I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 632 The game money printing machine is about to start!

In the Internet cafe.

The boss of [Yubo Internet Cafe] is a very amazing person.

Even when Fatty Wang took his newly recruited network administrator away, the Internet cafe owner just nodded enthusiastically in agreement and sent him a sincere blessing.

[You guys work hard. If you encounter anything unhappy, you can come back at any time. I will pay you this month’s salary now]!

Fatty Wang was grateful to his boss on the phone. When he was about to leave the Internet cafe with the network administrator, he heard a player suddenly stand up!

“Whoever has money in [WeChat], I will give him cash!”


Fatty Wang took a look and found that it was a bad netizen who often surfed the Internet at [Yubo Internet Cafe], and his name seemed to be He Yuan.

At this moment, his hair was disheveled, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was shouting everywhere with his mobile phone and a hundred yuan. When Fatty Wang saw this scene, he hesitated for a moment, and then walked over.

"I have it here!"

"Okay, thanks!"

He added He Yuan as a friend, and then transferred 100 yuan to He Yuan.

After He Yuan took a hundred yuan, he immediately logged into the recharge interface of "Dungeon" and quickly used [WeChat] to recharge "Dungeon" coupons!

Immediately afterwards, he saw He Yuan buying the [Lucky Bag Gift Pack], and soon, he got a Ghost Swordsman's [Flying Sun Chaser Set] in his warehouse.

Looking at the handsome appearance of the ghost swordsman in [Flying Sun Chaser Set] and He Yuan immersed in fighting monsters, Fatty Wang couldn't help but turn on a machine, and then clicked in...

"Dungeon" is really a very attractive game. After Fatty Wang played a few games, he instantly felt excited, and then he fell into the game...

I even picked up [WeChat] and charged money to buy a set of [Daily Set].

[Daily Set] is priced at 99 yuan.

However, the first 1,000 payers on [WeChat] will receive an instant discount of 20 yuan and a [Fashion Dyeing Fruit] as a gift.

Talking about the various items in the game, veteran players must be familiar with them.

In 2008, during the golden autumn season, "Dungeon and Fighter" released the first gift pack in the history of the game.

Its name is [Feitian Zhusun Set].

The highlight of this gift pack is that each of its attributes is slightly higher than that of high-end costumes, and the attributes of the set are also better than those of high-end costumes...

However, this is an extremely cheating gift pack. It has no pets, no titles, only a set of fashion items, and it actually costs 288 yuan. 288 yuan, which was basically a month's living expenses for countless players at the time...

The high price and the ridiculous gift packages have put many people away.

However, the [Feitian Chasing Sun Set] has become an out-of-print fashion item many years later. It has never even had any return activities, and its treasure level is comparable to that of rare fashion items.

In later generations, even some big anchors were willing to spend tens of millions to buy this fashion, but they still couldn't buy it.

Among the five sets of [Flying Sky Chaser Set], the skin that is most talked about by later generations of players is the Ghost Swordsman skin!

October 1st.

Xu Guangbiao and Jin Minjing stared at the computer.

[Dungeon] At this moment, the number of registered users of the game has exceeded one million, and the daily active users are close to 300,000!

Who would have thought that such a horizontal-screen fighting game could be so popular at this moment, and that it could even compete with [Tengji Technology]'s games in daily life?

This is something Xu Guangbiao and Jin Minjing never dreamed of!

However, staring at each data, the two of them still felt uneasy deep in their hearts!

[Dungeon] The operating costs of this game are higher than they imagined, especially when players flood into the server all at once. In order to give users a better experience and prevent them from being disconnected, they have done A lot of preparatory work, just from server maintenance and version iteration upgrades, has consumed a lot of manpower and material resources!

This was a request Zhang Sheng gave them at the beginning of the [Dungeon], and the two of them had to do it.

Of course, making a game is not charity...

The core is to make money!

Just after nearly two months of public beta, [Dungeon] launched a paid gift package. You can definitely imagine what kind of controversy and even abuse it will get in the market.

Xu Guangbiao and Jin Minjing are both looking forward to it, but also uneasy...

I hope that the gift pack will sell well and sell well, but I am afraid that it will collapse immediately!

Their designers designed this [Flying Sun Set] skin over and over again, and then handed it over to Zhang Sheng for personal review over and over again. Especially the [Ghost Swordsman] skin, which has been designed countless times...

If it fails this time, then...

With such complicated emotions, the two waited until the evening of October 1st...

When the gift pack data started to jump from 1 to 10, and then from 10 to 100 very quickly, the two of them finally breathed a sigh of relief deep in their hearts.

This skin!

Finally started selling!

Although, word-of-mouth on the Internet is still polarized!


When the peaceful and festive atmosphere of National Day fades a little...

On the Internet, dangerous games have officially begun.

Subway entrances, roadside, TV commercials, CCTV commercials, on-site promotions, celebrity endorsements...

The overwhelming advertisements of [Taozhu.com] were all over the place at once, and the prices in the advertisements became even more exaggerated!

The [tens of billions] subsidy that was talked about during the [Thousand Regiments War] was paid out by [Taozhu.com]...

[Jinhong Refrigerator] in 1999!

The price is as low as it gets, comparable to [Lianzhong Computer] laptops and desktops from [Shenchuan Computer]!

2999 iPhone4S mobile phone...

The ultra-low prices dazzled consumers!

At one point, the prices of [Hangmei] and [Suzhou] were all suppressed.

October 3rd!

[Tengji Technology] just acquired [Hangmei Mall] and responded immediately. The price is even lower directly online. If you buy [Jinhong Refrigerator] for 1999, I will give you a small gift for 1999!

Specializing in the home appliance field of [Taozhu.com]...

Several other newly established malls also came together to participate in this price war: for your iPhone 4S phone priced at 2999, I will lower the price on the original basis and give you an extra charger...

in the market……

The wave of price cuts for electrical appliances is becoming more and more fierce. It seems that everyone is red-eyed and wants to take advantage of the October Golden Week to fight hard!

However, there was no movement at [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. Although the other party also lowered its price, its momentum was far less powerful than the previous ones. Only [Suzhou Tesco] took the lead!

Inevitably, the traffic of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] began to drop a lot!

“We have put out more advertisements this time, almost covering the whole line. Moreover, we [Taozhu.com] are large enough. I think Zhang Sheng is a smart man and knows that a head-on confrontation with us will lead to death, so he chooses to avoid fighting! "

"[Hangmei Mall] is also engaged in a price war. They seem to have a lot of orders, but they actually don't sell much. They are just like us, fighting with their brains! The products with lower prices are actually better than ours [Taozhu] [.com] The price is 1 yuan lower, but the higher one is more than 200 yuan higher than others. Moreover, many products are out of stock, and only orders are made. Consumers are asked to wait for the goods after paying the deposit. How long they will have to wait is still far away. It is estimated that they will wait for consumption. Consumers really can't stand it anymore, and eventually, they will replace it with another product of a different model... The consumer's deposit is all in their hands, and the deposit is half of the money at once. The refund will definitely be a hassle, and maybe it will be far away, they I can only be forced to accept it!”


“However, [Suzhou Tesco] is stupid and does not understand our business understanding. Basically, the things he sells are in stock, and he is spending money desperately... From October 1st to October 3rd, In just three days, the money lost nationwide was close to 7 million!"


Judging from the apparent situation, [Taozhu.com] and [Hangmei Electric] acquired by [Tengji Technology] have a tacit understanding.

They are all using their brains to play price war!

However, [Suzhou Tesco] is very stupid. The more it sells, the more it loses. Even though [Suzhou Electric] is an old company, it cannot sustain such losses...

Things are looking great.


For some reason, Ma Yunhua felt a little uneasy!

Zhang Sheng, this guy, has always been a restless master, wishing that the world would be in chaos. At this time, he is quiet. What on earth is he going to do?

Every day that follows...

He is waiting for news from Zhang Sheng!


What I got was the news that [Suzhou.com] was constantly losing money!

Loss from 7 million to 9 million!

Loss from 10 million to 16 million!

By October 9th, in this game of subsidy to grab customers, [Suzhou Tesco] nationwide, including subsidies and operating costs, directly or indirectly lost close to 30 million!

As long as they continue to follow, they will sell more and lose more...

Online costs and offline costs are completely two concepts!


[Suzhou Electrical Appliances].

Watch as you lose millions every day!

Zhang Yuanqiao was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, feeling that his heart was bleeding.

He rushed into Zhou Haopeng's office.

"Everyone else is putting up smoke bombs, but we are really in a price war!"

"Go crazy!"

"Stop it!"

"If we continue to lose money, we will die!"


Zhou Haopeng's forehead was covered with sweat, and his desk was filled with orders from [Suzhou Electrical Appliances]. He had been having nightmares every day for the past week.

However, he always gritted his teeth, like a gambler!

"I'll bet again!"

"The bet will make us bankrupt and everyone will go to hell! Zhang Sheng is developing his own logistics and his own payment system. He is deceiving you and taking advantage of us. After we die, he will eat our industry, so Obviously, can’t you see it? Look at the price war at [Hangmei Electrical Appliances], and look at [Taozhu.com]. Everyone is setting off smoke bombs. You’re the only one to fall in love. I’ve already warned you. You, I asked you not to play like this, why do you need to give me money!"

"I believe Mr. Zhang!"

"I trust you****!"


Zhang Yuanqiao felt like he was going crazy!

He walked out of the office angrily and told the stores owned by [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] to stop engaging in such suicidal deaths!

But Zhou Haopeng rushed out and stopped Zhang Yuanqiao!

The two sides had a big quarrel over this and almost split over it!

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