, I'm going to take a call first..."


Jin Zaiji watched Zhang Sheng stand up, answer a phone call in his astonishment, and then left the office without any gentlemanly manner.


Shen Xiaoxi walked in with a smile on her face.

This made him feel angrier than ever before, and then he immediately walked out of the office angrily.

As he walked out, he scolded Zhang Sheng for his arrogance and rudeness.


After walking out of the office and out of the door of [NC Entertainment]...

But he saw his competitor Li Zaiming from [HL Entertainment] also walked into [NC Entertainment].

After hesitating for a moment, he returned to [NC Entertainment] with a cold face.

But coming back this time...

There were always people coming and going in Zhang Sheng's other office, and there was even a long queue in the reception room outside. He didn't see Zhang Sheng's face until three o'clock in the afternoon.

Instead, at 3:30, competitor Li Zaiming smiled, shook hands with Shen Xiaoxi, and left with the contract...


A few million copyrights were considered too much for Zhang Sheng a year ago.

A copyright…

This will allow Zhang Sheng to pay off his debt.

But today, the size of millions is meaningless.

Show off in front of Zhang Sheng and introduce how awesome your company is and how powerful it is...

Does it make sense?

If you were a blockbuster film producer, Zhang Sheng would still take you seriously, but you are a small film producer, and you have your tail up high...

In fact...

Zhang Sheng naturally had no intention of seeing Jin Zaiji in vain.

From morning to afternoon...

Zhang Sheng has been busy.

He met Jin Minjing, the head of the marketing department of South Korea's [SOA Game Company].

A tall, strong woman wearing glasses and professional attire...

[SOA Game Company] is not that big. In a sense, [SOA Game Company] is just a company that has produced a few lukewarm small games.

Jin Minjing was brought here by Xu Guangbiao from [Shengteng Technology]...

Well, I used to be Xu Guangbiao's Q-dog friend. The two of them chatted on the Internet for nearly three years. Well, basically Xu Guangbiao tried every means to lick each other, but the other party neither agreed nor refused. .


Treat Xu Guangbiao as a spare tire.

Later, [Temple Escape] became a big hit, and when Xu Guangbiao proudly said that he was the founder of [Temple Escape], and even the second-in-command of China's [Shengteng Technology]...

It was obvious that Jin Minjing was becoming enthusiastic about him, and she kept yelling...

"Mr. Xu, have you had a hair transplant?"

"Cough, cough, Mr. Zhang, my hair has always been thick..."


In the office.

The first time Zhang Sheng saw Xu Guangbiao, he was simply shocked!

Zhang Sheng’s impression of Xu Guangbiao is that of an “otaku”, “sultry” and “bald”…

But at this moment, Xu Guangbiao actually had thick and beautiful Korean-style black hair. He was wearing a suit and was dressed meticulously. He even wore a Rolex watch.

Zhang Sheng was shocked for a while.

"Oh, yes, yes..."

Zhang Sheng nodded, and then looked at Jin Minjing, who was sitting opposite with a smile on her face.

Jin Minjing hasn't spoken yet...

Xu Guangbiao couldn't wait to talk to Zhang Sheng first.

"Mr. Jin hopes to reach a strategic agreement with our [Shengteng Technology]. He hopes that our [Shengteng Technology] will represent several games developed by them. At the same time, he also hopes that we can authorize [Temple Escape] to him..."


"What game?" Zhang Sheng glanced at Jin Minjing.

Jin Minjing wanted to speak, but Xu Guangbiao eagerly and diligently took out the information.

"These are several games developed by Mr. Jin's [Shengteng Technology] team. Do you want to take a look?"


Zhang Sheng nodded, but looked at Xu Guangbiao's nervous look.

He lowered his voice slightly: "Mr. Xu, don't worry, I won't compete with you for her, she is not my type..."

"No, Mr. Zhang, I didn't mean that. I just think..."

"Okay, let me check the game first...is the disc free of viruses?"

"No, no, there is absolutely no virus. How dare I put a virus..."


Zhang Sheng looked at Xu Guangbiao's more nervous look and immediately smiled.


He took the CD handed over by Xu Guangbiao and turned on the computer.

Just when he turned on the computer and clicked on the first game, his smile gradually stopped.

He looked at the words "Dungeon".

Then, he saw the running screen of the game, which looked very much like the "Dungeon and Fighter" in the original world.

When he saw Zhang Sheng put away his smile, Xu Guangbiao became even more nervous: "Mr. Zhang, although this is a horizontal screen, like an arcade game, the impact is very good..."

He talked endlessly about the advantages of this "dungeon".


Zhang Sheng, however, didn't react at all, just playing the game.

Jin Minjing on the other side also became nervous at this moment.

In fact, before looking for Zhang Sheng, she went to [Tengji Technology].

However, it was a pity that the other party saw her game and rejected it without saying a word.

Therefore, she came to Zhang Sheng, hoping to use the agency rights of [Dungeon] and other games in exchange for the agency rights of the [Temple Escape] mobile game...

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