I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 759 Crazy Brand Owners

If one day, someone suddenly tells you...

Say that in the world you live in, every minute and every second is arranged by others...

Moreover, there are nearly 5,000 cameras monitoring your life at all times...

Your trajectory from childhood to adulthood...

Eating, drinking, going to school, falling in love...

Your friends, companions, everyone in your life, including your girlfriend, including your wife...

Everything is arranged, everything is staged, so what should you do?

Before the release of "The Truman".

Brand owners, audiences, film critics, fellow directors...

Before entering the premiere hall, everyone came with various purposes.

But no one has ever really come for the movie "The Truman" itself.

And ten minutes after "The Truman" was released...

The entire screening room suddenly fell silent.


The opening moment of "The Truman."

Film critic Qin Weiqiang has a frown on his face.

Truman, who was born in a small sea view town, had no reservations or even any secrets from the moment he was born.

He was watched by the audience in front of the TV...

From baby to walking, from school to graduation, from work to marrying a wife...

Every behavior every day is exposed in the live broadcast room of [Jitu Live] for people to watch.

This show is called [The Truman Show].

And that small town is a huge studio, with the sun, moon, stars, every plant and tree...

Everything is fake!

[How can there be such a big studio in this world? Isn’t this a joke? 】

[You don’t even follow the Basic Law when making movies? 】


Several thoughts came to Qin Weiqiang's mind.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Weiqiang looked at the shocking advertisements that appeared in front of the camera one by one, and he wanted to implant them into the audience's eyeballs!

Even though he knew that this was an advertising movie in itself, he still felt his heart twitching. On the one hand, he was speechless because of Zhang Sheng's shamelessness, and on the other hand, it was because of Zheng Xingzu.

Zheng Xingzu, the king of comedy in Hong Kong in the 1980s and 1990s, many popular comedies were produced by Zheng Xingzu...

However, Zheng Xingzu in the camera at this moment did not make Qin Weiqiang feel a sense of joy. Instead, he looked like an exaggerated, embarrassed and unlucky guy wrapped in advertisements.

It's both absurd and not comic, at best it can be regarded as a kind of black humor.

This is Qin Weiqiang's first evaluation of "The Truman".

Of course, Qin Weiqiang also had some surprises.

Before entering the cinema, when he heard that "The Truman" had hundreds of advertisements embedded in it, Qin Weiqiang was prepared for this movie to break through the lower limit of "bad".

However, a few minutes into the movie, he discovered that "The Truman" didn't seem as bad as he thought...

Bi Feiyu did not shoot this movie as an "advertising movie", but in a real sense, he carefully inserted every advertisement into the plot inadvertently.

This attitude made Qin Weiqiang start to seriously examine this movie.

As the plot began to get deeper and deeper, Qin Weiqiang gradually felt what this movie was trying to express, some things that were extremely scary to think about.

[How an ordinary little person was made into a famous TV star without his knowledge, completely deprived of freedom, privacy and even dignity, and became a victim of the mass entertainment industry]

It seems like a simple plot, but it seems to be a metaphor for something complex.

[In this era of information explosion, people have become blurred about the boundaries between reality and virtuality...]

When the movie reached the middle half, Qin Weiqiang's expression gradually became serious.

Each advertisement, even though it was forcibly inserted, not only did not make him feel abrupt, but became more and more reasonable.

at the same time……

The plot made Qin Weiqiang start to think deeply and fearfully.


Marshal Zheng doesn't like Bi Feiyu, let alone Zhang Sheng.

Come and sit in the screening room of "The Truman", which is more of a fun-loving mood.

Watching how Bi Feiyu, a director who has stepped into the international arena, was corrupted by capital step by step, and then gradually fell...

At the same time it's a little sad.

Sadly, the knees of the former king of comedy have been completely broken by capital. No matter how unruly an artist is, he cannot withstand the decline of five years.


Film screenings.


Shaoshuai Zheng's expression gradually changed from casual to serious, to serious.

He watched the movie "Truman" played by Zheng Xingzu.

At this moment, Zheng Xingzu is like a butterfly that is imprisoned but does not know it...

He has his own dreams and pursuits, but he keeps stumbling around in a small town. No matter how hard he works, he can never find a way out for the future.

He is obviously a real character, but this character looks so fake in the movie...

It is watched, peeped, and even studied all the time, mixed with the interests of various commercial brands, squeezing the value of a living life to the maximum.

He saw a hypocritical world like a utopia...

Then, in this hypocritical world, a real person lives carefree...


An accident...

A camera light falls from the sky, allowing Truman to get closer to the truth.

But the subsequent broadcast report that "the plane malfunctioned and parts crashed" took Truman away from the truth again.

Everything in the world seems to be within the most reasonable range, preventing [Truman] from exploring the truth...

Whether it is police officers, surrounding pedestrians, passers-by...

They are using all methods to act out this drama.

Truman is far away from the truth, but this photography light reminds Mr. Zheng outside the play of the absurd world that Truman lives in.

Later, a malfunction in the weather system and a column of water directed at Truman brought him one step closer to the truth...

The scenes of the plot shocked Marshal Zheng's heart, and the feeling of fear became stronger when he thought about it!

The movie is set in a fake world that is his "reality" for Truman. So, for the audience who are trapped by the Internet, they, and even us, have been instilled with a certain kind of knowledge from birth. Cognition?

The world as we know it!

The rules of this world, the knowledge of this world, as well as televisions, live broadcasts, and controlled media...

When I think about this...

Marshal Zheng couldn't help but stare at the figure wearing glasses in the distance.

At this moment, his face no longer showed contempt or even contempt, and even the trace of self-righteousness deep in his heart gradually disappeared.

[Why can he write such amazing scripts]!

[Why, such an amazing script was directed by Bi Feiyu, not him, Marshal Zheng! 】


These two rhetorical questions lingered in Shaoshuai Zheng’s heart for a long time!

Later, this emotion gradually turned into a feeling of jealousy.


When the movie critics in the back row saw the movie, they were already amazed by what it had to offer.

They worked hard to organize the language, immersed in the protagonist [Truman]’s exploration of the world again and again, and a resistance that was almost impossible to escape...

The more people know about movies and art, the more they can appreciate the introspection and horror this movie brings to everyone.


Any utopia seems to be set.


Many brands don’t look that deeply.

They haven't watched many movies, and they came here purely for business purposes to contact Zhang Sheng...

There is only one thought in their minds, and that is that the sales of the brands Zhang Sheng has cooperated with have greatly increased...

Of course, they were not disappointed, and this "Truman" really gave them too many surprises!

Deng Chun, who spent 100,000 yuan on a movie ticket in the front row of [Poly Clean Bath], was very excited!

They saw a pair of elderly twins who would always stand in front of the billboard under the camera and greet the protagonist every day. For a full twenty seconds, they would display an advertisement called [Mangxiang Instant Noodles]...

They saw that Zhang Panpan, who played Truman’s wife, would promote products under the focus of the camera at almost every possible moment in her life. Some of the products were kitchen supplies, some daily necessities, and sometimes even some Internet advertisements...

They saw that [Truman]’s friends often drank a can of beer named [Harpy] in the plot, and whenever they got the chance, they would show the can of beer with their hands. They saw that now, even Deng Chundu had the urge to drink a can of this beer immediately after watching the movie!

The blatant advertisements, both reasonable and not obtrusive, made Deng Chun's heart more and more excited and hotter.

He opened his mouth...

Looking at Zhang Sheng's figure, but finally, looking around again.

When he saw a group of people around him watching the movie seriously, he lowered his head and secretly left the screening room.

When he walked out of the screening room, he saw reporters and media swarming around him, asking him if he was leaving midway...

He couldn't hide the excitement deep in his heart!


"Why should I leave? I will immediately ask my company to prepare 100 million to support Mr. Zhang's movie!"

"I heard that two parts of "The Truman" were filmed, one overseas and one in China. I don't know if there are any advertising spaces for the overseas ones. If so..."



The media saw the excited Deng Chun.

Suddenly he was stunned.

Immediately afterwards...

They saw another advertiser running out excitedly.

"Sorry, give in..."

"Sorry, I don't know what to answer!"

"Feel sorry……"



"Yes, yes, how much advertising fund does the company have for 2013?"

"Take it all out! Yes, take it all out!"

"Yes, I'm in the screening room!"

"After the movie is over, I will discuss cooperation!"


The media walked out excitedly as each advertiser seemed to have made a fortune.

They glanced at the screening room of "The Truman" in confusion...

Lost in confusion!

What exactly is the advertising placement in this movie that makes these brands so crazy?

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