I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 449 Ten million year-end bonus

December 25th.

Late at night.

Liu Changyu sat alone on the balcony of the rental house and smoked.

I smoked one cigarette after another, not knowing how long I would have to smoke, and I didn’t know where I should go in the future.

There was confusion and hesitation in his eyes, and images from the past kept flashing in his mind.


He received another call from Li Dongqiang.

Li Dongqiang told him on the phone that the current traffic of [Dongqiang Mall] has reached 500,000, and nearly 500 merchants have settled in it, which is basically the same as [Qiangsheng Online Mall] in the same period.

Under the dim light, a gust of cold wind was blowing, making Liu Changyu feel more and more bored.

In the information bar of the iPad, Liu Changyu saw various data about [Dongqiang Mall] that Li Dongqiang sent to him.

"We are about to integrate with Qgou. After we integrate with Qgou, we will be able to get investment and traffic from [Tengji Technology]. By then, we will not lose to any online shopping website..."


"Old Liu, come and help me. I'm really tired. I stayed up all night again today. However, the reorganized team is definitely not as useful as the previous team. Moreover, the market is changing rapidly. If you don't pay attention, the other party will take action. You have to Always be vigilant..."


"I need people. Come here. You will still be responsible for the market. When we finish the group buying campaign and let [Dongqiang Mall] go public, I will step back and give you the largest shares and executive rights of the entire company... …”


On the phone.

Li Dongqiang's voice was tired and slightly hoarse, but sincere as never before.

Liu Changyu felt a little unbearable and moved for a while.

He closed his eyes silently.

No matter what...

Li Dongqiang is definitely a capable person.

How long has it been since [Dongqiang Mall] was established?

The traffic and data in all aspects are already on par with [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

Moreover, in a sense, he and Li Dongqiang have similar concepts, and they were once each other's comrades. During the time when they started the business of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], they passed through difficulties again and again.

In love with reason...

It seems that everyone should consider following Li Dongqiang instead of staying in [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

The moonlight shines.

Liu Changyu once felt that he was standing at a crossroads in life.

Go left.

Or to the right?

"why are not you sleeping?"

"Smoke a few cigarettes."

"Are you worried about Mr. Li and Mr. Zhang?"


"What do you think about it?"


Li Dongqiang turned to look at his wife.

When I was eighteen years old.

He was probably a lone wolf, with great ambitions in his heart and no regard for anything. He walked unscrupulously in the city and looked at the rows of tall buildings, feeling that the world was at his feet.

Over the course of ten years, he gradually realized that he was not the protagonist of this world. He showed his sharp edge time and time again, but his edges were smoothed off time and time again. During the stumbling, he lowered his head for the first time.

At the age of thirty, he got married.

Relatives and friends were present, and the woman's parents stared at him harshly and reluctantly handed his wife's hand into his.

In fact, when a person bows his head for the first time, life begins to constantly compromise on becoming a grandson. The dream of becoming a big boss and buying a building gradually turns into buying a house.

At the age of thirty-eight...

After finally saving up all my savings, I was like a ridiculous, slow-moving snail, carrying a huge house on my back. I no longer had any sharpness, but was submissive to everything. The leader would bow his head and admit his mistakes after cursing a little, and all kinds of things happened. Such a compromise seems to be engraved in my bones, and it comes casually.

At the age of forty, he finally saw hope in his career, but an airborne "relative of the emperor" sat on his head. As soon as he came up, he gave him a powerful blow.

He once again chose to compromise and bow his head. During this period, he tried every means to cooperate with all the work of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], working hard and without complaint like an old scalper.

But every night when people are quiet, I feel like an idiot. I can't help but want to slap myself, but my raised hand stops in mid-air for fear of pain.


Just wasting time, wasting time, obviously shouldn't be called pain, life is much better than before, but there is still a little depression deep in my heart.

Night wind.

It's getting colder.

"I don't know, but I probably won't follow Li Dongqiang. Everything now is hard-won..."

Liu Changyu finally sighed quietly and looked into the distance.

The wife didn't say anything, she just put some clothes on him and told him not to stay here for too long, and then walked back into the house.

This night.

Probably extremely long.

Liu Changyu stood on the balcony all night in the cold wind.

He finally sent Li Dongqiang, "Mr. Li, forget it, I'll just follow Mr. Zhang."

After sending it, Liu Changyu put down his phone.

Looking at the white fish belly on the horizon, I silently took out a cigarette.

The smoke is gone.


The next day, he returned to [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and went to work as usual.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] has added a [Customer Service Department]. The [Customer Service Department] is like a hub, dedicated to serving users and merchants. Of course, it will also report information to its marketing department in a timely manner.

"Mr. Li!"

"Mr. Liu!"

While taking the elevator, he met Li Bin.

Li Bin smiled at him.

Then, in the elevator, the two of them remained awkwardly stiff, neither of them knew what to say.

When the elevator returned to his floor, he walked towards his office.

In the office...

Many employees in the marketing department pointed at him.

He knew who was talking and spreading rumors again.

"Mr. Liu, hello..."

"Who are you……"

Liu Changyu saw a young boy coming over respectfully.

When he saw this young junior, Liu Changyu was stunned, and he was keenly aware of an extremely bad idea deep in his heart. After a while, he saw this young junior and replied: "Mr. Liu, I am the assistant assigned to you by the company. In the future, if you have any unfinished business in the company, I can help you deal with it..."

When Liu Changyu heard this sentence, he was briefly confused, and then realized that his position seemed to have been vacated.

His expression suddenly turned ugly.


He did not run to argue with Li Bin.

After drinking tea with Zhang Sheng, he realized that if anything happened to him, he should calm down first to avoid exaggerating the situation, and then he would consider countermeasures when the matter was really clear.

He suppressed his emotions and walked toward the office without saying a word.

Everyone else in the marketing department looked at him with a strange look.

This look made him feel extremely uncomfortable and uneasy. The feeling of uneasiness was getting stronger and stronger.

He is very familiar with the strategy of marginalization by those in power...

I better understand the principle of "The cunning rabbit dies, the running dog is cooked, and the good bow is hidden".

I just didn't expect that I would wait for such a day.

He returned to the office.

He had no intention of working all morning, and his mind was filled with all kinds of follow-up arrangements.

I couldn't help but think of Li Dongqiang again, and felt chilled again for no reason.

In the afternoon, bursts of excited and noisy sounds sounded in the company's office. This sound was particularly harsh and made the eardrums tremble.

He frowned.

Just when I was about to go out and take a look, my phone rang.

"Mr. Liu, bonuses have been given! Mr. Zhang gave our marketing department a lot of money... Oh my god!"

Answered the phone.

The call was from his confidant Han Jinlong.

Han Jinlong on the phone told him excitedly that the company had given him a one-time bonus of nearly two million!

Moreover, Han Jinlong was wondering between the lines how much Liu Changyu, the biggest contributor to the marketing department of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], had posted...

Liu Changyu glanced at his bank card.

His face suddenly turned bitter: "Have you already posted it?"

"Our marketing department has sent it!"

On the phone, Han Jinlong became more and more excited, while outside the phone, Liu Changyu became more and more depressed, and a sense of frustration arose spontaneously.

For the first time, he hung up the phone without any grace.

This is a trick to kill the donkey!

Is it just because I had tea with Mr. Zhang that time and the two of them had different opinions that Mr. Zhang felt that he had lost his role?

The bitterness became more intense.

Liu Changyu was in great pain for a time...

He leaned back on the chair and stared at the ceiling silently, an endless feeling of chilling occupying his whole body.

He waited until after get off work in the evening.

When he stood up and prepared to chat with Zhang Sheng again...

His phone vibrated slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a public-to-private transfer appear on his bank card.

Looking at the series of data below, he lowered his head and counted for a long time before confirming whether it was one million. It was actually...

Ten million!

When he saw this data, he took a deep breath, and then checked it again in disbelief.

After checking, I still felt like I was dreaming, and my heart was beating uncontrollably...

He lay down on the chair and combed his heart fiercely. Under great joy and sorrow, it is easy to make people go crazy. He desperately told himself to calm down, absolutely calm down.

After a long time...

He finally calmed down.

Just when he was about to call Zhang Sheng to confirm, Zhang Sheng's call came to his mobile phone first.

"Come to my office for tea..."

After the call was connected, Zhang Sheng's voice was very calm and simple.

After hearing that he agreed, the other party hung up the phone.

He hurriedly packed his clothes and left the office.

He walked out of the office, and almost everyone in the marketing department of Qiangsheng Online Mall was excited like crazy...

Obviously, the bonus that suddenly hit their accounts this time completely exceeded the excitement threshold deep in their hearts. After several hours, they still could not come back to their senses.

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