I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 448 Dungeons and Warriors! ! !

The Korean online game market in this world is extremely developed. Countless Korean online game companies export a large number of game works to the global market every year...

Like "Legend of Marfa", which once made [Network Cloud Games] a lot of money, like [Eternal Continent], which is still popular in Internet cafes, and [Juqing Games]'s annual revenue is close to 6 billion yuan...

They are all Korean games that were represented in the early days.

It is no exaggeration to say that today’s Korean online games are already one of the pillar industries in South Korea.

[SOA Game Company] was established in 2007.

Jin Minjing, who comes from a relatively good family, has been interested in playing games since she was a child. Later, when she saw the creators of each game making a lot of money, she couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​making her own game.

So, she took several classmates and spent 17 million won (100,000 yuan) to establish [SOA Game Company] on the second floor of her villa.

After establishing [SOA Game Company], the next step was to recruit people, exchange game experiences with overseas players, and plagiarize some ideas on the forum. After going back and forth, among these people, I met Xu Guangbiao from China.

Three years ago, Xu Guangbiao, who was attending university in Yanshihua, was submissive in real life, but he was very aggressive and boastful online. He wished that all overseas netizens would know that he was a game master from China... …


"Mr. Zhang Sheng, I know this is very abrupt, but I think this "Dungeon" definitely has a market in China. I have absolute confidence in our game..."


"While everyone is pursuing 3D and games with long plots, our horizontal screen game is mainly based on super cool combos and supplemented by a sense of attack, just like the arcades of the past..."


"The time dungeons of 3D games are very painful for players, but our "Dungeon" is different. Each of our levels does not take long and can be regarded as a casual game..."


In the office.

Jin Minjing stared at Zhang Sheng's reaction seriously.

Xu Guangbiao chattered endlessly, but the young Chinese boss didn't seem to have any interest.

This reminded Jin Minjing of the scene when she walked into [Tengji Technology] and met the game interviewer.

Korean games are developed, but the corresponding competitive pressure is extremely high, and the market is very small.

If you really want to make money and get into a family, then you have to set your sights on other countries...

no doubt.

Huaxia is Jin Minjing’s first choice.

In the past ten years, there have been countless cases of unknown Korean games becoming popular in China. Coupled with the progress of the times, Chinese players have doubled, making this country like a city where everyone is digging, but no one is. Everyone can dig into the big gold mine of treasure.

She had been preparing for this day for a full year. To this end, she also learned Chinese and learned about nearly a hundred Internet companies and game companies in China through various channels!

She has tried big game companies such as [NetCloud Games] and [Juqing Games]...

The other party rejected her without question.

These big game companies were greatly disappointed when they saw 2D horizontal screen games. Although they were polite, they really looked down on these small games.

Later, she went to [Tengji Technology], which was recruiting people.

[Tengji Technology] currently does not have any large-scale games, not to mention [Q Dog Game Center] which contains some small games similar to cards.

There is no doubt that [Tengji] is currently the best choice...

During the interview, she did her homework, learned from her previous negotiation experience, and kept introducing the various advantages of [Dungeon], while also introducing the prospects of this game.

It can be used as a casual online game, and at the same time, it can also be used as a stand-alone mobile game. As long as the interviewer nods, she can adapt [Dungeon] to various game markets.


As a side-scrolling 2D online game, in this era where all kinds of role-playing online games are the main focus, even the person in charge of [Tengji Games] thinks that this kind of graphics looks very crude and lacks aesthetics. I am very optimistic about it and think that any company can do it...

The agent is no problem.


The other party made many harsh demands, and even prepared to buy it out directly with 100,000 yuan.

Jin Minjing was furious at that time.

Before the interview was over, I took my luggage and left [Tengji] without saying a word...

The night she left [Teng Technology], she received a private message from [Sheng Teng Technology] "dog licker" Xu Guangbiao on the social networking site.

Then, she thought of [Temple Run], and then she suddenly realized that the popular mini-game [Temple Run] in China was still in the blank stage in South Korea...

So, she thought of a new cooperation plan.

In the office.

After Jin Minjing finished speaking her thoughts, she saw Zhang Sheng finally put down the mouse.

"Mr. Jin...how do you want to cooperate?"

"Previously, Mr. Xu also said that I want to use all the games I have developed before in exchange for the agency rights of [Temple Escape] in South Korea..."

"You should be very clear about the commercial value of [Temple Run] mobile game, right?" Zhang Sheng couldn't see any sadness or joy on his face, he just looked at Jin Minjing with a smile.

"I know, we can spend money on it!"

"How much can you spend?"

"I...I am willing to spend 35 million won..."

"Two hundred thousand yuan?"



Zhang Sheng remained silent.

Just under Jin Minjing's gaze, he took out the CD and handed it to Jin Minjing.

"Mr. Zhang, I...Mr. Zhang, I think we can give it a try. We don't have to exchange agency rights with [Temple Run]. We can spend money to buy it..."

When Xu Guangbiao saw Zhang Sheng handing the CD to Jin Minjing, he immediately became anxious, his face turned red from holding back, and he looked like he wanted to say a lot, but couldn't say anything because he was stupid.

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, shook his head at Xu Guangbiao with a calm expression.

Xu Guangbiao was stunned.

Xu Guangbiao once felt that the distance between him and Zhang Sheng was too far to touch.

at the same time……

He felt that Zhang Sheng was extremely strange now.

In the past, even Zhang Sheng yesterday did not have such a calm attitude when facing him.


Xu Guangbiao gritted his teeth and left the office with Jin Minjing.

About ten minutes later...

There was a knock on the office door again.

Xu Guangbiao walked in from the door reluctantly, as if he had gathered enough courage, and looked at Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang, I... I think we need to talk..."


Xu Guangbiao sat next to Zhang Sheng, and his face turned red again: "Mr. Zhang, I want to represent this game. Jin Minjing doesn't have the money, so I can contribute. Mr. Zhang, you can deduct one year's salary from me..." "

Zhang Sheng did not answer the call, but made Xu Guangbiao a cup of warm tea and said with a smile: "If you want to win people, you will lose them..."

"Mr. Zhang, let me talk about games with you..."

"Jin Minjing is a strong admirer. If you just obey and lick her, it is impossible to get her. Even if you get her for a short time, you will part ways..." Zhang Sheng was still looking at Xu Guangbiao with a smile.

When Xu Guangbiao heard this, he seemed to have been exposed. An unprecedented embarrassment flashed across his face. After a while, he came back to his senses: "Mr. Zhang, then..."

"I'm very optimistic about [Underground City]..." Zhang Sheng interrupted Xu Guangbiao before he could finish his words.

"Then..." Xu Guangbiao was stunned: "Then why..."

"Cursor, please remember your position. You are no longer an ordinary programmer at Yanshihua. You are now the person in charge of [Shengteng Technology], the R\u0026D company of [Temple Escape] [Mitu Games] It's your game product, and Jin Minjing's current status is equivalent to [Mi Rabbit Game]..." Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes and looked at Xu Guangbiao.

"Mr. Zhang, I don't care about this..."

"If you want to tame a proud horse, you must be its owner, not its scrapper..." Zhang Sheng continued to stare at Xu Guangbiao.

When Xu Guangbiao heard these words, for some reason, his heart trembled slightly. After a long time, he looked at Mr. Zhang with a wry smile: "What should I do?"

"You have been fighting for a long time. In the end, in view of your hard work, I agreed to your request... At the same time, in view of [SOA Game Company]'s current predicament, in order to better cooperate with [SOA Game Company] , and, so that [SOA Game Company] can grow faster, you will invest in [SOA Game Company] in the name of [Shengteng Technology] and become the largest shareholder of [SOA Game Company]..."

Xu Guangbiao listened to what Zhang Sheng told him. He was stunned at first, and then suddenly realized: "Then what happens next..."

"You use [Shengteng Technology] as the Chinese agency to represent this [Dungeon]. At the same time, you make a military order with me. This game will have 500,000 online users for me in the first half of next year... …”

"Ah! Mr. Zhang, what if I can't finish it..."

"If you can't finish it, you can't finish it. Anyway, it's just bullshit. It's just for Jin Minjing to see. Let her know how much you paid for this game and for her, and how much pressure you put on to mature. Then, career beauty Take it all into your pocket and become a winner in life..."

"Ah! Mr. Zhang, you...I'm going to kneel down to you...Then I'll go talk to her now..." Zhang Sheng's almost words made Xu Guangbiao stand up from the chair all of a sudden, and even his wig was gone. Got it crooked.

"Let's talk nonsense, drink tea with me until dinner..."


"Let her wait outside for your news! She won't cherish it if she doesn't wait for so long. By the way, there must be no rush in this matter. You have to take your time. Anyway, today you will discuss with her about investing in the company first, and then issue a military order. , and, remember! You must not lick, the more you lick her, the more precious she becomes. She is hanging on to you, and you are hanging on to her..."

"Ah, okay, then [Temple Escape]..."

"We've all bought shares, just switching from the left hand to the right hand for operation. You just need to go to the legal department to draw up the contract... Now [Shengteng Technology] is not short of money, can you just take a few million?"

"Yes, then I'll go..."

"What's the rush? Let's have some tea and let me talk to you about some of my improvement requirements for this [Dungeon]..."


Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses.

While Xu Guangbiao was dumbfounded, he chatted with him about [Dungeons and Warriors] in the original world...


The sun sets.

Jin Minjing stood up.

Then she saw the office door open.

Xu Guangbiao walked out with red eyes: "Mr. Jin..."

"Mr. Xu, you..." Looking at Xu Guangbiao's appearance, Jin Minjing instinctively felt a bad premonition.

"I...we want your [Dungeon], but President Zhang and I have issued a military order..."

When Jin Minjing heard that there were 500,000 people online, she was shocked!

She felt like her head was buzzing.

She, who had always been calm, suddenly became confused.

"Mr. Jin, I have no choice. I am going to spend two million to operate our [Dungeon] and turn [Dungeon] into an online game... In the future, more money will be invested... It is expected to be tens of millions RMB... However, Mr. Zhang must agree to this..."

Xu Guangbiao sat on the chair and lowered his head, seeming a little frustrated.

"Mr. Xu, what can I do to help you?" Jin Minjing was surprised and happy when she heard about tens of millions of yuan.

"Let's make this game better together... Mr. Jin, in order to give Mr. Zhang an explanation, Mr. Zhang and I have tried to buy shares in your [SOA game]... But at the moment, Mr. Zhang does not agree..."

"You can buy shares! Yes...I'll go talk to Mr. Zhang..."

"But Mr. Zhang is not free now. Don't worry, I can solve it. Mr. Jin, give me some time..."

"how long?"

"I promise, it will be possible tomorrow, but now, we have to draw up a shareholding contract..."

"Okay! I'll pay for the contract fees... and I can do all the notarization procedures with the lawyer!"


(Third update today...sorry, a little late)

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