[Ma Yunhua, the pride of us Chinese people, the man who changed the world! 】

[Dad Ma, come on, we support you! 】

[I was planning to go to [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] and [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] to buy electrical appliances, but when I saw your words, I changed my mind instantly. We are waiting for you to lower the price! 】

[Yes, in offline stores, many people are using various "fraudulent" methods to fool us... I originally thought it was a price reduction, but in the end, I was killed! 】

[Without Papa Ma, these offline stores will only kill pigs more fiercely. The establishment of [Taozhu.com] has made these people no longer rampant. Also, those banks, it is he who has changed the pattern of China forever. They all stand with us, the lower class people...]


year 2011.

[Taozhu.com] is still the dominant e-commerce company and cannot be shaken.

Ma Yunhua is still the idol of countless young people.

His stories, his remarks, all his news...

When you go online, you can hear countless compliments all the time.

The popularity of society naturally caused him to develop an emotional expansion.

I don't know what happened behind the scenes, but in public, I once said something like this: "I have been looking with a telescope for a long time, but after searching for a long time, I couldn't find my opponent..."

Offline and online.

This is an unequal battlefield.

Ma Yunhua's surprise attack came in an instant like a violent storm, and soon caused huge waves on the Internet!

All kinds of price insider information, Ma Yunhua said, was like the last fig leaf, all were lifted in an instant!

At the same time, almost all major news and media forwarded the news of this [price war] immediately...

Countless news about [pig killing] in physical stores suddenly sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain!

[Suzhou Electrical Appliances] was not prepared, and [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] was even less prepared. Although they rushed to respond, they simply could not withstand the overwhelming tide of public opinion and price questioning...

"Mr. Zhang, this afternoon, our [Suzhou Electric] Yanjing store has received 30 chargeback applications..."


"[Taozhu.com] was the first to announce the price of a [Jinhong Refrigerator]. We sold it for 5,999, and the other party sold it directly for 4,999, and shipping and installation were included. It hit our arteries!"


"Incited by online public opinion, the rush on users in offline stores has begun. In almost half of our 950 stores across the country, people come to inquire about prices, return goods, and old customers who just bought refrigerators constantly ask us to cancel their orders! "


"Our range hoods, color TVs, washing machines and other fields have also been hit hard. [Taozhu.com] has announced the lowest price for all without regard for martial ethics. We can't bear this wave of impact!"


"We have also suffered an unprecedented impact online, with a huge increase in traffic, but almost every price online has a lot of comments. If we sell it for 5888, the other party will sell it for 4999. If we sell it for 3000, the other party will sell it. 2400…”


"If we don't lower the price, we will be squeezed out. If we lower the price, the other party will lower the price even more harshly than us. Those old customers who just bought electrical appliances all quit and want us to make up the difference!"


"In addition, our [Suzhou Electric] home appliances to the countryside stall is also occupied by a group of [Taozhu.com] stall workers. We advertise discounts, and they advertise more discounts than us! They just destroy the place and ruin it. price!"


September 27th.

Business war is inherently cruel and unmerciful.

Zhang Yuanqiao from [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] kept wiping his sweat, feeling a bitterness deep in his throat.

But in front of the offline management of [Suzhou Electrical Appliances], he still remained calm: "Let's not rush! Returns are non-refundable, but we can send some subsidy red envelopes online! Encourage them to spend more!"

"Mr. Zhang, you can't give out red envelopes rashly. If you give out red envelopes, doesn't it mean that we have to admit that we sold at a high price before and Ma Yunhua suddenly lifted the fig leaf? Then Ma Yunhua's arrogance will only become more arrogant. By then, the battle situation will be even more serious for us. It's disadvantageous! We can't do anything that damages our own platform!" Vice President Zhou Haopeng took a deep breath when he heard this and hurriedly dissuaded Zhang Yuanqiao!

"What do you think should be done!" Zhang Yuanqiao calmed down and looked at Zhou Haopeng.

Zhou Haopeng's back was soaked with sweat, and his eyes revealed a sense of unwillingness: "What you posted on Weibo before is zero profit. We will continue to implement it. At the same time, I will be responsible for contacting Zhang Sheng. Mr. Zhang, we can no longer hesitate, let’s cooperate with Zhang Sheng!”


Yesterday, Zhang Sheng and his people talked to Zhang Yuanqiao about cooperation.

But Zhang Yuanqiao did not agree. In addition to incorporating all his brands into [Suzhou.com], there was also a clause that in the future [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] must open the [WeChat] payment system. At the same time, the two The parties have formed a [Brothers E-commerce], and both parties can exchange what they need!

What is interoperability?

This is taking advantage of the situation!

Zhang Sheng wants to take advantage of this wave to promote his own [WeChat] payment system. At the same time, he also wants to take advantage of this wave to take the opportunity to integrate the electrical appliance industry in 3C into his own system and strengthen it again. [Qiangsheng Online Mall] consumption items.

And what about his [Suzhou Tesco]?

When [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] is actually launched, Zhang Sheng will be the next Ma Yunhua!

By then, [Suzhou Tesco] not only failed to develop its e-commerce business, but instead acted like a clown...

"Mr. Zhang, don't think about it anymore. This time, the opponent is almost a devastating blow. We need help. I will discuss the conditions with Zhang Sheng and try our best to satisfy both of us!"

"Wait a minute!" Zhang Yuanqiao frowned. At this moment, he realized that his [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] had reached a dilemma.

"What are you waiting for, Mr. Zhang? We can't wait any longer. The business war is changing rapidly. When [Taozhu.com] really takes off, we will die online and we may have to close our offline stores!" Zhou Haopeng's expression It’s almost twisted. As the head of the store department of [Suzhou Electrical Appliances], he is very aware of the danger involved. He never thinks optimistically. The more he deduce, the more pessimistic he becomes!

"Mr. Zhang, what are you worried about? Are you worried that Zhang Sheng swallowed our [Suzhou Electric]? No matter how big his appetite is, Zhang Sheng can't eat it. So, Mr. Zhang, give me a chance. If, The negotiation between me and Zhang Sheng did not reach your satisfaction, so you can just fire me!"


Zhang Yuanqiao always hesitated.

He is well aware of the risks from the outside world, but he is even more aware of Zhang Sheng's wolfish ambitions.

At this moment, Zhou Haopeng was so anxious that he even slapped the table on Zhang Yuanqiao's side.

Zhang Yuanqiao was still thinking about it, and finally waved his hand to let Zhou Haopeng go out first.

He had to think about it.



It's getting closer.

E-commerce is filled with layers of fireworks.

Zhou Haopeng walked out of the office and returned to his seat.

He saw that [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] was the first to cut prices!

The price reduction was so drastic that it was almost unprecedented. It dropped to the bottom all of a sudden, with the following message: [Any of our online products is 5% cheaper than [Taozhu.com]! There are 1,650 stores across the country, and online and offline prices will be completely consistent! 】Slogan!

Zhou Haopeng lit a cigarette.

He was born in 1978 and is now 33 years old.

Although he is not too old, he is considered a veteran of [Suzhou Electric]. He started with Zhang Yuanqiao from the distribution alliance, and then gradually grew to the current situation.

In fact, three years ago in 2009, Zhou Haopeng suggested that Zhang Yuanqiao should transform from offline to online as soon as possible. In the future, e-commerce will be a force that cannot be underestimated, and they must leave a way out.

But Zhang Yuanqiao always had concerns and always said he would take it easy again.

At that time, offline profits were high and stores were plentiful. Online businesses did not have the influence of stores, and service was even a problem.

Small appliances and small household appliances can be sold online, but for large appliances, consumers always feel that offline is reliable. After all, if a product costs several thousand yuan, who can trust online?

Then, Zhou Haopeng initially gave Zhang Yuanqiao two suggestions, one for online stores and the other for offline logistics. With the influence of [Suzhou Electrical Appliances], they would carry out a combined punch to establish their position.

However, Zhang Yuanqiao has always been convinced that logistics wastes people and money, and he cannot make stoves just to eat, right?

It was not until 2011, when e-commerce was booming and offline profits began to plummet, that Zhang Yuanqiao reluctantly decided to do online shopping.


"If we develop in three years, or even if we have the same scale as [Qiangsheng Online Mall], we can still compete with [Taozhu.com] this year!"

"But, now... we [Suzhou.com] have just launched, and our customer influence has not yet been spread..."


Smoke billows.

Zhou Haopeng murmured to himself. After a long time, he sighed, his heart filled with congestion!


He saw a subordinate coming to report: "President Zhou, what should we do?"

"I'll go find Zhang Sheng myself!"


"I will tell Mr. Zhang myself. At the same time, since Mr. Zhang announced on Weibo before: "[Suzhou Electrical Appliances] nationwide stores have zero gross profit across the country, and physical stores across the country have greatly reduced prices, then we will reduce it, but , we will first increase the price and then lower the price of the product series that [Taozhu.com] does not have. At the same time, for those series that [Taozhu.com] is selling, we will reduce it to the cost price, and we will not make a penny! Just drag them down..."

"What about those old customers who come to visit us?"

"We want to give out red envelopes, but we can't give them out in our own names!"

"Who will send it?"

"Zhang Sheng goes and sends it!"

Zhou Haopeng took a deep breath, and then hurriedly left [Suzhou Electric], like a soldier embarking on a new journey.

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