I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 760 The horn of resistance!

this world……

You feel it is false.

However, everyone tells you that this world is real, and all your struggles are just your self-righteous cognition.

Are you immersed in countless lies, are you willing to believe in yourself, or are you willing to believe in this world and everyone you meet from birth to now?

The lights in the theater were still dim.




Even nervous, as if a heart was concerned about that poor man who was not very tall, but looked extremely sad.

The audience was glued to the screen.

They watched Truman, played by Zheng Xingzu, searching for the truth step by step in a world full of lies...

They saw that Zheng Xingzu, who they thought could only make comedies and marginal films, suddenly changed into a different person in the movie.

Sometimes he was serious, sometimes excited, sometimes exaggerated and full of contagious smiles, like sunshine, and sometimes he gradually became nervous as he gradually approached the truth.

Some people marveled at Zheng Xingzu's acting skills and even thought it was subversive.

An actor may never get a good role in his life.

An actor may never be recognized by the mainstream in his lifetime.


Throughout his life, the only labels imprinted on an actor are exaggeration, nonsensical, bad boy, bad boy...

Many people are even mocking, and some people are just funny, staring, and laughing exaggeratedly.

There is no connotation, no plot, only after you finish laughing, you will gradually forget it...

Even Zheng Xingzu himself once thought so.


The moment "Truman" appeared in front of him...

He realized that the opportunity he had been waiting for for many years had finally arrived!


Watching movies.

Qin Weiqiang stared closely.

A good movie can be roughly divided into three levels.

Ordinary people can watch the plot of the movie and be infected by the emotions of the movie, making them look forward to it and venting their emotions.

People who understand movies can clearly see the flesh and blood of the movie from the plot, and then peel off its skeleton to see the realistic metaphors in the movie...

A truly experienced filmmaker can not only feel the resonance and emotion in the movie, but also penetrate into the soul of the movie and touch another deepest story!

Qin Weiqiang stares at "The Truman"...

Living in this almost utopian world, Truman has countless emotions that ordinary people have.

The first is fear. After his father drowned, he began to be afraid of water. To truly escape from this world, he needs to overcome his fear.

However, fear is naturally a self-protection mechanism of human nature, and it is also a weakness of human nature. How difficult is it to overcome fear?

Qin Weiqiang was in a trance, remembering a car accident he witnessed when he was a child...

When he was 10 years old, he watched a young man riding a bicycle being hit by a speeding car...

From that day on, he found that he suddenly couldn’t ride a bike.

I finally lifted my leg, but found that my calf was shaking constantly. I held the faucet of the bike tightly, but found that I had lost all the courage to ride.

After that incident, he never took any transportation related to bicycles or even electric vehicles...



"It's a combination of business and art..."

"This script is so well written!"

"I should actually know that Mr. Zhang, who can write scripts such as "Saw" and "Seven Days to Die", cannot really write a bad movie!"



The praises of his colleagues came to his ears.

Qin Weiqiang subconsciously looked at his colleague, who was looking excited at this moment and was already writing a film review on his notebook.

When he looked at the movie again...

He saw the blank and incredulous face of the lead actor Zheng Xingzu, and stared at the heroine Zhang Panpan with an expression of despair: "You don't like me..."

"No!" Zhang Panpan smiled, but the smile looked like a forced smile. She turned her head slowly, as if she was escaping or covering something.


I saw her turning around strangely, her smile getting more and more creepy, like a robot: "I'll pour you a cup of coffee, [Coffee Coffee], made from Brazilian genuine coffee beans, without artificial sugar..." "

"What are you talking about! Who are you talking to!" Zheng Xingzu looked frightened, looked around, and then stared at Zhang Panpan.

"Among all kinds of coffee, [Chao Nest Coffee] is the best. Go buy it during the Double 11 Domestic Product Festival, there are big discounts..."


This is yet another product placement.

It was almost a slap in the face and the logo and signboard of [Chao Nest Coffee] were clearly photographed.


There were no curses at the scene, everyone stared at the advertisement nervously.

Several girls were horrified after seeing Zhang Panpan's acting skills.

But after a moment, this horror turned into anger. They clenched their fists and looked at Truman as if he were a plaything, being manipulated wantonly. He was obviously a human being, but he was like a tool to catch people's attention. Some people even wanted to curse on the spot, but in the screening room where everything was silent except for the movie, no one wanted to disturb the viewing environment.

The movie still goes on.

Qin Weiqiang was also infected by this sadness. At this moment, a turmoil flashed through his mind, and then he suddenly realized something!


He is watching the birth of a masterpiece!

A piece of business and art, a piece that is enough to leave a mark on the Chinese film industry, a masterpiece that makes people endlessly memorable and terrifying to think about.



"This is Zhang Sheng!"

"Mr. Zhang also appeared!"


"Why is Mr. Zhang not in the cast list?"


wind and rain.

Shrouded in darkness.

In a world full of lies, Zheng Xingzu, who plays "The Truman", stumbles everywhere in this utopia.

Everyone is acting seriously, and all the seemingly friendly smiles are actually made up of hypocrisy...

Marshal Zheng took a deep breath.

This constant sense of depression makes Marshal Zheng feel aggrieved!

He no longer knows when he started to become the same body as [Truman] on the screen.

He saw the director of the huge studio of "The Truman Show". The middle-aged director seemed familiar...

But when he thought about it carefully, in the entertainment industry, he had no idea which actor this was...


When the director took off his glasses, not only him, but even the entire screening room exclaimed!

That is!

Zhang Sheng!

Zhang Sheng without glasses and wearing makeup!

Marshal Zheng was shocked and stared at Zhang Sheng closely...

At this moment, he didn't know whether to be shocked by the makeup artist on the "Truman" crew, or by Zhang Sheng's acting skills.


After getting to know Zhang Sheng clearly, Marshal Zheng did not feel separated because of this. On the contrary, an emotion called anger gradually surged into his heart.

In the movie...

Zhang Sheng's eyes were full of tenderness. He looked at Trumen as if he were looking at his own child or a work of art...

He calmly directed the staff of the whole world. He seemed to be a God, organizing the whole world, and inadvertently causing Truman, who was struggling in the world, to miss the direction again and again. Being able to continue to fall deeply into the lies of [fear] amid self-doubt, fear, and collapse.

Zhang Sheng's controlling expression caused the anger deep in Marshal Zheng's heart to surge up!

At this moment, he was staring at the protagonist Truman.

In the movie, the audience in the live broadcast room also stared unanimously at Truman in [Jitu Video].

Bi Feiyu, who has a background in making pseudo-documentaries, is extremely capable of rendering the image and tone of the entire movie. Not only the audience in the screening room, but even Mr. Zheng at one point couldn't tell clearly whether this was a movie or not. Or a live reality show…

But, it's enough to confirm.

Truman, played by Zheng Xingzu, at some point, has become Marshal Zheng’s other self in the movie...

Truman lives in a world wrapped in lies, constantly struggling, breaking through, and angry in the darkness!

And he...

Living in a wealthy and powerful family, he is immersed in art, pursues art persistently, and even has an almost paranoid yearning for Western free art!

At this moment, the virtual world and the real world completely overlap!

He saw Truman resisting crazily...

He fell into deep thought in the coat of his former first love Lauren, and then frantically pieced together a photo...

Lauren's off-screen actor is Song Yufei, one of the leading actresses in [NC Entertainment]...

In the movie, she loves Truman and thinks it is wrong to confine a person to a studio and deprive him of the right to know the truth, so she tries her best to let Truman know the truth...

But the truth that she vaguely wanted to reveal was quickly wiped out by the crew, and she gradually disappeared in Truman's life...

In his memory, Truman cut out the photos of women in various magazines and pieced them together over and over again, and finally pieced together a human face...

When Song Yufei saw that face in the movie, Song Yufei burst into tears...

Outside the movie, Marshal Zheng felt excited!

He saw a figure chasing freedom, in the darkness, in countless lies, even in the layers of frustrations and oppression, but never stopped!

He saw Truman overcome his fear...

Taking the first step in his life, he even wanted to cheer for this young man!

The screen flickers on and off...

In the light of day and night!

Everyone is searching for Truman...

But the figure who was chasing the truth shattered his fear with one punch and got on the boat!

On a sunny boat...

He is laughing!

In the live broadcast room...

The director played by Zhang Sheng still looked at him with kind eyes, but...

A scene appeared that made Marshal Zheng want to press Zhang Sheng's head to the ground!

He saw a storm rising on the calm sea...

When he saw Truman's face, it turned into fear again...

He saw that figure in the storm, rising and falling, gradually being buried...

He just felt like he had been hit hard deep in his heart...

But then...

A strange sound rang in my ears amidst the sound of the storm...


[Let the storm come more violently! 】

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