The wind outside is getting colder and colder.

In the villa, the heating and the gradually rising fire reflected Zhang Sheng's smiling face.

Zhao Degang put on his glasses and took the agreement handed over by Zhang Sheng.

Upstairs, a nineteen-year-old girl ran down in a hurry...

She was both excited and confused. Her name was Zhao Jiahan, Zhao Degang's youngest daughter.

When she saw Zhang Sheng, she was stunned for a moment, and then walked over excitedly.

"Mr. Zhang, hello, what's wrong with you? You're so far away..."

"Hello, Miss Zhao." Zhang Sheng stood up and shook hands with Zhao Jiahan: "Some time ago, I accidentally took a look at [Jitu Live]. After watching it, I suddenly found it interesting, so today, on behalf of us, [ Jitu Video] took the liberty to come over and ask Miss Zhao if she is willing to join our [Jitu Video] family."

"Ah, I...just had fun..."

Zhang Sheng's smile made people feel warm and comfortable like the warm sun in winter, especially the polite but extremely sincere look. Zhao Jiahan couldn't help but blush.

"Haha, everything starts with interest..."


Zhang Sheng and Zhao Jiahan sat face to face and chatted.

From the initial boredom, after a friend's recommendation, I found live broadcasting to be quite interesting, and then I slowly started to try live streaming.

After two or three months of live broadcasting, she slowly found the joy of communicating with people, and then, through this virtual interaction, she also gained batches of fans.

Zhang Sheng listened attentively and easily opened the little girl's heart. Then the two sides seemed to get more and more congenial as they chatted...

Zhao Degang, who was letting the lawyer read the agreement, glanced briefly at Zhang Sheng and his daughter Zhao Jiahan, still with a doting smile on his face, but there was an imperceptible sparkle in his eyes.

Zhao Jiahan and Zhang Sheng began to talk extensively.

Zhao Jiahan talked about Britain and his dreams. After talking about some topics, he glanced at his cheerful father again, hesitated, and blushed slightly.

"Mr. Zhang, can we chat in the study next door?"


When Zhang Sheng and Zhao Jiahan walked into the study room next door, Zhao Degang's cheerful expression gradually turned serious.

He glanced at the study door, and then looked at Ha Wenliang next to him.

"Director Ha..."

"Teacher Degang?"

"You took the trouble..."


"But you should take these gifts back and come here empty-handed. I welcome them, but don't bring big or small gifts..."


Ha Wenliang looked at the piles of large and small packages of milk, cereals, ham, and even [Mangxiang Instant Noodles].

They are all Zhang Sheng’s cooperative brands!

The facial muscles twitched again!

Damn Zhang Sheng!

Can I have a face?

Are you really giving these gifts?

Do you really think Teacher Zhao Degang is an old man living alone?


There are many people in this world.

Some people dream of going to Rome, but they have never been there in their lives.

Some people are born in Rome and don't have to worry about food and drink. They just need to follow the road paved by their fathers and move forward step by step.

In the study.

When Zhao Jiahan invited Zhang Sheng to sit down, her face became less shy and more sensible.

"Mr. Zhang, are you here this time to meet my father?"

She stared at Zhang Sheng.

"I never like to hide from anyone, Miss Zhao. This world is bustling with fame and wealth, and I am a person who pursues fame and wealth... There are two purposes for coming today. The first one is, in the name of the Spring Festival Gala, Come meet Teacher Zhao Degang, and the second thing is to talk to you about signing the agreement..."

"Mr. Zhang, didn't you because of my identity..." Zhao Jiahan wanted to see something else in Zhang Sheng's eyes, but all she saw was calmness and sincerity.

"First of all, Miss Zhao, I hope you can understand something. Although I, Zhang Sheng, am a person who pursues fame and wealth, with my current status on the Internet and in the industrial circle, I really don't have this need. Through you , to flatter Teacher Zhao... As for why I came to you, first, I have carefully watched your live broadcasts. I think you have the potential to become popular. You can question other things, but you absolutely cannot Question my vision. I once promoted Ah K, a wandering singer, to a new star in the music industry. I also promoted Bi Dao, a director, to the world... When we didn’t know your identity, you were ours [Jitu Video] One of the anchors who is about to sign a contract, I believe that the backstage of [Jitu Video] had your signing text message a few days ago, right?"

"Then...yes, how do you know my identity?"

Zhao Jiahan nodded. She had indeed received a signing text message and a phone call from [Jitu Video] a few days ago.

However, after the other party talked about their willingness to sign the contract, there was no sound. She originally thought that the contract was signed, but she did not expect that Zhang Sheng would actually visit her in person.

"Director Ha invited Teacher Zhao to attend the Spring Festival Gala, but Teacher Zhao always declined. Last night, when we were checking information, we suddenly found out the relationship between you and Teacher Zhao. When I learned about your identity, I thought it was This is the best support and promotion for us [Jitu Video]..."

"Mr. Zhang, if it weren't for my father, you wouldn't come to the door in person. Is that what you mean?" Zhao Jiahan nodded, but still couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, there is a high probability that Zhou Wen, the vice president of [Jitu Video], is here..." Zhang Sheng nodded: "I just happened to meet at the right time, the Spring Festival Gala and the signing happened to be connected together..."


Zhao Jiahan was silent.

Although she knew these things in advance, she still felt a little inexplicable disappointment in her heart. But after looking at Zhang Sheng's sincere face, the disappointment prompted her to ask: "If I am not Zhao Degang's daughter, then..."

"You will also succeed, but the road will be a little more difficult. I have said it before, I have watched your live broadcast, and I always think you can be popular..."

Zhao Jiahan nodded, feeling a little better: "Then I'll sign the contract. Apart from these, Mr. Zhang, is your purpose of coming here this time really not to invite my father to the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Inviting Teacher Zhao to the Spring Festival Gala is Director Ha's business... Whether Director Ha's invitation was successful or not, it has nothing to do with me. Anyway, my goal has been achieved."



Ha Wenliang's biggest nightmare in his life.


It was the half hour in Zhao Degang's living room.

During that half hour...

His face turned red and he wanted to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

The gifts Zhang Sheng gave him made him lose face and filled him with embarrassment.

Zhao Degang looked cheerful. While drinking tea and pouring it for Ha Wenliang, he occasionally asked Ha Wenliang about the Spring Festival Gala.

Ha Wenliang answered seriously and extended the invitation again, but Zhao Degang remained cheerfully silent.

Half an hour later...

The door to the study not far away finally opened.

Zhang Sheng and Zhao Jiahan finally came out, and then sat next to Zhao Degang like a lady.

"Are you done talking?"

"Now that we're done talking, Dad, I'll just sign [Jitu Video]."

"Okay, I've read the contract for you, there's nothing wrong with it..." Zhao Degang nodded cheerfully, and handed the contract and pen to Zhao Jiahan with some affection.

Zhao Jiahan and Zhang Sheng signed the contract together under the witness of the lawyers of both parties. Zhang Sheng collected the contract.

"Teacher Zhao, then let's..." Zhang Sheng stood up, shook hands with Zhao Jiahan, and then shook hands with Zhao Degang.

"Mr. Zhang, are you ready to leave?"

"Well, I'm ready to leave. I have my next deal, and I'm going to sign some Northeast stars..."

"Which people?"

"[Youzi], Song Baogang, MC Zilong, these...oh, it suddenly occurred to me, Teacher Zhao, these are all your apprentices!"

"Haha, Mr. Zhang, you want to wipe out all our Zhao Jiajun in one fell swoop. This is..."

"Teacher Zhao, I won't hide it from you. If possible, I would even like to sign you all... You know, the live broadcast industry is the future. Although we [Jitu Video] are now the largest live broadcast platform in China, But we never dare to relax, and the competition at [YK Live] is in full swing..."

"Mr. Zhang, I don't understand the live broadcast very well, can you just have a chat?" Zhao Degang was still cheerful, with the naivety of a local farmer in the Northeast, and once again invited Zhang Sheng to sit down and personally made tea for Zhang Sheng.

"Yes...Teacher Zhao, I won't hide it from you. As the Internet becomes more and more developed, people's entertainment is not only limited to TV, theaters, and movies, but also a large part of entertainment projects are on the Internet. In the future, the Internet economy will not be able to Avoid the earth from rising..."

"What is the Internet economy?" Zhao Degang looked slightly serious.

"Ms. Zhao's live broadcast is, on the one hand, with the popularization of 3G and the imminent arrival of 4G, mobile phone data is getting cheaper and cheaper. Many promotional platforms are not only computers, but also the mobile phone industry... For example, in the live broadcast industry, Mr. Zhao, You should know how popular I am now in the eyes of major brands. Everyone wants to find ways to let me help with advertising. With such rich brand resources, we [Jitu Video] are the first to follow The cooperation with [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has opened up the trend of live selling..."



in the living room.

Zhang Sheng was talking nonstop.

Ha Wen's conscience became more and more speechless. This guy was just using his power for personal gain!

Zhao Degang's expression became more and more serious, and when he heard the last part, he nodded.

"Very good, very good!"

After saying a few words about it, he looked at Zhang Sheng more seriously: "Mr. Zhang, since you are so sincere, as the host, I cannot let you go back empty-handed. So, don't leave today. In the evening, I will set up a table and bring over all my incompetent disciples, and you will sign the one that suits you!"

"Teacher Zhao, that's great! Haha, by the way, Teacher Zhao... I was very interested in sketches before, and I also made a sketch myself, but it was not very mature. Would you like to read the script for me and give me some advice? "

"Hey, Mr. Zhang still has such talent? Okay, let's see..."


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