I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 766 Zhang Sheng in the Era


The wind and sand blew across the Gobi Desert, mixed with heat and sand, blowing on the dry cheeks of countless people.

Looking up, a sparsely populated and endless desert appears in the sight of countless people.

In the hazy dust billowing in the distance, I don't know if it was an illusion, but my ears seemed to be filled with the wails of unknown animals, one after another.

The climate here is changeable...

Or gloomy, or scorching sun, or stormy.

The temperature difference between day and night is huge. It is often scorching hot at noon and freezing cold in the evening. They can only survive the cold night by huddled in the research institute to warm themselves up.

If there were no clocks, there would be no concept of time here.

It's already dark in the metropolis, and countless people are lying on their beds, preparing to sleep, but the sunshine here is still bright, like afternoon time.

Blindly using manual maintenance methods means that they will always be limited to this small area, which will not have any effect on future development and the progress of the entire development project.

Gong Chunhan silently looked at the workers climbing up and down, sighed slightly, and then walked into their [Institute].

outside the house.

Rows of photovoltaic panels were spread out along the undulating terrain, making a "bang bang bang" sound when being hit by the wind and sand.

In 2012, China's photovoltaic industry suffered a heavy blow, and officials began to shift their attention to the west.

In the [Photovoltaic Office] where the wind and sand blow.


However, no one here in Qinghai cares about the prosperity of the Internet, and many people even rarely surf the Internet.

How can you have your cake and eat it too?

As the person in charge of the project, Gong Chunhan is naturally unwilling to accept that many scientific research projects collapse midway.

Tara Beach receives up to 3,000 hours of sunshine each year, which means a large amount of solar energy can be converted into electricity.

A middle-aged man sat in the office, looking at the resignation reports with complicated eyes, but in the end he shook his head and stuffed the resignation reports into the bulging drawer.

[Single crystal silicon] has actually had research and development technology for a long time, and it has high mechanical strength, low fragmentation rate, high radio and television conversion rate, and long life...

When the construction of the photovoltaic power generation base is completed, Talatan will become one of the largest solar power generation bases in the world, providing huge resources for China's power system.

I want to save money for research while maintaining basic projects.

But he also knows better than anyone that, in many cases, it is impossible to retain talents by force. Even the talents who are forced to stay, with resentment and half-heartedness, cannot make much contribution to the project at all.

For a long time…

"The rising blood can make young people do anything. However, when the blood gradually cools down, expectations are defeated by cruel reality and failure again and again, and after persisting and no longer seeing hope, these are just a process of gold plating. "How do you urge young people to stay?"

However, it is common sense that there is always a shortage of people in the research institute.

"Another group of people have left the institute..."

In this world...

Lack of water, lack of internet, lack of food, lack of supplies...

"Look at the village over there. Every year, so many young people from big cities come to support them, but one year, two years, three years later, no matter how hard the villagers try to persuade them to stay, they still leave... They come back When you arrive in a big city, you can use this experience to judge your professional title, and then smoothly add a rich and glorious touch to your life... Those young people who are forced to stay for some reason are also thinking Try your best to find all kinds of connections to get out of this abyss... In this situation, how many people are sincere about the so-called education of children? "


During this period, countless talents responded to the call and went to the West with enthusiasm. At first, everyone was full of energy, but at most a month, or even half a month later, the enthusiasm and passion that they had had gradually melted away, and many people felt that Various excuses to leave this place.

The western region, represented by Talatan in Qinghai, is surrounded by the label of "missing".


Gong Chunhan stood up, and after chatting for a few words with the project manager Deng Mingqiang, he walked silently outside the house.

In this world...

October 13th.

Everyone understands that technology is the primary productive force, and everyone knows that China is currently being held back by the United States.

this problem……

Tara Beach.


Countless workers climbed onto the photovoltaic panels and carefully inspected every component.

But why is polysilicon still used on the market?

On the Internet, the e-commerce war is in full swing.

However, Taratan is a deserted land with sparse vegetation, which makes the foundation of the photovoltaic power generation base unstable, and severe wind and sand will affect the conversion of photovoltaic power generation and damage solar panels...

"But if you leave and I leave, then the lifeblood of the entire country is not..."

This area has existed since Gong Chunhan came to it. During this period, he also worked with many experts to solve this problem through countless solutions. But in the end, the cost of many solutions was extremely high, and it was not as good as manual labor every day. Maintenance saves money...

"Leader, be careful what you say!"

"It's normal. Some people come here for their dreams, but when the price paid for their dreams is too high, who can support it?"

Nothing more than…

The manufacturing cost of monocrystalline silicon is high and the technology is difficult.

For a product, the most important thing for you is not the product itself, but the marketability and cost of the product...


The [Institute] should not only research and develop [monocrystalline silicon] itself, but also study the marketization and popularity of [monocrystalline silicon].

"Can the project continue?"

"Yes, but..."

"but what?"

"We are short of people, machines, high-end technology, and experimental funds..."


When Gong Chunhan heard this sentence, the corner of his mouth showed a bit of bitterness.

He encouraged a few classmates in the [Institute], and then walked out of the Institute with a heavy heart.



The weather is getting hotter and hotter.

Gong Chunhan asked for funds from his superiors.

The leaders who had been digging at Sosou readily allocated the funds this time and asked Gong Chunhan if he had any other material needs.

Gong Chunhan was a little shocked by the attitude of his superiors, but in the end he still honestly stated the current situation.

On the other end of the phone, there was silence for a long time.

"All kinds of supplies are on the way, and people are also on the way..."

"We are very determined this time!"

"You have to believe us!"



Gong Chunhan nodded: "But what?"

"However, the overall project will be handed over to a young man for the time being... We hope that you can communicate and coordinate with this young man on data and various aspects..."


When Gong Chunhan heard this, he suddenly didn't know what to say, and then firmly objected.

It's not that he loves power...

But in these years, he has really seen too many smug young people who were severely beaten to death in this Gobi Desert.

As figures who were once ambitious, but eventually turned into discouraged and even disgusted, emerged in Gong Chunhan's mind, and eventually these figures turned into letters of resignation...

I don't know since when, Gong Chunhan gradually developed an immune and even physical aversion to the word "young people".

"His name is Zhang Sheng!"

"I don't know what Zhang Sheng and Li Sheng are. I only know that young people nowadays are not reliable..."

"He is different. You should have seen the news..."

"How can I have time to watch the news? Leader, just tell me, did this young man come to the project team to get gold plating?"


There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment.

Just when Gong Chunhan thought that his guess was absolutely correct and he was almost about to curse, he heard the other party sigh: "He doesn't need to..."

This sentence made Gong Chunhan finally swallow the curse he was about to say.

"Then when will he come? Leader, I don't know who he is, a son of a senior official or a leader, but as long as he can't convince me, there's no way I can hand over any information!"

When the other end of the phone heard this, he seemed a little shocked: "Old Gong, don't you watch the news?"

"What news should I watch? Where do I have time to watch the news..."

"Anyway, he should be arriving soon. You should contact him first. He also has his own project at hand. You must cooperate with him."


The phone was hung up.

Gong Chunhan looked at the dust in the distance.

I feel more and more depressed.

young people……

Young people are coming again!


Forget it!

I can’t stay for a month anyway!

Gong Chunhan shook his head. When he thought of this, his mood did not get better, but instead became more depressed.

Some want to curse!

Just at this time……

He heard the roar of a convoy in the distance.

He walked out subconsciously.

"Is Mr. Gong here?"

"Yes, you are..."

"We are here to support you..."

Gong Chunhan stared blankly at the long line of convoys in the distance and saw the words [Jingsheng Logistics].

He has never seen this [Jingsheng Logistics] before...


He saw many young people appearing at [Jingsheng Logistics], transporting batches of supplies.

"Mr. Gong, from now on, our [Jingsheng Logistics] has opened a transportation line from Xining to here. If you need anything in the future, you can contact us through this phone number. We will deliver the needed things within a week. come over……"

"Ah! The express fee..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang has already paid the express fee in advance."


Gong Chunhan stared blankly at the smiles on the faces of several young people from [Jingsheng Logistics], and then looked at the young people coming down from the west again, helping to carry various supplies...


There were also a group of decoration teams wearing [Bird's Nest Project] clothes and got out of the car with the drawings in hand.

"they are……"

"Oh, the designers are here to survey the site today. We are planning to build a logistics transportation point here. In addition, we will also build a [Materials Research Institute]..."

"I'm afraid these investments are not..."

"Don't worry, these are all planned by Mr. Zhang..."

"Ah? Where is Mr. Zhang now?"

"He... is now on the road with a group of researchers from the institute. Logically speaking, he should have arrived, but for some reason, he hasn't arrived yet..."


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