"Dear senior brothers, senior sisters, and seniors..."

"I'm so happy that you guys can travel long distances to this place with me..."

"However, we are not here to enjoy the blessings this time..."

"We carry a heavy burden on our shoulders. We will spend the next six months, one year, or even two years in this barren land..."

"The days ahead are going to be tough."

"I know there are many labels on everyone, including myself, but from the time we set foot in the West, these labels and those labels should be torn off."


The car is driving on a bumpy mountain road.

The desert that can be seen everywhere initially surprised many young people, and some took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

But as the road gets longer and longer, many people inevitably suffer from altitude sickness.

Dizziness, nausea, retching, difficulty breathing...

Zhang Sheng also reacted a little more. At this moment, his face looked a little ugly, but he was still sitting in his position.

The driver next to him carefully offered Zhang Sheng an oxygen machine. Zhang Sheng shook his head and refused.

"Mr. Zhang, should we go directly to the destination, or..."

"To the destination..."


The driver looked at Zhang Sheng's way of persisting despite his strong physical reaction. In addition to admiration, he felt a little puzzled.

At this moment...

Zhang Sheng has a net worth of more than 10 billion.

Neither [Tengji Technology] nor [Jiahu Technology] can suppress Zhang Sheng’s series of rising companies...

It stands to reason that his life is almost complete, but he has to do some things that ordinary people think are a bit "silly".

In the past few months, Zhang Sheng has been searching in various areas in the west almost every day, exploring with the workers and looking for corresponding bases together.

At night, Zhang Sheng would always follow the researchers to conduct various academic discussions and research. He was often busy until late at night, and then lay in bed to rest.

During this period, Zhang Sheng wrote many unpublished [papers] and submitted them to Professor Yang of Yanjing for review...

However, I heard that all the papers I wrote were returned.

This series of things made the driver really confused and even felt that Zhang Sheng had a tendency to commit suicide...

The cars soon arrived at a remote and desolate place.

Zhang Sheng dragged his tired body over.

After getting out of the car and breathing in the fresh air, the group of young people in the car took a breath.

When they learned from the guide that the distant village had not yet had electricity, everyone was shocked!

See you soon!

This is...

It’s 2012!

"Everyone, you are all people I selected from the crowd..."

"I also know your determination, and don't blame me for being long-winded. I still want to say that we will all experience situations like today's for a long time in the future..."

“Our car won’t be able to get on the rest of the way!”

"If you can follow me, walk on the next road together, and then come back, if you can persevere, then we will complete the project together..."

"If you can't persist, I won't force it..."


In shock.

They saw Zhang Sheng, who was not very strong, looking seriously at the group of people below.

He took a deep breath, his expression extremely serious, and then, under the admiring gaze of the guide, he resolutely walked towards the winding mountain road in the distance.

Time passed little by little.

It's a tough journey.

Many young people have blisters on their feet.


The vast distance seems to have no end in sight. It is always blown by the wind and sand, becoming dry and desperate.

From noon to around evening...

Finally they saw a village.


They saw children and old people looking at them with shocked eyes...

"There is a primary school in this village..."

"When children go to junior high school, they have to go through the same road we just walked..."

"Many young teachers came here, but they couldn't last long and left..."

"Actually, electricity was used here before. Later, due to some reasons, the circuit was damaged. Later, some leaders were changed. The cost was too high, so nothing happened here..."

"Besides here, there are dozens of similar villages scattered around, some of which have even more difficult conditions..."

"The roads we have walked are actually the roads that every child has walked..."


When the tour guide introduced the situation of the village, many young people's eyes widened.

It was as if something shook violently in their hearts.

"In fact, these areas without electricity are, without exception, located in high-altitude and cold mountainous areas, with the highest altitude being 4,980 meters!"

"Most of the climate here is variable, with extreme temperature differences of nearly 60 degrees Celsius; the geological conditions are complex, with high mountains and steep slopes, 65% of which are high mountains and ridges. Some areas are located in the Longmen Mountain fault zone. The road conditions in some areas are extremely poor, and the transportation of engineering materials can only Relying on "people carrying horses on their backs, shoulders and hands to carry", the price of an ordinary pole, after many manual transfers, costs as much as 4-5 times the purchase price..."

"Moreover, the more important reason is that the entire electric power transportation system is extremely complex, and there are many technological difficulties that have not yet been overcome..."


Every word is like a thorn.

When some tired young people heard this, their pupils suddenly shrank.

After visiting the place where the locals live, some people even had red eyes on the spot and couldn't help themselves for a while...

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, looked calm.

When the sun set, he stood on the largest stone at the head of the village and looked into his eyes.

"I didn't bring you here this time just to make you suffer..."

"On the Internet, we often mention missions and responsibilities, but those cold words hardly give people an intuitive feeling. Only in the true sense can we come into contact with real places and see those living compatriots. Only then can we realize that in 2012, in this era when the Internet is so developed, there are still some people, some children, living in places we cannot imagine..."

"Our journey is finally over."


"We have just begun a new journey!"

"I hope everyone can remember what we are doing, what we are going to do, what we can do..."

"I also hope everyone understands that we are doing a great thing..."

"But, you will not be alone on this road. I will accompany you for a long time until..."

"Win it once!"



The fire in the distance gradually brightened.

Zhang Sheng's figure looked particularly tall in the firelight.

He pushed up his glasses and looked at the figures below.

Then he smiled.


"If you are willing to follow me, we will continue walking. If you feel tired, unable to hold on, and have no hope for the future, you can leave early..."

"The next days will not be easier than today!"



October 14th.

The wind and sand are still blowing across the entire Tara Beach.

Gong Chunhan watched [Jingsheng Logistics] send another batch of supplies.

This batch of supplies made everyone at the [Institute] very excited. Many of the items were the equipment they had been looking forward to for a long time.

Gong Chunhan has a complicated face. Although he has never met him, his impression of Mr. Zhang in everyone's mouth has completely changed...


He received a piece of information from [Mr. Zhang].

When he saw that information, Gong Chunhan's eyes were not only shocked, but also shocked!

this moment……

He truly understood the meaning of the leader's sentence "He doesn't need it".

He had never imagined in his life that there were such terrifying people in this world.

At such a young age...

He is actually worth tens of billions, and it is even more unbelievable that with such great fame, he can give up everything he owns and devote himself to a big career.

All of this seems like a dream.

He was in a trance for a while...

Around 10 o'clock in the morning...

He heard the sound of a car in the distance.

This time, it was not the large trucks transporting supplies, but buses.

He followed all the members of the [Institute] and walked towards the buses immediately.

He saw many young people who looked tired but had firm eyes walking down from the car step by step.

These young people...

Completely different from those he had seen before.

At least in terms of momentum, it seems that they are not the same concept at all. Everyone seems to be gentle and polite, and they all seem to be pale from the torture of high school, but everyone seems to have a resilience in them.

Gong Chunhan rushed forward and greeted everyone.

"Mr. Gong, hello..."



Among this group of young people, a younger man emerged.

This young man wore glasses, and although his face was very pale, he had a very comfortable smile.

"Are you Mr. Zhang?"

"Just call me Zhang Sheng!"

in the sun.

The young man shook hands with him, and then introduced the young people from the institute behind him one by one...

In the introduction…

Gong Chunhan was so excited that he couldn't help himself!

Some of these young people are [researchers at national-level research institutes], some are graduate students at Qingbei and other science and technology colleges, and some are tutors in various fields...

Everyone seems to have been matched to be the talent they most desire!

At this moment, these talents are all looking at Zhang Sheng with fiery eyes...

When Zhang Sheng introduced everyone's name, everyone puffed up their chests, like warriors about to go into battle.

"Mr. Gong, next, I hope we can cooperate well to complete this project..."

"Of course, I know you have a lot of concerns, and I also know that the next step is a tough battle, which not only tests people's hearts and perseverance, but we are also racing against time, but I believe that as long as we all move in the same direction together, Work hard and we will win this battle!”


A gust of wind blew...

A firm voice lingered over the wind and sand...

Gong Chunhan watched the young man push up his glasses and looked at himself with a smile.

He has so many complicated things in his heart!



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