I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 469: Make money while lying down!

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang……"

"Mr. Zhang, I am Cai Yong, the head of the commercial department of [Jianli Bicycle]. We would like to buy an advertising space from you..."

"Mr. Zhang, I am Wang Jian, the owner of [Dairy Food]. We come from Inner Mongolia, thousands of miles away. We hope to reach cooperation with you. Price is not an issue..."


Countless brands surrounded Zhang Sheng like a tide.

The security guard had quick eyes and quick hands. He ran out immediately and stood in front of these brands to prevent them from getting closer to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng looked at these brands with a smile on his face and responded to all the advertisers one by one...

When he finally returned to the office, Zhang Sheng saw Shen Xiaoxi closing the door in a hurry.

"Mr. Zhang, the 2011 [Southern California International Film Awards] advertising reservation application form has gone crazy!"

"During your absence, we have received a total of nearly thirty large brands, all of whom are interested in signing our advertisements. However, there are so many types of brands that I dare not make a decision for a while...I have been waiting for you to make a decision..."

"At the same time, our [Jitu Video] page advertising has also been favored by brand owners. Just yesterday, Zhou Wenzhou of [Jitu Video] signed an advertising order of 41 million yuan. With this At the same time, within half a month, our [NC Entertainment] Ah K officially accepted the advertising endorsement of [Bannilu] Clothing, with an endorsement fee of 20 million for three years. Zhang Panpan accepted a [Fengpiaopiao] milk tea advertisement, The advertising fee is 10 million yuan..."

"In the past half month, we have signed up nearly 200 million for small advertising spaces one after another..."

"However, the current advertising market's demand for our [NC Entertainment] system advertising is still in short supply... There are currently hundreds of brands looking for us to cooperate, but we actually don't have many advertising spaces... …”

"Mr. Zhang, do we have any new projects in 2011?"

"For example, new movie plans and so on..."


Shen Xiaoxi handed a piece of data to Zhang Sheng.

At this moment, she felt like she was standing in a big gold mine. She could dig out a lot of gold with just a wave of the shovel. If she hadn't been so famous now, she would have even wanted to accept one or two underwear ads. Come and satisfy your craving.

Zhang Sheng nodded after listening.

"Please give me a list of brands..."


"As for next year's projects, I haven't thought about it yet... I'll let these brands go back and wait for news... By the way, you can ask each department to prepare a schedule for me next year..."



Li Yanhong didn't know what kind of emotion she had when she knocked on the door of Zhang Sheng's office.

She only knows...

At this time, [NC Entertainment] is like a money printing machine. As long as Zhang Sheng nods and is willing to make money, it seems that it is not difficult to make a billion.


There was no excited expression on this young man, but he was as calm as ever.

"Sister Hong, you sit down first, I'll finish my work first..."


Li Yanhong glanced at Zhang Sheng's desk. There was a stack of brand information on Zhang Sheng's desk. While he looked at the information about the major brands carefully, he lowered his head and scratched on the paper.

Time passed little by little.

About an hour later, Zhang Sheng closed the brand information and called Shen Xiaoxi.

When Shen Xiaoxi came over, Zhang Sheng looked at Shen Xiaoxi with squinted eyes: "The 2011 [Southern California International Film Awards] advertising space is up for bidding..."


"Yes! Open bidding. Of course, this time, we must not release too many advertising spaces, up to five!"

"Ah? Mr. Zhang, this can't work. There are so many brands, five advertising spaces, this... is too few, even ten is not enough..."

"Quantity is no longer about quantity, but about precision. From now on, no matter how many brands there are, we will only allow a maximum of five advertisements for the [Southern California International Film Awards]! Film awards cannot lack a commercial atmosphere, but they must not be too strong. …”


Shen Xiaoxi nodded, with a bit of regret on his face. This is like standing in a big gold mine but not mining!

Shen Xiaoxi left the office.

After about a few minutes, a boiling sound suddenly came from the entire hall outside.


"Zhang Sheng is crazy! Are you leaving money without making any money?"

"We're trying to grab five advertising spots. Are you kidding me? Isn't this just kidding?"

"Can he die with multiple advertising spots? Is he out of his mind or can't get along with money!"

"Fuck! We've been waiting for half a fucking month, and we only have five advertising spaces, and we're still inviting bids. Damn! What are you doing? Are you doing that kind of hunger marketing? All your advertising spaces are used for hunger marketing. Are you crazy!"

"Mr. Shen, you asked me to see Mr. Zhang. We came with sincerity!"

"Yeah, let's go meet Mr. Zhang. Isn't the advertising space for [Temple Run] sold?"



Li Yanhong heard waves of curses.

The advertisers outside seemed to be a little excited.

Li Yanhong listened to these voices. At this moment, she couldn't describe her emotions. She only felt inexplicably sour.


She suddenly understood what Zhang Sheng meant by "100 million resources" before.

Whether it's word of mouth or past performance...

Whether it's the backend or external resources!

As long as Zhang Sheng's business hype does not fail even once, then the entire [NC Entertainment] system will be a mature business resource package!

You can even understand it as a big piece of cake that small and medium-sized enterprises are fighting for frantically!

The more Li Yanhong thought about it, the more frightened she became. For more than a year, Zhang Sheng had unknowingly weaved a big net, and in this big net...

"Sister Hong, I'm done..."

Zhang Sheng's words interrupted Li Yanhong's shock.

Li Yanhong stood up hurriedly and handed a piece of data to Zhang Sheng.

She diverted 20% of [Mi Nuo Group Buying] merchants to [Honeycomb Ji Delivery]. At the same time, [Honeycomb Ji Delivery] is no longer a single "ordering takeout" tool, but more like [Mi Nuo Ji Delivery]. [Group Buying] and [Group Buying] are a combination of functional group buying APP and takeout software.

After reading this, Zhang Sheng nodded seriously.

Then she pushed up her glasses and looked at Li Yanhong: "Sister Hong, what are your next plans?"

"After the merger of the two companies, they will inevitably compete with [Group Buying] and [Harvest Group Buying]. According to our traffic, our APP ecological chain is complete. In terms of traffic, we are not inferior to them, but in terms of merchants , we are not as good as them. Of course, if the system of [Strong Victory Online Mall] is integrated again, we will be fully capable of fighting..."

"[Qiangsheng Online Mall] is a benchmark online shopping store, similar to [Taozhu.com]. It is another system and cannot be merged..."

"Well..." Li Yanhong nodded: "Mr. Zhang, tell me, what should I do next..."

“Are reports of [fake goods] still spreading recently?”

"Well, it is still spreading. Many small and medium-sized group buying websites were reported to have closed down after our [Minuo Group Buying]... Now the reporting seems to have become a vicious reporting and a competitive weapon. From [fake goods] From taxation, from [group buying brands] to merchants... How can a newly started company withstand this round of reports? Even if there is no problem at all, they will, etc...." Li Yanhong said seriously about the current group buying market But when she was halfway through speaking, she stared at Zhang Sheng keenly: "Mr. Zhang, I am now a member of your system and have signed a contract with you. Can I ask you a question?"

"Ask..." Zhang Sheng looked at Li Yanhong and nodded.

"Are you behind this wave of reports? In November last year, you [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] ordered all merchants to sign a self-examination agreement. And, as far as I know, you lost a lot in that self-examination. Merchants... Generally speaking, everyone is expanding their territory, and it is impossible for anyone to cut off their own escape at a critical moment..." Li Yanhong thought of something.

In November, she was tired of the group buying war. After hearing that [Qiangsheng Online Mall] conducted the first round of extremely strict self-examination of fake goods, she didn't pay much attention.

But now it seems that everything is foreshadowing!

"I always feel that people who walk too fast will fall easily. I know better that the foundation is unstable and can easily collapse..." Zhang Sheng did not answer Li Yanhong's question directly, but looked at the window.

"Mr. Zhang, there were a lot of things that caused discord, including after that annual meeting..." Li Yanhong took a deep breath and felt creepy for the first time.

"Sister Hong, shopping malls are like battlefields. A long time ago, I seem to have told you that I am a fire starter. I like to watch the excitement. As for how big the fire is... it is none of my business. I am not a firefighter... "

"Your [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has also been reported, but the relevant departments have not taken care of it..."

"After my self-inspection, I personally went to the relevant departments to report and got the inspection-free sign..."


Li Yanhong was silent in Du.

this moment.

It felt like I was back to the day of the storm at [Shengshi Entertainment].

The young man smiled, calmly, and then looked at the storm.

This time...

She saw an avalanche again.

Under the avalanche, countless group buying businesses were destroyed in an instant, leaving victims everywhere.

Even brands like [Group Buying] and [Harvest Group Buying] are promoting themselves as having no problem while integrating their internal resources and starting self-examination under the supervision of relevant departments.

"What do you want me to do?" Li Yanhong looked at Zhang Sheng.

"Many group buying websites have collapsed..."


“While merchants like [Group Buying] and [Harvest Group Buying] are dealing with internal affairs and have no time to take care of these small group buying websites, I hope you can get in touch with these group buying websites...”

"You want to swallow them all? And then pull them all into the system of [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery]?" Li Yanhong was stunned!

"No, it's not swallowing, it's cooperation. Our purpose has always been to help each other and profit from each other..."

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and showed a smile.

At this moment, Zhang Sheng's cell phone rang. He had just received the call. After hearing the other party's voice, the smile on Zhang Sheng's face disappeared, and then he took a deep breath: "Brother Zhang, why are you like a dog-skin plaster? "

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