I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 678 We, Tengji, have become chasers?


Zhao Degang attended the Spring Festival Gala for the first time.

Afterwards, Zhao Degang quickly rose to prominence in the Chinese comedy industry, achieving an astonishing success by winning the first prize in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala Sketch for 15 consecutive years.

In 2007, Zhao Degang felt tired after the stormy road of the 20 Spring Festival Gala. It coincided with the restructuring of CCTV. The Spring Festival Gala review became more and more strict, and gradually became more formulaic and institutionalized. After repeated attempts at reviewing sketches, Zhao Degang suffered from headaches. There were rumors in the world that Zhao Degang had an affair with In 2007, Ding Chunhua, the director of the Spring Festival Gala, had a quarrel and ended up being completely disappointed with the Spring Festival Gala. After performing the last program [Reform] and arousing applause from the whole house, he quit the Spring Festival Gala stage and it was difficult for any director to come and invite him.

In short, 2008 was a watershed year...

Before 2008, the Spring Festival Gala was still full of entertainment.

After 2008, the older generation left one after another, and the Spring Festival Gala gradually changed its flavor.


The fire was still burning.

The firewood made a "crackling" sound, and the faint light illuminated Ha Wenliang's restless face.

Zhao Degang happily put on his reading glasses, and then received the script Zhang Sheng took out of his bag.

Zhao Degang is no longer the same as he was more than 20 years ago.

In 1988, Zhao Degang rushed to Yanjing with excitement and not many people around him, just a few partners and a complete outfit.

That year, if one person had enough to eat, the whole family was not hungry.

However, when he left the Spring Festival Gala in 2008, he left behind not only his family, but also 57 apprentices, an entire [Zhao Family Class], and a series of industries.

Here in the Northeast, he also has his own big stage where he performs every day. He also has his own media company and has produced a series of TV series with good ratings...

But as the team grows, so does the pressure.

When he opens his eyes every day, there are thousands of mouths waiting for food. Although everyone is now rich and makes enough money to buy several private jets, no one knows what the future will be like...

One more channel means one more road.

Zhang Sheng's arrival made Zhao Degang keenly aware that a new road was being laid out at his feet, and the future transformation direction of his disciples and the Zhao family class could also be on the line.

The script slowly opened.

At first, Zhao Degang's face was cheerful, thinking about giving Zhang Sheng some face, symbolically helping to point out some flaws, and even asking his disciples to help with the performance.

But as he gradually looked down, the smile on his face gradually solidified, and then became more and more serious.

More than twenty minutes.

Zhao Degang took off his reading glasses and slowly handed the script to Zhang Sheng.

"Mr. Zhang...this script of yours..." Zhao Degang hesitated.

"Teacher Zhao, what do you think?" Zhang Sheng showed a humble smile.

"The script is very good. If we can find suitable actors for the sketch..." Zhao Degang nodded, fiddled with the tea set on the table, and started to make new tea.

"Teacher Zhao, which actors do you think are better to play?" Zhang Sheng was still very humble.

"..." Zhao Degang did not directly answer Zhang Sheng's words, but directly brewed it and poured a cup for Zhang Sheng and Ha Wenliang each.

At this moment.

Ha Wenliang had already felt a hint of possibility from Zhao Degang's eyes.

He was shocked and curious about what script Zhang Sheng had read to Zhao Degang. But after seeing that Zhang Sheng had put the script back in his bag with no intention of showing it to him, he couldn't help but ask.

The subsequent chats became more casual.

Starting from tea, we started talking about live streaming, starting from live broadcasting, we started talking about takeout, online ride-hailing...

From time to time, Zhao Degang lamented that the pace of the times was really getting faster and faster, so fast that an old man like him could not react at all. During this period, Zhao Degang asked about the affairs of CCTV in recent years, and also asked some about the attitude of the station.

As Ha Wenliang listened to Zhao Degang's words, he began to think more and more about the possibility of the Spring Festival Gala.

However, he still maintained a cautious attitude.

until around noon.

When Hou Guihua came over with a table of dishes and invited a few people to eat, Zhang Sheng asked abruptly.

"Teacher Zhao, are you still strong?"

"It's worse than before, but I feel a little better these days..."

"Teacher Zhao, actually, I have been thinking just now. Tell me, what kind of person should we find to perform this sketch..."

"I thought about it just now, and I think Fan Guangwei and Gao Xiulan are quite suitable..."

"I also suddenly thought of these two people in my mind, but you said this person is a big liar..."

"Haha, Mr. Zhang, let me toast you and Director Ha. After you finish drinking, I will take you to my grand theater. Let's have a good time together in the evening..."

"Ha, okay!"


While drinking, Zhang Sheng, Ha Wenliang, Zhao Degang and others drank some wine.

After drinking and eating, Zhang Sheng answered a phone call with drunken eyes. After answering the phone, he slapped his head: "Oh, Teacher Zhao, I suddenly remembered that I want to visit these two seniors Lin Jianyong and Huang Hongsheng... …Another sketch of mine, I want to talk to them about it…”

"Haha, no rush, no rush...what kind of skit?"

"Our decoration company created a sketch. I thought these two seniors were suitable, so I wanted to try it..."

"Haha, don't rush, don't rush... Let's go, I'll take you to the theater first..."


Just when Zhang Sheng and Zhao Degang were about to get in the car, Zhang Sheng came to Ha Wenliang.

"Director Ha..."

"Mr. Zhang, you said..."

"Teacher Zhao, leave it to me. I will bring him to CCTV tomorrow afternoon at the latest."


"Can you do me a favor?"

"What's the deal?"

"Take the video of another sketch of mine to Teacher Lin and Teacher Huang... and give them a look."

"Mr. Zhang, this way, after signing the contract with Teacher Zhao, you and I will leave together tomorrow..."

"Director Ha, can I tell the truth..."

"you say……"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it... Director Ha."


Ha Wenliang saw Zhang Sheng's hesitant expression. After a moment, he realized that he was redundant.


November 30th.


[Tengji Technology].

Zheng Huateng held a meeting with the heads of business departments such as [Paipai Mall], [YK Live Broadcast], and [WeChat].

The content of the meeting is the linkage between various units.

In the Double 11 battle, [Paipai Mall] was not as powerful as [Taozhu.com] and not as big as [Qiangsheng Online Mall], but it still got a share of the pie.

However, Zheng Huateng did not feel any relief. Instead, he often felt an inexplicable feeling of anxiety deep in his heart.

Both Zheng Huateng and the people in charge of his company realized one thing, that is, they were one step behind Zhang Sheng.

Being behind is not a strange thing...

[Tengji Technology] Over the years, it has always been from behind, relying on the traffic of Qdog chat and various reference methods to constantly catch up with its opponents!


I don’t know when it started, but in just two months, the number of [WeChat] users has soared from 16 million to 26 million, and is about to exceed 30 million...

I don’t know since when, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has already had a place in the e-commerce industry, even surpassing their [Paipai Mall]...

Even in the gaming field, the number of users of "Dungeon" is also soaring, from 3 million in mid-November to 3.5 million now, while its own "Gunfight of Glory" only has 3.7 million...

A piece of data was placed in front of Zheng Huateng. Zheng Huateng rubbed his swollen temples and felt a little headache.

this moment!

They [Tengji Technology] don’t know when they started to become Zhang Sheng’s pursuers...

But what made Zheng Huateng even more upset was that he saw another track!

Live track!

The live broadcast between [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and [Jitu Video] almost pulled in nearly one-third of the sales!

After Double 11, the anchors of [Jitu Video] did not stop bringing goods to brands. Instead, they took more and more orders from brands, and [Jitu Video] even created a special product list!

On the delivery list, the quantity ranges from a few hundred to a few thousand, or even to tens of thousands...

Getting crazier every day!

No one would have thought...

[Jitu Video] After being dormant for so long, it suddenly emerged and made a profit!

A new track is before Zheng Huateng again.

The protagonist of this track should have been [YK Live Broadcast]!


Zhong Qian, the boss of [YK Live], looked a little ugly.

"This month, we have lost five more top anchors!"


"Our traffic has been reduced again. Mr. Zheng, the effect of traffic diversion this time seems to be compromised..."


A very serious problem lies in front of [Tengji Technology].

They still have advantages, but their advantages are gradually being lost...

"We plan to sign some celebrities to increase traffic! Many celebrities in the entertainment industry have a terrifying number of fans. As long as we can make use of them, we will definitely be able to fight back this time!"

At the end of his speech, Zhong Qian looked at Zheng Huateng.

Zheng Huateng nodded and was considering the feasibility of this matter...

There was a knock on the door in the conference room.

The secretary hurried in wearing high heels.

"Mr. Zheng... Just now, Zhang Sheng captured Zhao Degang!"


"Zhang Sheng took [Jitu Video] and signed the live broadcast agreement for the entire Zhao family class. He even signed the live broadcast agreement for Zhao Degang's daughter, Zhao Jiahan. Zhao Degang appeared in the live broadcast just now, and..."

"And what?"

"Zhao Degang was invited by Zhang Sheng and decided to go to the Spring Festival Gala on the mountain! Moreover, he took Zhang Sheng to personally invite some old guys from the Spring Festival Gala, Fan Guangwei and Gao Xiulan..."


In the conference room.

There was silence.

It's like you can hear a needle drop.

Zhong Qian's originally ugly expression turned even paler in an instant.

He realized...

A big wave of traffic!

It is very likely that you will flock to [Jitu Video] at this moment!

(There will be an update in the evening, before 8 o'clock)

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