I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 470 Before the War (Part 1)

[Lainiao Takeaway] was established in December 2010.

The founder is a student named Zheng Xudong from [Modu Jiaotong University].

Zhang Xing didn’t know how the student named Li Xudong got involved with [Hongtian Capital] Li Zongyao. He only knew that Zheng Xudong and Li Zongyao talked all night. The specific content of the conversation was unknown. He only knew that the next day, [Hongtian Capital] invested 5 million in Series A investment for [Lainiao Takeaway], and in January this year, it invested nearly 50 million in operating funds...

After receiving an investment of 50 million, [Lainiao Food Delivery] rose to prominence overnight, constantly conquering cities and territories, and all the small food delivery software centered on the magical city [Jiaotong University] was overthrown and annexed...

In just half a month, there were piles of corpses and mourning everywhere.

In 2011, on January 20, Zhang Xing heard that [Hongtian Capital] had once again injected three rounds of RMB 400 million in investment into [Lainiao Takeout]!

During this period.

Zhang Xing met Zheng Xudong in private.

This is a young man with a slightly green face, a slightly chubby body, wearing glasses who looks like an otaku, but is ambitious.

This young man was very good at chatting. Unknowingly, he and Zheng Xudong chatted all night. The content of their conversation was all about "dreams" and "ambitions." At the same time, about 8 of the ten sentences were about "dreams" and "ambition". I was talking about Zhang Sheng, like a fan of Zhang Sheng's entrepreneurship, but I just had to write "Kill Zhang Sheng" on my face.

[Lainiao Takeaway] is not an APP that only does takeout business and takes delivery business, but a comprehensive APP similar to [Group Buying] that combines group buying + delivery...

When Zheng Xudong talked about the future of [Group Buying], he very arrogantly predicted that the single [Group Buying] market would only die. If he wants to get up on the track and become the final winner, he must take this path of integration. .

After chatting with Zheng Xudong, Zhang Xing chatted with Li Zongyao for a long time.

Li Zongyao and Zheng Xudong have the same philosophy, and even issued a fatal order. [Group buying] can retain the [Honeycomb Extreme Free] business, but the [Honeycomb Extreme Free] business must be moved to the second menu, or even hidden by the drop-down menu, while [Lai Zongyao] Bird Delivery] must be the first menu, and users are semi-mandated to choose [Lai Bird Delivery]...

The pressure of capital and market pressure made Zhang Xing feel more and more strenuous.

Although [Minuo Group Buying] collapsed overnight, [Group Buying] is still not the winner!

In the first half of January, the market share of [Group Buying] has almost been overtaken by [LianShou.com] and [Baotuan.com], and the newly established [Fengyu Mall] behind it is gradually showing its fangs...


It was an evening.

Zhang Xing knocked on Zhang Sheng's office again.

The smile on Zhang Sheng's face had disappeared, but he was not irritable either. His face was just a little colder. When he saw Zhang Xing coming over, Zhang Sheng said lightly, "Sit down."

Zhang Xing sat up obediently.

This time, there was no tea or anything else to entertain Zhang Xing. Even Zhang Sheng did not speak. When Zhang Xing sat down, Zhang Sheng just lowered his head and looked at the information silently.

Zhang Xingshou does not have many resources...

In addition, before coming in, he realized that Zhang Sheng had made a lot of money in the advertising field this time. He needed funds and traffic, although he still couldn't compare with [Hongtian Capital] and [Hongsen Capital]. Large capital, but already has preliminary hematopoietic function.

And by repeatedly jumping around and hesitating, he has lost the best opportunity to negotiate.


This time, he had to come again.

Perhaps [Hongtian Capital] is a little impatient. Li Zongyao has withdrawn part of the funds from [Group Buying] a few days ago.

Although [Group Buying] has attracted some small capital to enter the market to fill the capital vacancy and stabilize the "blood recovery" function, every subsequent choice of [Group Buying] is crucial.


He has nothing...

“Your [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] is now also a comprehensive group purchase + delivery APP?”


During this month.

The changes in the whole market are really crazy.

[Minuo Group Buying] merged with [Honeycomb Jisong] and officially became the tool software of [Honeycomb Jisong]. All 20% of the remaining merchants were transferred to [Honeycomb Jisong]. At the same time, [Honeycomb Ultimate Gift] No more pretending!

At noon today, [Honeycomb Ji Delivery] began to devour other small [delivery apps] across the country.

These include [Qianniu Takeout] and [Student Takeout], which are well-operated in the region, and [Lainiao Takeout], which is a takeout brand that wants to negotiate mergers and capital injections with them!

At that moment, Zhang Xing realized something!

That is the activity that [Shengteng Technology] launched a few months ago for "Assistant Delivery Practitioners to Start a Business". In fact, it was just a cover!

More and more people are starting to start businesses, and they have indeed made the first dividends in the "takeaway era".


The small food delivery team's APP itself is built on [Honeycomb Jishu], and data can be easily exchanged!

Zhang Sheng signed a "share agreement" with these food delivery practitioners when they started their business. This return itself is a switch from the dark to the open.

Suddenly looking back, those student entrepreneurs entered the food delivery market a few months ago and ran rampant in the market. About 40% of the food delivery software that survived were all clones of [Honeycomb Jishu]!

"If I come here this time and still don't choose a side, will there be nothing to talk about next?"

"[Lai Niao Takeaway] or [Beehive Takeout], you can only choose one... with him or without me, without him, I didn't want to fight before, but now I will fight with you no matter what you want!"

On Zhang Sheng's desk.

Nie Xiaoping kept reporting success stories one after another.

Although this merger is not forced, [Qianniu Food Delivery] and [Student Food Delivery] have initially expressed their willingness to integrate, bringing with them some regional merchants they have cooperated with before, and collaborating with their software to prepare to officially settle in [Honeycomb Ji Delivery]. Become a part of Hive Jisong.

As for [takeaway practitioners] in other areas, although they have not made it clear yet, they have not refused.

At this moment, [Shengteng Technology] still controls the technical management and operation of these food delivery software. Basically, [Shengteng Technology] also holds a part of the shares. Whether it is integrated or not, it is our own business and it doesn't matter.

Sometimes in life you really have no choice.

Zhang Xing is always conflicted deep in his heart. He wants to please everyone, but he doesn't want to take too big risks!

He has predicted that Zhang Sheng has officially ended his career, but he did not fight in the capital of [group buying], but in the battlefield of "takeaway" + "group buying".

A battle between capital and Zhang Sheng is about to begin.

Moreover, this war was cruel, protracted, and unavoidable.

No one knows what the future will be like...

But both Zhang Sheng and these capitals are actively preparing capital and resources for this war, and they are all thinking about devouring each other.

And he...

I have a premonition that I am standing at a historical node.

Although Zhang Sheng's faction is strong, it is still very weak. My joining can give Zhang Sheng's faction a fighting force!


This means that the fate of himself and Zhang Sheng will be completely tied together, and he will no longer be able to flirt with [Hongsen Capital] or [Hongtian Capital] in the future.

On the contrary, after breaking away from Zhang Sheng, he cannot escape the risk of being swallowed up. The [Hongtian Capital] behind Li Zongyao has actually made it very clear that it wants to merge your [Group Buying] into [Lai Niao Takeaway]. Their comprehensive system will then cash out and leave, continue to think about the next trend, and fight again, or continue to become a pawn under the control of capital, fight again, and eventually lose control completely, just like Weibo once... …

Fate opened two paths before his eyes.

One step back was a cliff, one step forward was an abyss. The swing from side to side made him struggle extremely painfully.

Should we fight against the odds, make a desperate move, or choose the safest path?

Time passed little by little.

Zhang Xing sat behind Zhang Sheng, thinking deeply.

During this period……

Zhang Sheng’s phone keeps ringing...

Zhang Sheng did not pick it up, but turned it to mute and kept looking out the window silently.

outside the window...


Yanjing City, which had not snowed for a long time, actually had snow in both winters in 2010 and 2011.

Zhang Xing's phone was also ringing.

Those were Li Zongyao and Zheng Xudong’s phone calls.

He knew what they were going to do without even answering the phone.

Both of them invited themselves to the [Jiahu Building] behind Ma Yunhua to discuss important matters...

Zhang Sheng didn’t answer the phone...

Zhang Xing didn’t answer the phone either…

This depression and stiffness probably lasted for more than ten minutes.

Zhang Xing finally took out his mobile phone!

"Hey...Mr. Li..."


"Sorry, Mr. Li, I can't go today..."


"When I went to bed yesterday, I forgot to cover myself with the quilt. I got a fever. My whole body..."


Before Zhang Xing finished speaking, the other party hung up the phone.

At that moment, Zhang Xing was in a trance and confused, and his heart suddenly felt empty, as if he was heading towards an untouchable ending.

But Zhang Sheng's originally calm expression revealed a smile, and then his smile gradually became brighter.

He started making tea and made a cup of fragrant and rich tea.

"Brother Zhang, this is the Dahongpao I personally bought from Wuyi Mountain. It is a special offering. Please try it..."

"Have you been to Wuyi Mountain?"

"Yes, I went there a few days ago."

"Wait a minute, I always think that you bought this tea in a group purchase..."

"It's not a group purchase, but it's a gift from a fellow villager. The gift is light but the affection is heavy. Only for distinguished guests, I will take some out to soak..."


Zhang Xing looked at Zhang Sheng.

I just feel like this bastard has "reality" written all over his face.

He drank a cup of tea, then sighed quietly, and was silent for a long time.

Finally, he looked at Zhang Sheng complicatedly: "You must not lose!"


"Where to go? I haven't even finished my tea, and you want to drive me away again?"

"After signing the confidentiality agreement, I will take you to meet some people... let you see your comrades, and show you some secrets..."


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