I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 679 They want to give me money, but I can’t help it! (Third update!)


"Damn it, Teacher Zhao is going to the Spring Festival Gala!"

"Oh my god, is it true?"

"it is true!"

"Teachers Lin Jianyong and Huang Hongsheng may also attend the Spring Festival Gala!"

"Oh my god! Damn it, is this a trending search created by some unscrupulous tabloid?"

"No, it's official news!"

"Wait a minute, I heard another even more shocking news..."

"what news!"

"Look at the name of the scriptwriter of the sketch..."

"That is!"



Ding Chunhua used the excuse that "the Spring Festival Gala needs newcomers, and the older generation needs to give up their position" and Zhao Degang and a group of older generation "Spring Festival Gala nail-biters" gradually drifted away.

As it turns out, he seemed to be wrong.

The ambitious director Ding Chunhua did not allow the Spring Festival Gala to flourish because of that reform. Instead, it fell into an embarrassing period for nearly four years.

The older generation has come to an end, but the younger generation has not yet grown up, coupled with various formulaic sketches and sermons...

The audience gradually lost their sense of expectation for the Spring Festival Gala that was once packed with people...

However, Zhao Degang, who once gradually moved away from the Spring Festival Gala due to some public doubts and controversies and left behind many classic comedy jokes and roles, has been constantly talked about in the past four years.

Since Zhao Degang appeared on the Spring Festival Gala stage in 1988, his works are like a cultural symbol for the audience and are the most important part of the Chinese New Year.

Seeing the feedback from the masses and public opinion...

The leaders of CCTV also began to realize the mistakes of that restructuring and began to want to invite Zhao Degang back to the Spring Festival Gala.

Then, every year, there is news on the Internet that the director of the Spring Festival Gala went to Northeast China to invite Zhao Degang.

Every year in the Spring Festival Gala news, there seems to be news about Teacher Zhao Degang appearing on CCTV.

But when the Spring Festival Gala program is announced every year, countless people are disappointed.

There was no teacher Zhao Degang, nor any other familiar seniors.

More and more young artists are appearing on the cross talk stage, and their increasingly embarrassing sketches are attracting the attention of countless people.

It used to be the law that everyone who went to the Spring Festival Gala would be popular, but it seems to have gradually become the law that whichever traffic star was popular back then would be invited...

If the Spring Festival Gala in the past four years has disappointed netizens at best, then the upcoming Spring Festival Gala in 2012 makes netizens feel that [Spring Festival Gala] is completely finished!

[Using power for personal gain], [Going through the back door], [750 million to buy the deputy director of the Spring Festival Gala], [The behind-the-scenes story of the Spring Festival Gala]...

This November!

The negative news about this year’s Spring Festival Gala has never stopped.

News after news, while pushing the popularity of the Spring Festival Gala to the extreme, also brought the expectations of countless viewers to the lowest point...

"The only thing that can save this year's Spring Festival Gala... is Zhao Degang's return to the Spring Festival Gala!"

"What can revitalize this year's Spring Festival Gala is that Zhao Degang returns to the Spring Festival Gala, and those familiar faces also return to the Spring Festival Gala!"


On the Internet, faced with disappointed and speechless netizens, someone came up with this idea.


Just when all netizens thought it was a joke.

Noon on November 30, 2011.

Countless netizens looked at the hot search in shock!

[Zhao Degang will return to the Spring Festival Gala together with Fan Guangwei and Gao Xiulan! 】

November 30 at 5pm.

Another piece of news is trending again!

[Lin Jianyong and Huang Hongsheng were interviewed by the media: I recently saw a good sketch. If all conditions are ripe, I will return to the Spring Festival Gala stage with that sketch! 】


One stone stirs up a thousand waves!


The night is lingering.

It is still [Hongwei Fengxing].

It's still director Ha Wenliang who made Didi.

It's still Zhang Sheng and Ha Wenliang.

However, at this moment, Ha Wenliang was silently staring at the bright lights of Yanjing City in the distance, but the feeling in his heart could not be greater.

On the way to the northeast, Ha Wenliang was full of conflicts with Zhang Sheng.

He always felt that Zhang Sheng had never cared about the Spring Festival Gala, and more often regarded the Spring Festival Gala as a means of commercial promotion...

Regardless of whether they are Cypriots, whether they are visiting Zhao Degang under the pretext of the Spring Festival Gala, or even bringing those cereals, those instant noodles...

this era……

Who gives these things as gifts?

Ha Wenliang felt that he had lost all face and that his entire career as a director would be ruined!


On the way back, Ha Wenliang was shocked deep in his heart!

He always remembers when he walked into the homes of Lin Jianyong and Huang Hongsheng with the sketch video.

The other party declined at first, but after seeing the sketch video, both of them looked stunned...

Later, Zhang Sheng called him a [WeChat] video. In the video, Zhang Sheng invited them sincerely and sincerely. In the video, teacher Zhao Degang also said a few words in a naive manner.


Everything fell into place!

"Teacher Zhao is so kind. He gave you such a can of tea and ginseng. It must be worth a lot of money, right?"


In the gentle light.

He saw Zhang Sheng carefully picking up a can of old white tea and Northeastern ginseng, with some emotion on his face.

Ha Wenliang's throat trembled slightly, and he had a vague suspicion that these things were not given to him by Zhao Degang, but were shamelessly requested by him.

However, there is no way to verify it now...

The car soon stopped at the CCTV Building.

After stopping, media from all directions rushed in...

Ha Wenliang is the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala. His status should be respected, and he should be the focus of all media...


The media swarmed around Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng had a bright smile on his face.


What happened next made Ha Wenliang take a deep breath, and he was even ashamed to be with Zhang Sheng for a time!

"It's not just Teacher Zhao who thinks the sketch is good. In fact, when I visited Teacher Zhao this time, I actually brought a gift..."


"I brought [Mengxiang Instant Noodles], [White Rabbit Milk Candy], [Huahong Oatmeal], [Shenyuan Eight-treasure Porridge]... Don't think I'm inconspicuous with these things, but sending goose feathers from a thousand miles away, the gift is light but the affection is heavy. , Teacher Zhao was very happy to see that I brought these things. Our first dinner was to eat [Mengxiang Instant Noodles]..."


"Why take a taxi? It's not expensive to take a taxi! You also know the traffic in Yanjing. You can't find a parking space when you drive out. Moreover, our [Didi Taxi Taxi] app is cheap. This time I went to Northeast China. It didn’t cost much... Let’s set an example and support domestic products!”


"Yes, Teacher Zhao is particularly interested in our [Jitu Video]. I chatted with him about our live broadcast..."


The night wind was a bit cold.

I saw Zhang Sheng in the media group chatting with a group of reporters with a smile on his face.

Ha Wenliang felt goosebumps rising!

This person...

The ability to tell lies with open eyes is simply...


This man didn't talk about the Spring Festival Gala, he only talked about his cooperative brands...

What is this for?


In the early morning of December 1st.

A huge traffic feast that started around Zhao Degang and ended with Huang Hongsheng and other seniors has become a hot search topic.

Ma Yunhua stared closely at the hot searches.

I just feel that my IQ has been gradually crushed, and I even suspect that either I am mentally retarded or others are mentally retarded!

Hot searches are diverse and include everything.

It is said that Zhang Sheng invited Teacher Zhao Degang to come out with a pack of instant noodles.

Some say it’s a box of eight-treasure porridge…

And some said it was a packet of cereal...

Under Zhang Sheng's deliberate guidance, the more bizarre and eye-catching the title, the more terrifying the number of clicks.

Moreover, what Ma Yunhua saw in the packets of cereals and eight-treasure porridge had already produced nearly five or six versions of the news [Zhao Degang eats eight-treasure porridge].


Such a story that insults IQ has attracted much attention from netizens.

This kind of attention has even triggered a new round of buying frenzy for these brands.

At least……

In the early morning, when Chen Jun came over with the sales volume of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] in the early morning, Ma Yunhua took a deep breath.

"This is an era of traffic!"

"From now on, [Taozhu.com] will also do a live broadcast!"


Ma Yunhua's face became increasingly ugly.

After explaining these things to Chen Jun, Ma Yunhua finally calmed down and sat on the chair.

At this time, he received a message from overseas.

This news made Ma Yunhua smile a little more.

The world's six largest underwriters continue to be extremely optimistic about the listing of [Taozhu.com].

However, they hope to see more potential of [Jiahu Technology]!

What is potential?

Ma Yunhua immediately called Ni Xingjun.

"Mr. Ma?"

"Prepare [Yu Libao] and bring the team over for a meeting tonight..."


"Yes, now, tomorrow, I will come forward in person and hold a press conference!"



Ma Yunhua is in a meeting.

In the meeting, the team was talking about how to promote [Yu Li Bao].

On the other side, Zhang Sheng was also in a meeting.

The entire large conference room was packed with countless brand owners inside and outside.

But what is different from Ma Yunhua is...

Ma Yunhua discussed how to cut leeks.

As for Zhang Sheng...

It's these leeks who are discussing how to make Zhang Sheng's sickle cut them!

"Mr. Zhang, we have always missed your project before. This time the big project of the Spring Festival Gala gives us a chance!"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, you can't just consider other people, but also consider us. We have always supported you before!"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, I know you must be doing something big this time, but I don't care anyway..."

"Mr. Zhang, how can you be allowed to pay for the 750 million Spring Festival Gala yourself? I don't agree!"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, I don't agree either..."

"Mr. Zhang, I don't care. We have been queuing up since the beginning of this year. We are also a domestic brand. Why can't you give us some support?"



Zhang Sheng originally just wanted to invite some core brands to talk about the Spring Festival Gala and WeChat.


Before he even opened his mouth, he was surrounded by more and more brand owners!

This night's meeting was the most unsuccessful night for Zhang Sheng!

Not even a single word of the impassioned speech he prepared was used, as it was all taken up by the excitement of these brand owners!

This night, Zhang Sheng also made the most compromise with the market...

Although he tried his best to restrain himself and declined politely, he claimed that he was not short of money and had no interest in money at all.


There was nothing he could do, nothing at all!

These crazy brand owners forced him to stuff nearly 1.5 billion yuan with the excuse that "Mr. Zhang can't be allowed to donate money"...


Tearfully compromising to this capitalist world.

(Third update delivered!)

(Today’s update is not counted as Silver League update, but yesterday’s update is included...)

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