I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 768 Ruggedness and Stability

[There is no grass growing on the ground, and the wind blows away stones. There is one wind every year, blowing from spring to winter...]

This is a true portrayal of Tara Beach’s past.

Talatan was once one of the areas most severely affected by sandstorms in Qinghai.

When a group of young people with great ambitions lay down on Tala Beach for a whole night, they realized that everything Mr. Zhang once said to them was true.

This is a war between humans and nature...

The moment they saw the rolling sand city covering the sky and the sun in the distance, the expressions of countless young people gradually turned into fear.

They have never seen such a large natural scene...

As if in an instant, the entire team was in the wasteland, abandoned by the world.

Lack of oxygen, lack of water, lack of green plants...

It’s hard to believe that this world actually exists on Earth.

October 15th.

Some young people in scientific research walked into the laboratory where arrangements were made.

Although the conditions are poor, everything that should be in the laboratory has been satisfied as much as possible...

A few days ago, they were transported to the site one by one through [Jingsheng Logistics] and underwent debugging and various assembly.

The cost of this equipment is extremely expensive, and most of the money comes from Zhang Sheng's [Honeycomb Semiconductor] company.

another part……

Led by Gong Chunhan, he put on equipment and masks and went to the deepest part of Tara Beach to explore.

In this team, Zhang Sheng was also following behind.


The sun is scorching.

The whole land became confused.

The further you go, the lonelier you feel.

"Mr. Zhang, Talatan was a land with 98% desertification more than ten years ago. Wind and sand eroded the land, plants could not take root, and animals also moved away. The innate conditions made it difficult to develop large-scale animal husbandry. , agriculture and industry, "poverty" has become a label that cannot be taken off in Talatan, forcing countless people to choose to move away from their homes..."


"The leaders have carried out a series of plans for this barren land, but no matter which plan, they can't form effective and real measures. Moreover, many leaders responded from above, hoeing on the east side, On the west side, after the term was satisfied, the new leader overturned the previous leader's strategy and launched a new round of construction. However, due to communication and coordination problems, many projects were always delayed..."


"We know that the sunshine on this land is very long, and we also understand that this is all very good, but... Mr. Zhang, I believe you have also seen that it is really difficult to make progress in the work. We dare not go forward... "


In the wind and sand, Gong Chunhan's voice came to my ears.

Zhang Sheng listened silently, looking at the undulating terrain in the distance and the hazy world in the distance.

Behind him, a group of young people followed him, although they were wearing masks, their faces were extremely pale...

In just a few kilometers, many people fell down many times, many people sat on the hot sand to pant, and a group of people even suffered from heatstroke on the spot...

However, Gong Chunhan found that this group of scientific researchers were more resilient than the group of scientific researchers he had seen before. Even though the road ahead was difficult, they still did not give up lightly, but took the medicine silently, and then Holding a wooden stick for support, he walked forward step by step.

When Gong Chunhan saw Zhang Sheng, his eyes were filled with admiration.

Based on his knowledge, he could clearly see that Zhang Sheng's physical strength seemed to have reached its limit, but even though his calves were shaking slightly, he always followed him and never rested.

This kind of perseverance made him admire him. Apart from admiration, he vaguely understood why his superiors asked him to cooperate with Zhang Sheng's work throughout the whole process.

Zhang Sheng leads this team, maybe it can really succeed.

"Mr. Gong..."

"Mr. Zhang, you said..."

"We have a clear understanding of the general situation, and I have an additional plan in mind. When we go back, we will discuss the feasibility of this plan..."


Gong Chunhan looked at Zhang Sheng's calm figure, and then at the group of young people in the distance holding tools and exploring various data.


This time!

They can actually win for once!


Tara Beach is getting hotter and hotter at noon.

More and more young people are suffering from various symptoms of heat stroke, and some young people even fainted on the spot.

When they returned to the base, a group of medical teams came in in time to protect these young people.

Zhang Sheng's face looked ugly. A series of mountain climbing exhausted his physical strength very quickly. After lunch time, Zhang Sheng didn't have much appetite. After barely eating a few mouthfuls, he silently glanced into the distance...

The situation here was worse than he imagined.


I don't know why, even though my body is extremely exhausted, there is a weird and unspeakable feeling of heat deep in my heart, and I'm even a little excited.

He is a person who likes challenges. The more difficult the situation, the more he feels the desire to conquer.

In the afternoon...

Leaders from [Huaxia New Energy], [Huaxia Energy Group], [Huaxia Electric Power] and Qinghai City and other relevant units came.

"boss Zhang!"


"Mr. Zhang, thank you for your hard work!"

"No hard work, no hard work!"



When the leaders came in and saw Zhang Sheng, they shook hands with him immediately.

They had no airs in front of Zhang Sheng, only admiration and excitement. After briefly asking Zhang Sheng about the exploration situation in the past half day, the leaders' eyes were very serious.

In recent years, everyone knows that Tara Beach is a hard bone to chew, but as long as Tara Beach can be chewed hard, then the whole new energy layout of China will be able to move to a higher level.

"Master's wife, why are you here?"

After giving a brief account of the situation to these leaders, Zhang Sheng saw Master's wife Xu Linlin getting out of the car. When she saw Zhang Sheng's pale face, Xu Linlin's eyes instantly turned red.

"You... have worked hard!"

"What's so hard about this..."

Director Yuan Gang of the Ministry of Commerce also came over.

Seeing Zhang Sheng, who hadn't seen him for a while, become thinner and a little darker, Yuan Gang was also very touched. He shook hands with Zhang Sheng tightly.

"If you need anything, just tell us, we will do everything we can to satisfy you!"

"Director Yuan, um, leaders, how about this, let's go in and talk first. In the afternoon, I will sort out the plan, and in the evening, I will call a meeting for everyone..."


Just as the voice fell, a car not far away honked again.

Zhang Sheng turned his head and saw a series of official interview cars.

Fully armed reporters came over one by one...

In the past, these reporters would interview the leaders first when they saw them, but this time, they squeezed out these leaders at the first time and handed the microphone to Zhang Sheng's mouth.

"Mr. Zhang, can you talk about your next arrangements?"

"Mr. Zhang, we are Xiao Xu, a reporter from CCTV. We have cooperated many times. This time, we came here with a mission. We hope you can show up in tomorrow's [News Broadcast]..."

"Mr. Zhang..."



Zhang Sheng saw these reporters with a smile on his face.

But in the end, he did not accept the interview.

"Sorry, we don't have a real plan now. When our plan or plan begins to show results, we will accept interviews, okay?"


"In fact, there are many predecessors and heroes fighting against nature on this land. You can interview them..."


Not far away, gusts of wind and sand blew again.

In the distance, [Jingsheng Logistics] sent another batch of supplies, which was led by Li Dongqiang himself.

After seeing this scene and seeing that Zhang Sheng really didn't want to be on camera, CCTV reporters swarmed around Li Dongqiang again.


On October 12, the United States imposed "anti-dumping" tariffs on China's solar panels, and China's photovoltaic industry's hope of going overseas has been completely shattered.

At the same time, China's multi-party communication with overseas parties has not achieved any good results. On the contrary, the European side has officially filed a case and is about to discuss the anti-dumping [tariff] issue...

More and more signs have gathered together and have become a point at this moment.

That is to completely strangle the entire photovoltaic industry of China, and make China's photovoltaic industry return to the days of relying on others 10 years ago.

On the afternoon of October 15th.

Zhang Sheng was in his independent conference room, leading his team to summarize and organize the data of today's exploration results.

The leaders stayed at the base for several hours.


The harsh environment made the leaders feel painful every minute and every second.

Xu Linlin got heatstroke even when she was sitting in the house with the wind blowing.

However, the leaders did not leave because of this.

Not only did they not leave, on the contrary, more and more leaders of related units also poured into this barren land.

And sitting in the not-so-spacious hall, looking at the group of people in the conference room...

Wait until the evening...

When the weather gradually became colder...

Zhang Sheng walked out of the conference room.

"Mr. Zhang!"

"Mr. Zhang!"

"Mr. Zhang, what are you going to do?"

"Mr. Zhang, is there any result?"

"Mr. Zhang, if you need our cooperation, please tell us immediately. We will send people to understand the progress of the project during this period..."



The leaders stood up and looked at the young man who was not very tall.

The young man looked at everyone one by one, without any smile on his face, but said calmly: "Dear leaders, let's go to the cafeteria to eat first. After eating, we will have a meeting and focus on our plan and needs..."


After hearing Zhang Sheng's voice, the leaders nodded.

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